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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 221
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At that same moment, Lailah, too, woke up with a start. As both of them exchanged glances, an inexplicable emotion filled their eyes.

Jonathan was the first to speak. “I had a dream.” Lailah replied, “I had a dream too.” As excitement began to swell within her, she added, “You go first.” “I dreamed that King Sergiu changed the tide of battle after manipulating space and time with the Holy Chest. In the end, when he attempted to use the Sinai Bible to change his fate, he was killed when the process backfired.

Subsequently, a general named Euston recorded everything that happened on the Holy Boulder.” “I had the exact same dream as you. There's no mistake, then. The Holy Chest and the Sinai Bible do exist.” Jonathan, too, was thrilled to have finally made some progress on the matter.

They swiftly climbed out of the cave and walked up to the Holy Boulder.

Upon closer examination, Jonathan noticed that it was densely packed with ancient text, just as it was in the dream.

The texts were indeed the historical records described by Ranen.

In that instant, any doubts both of them had had toward the existence of the Holy Chest and the Sinai Bible had been dispelled.

Nonetheless, they were still faced with a massive problem —they had no idea where the Sinai Bible was, as it clearly wasn't there.

“Lailah, | think we should look at it from another perspective,” Jonathan suggested.

Lailah looked at Jonathan. She was filled with admiration for him because his wisdom was the reason they could have the dream.

It gradually dawned on her that Jonathan's sharpness, instead of his luck, would be instrumental in their search for the Sinai Bible.

Jonathan continued, “We have been finding the Crying Wall and Holy Boulder but have neglected the mission's clue— the Third Sacred Temple. | feel that the Holy Chest and Sinai Bible weren't taken by anyone. Instead, such divine objects should still be inside the Third Sacred Temple.” “You're right. But where are we going to find the Third Sacred Temple?” “There won't be anything else to find here. Let's get out of here first and get a proper shower. Then we shall fill our stomachs before giving the matter more thought.” Lailah nodded in agreement. “Sure.” Their previously drenched clothes had already been dried by the wind.

Before they left via the tunnel, they gave the place another look. The Holy Boulder and its surroundings used to be steeped in history and mysticism.

Jonathan even had a thought. If | could leave behind an equally impressive legacy where the path that | have

traveled would be worshiped by future generations, | wonder how wonderful it would feel.

By then, it was already five in the morning.

When they arrived at the end of the tunnel, they noticed the hole above them had been tightly covered.

Nonetheless, there was no stopping Jonathan and Lailah.

With a single palm strike, Jonathan smashed the cover into pieces and the two then climbed out.

“If you had stayed in there any longer, | would have to collect your corpses from the inside,” Leslie said sarcastically as he strolled in.

Having been kept in suspense over the last two days, he was naturally annoyed. He, without a doubt, knew that both of them had gone treasure hunting inside. After all, there were plenty who had done the same.

“I'l pay you ten thousand more in Anglandurn currency,” Lailah offered, not wanting to waste any time.

Filled with delight, Leslie agreed, “Deal.”

Upon emerging from Serity Monastery, Jonathan and Lailah were once again greeted by the starry night sky.

Breathing in the refreshing air, both of them felt as if they had been reborn.

Once Leslie's bill was cleared, Jonathan drove Lailah back to the hotel.

As the moon gradually faded away, the first light of dawn began to illuminate the horizon.

In the blink of an eye, seven days had passed since they accepted the mission.

With twenty-three days to go, there seemed to be more than enough time left.

Nevertheless, compared to those who had spent thousands of years searching, that duration wasn't even close to being sufficient.

This time, Lailah was seated in the front passenger seat— she had unconsciously grown closer to Jonathan.

Upon their return to the hotel, both Jonathan and Lailah

returned to their respective rooms.

Out of precaution, Jonathan decided to check the room.

Only when he was certain no one had entered in their absence was his mind put at ease.

He then proceeded to shower thoroughly before putting on a clean change of clothes.

In that instant, he felt much more refreshed.

However, his stomach began to growl.

After rummaging through his belongings and finding a box of instant pasta, he quickly prepared it and wolfed it down until there was nothing left.

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Following that, he brushed his teeth before lying down comfortably in bed.

And before he knew it, he fell into a deep sleep.

By the time he woke up, it was already five in the afternoon.

