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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 141
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Natural and unpretentious. Such were Mabel's ways of doing things. She was unlike politicians who acted pompously. To her, there was nothing great about being the subject of other people's praises. Many politicians would do anything for their reputation, including betraying their loved ones, which was despicable and inhumane in Mabel's eyes.

Soon afterward, Jonathan stopped the military vehicle in the parking lot and returned with Mabel.

Mabel's house was on the third floor, and it had three bedrooms, a living room, and a dining room.

As soon as they entered the house, Jonathan asked in curiosity, “Wouldn't people choose to live on higher floors in buildings with elevators like this one? Why did you choose the third floor?” Mabel plopped on the couch before answering casually, “I have no lack of enemies. It would be difficult for me to escape if | stayed on higher floors.” Hearing that, Jonathan burst into laughter.

Nonetheless, he thought that reasoning made perfect

sense, even though it was hysterically funny.

If Mabel stayed on a higher floor, it would indeed not be easy for her to flee when enemies came. Conversely, staying on lower floors would make her escape much easier.

Aside from that subject, the house's design was Epean- style. It not only had an elegant aura permeating throughout its surroundings, but it was pleasing to the eyes as well.

Following that short conversation, Jonathan sat on the armchair beside Mabel. Suddenly, he remembered something and uttered, “That's not quite right, Mabel.” Manel opened her eyes and replied, “What's wrong?” “You said that Jeremy can't create trouble for me as long as I'm an outer disciple. However, he can still murder the people around me if | kill Bianca,” Jonathan responded.

“Ah, | haven't made this point clear to you. Not only are

external disciples forbidden to kill fellow disciples, but Killing the friends and families of fellow disciples is prohibited as well. If there are irreconcilable grudges between the disciples, one may hand in an appeal to the elder of the Heavenly Tribunal. After receiving the elder's permission, both parties will settle their enmity at the Heavenly Tribunal.

In any case, butchering someone in private is outlawed,” explained Mabel.

Upon hearing that explanation, Jonathan had a bitter expression. “Even if Jeremy and | went to the Heavenly Tribunal, I'm still no match for him!” “You're such a fool. Are you not aware that you could reject him if he challenges you to a battle? If you can't escape from him, make a deal with him that would last a few years.

Once you've trained and cultivated during those years, there's no reason for you to be afraid of him anymore,” Mabel elaborated.

Jonathan finally understood. He then added, “There's still a problem. That maniac, Bianca, is Jeremy's apprentice. If I'm an external disciple, | can't kill her as well.”

“I thought about this issue a while back. After you pass the evaluation, there will be seven days of rest. You will only join the outer circle of the Divine Realm officially after seven days. It means you still wouldn't be an outer disciple during that period. Therefore, you don't have to worry since you can kill Bianca within those days,” Mabel elucidated.

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Every problem had logical principles and restrictions, but one could not judge the situation using ordinary methods when it came to Bianca.

If Jonathan did not do away with Bianca and allowed her to live, she could slaughter his friends mercilessly since she had no regard for the rules or the organization. Protecting his friends and family at all times was impossible for Jonathan too.

It would be pointless for him to get rid of Bianca if all his friends died at Bianca's hands.

Furthermore, Jonathan acknowledged that the path suggested by Mabel involved unimaginable hardships, and it was impossible that the entire process would go

according to plan. On top of that, he knew that Bianca and those with her were not idiots who would simply sit around, waiting for him to kill them. If Bianca managed to hide within the Holy Bounds Sect, then there would be nothing else that Jonathan could do either.

Besides, he had a month left until the test. Numerous things could happen within that one month.

Jonathan shook his head. He was not a sentimental person. There's no use overthinking at this point. I'll just cross the bridge when | come to it! Shortly afterward, Mabel got up and said, “I'm going to take a shower. You may go back to your room now. There are no clothes here for you to change, so you have to buy them yourself tomorrow. Make do with whatever you have tonight, okay? You're a man. You don't mind not changing your underwear, do you?” That last sentence caused Jonathan to instantly feel embarrassed.

Half an hour later, Mabel finished showering, and Jonathan

took a shower as well. Subsequently, he sat cross-legged on the bed and began practicing the Ultra Sun Moon Mantra.

At that moment, he felt that the vitality in his body was very different than before. Every single type of vitality in his body had transformed, and he could feel it distinctly. Moreover, the elixir field was the foundation of all vitality, and he was feeling a deep sense of rootedness in his. That was what made a Nascent Soul cultivator such a mystery to others.

Once a cultivator unleashed their power, the Nascent Soul in their elixir field would control the body's vitality, and the energy that could be released was unimaginable.

Simultaneously, the cultivator could also control their vitality and express it in the gentlest manner using Nascent Soul.

Jonathan took around two hours to train that night. At five in the morning, he dozed off.

He had no other thoughts in his mind during that time.

However, he was unaware that Jennifer had complicated feelings that night, even though she was sleeping together

with Winnie.

For Jennifer, Yaleview was a place that seemed cold and distant. She was unfamiliar with everything there, including Amber and the others. Her relationship with them had become better initially, but it cooled down once again after Jonathan's departure.

Additionally, Jennifer had a sense of inferiority whenever she was with women like Amber and the others, who were beautiful and came from well-off families. In a way, she felt she could not compete with them. As though that was not enough, she had no idea how to determine her position in Jonathan's heart.

