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After divorce I am a billionaire

Chapter 537 Feeling headache about Rara's illness
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Half an hour later, Jimmy gave Lyra a targeted test and, incidentally, a blood test to check for the possibility of S404 biochemical virus being transmitted to the mother through the babies.

While waiting for the results, he stared at the miserable left side of Malcolm's face and sighed, "Malcolm, do you want some swelling medicine? I'll get you an ice pack to put on it?" Malcolm licked the lining of his broken mouth and nodded in agreement, "Yes, I'll take care of the injury once | know what happened to Rara." OK.

The lab fell silent with neither of them speaking.

The atmosphere was anxious.

After a tense hour of waiting, it was completely dark outside.

Jimmy got the results and went back to the ward with a solemn expression and frown.

Malcolm, who was guarding Lyra's side, immediately got up, "How's it going?" Jimmy clutched the labs sheet, "Malcolm, there's a good news and a bad one, which do you want to hear first?" Malcolm was very speechless. Why did he have to do multiple-choice questions? But he replied patiently, "Then let's start with a good one." "The results of the blood test show that there is no residue of S404 biochemical virus in her body, and there will not be any life- threatening danger, so you can rest assured." Malcolm breathed a sigh of relief, "What about bad outcome?" Jimmy's voice turned heavy, "All kinds of indicators show, combined with her previous various abnormal behavior, is mania." Malcolm frowned deeply, "How is that possible? This is clearly a mental illness. How can she get mania from that stick to the back of the head?" Jimmy patiently explained, "Her manic disease has long had hidden and omens. When she was pregnant with babies, she encountered too many things, resulting in excessive psychological pressure, mental depression and backlog caused by the injury to the back of the head. It only completely triggered the disease. It is not the root cause.” Jimmy sighed somewhat apologetically, "You said that when she was pregnant, she bit you and you bled because of a little thing, and then you went to the hospital for a checkup. The doctor said it was caused by too much progesterone and mental irritability.

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It was not a big problem." "But actually, mental problems can cause all kinds of hidden problems and diseases if they are not properly regulated, and this time, her mania really just happened to break out." Malcolm turned his head to look at the unconscious Lyra on the bed, carefully remembering all that had happened before.

Rara's pregnancy was found out in European Swye. During the time she was working around Anthony for the super-virus serum.

After she finally returned to China, Reginald fell down the stairs, she was slandered, her relatives didn't trust her, and she was given the name of illegitimate daughter.

During that time, she was bracing her strained body to deal with these things strongly.

As a result, Reginald died later and Ethel disappeared.

Her anxiety and negative emotions had not stopped and had been self-repressed.

Malcolm held his forehead in pain, "It's my fault. It's my negligence. | didn't alert earlier, didn't help her untangle her psychological problems earlier.” "Who could have known this? Malcolm you should not blame yourself." Jimmy sighed repeatedly as he scribbled something quickly on the record sheet.

"According to your description, | suspect her mania is intermittent. It is possible that she is too tired, too much mental pressure, so she has an onset. It is also possible that the onset will be at night. After you go back home, you have to observe her state. In addition, after she wakes up, it is estimated she completely does not remember what happen. To tell her the truth or not, it depends on you." Malcolm sat on the edge of the bed, clutched Lyra's hand, and was silent for half a second before asking, "What should I do if Rara has her next attack?" "You can force the injection of tranquilizers, but nerve will be damaged. You have to be considered at your discretion. If she has too much injection, the subsequent treatment is affected. In addition to this, the only way is to wait for her to finish venting. Then she will have physical exhaustion, and sleep later. It does not hurt the nerves, but the next day she will feel fatigue. And this approach ... There are babies at home. It is estimated it is not very good to deal with it?" Malcolm pondered and did not speaking.

Jimmy continued to add, "Like today's knockout situation, there can't be any more. The back of her head would have been injured. Nerves are the most sensitive. When she wakes up, she may be a headache.” "Okay." Malcolm blamed himself a little and nodded decisively in agreement.

He took the back of Lyra's hand and apologetically placed a deep kiss.

"Rara's mania, is there anything you can do to cure it?" Jimmy: "There are naturally ways. Mania is a mental illness. It is not easy to cure, but not incurable. | have to deploy a medicine solution suitable for her according to her physique, and with luck, she should recover within six months." Malcolm's tense heart was relieved when he heard that she could recover.

"Good, draw up a treatment plan as soon as possible, and when Rara has her next attack, I'll quietly bring her over for an infusion.” Jimmy caught the key words, "Quietly? Malcolm, you're not going to tell her? You try to help her get cured secretly?" Malcolm lowered his eyes and sighed, "Rara has a strong nature. If she knows she has a mental illness like mania that can hurt others, she will probably have a hard time. | know her. She may take extreme measures for the sake of the people she loves around her. I will try to hide it first. For other problems, we will see how to solve it when the time comes." Since this was the case, Jimmy had nothing to say.

He gave Lyra a simple dose of soothing, and resistance-building medication.

The infusion lasted for two and a half hours, with Malcolm standing by and applying ice packs to his face.

He worked late into the night in the lab to finish dealing with Lyra's illness.

Malcolm held Lyra, who was still unconscious, and drove back to Lyre Spiti.

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After a hard night's work, he was finally able to rest. He hugged Lyra and drifted off to sleep in exhaustion.

Lyra slept until noon the next day.

She was woken up by a phone call from her assistant.

"Ms. Lloyd, the project leader over Duowiehl Group is coming over this afternoon to sign the contract. It's almost one o'clock. Are you still coming over today?" Almost one o'clock already? She sobered up a little at the mention of signing the contract.

"Okay, | got it. Come over soon." Hanging up the phone, she tried to support her body when she suddenly got a splitting headache, especially the back of her head, which was particularly painful.

The pain made her so weak that her whole person just sat up and but fell backwards uncontrollably.

But instead of hitting the headboard of the bed, she lay into the broad and firm chest.

She hardly needed to open her eyes to know who was behind her, "Honey, did you turn off my alarm clock. Otherwise how could | have slept until almost one in the afternoon?" "Seeing that you are tired these days, | want you to have a good sleep. If you still have a headache, just rest a little longer. For Duowiehl Group's contract, | can help you put off and postpone signing it." "No, this contract has been postponed for a long time because of the previous incident. If it continues to be delayed, it is easy to have a change. | am almost recovered, so it is better to deal with these matters as soon as possible." Malcolm took her in his arms, not meaning to let go of her in the slightest, "But, Rara you have a headache." She opened her eyes weakly, "Maybe it's because I'm not acclimatized after returning to China. Can you go get a packet of headache powder for me? | should be fine." "Headache powder is easily addictive, or let me massage your nerves and soothe them." His long and slender fingertips gently pressed her temples and massaging her scalp that was tense from the pain.

Lyra didn't refuse but enjoyed his service, "Strangely enough, the injury on the back of my head, which was almost healed, started hurting again once | woke up." Malcolm's fingers paused and he covered the guilty feeling in his eyes, "May ... be you got stiff neck. | will help you." Lyra leaned back in his arms and was still at his mercy.

He had always been very good at it, and after a few minutes of massage, Lyra really felt relieved from the headache.

Gradually, she abruptly remembered one thing.

"Honey, why don't | remember how | got back last night?" She didn't remember anything about it, but she hadn't not been drinking, so how could it be like a blackout? mmMwWLIII0fifl0&1 mmMwWLIII0fifl0&1 mmMwWLII0fiflO& 1 mmMwWLIII0fifl0&1 mmMwWL1i10fif10&1 mmMwWLIiI0fiflO&1