He felt so energized by the rest that he thought he could kill a tiger with a single punch.

In reality, he was capable of doing so since a long time ago.

The first thing he did after getting out of bed was to draw the curtains open.

When the rays of the setting sun illuminated the room, it bathed the entire space in a golden hue.

Jonathan stood on the balcony and looked out at the holy city of Yeringham, which was brimming with wonders. The sight made him feel as if he was lost in space and time.

Despite the modern skyscrapers standing before him, he could imagine the scene where the glorious Sacred Temple stood before him. In addition to the scores of missionaries and Plutorians gathered, the Holy Knights made for a grand spectacle in their heavy armor. Standing in front of tens of thousands of people, King Sergiu awed everyone with his majestic presence.

Even though every city had its own interesting story to tell, ‘Yeringham's was a cut above the rest.

Feeling hungry again, Jonathan decided to go and see Lailah.

The latter was already up and dressed to go out.

This time, both of them wore white. The greater coincidence was that they were wearing white T-shirts, which made them look just like a couple in matching outfits.

“How does it look?” Lailah asked. "At least we won't look like a chessboard while standing together,” she added knowingly.

Scratching his nose, Jonathan let out a chuckle and countered, “But we look like we're in couple outfits instead.” Stumped by his response, Lailah changed the subject.

“Let's go down and have some food before heading to the Crying Wall. No matter what, we must get in this time.” Jonathan nodded. “All right!” Both of them had dinner in a private room at the hotel restaurant.

They ordered a feast, including lobster and red wine.

Because their days might be numbered, it was imperative to enjoy the time they had left. After all, there was no point

in having so much money if they weren't alive to spend it.

Both Jonathan and Lailah shared the same thoughts.

“Jonathan, do you think we can find a clue to the Third Sacred Temple when we visit the Crying Wall this time?” Jonathan pondered briefly before replying, “I can't say for sure, but | have no doubt that the Third Sacred Temple is located within the city of Yeringham.” Surprised by his speculation, Lailah asked, “Why?” “Yeringham is famous for its Sacred Temples and that's why it's called the holy city. The First and Second Sacred Temples are here. Only a temple rebuilt within Yeringham can be named the Third Sacred Temple. If it was built anywhere else, its meaning would be lost, let alone be given the name.” Lailah concurred with his analysis. “But Professor Horowitz said that there was no way the Third Sacred Temple would be hidden if it was built. Since it's a place of worship for the

Yartranians, there's no reason for them to hide itin a secluded place.” “Professor Horowitz also mentioned that the Crying Wall is the Yartranians' Third Sacred Temple.” “Are the Sinai Bible and the Holy Chest hidden inside the Crying Wall?” Jonathan couldn't help but let out a wry smile. “Both those items disappeared after the destruction of the Second Sacred Temple. How can they be hidden inside the wall? Besides, with modern technology, I'm sure the authorities in ‘Yeringham would have found it a long time ago if they were really in there.” The dejected Lailah sighed in resignation.

After dinner, it was already dark by the time both of them headed out.

Jonathan drove to the gas station first to fill up his car before driving to the Crying Wall with Lailah.

When they arrived, it was already seven, and the Crying ‘Wall was already closed to visitors.

Confident that money makes the world go round, both of them went to see the guard to express their admiration for the Crying Wall and desire to see it up close in private.

The guard, being a Yartranian, was inherently principled.

However, when Lailah offered a hundred thousand in Anglandurn currency, his stance began to waver. It wasn't until Jonathan gave Lailah's hand a tug and suggested that they leave that the guard grew anxious.

In the end, he couldn't bear to turn down so much money.

Once he received what was promised, he mumbled to himself as if he was asking God for forgiveness.

With that, Jonathan and Lailah succeeded in entering the Crying Wall grounds.

The guard had disguised them as Yartranians by getting them to wear the local costume before leading them to the wall.

Even though there were surveillance cameras and other ‘security guards around, Jonathan and Lailah weren't

bothered, as they were seen as locals.

It was, after all, a common practice for Yartranians to come to the wall and pray quietly at night.

Since both of them had previously visited the wall and discovered nothing, they planned to spend the night there.

They hoped to find a clue within their dreams, just like what had happened at the Holy Boulder.

