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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 108
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Chapter 108

"Of course! That old scumbag liked you more! I'm much better than a bastard like you, yet

he wanted you to marry into the Quincy family instead of me. You don't deserve that!"

yelled Angie.

On the other hand, Asher was shocked to hear Angie's confession. He thought it was

Noah's ex-wife who killed Grandpa.

Hold on! Noah's ex-wife is Madeline Grant, same as the woman I kidnapped just now!

Asher tried to make sense of the situation.

"So, you killed Grandpa just because he prevented you from marrying Noah? How cruel of

you, Angie!" said Madeline.

"Yes, he deserved to die!" said Angie agitatedly.

Madeline was furious. She went forward and slapped Angie in full force. Angie fell on the

floor. Her face was swollen, and her mouth was bleeding from three broken teeth.

"Madeline Grant! How dare you slap me? I'm going to kill you!" yelled Angie.

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"Angie Grant! I'm going to make you apologize to Grandpa in person!" Madeline stomped

on Angie's chest until she coughed blood.

"What are you waiting for, Asher? Come and help me!" said Angie.

"Ah? Er…" Asher was slow to react. He was still thinking about Madeline's real identity.

"Why are you still waiting? Don't you want the money?" yelled Angie while she was

gasping for air.

Asher immediately ran to Angie. However, before he reached Angie, Asher felt a sting on

his calf. Then, he lost all sensation in his leg. He fell next to Angie.

"My leg! I can't feel it!" yelled Asher in fear. He had already lost a hand. What would he do

if he lost a leg?

"Useless! I must be insane to work with someone like you!" scolded Angie.

Meanwhile, Thomas ran towards Madeline and passed her ropes. "Mommy, ropes!" said


Angie was terrified when she saw Thomas. "Asher, did you kidnap the kid too? Do you

know who he is?"

"Did you record her words?" asked Madeline.

"Yes, and I broadcasted live. Scumbag Daddy would arrive soon," said Thomas.

"Well done," praised Madeline.

Thomas was delighted hearing Madeline's praise, but he was angry at Angie because she

was the devil who killed Grandpa, the kindest person according to his mother.

Madeline asked Thomas to keep away the mini tranquillizer gun and go play. Then, she

tied Angie and Asher up with the ropes.

"What are you doing? I warned you, it's illegal to kill someone!" said Angie.

"Oh, you know that too! So, why did you kill Grandpa and blame it on me? Angie Grant,

you don't deserve to live!" Madeline dragged Angie towards to cliff by grabbing her hair.

Anyone who fell into the rolling water below the cliff would be swept away in the blink of

an eye.

Madeline placed most of Angie's body hanging off the cliff and balanced her by stepping

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on her with one leg. Angie would fall off the cliff if Madeline decided to lift her leg.

The strong cold wind made Angie's face pale.

"Are you crazy? Pull me up!" shouted Angie.

"Why should I? You killed Grandpa, so you should die. It's an eye for an eye," said

Madeline coldly.

"I was wrong. I'm sorry. Please let me go. After all, I'm your birth sister. Also, Grandpa died

long ago…" Angie started to blabber.

Madeline was furious after hearing Angie's words.

"You are right. Grandpa died a long time ago. You should go and apologize to him." Then,

Madeline let go of her leg, and Angie fell off the cliff.

Angie was losing hope. When she thought she was dying, she suddenly felt the rope

around her body tighten. Madeline held the rope and stopped Angie from falling.

At that moment, Angie felt hopeful again. "I knew it, Madeline! I knew you wouldn't kill

your sister. Quick! Pull me up, and I promise I will be nice to you from now on!" Angie felt

that Madeline was too cowardly to really kill her.

"Really? You will be nice to me?" asked Madeline.