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After divorce I am a billionaire

Chapter 488 Apologizing toast and risk their lives
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"My mother has not been feeling well lately. It's just a small party, so | don't want to tire her out.” Keira smiled adorably with false compliments, "Mr. Shane, you're so filial. The Callahan family will flourish with you at the helm." "Thanks to your kind words." Shane smiled perfunctorily.

The servant who had gone up to look for Anthony soon crunning back, "Mr. Shane, Mr. Anthony is not in his room. | don't know where he goes. | can't find him." Shane instantly grimaced and cursed in a low voice, "He's such a big guy. Can he disappear before the party? Hurry up and find him!" "Yes yes." The servant turned back and ran.

Chad and Keira exchanged glances.

Seeming to realize something, Keira hurriedly changed the subject, "Mr. Shane, do you organize the party tonight by yourself? It's elaborate. Can | ask you for advice?" Chad also said, "What's wrong? Why don't you look too happy tonight?" Shane withdrew his malicious gaze and continued to smile perfunctorily.

He was about to answer Keira's question when he saw the butler running towards him in a hurry.

"Mr. Shane ..." The butler was stopped midway by Lyra, "Tom, where's Rebecca? Why don't | see her? She usually loves this kind of lively occasion." In front of Lyra, the butler could only restrain her anxious look, "Miss Rebecca should still be in her room doing make-up and dressing. Mr. Shane bought her a new pair of crystal earrings the other day. Probably, she's still struggling with which set to wear." Lyra smiled warmly, "So it is." "Yes Mrs. White, | have surgent business | need to tell Mr. Shane. Excusefor a moment.” The butler moved two steps to the side, and Lyra followed him to block the line of sight between him and Shane tightly.

"Tom, Callahan Residence is a big place. | can't find Rebecca's room. Could you please takethere?" "This .." Lyra continued, "All the servants are unfamiliar to me. | don't know any of them. Only you're the most cordial. Shane is busy greeting guests. Forget about the urgent matters. Wait until the party is over." The butler was torn for a while, and inclined his head to watch Shane's side from afar.

Seeing that Shane's attention had been completely drawn to Chad and Keira, the butler could only give up.

"All right Mrs. White, please follow me." "Thanks." A minute later, Anthony walked slowly out of the villa. He first stood by the door, looked around the people in the garden, and finally settled on Malcolm.

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Malcolm seemed to sense his gaze immediately, and the two men exchanged a silent glance.

Shane, who was still being dragged around by Chad and Keira, was running out of patience.

When he saw Anthony appear, he immediately dismissed Chad and Keira and walked over at a steady pace to question him, "What took you so long to get down here? Where have you been?" Anthony lowered his head and obediently replied, "I don't know what's going on. My stomach doesn't feel too good, so | went to the toilet. It took too long." After all, this was a basic human need, and although Shane was very dissatisfied, it was not good to scold him in front of so many people.

It took a moment to digest his displeasure before Shane continued, "How are things going? Tonight will only be a success. You have no chance of failure, understand?" "Yes, Shane, don't worry. I'll execute it perfectly.” Shane, who was barely satisfied with his attitude, grunted twice.

When it was tfor the official opening of the party, Shane switched back to his kind smile in a second and headed for the stage.

Lyra also took Rebecca, who was finally freshened up, downstairs with her.

Guests from upper circles were sitting by the round tables.

Shane delivered a well-mannered five-minute welcoming speech.

Anthony just stood quietly by and played the role of the good little brother.

Tonight was a formal occasion. He shaved off the beard, and looked quite young again.

Although his weathered face was much rougher than before, in the dim light of the night, it was not obvious to see his face which was still as dazzling as before.

At the end of his speech, Anthony went from table to table with a toast at Shane's direction.

With Malcolm's status in Crana, he was naturally the first to be toasted.

Anthony slowly walked to the table. Shane also followed silently behind, as a good brother who worried that his younger brother did not do good enough.

"Mr. Malcolm, too many things have separatedfrom you. And those things, too, are all caused because | am too ignorant.

Tonight | personally make a toast to you to show my apology. | hope you can forget the past and drink with me." Anthony smiled, brought the expensive red wine from a servant's tray behind him, and a empty glass, and then poured it for Malcolm himself.

The unidentified white powder, along with the movement of pouring, was silently fell into the dark red aromatic wine.

Shane, who was right behind him, caught his small movements in his eyes and regained calmness.

"Mr. Malcolm, please take this glass of wine. Let all that has gone be past.” Malcolm was indifferent, did not answer, did not speak completely as if he was air.

Anthony handed the glass to Lyra again, "Rara, Mr. Malcolm refuses to accept my apology. | hear that he listens to you the most.

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Can you please helppersuade Mr. Malcolm for the sake of our friendship?" In this scene, Lyra was the peacemaker.

She turned her head to Malcolm, "Honey, just one glass of wine, it means nothing. If you don't drink it, his toasting process tonight will be stuck here." "Drink it. Or you drink it half and I'l have the rest?" For Lyra's sake, Malcolm agreed with reluctance.

Anthony bent over respectfully and held up the glass of apology with both hands.

When Malcolm reached for it, Lyra stopped him and drank half of it first, as she had just agreed to do.

When she drank, Anthony lowered his eyes. With the dim but nice colored lights at the garden, no one could see his look, but could feel that he was calm.

Shane frowned and was keenly aware that something was wrong.

Only after Anthony had finished walking around the tables and thoughtfully toasted each guests did Shane pull him to a quiet corner and ask in a soft voice, "Are you up to something?" Anthony didn't understand, "What do you mean?" Shane sneered, "I know your nature. Lyra is just a lifelong pursuit for you. How can you watch her drink that glass of wine and do nothing about it?" That drug was forbidden here in this country and bought back from abroad. And the effect was very strong.

Facing with the woman he loved drinking half a glass of wine in order to help him out, Anthony surprisingly did not have the slightest intention to stop her.

This made Shane suspicious immediately.

The garden was filled with the giggles of the guests. And at the quiet corners, a few bodyguards were standing guard.

Shane was furious and immediately grabbed him by the neck, "If you make fun of me, | can make you back hin style and | can make you feel the torture of hell again!" Anthony forced himself to endure the suffocating pain and replied while remaining calm.

"I didn't stop her because | want them both, together, to die!" MMMWWLIIOIfIO&1 MMMWWLIIOIfIO&1 mmMwWLLIOfiflO& 1 MMMWWLIIOIfIO&1 MULL TO £2 E1061 mmMwWLIiIOfiflO&1