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After divorce I am a billionaire

Chapter 541 Three days of the same script; Lyra suspects
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He decisively struck again, clutching Lyra's left wrist.

With her hands confined, Lyra, in a manic state, immediately began to kick with her feet.

Malcolm could only be forced to step back, release her shackles and roll twice towards the bed, landing firmly on the carpet.

While the frenzied Lyra went looking for something to vent on, he ran quickly to the coat rack in the moonlight outside the window. Then he took down a belt sharply, crossed to the other side of the bed before Lyra could smash something, and handed the belt to her.

Lyra's eyes became more bloodthirsty and vicious after she got the weapon.

"Wait a minute!" Malcolm stopped in horror and quickly stripped himself of his pajamas and pants, throwing them on the bed and standing naked in front of Lyra to prevent another set of clothes from being smashed.

"Come on Rara. Hurry up and finish and go to bed." Lyra hissed in a low voice, like a raging little beast. She was completely out of her senses and consciousness.

He could not see any expression of pity in her eyes except for venting, and she struggled to swing the belt at him.

Snap! "Hiss ..." Each blow almost superimposed on the old injury from last night. Malcolm fought against the vital area, breathed deeply and gritted his teeth to bear it.

He silently counted this down in his heart, to calculate how long he had to stay up.

Late at night, the sound of the belt whistling was horrifying and especially spooky.

Such a stormy one-sided abuse continued for nearly an hour.

The belt that landed on the body gradually became much lighter in strength.

Malcolm looked up and saw the mania in Lyra's eyes fade into exhaustion.

She fell backwards, and Malcolm was quick to catch her.

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Just as skillfully as last night, she was placed back on the bed and settled.

He counted. She beat him for two hundred and eighteen times with belt. When Rara raged up, her force was really great.

He gasped.

It hurt too much on his body.

There was no skin on his body that was unscathed.

He couldn't sit down but propped himself up on the side of the bed with one hand, adjusted his painful breathing, and took a long time to calm himself down.

Because the bedside lamp was removed and the overhead light was too strong to wake Lyra up, he picked up his pajamas and pants from the bed and held himself up against the wall to go out the door.

He was naked and came to the living room. He took out the ice bag in the refrigerator for his face and checked the whole body's injuries.

The scars had increased twofold, and there was not a single piece of intact skin on the whole body.

Redness, swelling, deep purple, they were all the marks of the abuse.

He stumbled and held on to the refrigerator before standing firm.

Hitting him consumed her physical strength, and he, who was hit and had to resist consumed even more physical strength.

Together with the lack of sleep for the past few days, he was tired and sore.

Jimmy had already dispensed the infusion treatment, and he had to hurry to finish the medication and take Lyra to the lab.

Thinking of this, he braced himself mentally, fetched the swelling cream Jimmy had given him during the day, and quickly applied it.

The medicine was very effective to reduce the swelling. When it was smeared on the skin, first he felt it cool, and then it turned into a hot pain, like being burned with boiling water which seemed to lift off a layer of skin.

It was twice as painful as the beating, and Malcolm, who had great endurance, could not bear the intense pain.

He was drenched in cold sweat. His head was giddy, and he couldn't stand on his feet.

In order to heal these wounds on his body sooner, he fetched a towel, bit down on it with his teeth, and continued to apply the medicine.

After receiving a new round of pain from the medicine, he drank a glass of water to relieve the pressure from the burning pain all over his body, quickly put on his pajamas and pants, and went upstairs to find Lyra.

The arms were all bruised and crushed while holding Lyra.

Malcolm held back and gingerly carried the sleeping Lyra downstairs.

Half an hour later, they arrived at the laboratory.

Jimmy had long since received his message and rushed back to the lab overnight to work overtime.

After giving Lyra infusion, Jimmy looked at him heartily, "Malcolm, you are too tired. Go to the next room to sleep. The infusion will take at least two and a half hours. | will help you watch her." Malcolm took Lyra's hand and stood without letting go or sitting.

"No, | have called you up for overtime in the middle of the night. I just can't let you help me watch my wife. You can go to sleep.

I'll call you later when this bottle of infusion is finished." Jimmy saw that he was obviously tired, but still wanted to stay with Lyra. For no reason, he remembered Lyra, for Malcolm's sake, sent pharmaceuticals to test late at night.