Jonathan theorized that the dreams both of them had there were triggered by the magnetic field that recorded the events of the past.

These scenes were subsequently played back in their minds, just like a video camera.

Jonathan and Lailah hoped to learn of any interesting events that were recorded by the wall, such as the location of the Sinai Bible, the Holy Chest, or even the Third Sacred Temple.

When the Yartranian realized both of them weren't leaving, he wanted to chase them out.

However, Jonathan stood firm. “We'll leave at the break of dawn. If you keep nagging us, I'l tell your god that you have accepted a bribe.” He naturally knew how to take advantage of the Yartranian's weakness.

In the end, the guard stopped pestering them.

Soon, when Jonathan and Lailah began to calm down, they gradually fell asleep.

All this while, no one had slept by the Crying Wall, and no one ever had the desire to do so.

As a result, Jonathan and Lailah's unprecedented actions would also never be repeated.

In the end, Jonathan did have a dream.

In his dream, he could hear chaotic noises everywhere, as if there were countless people wailing and expressing their grouses softly beside his ear.

Recognizing them as Yartranian voices, Jonathan— conscious in his dream—tried hard to commit what he

heard to his memory even though he didn't understand the language of the Yartranian.

His plan was to get someone who understood the language to translate it later.

Jonathan had an excellent memory.

After all, only someone exceptionally smart could cultivate himself to achieve the level of Nascent Soul.

Soon after Jonathan woke up, Lailah woke up as well.

“What did you dream of?” she asked him first.

“I heard a lot of prayers. | don't understand them, but | memorized all of them.” “I heard them too and also committed them to memory.

Come, let's go and see Professor Horowitz.” Jonathan nodded.

With that, both of them left the Crying Wall.

Just like before, it was already five in the morning.

Driving hard through the night, both of them arrived at Peace River Hospital an hour later, right at the break of dawn.

They met Ranen again inside the ward.

“Professor Horowitz, hold back your questions first. We

need your assistance to translate a few sentences,” Jonathan requested.

Despite his curiosity, Ranen cast it aside for the time being.

“Goon.” Jonathan regurgitated everything he had memorized.

Ranen's expression turned slightly grim. “Where did you hear it from?” “In my dream! Lailah and | went to the Crying Wall where we had a dream. In my dream, these words kept echoing in my head, so | remembered them. What do they say?” “It's the lament of an old Yartranian called Frank. He tells of the injustice he had suffered at the hands of the Anglandurns.” “What did he say in verbatim?” “Dear God, I'm your humble worshipper, Frank. That d*mn Anglandurn stole my money pouch and accused me of stealing his. | reported it to the police, but they took his side and told me to leave their country. Oh God, it's not our

desire to stay in someone else's country. But since our homeland is no more, tell me what | should do.” Jonathan proceeded to recite another segment.

Ranen translated, “Dear God, I'm your faithful servant, Helenia, and have come from Ustrana. Those wretched Ustranasions stopped us from buying land, while those evil Jupiterians hate us to the core. We, your homeless children, can only constantly dream of returning to your side.” After that, Jonathan repeated another verse.

It was a prayer from excited Yartranians who were heading to Pandera. Their people had been fleeing persecution for two thousand years.

After Jonathan finished, Lailah did the same with hers.

Among the prayers that they shared was one that belonged to a terrorist.

“Dear God, our plans to blow ourselves up together with the train are ready. With many Zaeworans and Ustranasions on

it, the blood on our hands will flow like rivers. Nonetheless, we have no fear, for our goal is to rebuild our homeland.

Dear God, please forgive me for what I'm going to do,” Ranen translated for Jonathan and Lailah.

Most of the translated verses consisted of prayers belonging to the Yartranian diaspora. They were either repenting in front of God or had something to ask of Him.

Despite coming from different periods in history, their prayers left an imprint on the magnetic field of the Crying Wall.

That was the reason Jonathan and Lailah could remember them too.

In their dreams, their empty minds had acted like a video camera that captured the records in the magnetic field.

In truth, Yartranians had gone through a very tough time.

Two thousand years ago, they had lost their homeland and had been forced to wander the earth, for they could not adapt themselves to the Jupiterians.

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That aside, Jonathan and Lailah were still perplexed over their inability to locate the Sinai Bible.

