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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 434
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Make a sacrifice voluntarily?

Katherine felt like there was a lump in her throat which made her extremely uncomfortable. She forced

herself to calm down and tried to stay composed. She knew she couldn't rely on Vermillion Alliance

anymore, and the only one she could count on was herself. She had to stay calm, or everything would

be over.

At that moment, she regained her composure and coldly looked at the leader of the group. "What do

you want?" she asked.

The man raised his eyebrows and signaled to his companion, who immediately understood and took

out a bundle of rope and tape from behind and threw it in front of Katherine.

"First of all, you can't move. You must accept being tied up obediently," he said.

Looking at the rope on the ground, Katherine sneered, "Do you think I'm stupid? My daughter is still in

your hands. If you tie me up, how do I know if you'll let my daughter go?"

The man shrugged it off. "I'll do as I say."

Katherine didn't back down. "You’re a person who kidnaps a young girl to blackmail someone, so why

should I trust you?"

Then, she changed the subject and proposed a condition. "You let go of my daughter first, and you're

not allowed to send anyone after her. I have to see her leave safely!"

Upon hearing this, the man chuckled. "Do you think you can have whatever you want? Do you think

you can negotiate with me in your current situation? What reason do I have to trust you?"

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Katherine's eyes were cold. "If we don't trust each other, then we can fight. But I think you might not be

able to explain yourself to your boss when the time comes."

Unexpectedly, her remark caught the man off guard, and his face froze.

With just one look, Katherine knew she was right. In fact, she was just testing him. She knew Jayden

only sent people to capture her and wouldn't allow anyone to hurt her.

If something happened to her, these people would undoubtedly be punished by Jayden.

At this moment, she suddenly smiled indifferently. With more confidence, she said, "You know my

daughter is my weakness and my bottom line. I can stay here and listen to you patiently because my

daughter is still safe. But if you try to harm my daughter, I won't let you go. If chaos ensues, it won't be

me who dies! It'll be you!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the man's face darkened.

After a brief silence, he finally compromised and signaled to the two strong men next to him with a dark


The two burly men understood the man's signal and untied Noah, then removed the tape from her

mouth. Tears welled up in Noah's eyes as she regained her freedom, and she instinctively tried to go to


However, Katherine immediately spoke up and stopped her. "Noah, don't come over! Listen to me.

Leave this place, go as far away as possible, and never come back!"

Noah couldn't hold back her tears and shook her head. "Mom, I won't leave... I want to be with you..."

Katherine felt heartbroken but had to remain stern, and she scolded Noah sharply. "Listen to what I say

right now! Leave now!"

Noah gritted her teeth and turned away before walking away quickly. She believed that her mother

would find a way and knew that she herself was a burden. If she stayed, her mother would still be at

their captors' mercy. Only by leaving could her mother find a way out!

The little girl had always been clever and had a clear understanding of the situation. She ran away

without looking back and found a hiding place off the road.

Meanwhile, back in the abandoned building, Katherine had been keeping an eye on the direction of the

door, and only when she was sure that Noah's silhouette had disappeared for a long time with no one

chasing her did she finally relax a little.

"So, Miss Cornell, what do you say? We've kept our promise, so now it's time for you to fulfill yours.

Shouldn't you let us tie you up?"

Katherine turned around and looked at the faces of everyone in the room before turning to the leader

and smiling all of a sudden. "Why would Jayden find such an idiot like you to be his strategist?"

The man's face changed immediately at her words. "What do you mean? Are you going back on your


"I didn't promise you anything, did I? I never said that you could do whatever you wanted with me once

you released my daughter. Where does the talk of going back on my word come from?" Katherine

retorted calmly.

"You—" The man grew angry but then realized that Katherine had only set a condition earlier without

specifying what the outcome would be.

He became furious, his face turning red with anger. "You're playing tricks on us!" he accused.

Katherine shrugged nonchalantly. "It’s nothing much. Compared to your lowly tactics, I'm still far

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Her face grew darker as she stepped backward, forcing the group of men toward the door, step by

step. "You burned down Silver Gardens and harmed my people; all I did was return the favor. Can't

take it? Well, there's more to come!"

With that, she suddenly launched an attack, catching the group of men off guard. Two of them were

immediately knocked down.

The leader's expression changed drastically at the sight. He quickly regained his senses and shouted,

"What are you waiting for? Capture her alive!"

Indeed, that was their plan all along!

Katherine's eyes turned cold as she fought fiercely against the group, constantly watching the door and

not allowing anyone to leave. Noah had just escaped, and if she were caught again, the consequences

would be unthinkable!

Despite Katherine’s impressive skills, she was still at a disadvantage against so many opponents.

Moreover, she had other concerns. Soon, her upper hand was gone, and she was surrounded once


Finally, someone kicked her leg from behind, causing her to lose balance and kneel on the ground.

Taking advantage of this moment, several people rushed forward and captured her despite her

struggles. She had used up all her strength and was too weak to break free, especially with so many

people around.

The leader walked up to her with a vicious smile, sneering. "You wench! Do you think you're invincible

just because you have some skills? How dare you threaten me! Today, I'll let you see with your own

eyes what your fate will be!"

As he spoke, he pulled out something from the bag. Immediately, Katherine's face suddenly turned