"You two's affection is really making me enviable. If only there were not so many matters, peaceful and quiet life would be good.” Malcolm clutched Lyra's palm, "Yes, these trials and tribulations will pass, and Rara and |, as a family of four, will be happy to the end." "Ugh, I'll stay with you then. | can't sleep anyway." Jimmy sighed and took a chair to sit next to him.

He keenly saw the broken skin and red bruises on Malcolm's wrists and so he moved closer to check.

"Malcolm, you're hurt too badly, and places like your wrist are the easiest to spot and difficlut to cover.” Malcolm looked carelessly at his wrists twice, "It's okay, small problem. I'll take care of it." Jimmy sighed for the third time and reached out to pat him on the back to soothe him, but he remembered the injuries all over his body and he couldn't do anything about it.

His hand stiffened for a minute, and Jimmy chose to take it back unhappily.

"Malcolm, it's not convenient to put medicine on your back, is it? Sit down and I'll apply it for you." Malcolm shook his head, "I've been medicated before | came out. My back is with the swelling spray. Anyway, it doesn't bother me and it doesn't affect my daily life, so | won't be on that special swelling medicine of yours." Seeing that he was quite determined, Jimmy stopped persuading. And knowing that he could not persuade, he silently accompanied him for Lyra's infusion.

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The two stayed up together for more than an hour. Malcolm could not stand up a bit and propped himself up on the bed with one hand, closing his eyes for a while.

Jimmy was worried about him, "Malcolm, if she has another attack tomorrow, it's better to give her a strong sedative. Don't be a human sandbag. Look at your injuries. If you take another beating, | don't think you can hold up." He did not speak and was adjusting his breathing which was disturbed by the pain.

Jimmy was right next to him to help him think of a solution, chattering, "How about this, tomorrow night you prepare a set of protective gear to wear on your body. It is better than taking the flesh to bear her vent." Malcolm said casually and perfunctorily, "Tomorrow night's thing is not important now. | just want to spend time with Lyra tonight for her infusion.” Thinking about the treatment, he asked, "Will the infusion tonight do much to cure Rara's mania?" Jimmy: "It's not that fast. It takes at least a week to get better significantly.” Malcolm was calm, "OK, as long as it can be cured, it's not a big deal.” After finally getting Lyra to finish the infusion, Malcolm carefully carried Lyra out of the lab with Jimmy right beside him to help.

Not long after, the limousine went back to the White family.

By the time he was able to walk down the winding alleyways of the White family as he had hoped, it was 4:30 am.

He can still sleep for more than four hours when he returned, and when he slept until eight or nine o'clock the next morning, he had to get up to help Rara make porridge and supplement as for the meal therapy.

After an eventful night, he was finally able to lie down on his bed. With the bruises, he didn't know whether to lie on his back or flat on his back.

It hurt anyway so he chose to turn on his side and sleep with Lyra circled in his arms.

After closing his eyes, Malcolm was finally able to unwind and fall asleep within two minutes.

Next day at noon.

Perhaps because of the infusion, Lyra woke up and her whole body was not as tired as yesterday, and her mental strength was much better.

After hearing the sound of rustling footsteps, she braced herself and sat up on the bed.

A minute later, Malcolm, who was fully dressed in suit and tie, walked into the bedroom with a bowl of porridge.

She stared at him and her face looked serious. It was too weird to have the exact same script for three days in a row.

But she hid the suspicion in her eyes and didn't ask anything.

All the time she waited for Malcolm to walk to the bed and sit down, ans she said, "What's the porridge today?" Malcolm's face was slightly pale as he replied in a gentle tone, "Vegetable and fresh shrimp porridge." She watched him quietly as he approached, sizing up his state and asking in a flat tone, "What's wrong with me lately? Why do | feel weak every day, and today, although a little better, | slept until midday again." Malcolm gently sat on the edge of the bed. His long fingers were gently stirring the bowl of porridge, ans he was blowing it cool as he said, "Perhaps it's normal for Rara to be a little lazy with the recent change of season." "Is that so?" She frowned slightly and looked at Malcolm's handsome face. Seeing him pass a spoonful of porridge over, she reached out and clutched Malcolm's wrist, "No, | want to eat by myself today." Obviously, it was a very casual action. Malcolm's brows furrowed and his wrist lightly trembled in an almost instinctive reaction.

Lyra immediately noticed something different, "Honey, what's wrong with you? You don't look well. What's wrong with you?"