The Crying Wall, as a lead, yielded no further information.

Thus, their only option left was to focus their efforts on the Third Sacred Temple.

However, both of them had no clue as to where to start.

Ranen, as a Yartranian, felt emotional about it. He said, “Yartranians cannot be described as tragic or pitiful. Do you know what the appropriate adjective should be?” Jonathan and Lailah were slightly taken aback. Jonathan then guessed, “How about resilient? The Yartranians are indeed resilient people.” Ranen replied, “You can say that. Despite being discriminated against, persecuted, and even massacred, we are willing to go to extreme ends to rebuild our homeland. Everything that we do, we do it for our faith.

Based on the Yartranian religion, all of us—no matter where we are in the world—will swarm back to our homeland to rebuild it. That is the Yartranian spirit for you!”

At that moment, Jonathan had a new understanding of the Yartranians. All this while, he was well aware of how intelligent they were since the people have historically won more than twenty internationally prestigious awards for groundbreaking research.

Despite all that, Jonathan and Lailah were still wrecking their brains on where to look for the Sinai Bible.

We have not only checked the Crying Wall and the Holy Boulder but also confirmed the existence of the Sinai Bible through our dreams. But now, what should we do next? Where do we find the Sinai Bible? And where is the Third Sacred Temple located? We still have no leads on them yet.

Even Ranen could not provide any further clues.

After leaving another Spirit Gathering Pill with Ranen, Jonathan and Lailah left the hospital.

By the time they stepped out, the sky was already bright.

‘With the morning sun shining on the hospital grounds, its rays pierced through the tree foliage, throwing tattered

shadows on the ground.

Lailah was dispirited.

Previously, when both of them still had high hopes for their search, they could enjoy themselves and have a good night's sleep.

Unfortunately, they had now run into a dead end with their search.

As for Jonathan, he was relatively more ambivalent about the situation.

After having breakfast outside the hospital, Jonathan drove both of them back to the hotel.

No sooner had they driven out than Lailah suggested, “I suddenly feel like going for a walk instead of going back.

Why don't you head back without me?” Jonathan subsequently stopped the car to let Lailah out.

Upon returning to the hotel, he took a shower and drank a glass of red wine before going to sleep.

By the time he woke up, it was already five in the evening.

Over the last few days, Jonathan felt as if his circadian rhythm had been inverted.

After getting out of bed and washing up, he planned to go downstairs for dinner.

The thought had barely crossed his mind when there was a knock on the door.

As he opened the door, he was greeted by the sight of Lailah holding a can of beer in one hand, whereas the other hand was holding a bag filled with them.

Not only was she reeking of alcohol, but there was also a reddish tint on her cheeks as she staggered around, looking intoxicated.

Despite his surprise, Jonathan didn't comment about it as he invited her in.

“Let's drink!” Raising the bag of beer, Lailah flashed Jonathan a charming smile.

As Jonathan closed the door behind him, she plonked

herself down on the couch and placed the bag of beer on the coffee table.

Settling down on the armchair beside her, Jonathan picked up one can and pulled its tab. The hiss of carbonated gas could be heard as bubbles frothed out of the can.

After downing one big gulp, he smiled wryly at Lailah and commented, “Lailah, we still have twenty-two days, so it's not time to despair yet. Aren't you giving up a little too early?” Lailah gave Jonathan a glance, one that was tinged with coyness. “I'm not in despair. I'm just feeling sorry for myself.

So what's the use of my cultivation when everything isn't going my way? As of now, we have no clue where the Sinai Bible is, and even if we managed to find it and learn the truth, we would subsequently live in fear of it. | can't help feeling pathetic about my life.” Jonathan empathized with Lailah entirely.

Knowing words were not necessary, he simply drank

together with her.

In the end, the drunk Lailah simply fell asleep on the couch.

As it was already eight in the evening, the sky had turned dark.

The crystal chandelier in the suite bathed the room in a gentle hue.

Even though Lailah was utterly intoxicated, Jonathan wasn't worried about anyone threatening her. Despite being drunk, she would instantly regain her sobriety at the first sign of danger.

‘When Jonathan returned to the room after having dinner downstairs, Lailah was still sleeping in the exact position before he left.

The sight took him by surprise, for it was rare for her not to have woken up the entire time he was out.