Sure enough, Jennifer hoped to receive Jonathan's call that night. Unfortunately, that thought did not even cross Jonathan's mind.

At eight in the morning, Mabel knocked on Jonathan's bedroom door. “Wake up. We still have business to deal with today.” Jonathan woke up at once, as he was no sleepyhead.

Although he had only gotten three hours of sleep, the quality of his sleep was good. Hence, he was feeling invigorated and energetic at the moment.

After getting dressed, he went to the living room and saw Mabel watching television. To his shock, she was watching SpongeBob SquarePants.

Jonathan then swept his gaze across the dining table and saw nothing. “Where's our breakfast?” he questioned tentatively.

Mabel glanced at Jonathan and answered indifferently, “Do I'look like someone who knows how to make breakfast to you?” Frustrated, Jonathan rubbed his nose and went to wash up.

Not long after, he walked back to the living room. Mabel stood up and told Jonathan straightforwardly, “Let's go.” “What are we doing today?” Jonathan could not help but ask.

Mabel replied, “I'l tell you in the car.”

Jonathan stopped probing any further upon hearing that reply.

Immediately after exiting the elevator and walking into the residential area, Jonathan noticed that the sky was tremendously dark. The wind was pretty strong as well.

“Crp! It feels as if there's a demonic aura in the air!” he exclaimed involuntarily.

“Yaleview's weather has always been like this. Since you're comfortable with staying in Horington, it's no surprise that you're not used to the weather here.” Mabel smiled faintly.

Upon hearing her words, Jonathan sighed. “Even though YYaleview's air and weather are horrible, many are still racking their brains to find ways to move to this place.

Why? The answer is pretty simple— power, money, and greed.” Hearing that, Mabel looked at Jonathan contemptuously. “If a human has no desires, then what's the purpose of living?” That question rendered Jonathan speechless. D*mniit! |

can pretend to be smart and wise in front of Amber and the others, but I'm just looking for trouble if | do that before Mabel! With that thought, he asked, “Do you know what your biggest flaw is, Mabel?” “Yes. I'm too brilliant. As a result, men try to avoid me all the time because of the pressure they feel around me. Am | right? Are you still concerned that I'l never get married?” answered Mabel.

Jonathan fell into a momentary daze as soon as he heard those words but quickly reacted. “You're a demon! It looks like only a monk can deal with you.” In response, Mabel stated, “I will never fall in love with men who are worse at cultivation than me.” That statement caused Jonathan to feel an urge to vomit blood.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Soon after that exchange, they got into the car. Mabel was the driver this time.

“We'll have breakfast first. After breakfast, I'll take you to the antique shop to purchase some gifts. I'm bringing you to

visit Yareth Harrington, who's mostly known as Old Mr.

Harrington, from the Harrington family. That man has an exceptional reputation. So, if you have his recommendation, you'll have no problem gaining a spot in the test of Divine Realm,” Mabel explained to Jonathan after driving out of the residential area.

Unsurprisingly, Jonathan had not heard of the Harrington family before. However, as it was his first time in Yaleview, it was logical that he did not know about the ins and outs of that place.

Nonetheless, he recognized that they were setting out to accomplish a difficult task. “Getting a recommendation is far from a trivial matter. Would Old Mr. Harrington agree to our request?” Jonathan paused for a few seconds before continuing, “How's your relationship with Old Mr.

Harrington?” “I've never met him before, but | think he has probably heard of me.” Like Jonathan earlier, Mabel paused for a moment before she proceeded, “There are others in Yaleview who can refer you, but no one will agree to it if Old

Mr. Harrington rejects the idea. That's because he's the most righteous and decent person here. The others would have their own agendas. Anyway, whether today's request will be a success or not depends on you, not me.” When it came to weighty matters, Jonathan was not one to act perfunctorily. Taking a deep breath, he replied solemnly, “Got it.” A few moments later, Mabel found a diner. She asked Jonathan to buy breakfast for them while she waited in the car.

They then had breakfast inside the car together. After that, they headed straight to Antique Street.

Following a period of picking and choosing at Antique Street, Mabel spent two hundred thousand on a flacon that was crafted centuries ago.

Jonathan intended to pay, but Mabel uttered, “Although this matter is for your sake, it is, in fact, more for the country's sake than yours. See this item as our country's investment in you, and let the country pick up the tab.”

Jonathan did not say anything else and accepted Mabel's assistance. It was equivalent to accepting the country's nurturing. Whenever the country needed Jonathan in the future, he would not hesitate before agreeing to help.

Regardless, that did not matter a lot. Based on Jonathan's character, he would never stand by and do nothing when the country was in peril even if he had not accepted Mabel's help.

After purchasing the gift, Mabel and Jonathan headed to the Harrington residence.

YYareth was the head of the Harrington family. He was about to turn eighty years old that year. Yareth's family, the Harringtons, had always been wealthy and prominent. They had provided much financial and technological assistance for the various projects of the country in the past. In other words, they were the role models of patriotism.

For that reason, the Harrington family had a deep

relationship with the upper-class families.

Not only that, but they were also a peaceful family.

The Harrington residence was located in the northern suburbs. The Harrington family had built a manor in there.

As for the environment, it was exceedingly peaceful and lovely.