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All Too Late

Chapter 347
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Chapter 347

Is She Really Kate Charles came onto the boat too and immediately picked Desi up. Looking at the

woman in Samuel’s arms, he was stunned. “Is that Kate?” Samuel lifted Kathleen into his arms and

stepped off the speedboat, bringing her onto their cruise ship. Kathleen was losing too much blood. She

needed a blood transfusion. Fortunately, Samuel had already ordered his men to prepare bags of blood

in case of an emergency. The doctor on the ship helped to operate on Kathleen and extracted the two

bullets from her body. Staring at the two bullets, Samuel had a terrifying look in his eyes. When Charles

saw it, he stated, “These are bullets from Axeworth Corporation.

Even if you take the bullets out, the wounds won’t heal that easily.” Samuel looked at the doctor. “You’re

a doctor. I trust that you don’t need me to tell you what to do.” The doctor present was a woman named

Xienna Powell. She was in her thirties and had perfectly delicate features. “Don’t worry, Mr. Macari. I will

do my best,” replied Xienna softly. Samuel nodded and headed into the ward. Gizem was still

unconscious. He walked over and sat at her bedside. Then, he raised his hand and caressed her face

gently. An adoring smile appeared on his attractive face. Tears started to form in the corner of his eyes

and streamed down his face. He had finally found her. She was still alive. Thank God. He finally knew

how it felt to find something one had lost. He held Kathleen’s hand up to his lips and kissed her gently.

“Kate, I will never force you again. I swear.” After saying that, he started to sob. He made no sound, with

only his shoulders shuddering slightly. Outside the ward, Caleb wanted to go in, but Charles stopped

him. “Wait a bit before you go in.” Caleb frowned. “Caleb, after Kate wakes up, what are you going to

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do?” asked Charles curiously.

“Bring her home, of course. Have you forgotten that she is my wife? As soon as she wakes up, you have

to help me. Don’t let her fall for Samuel’s lies,” said Caleb unhappily. “What if she doesn’t want to leave

with you? What if she wants to be with Desi and Eil?” asked Charles flatly. Caleb remained silent. “Are

you going to lie to her? Or force her?” asked Charles sternly. “If you do either of that, I won’t let you go.”

Caleb snorted lightly. “That’s still better than letting her go with Samuel!” Charles asked, “How do you

know she will pick Samuel?” Maybe she won’t pick either of you. Caleb pursed his lips. “I just do.” In a

solemn tone, Charles replied, “Kathleen has lost her memory. She deserves a fresh start to life.” Caleb

froze upon hearing that. “Remember this. If anyone forces Kate to do something she doesn’t want to, I

won’t let that person go,” stated Charles firmly. Caleb remained silent. Just then, Charles’ phone rang.

He turned around to answer his phone. Caleb took one glance at him, then walked into the ward. Charles

wanted to stop him.

However, he thought about the fact that Caleb was only acting this way because he liked Kathleen.

Ultimately, he decided to let them sort it out amongst themselves. With his phone in hand, he left. He

came to a quiet room. “I heard you guys found Kathleen?” Raymond asked casually. “Godfather, I see

word travels fast to your ears. We haven’t even reached land yet. I guess someone on my team must be

working for you.” Raymond remained indifferent. With a chuckle, he responded, “Nothing escapes my

eyes. When she’s recovered, remember to send her back. It’s about time to plan the wedding for her and

Wyatt.” “Hah!” Charles scoffed. “My poison has already been neutralized. I no longer need Kate to be my

sacrifice. Moreover, I don’t want my sister to be involved in your family fights! All these years, you’ve

been wanting to level the playing field between the two brothers after Wilbur married the princess of


That’s why you want my sister to marry Wyatt, right? How can you be so shameless?” “Charles, I am

your godfather. How could you talk about me that way?” Raymond was insulted. “I’ve given my life for

Blissful Sect. Every time Wilbur and Wyatt refused to do something, I would take their place. I’ve already

done more than enough to repay my gratitude. However, if anyone dares to try anything with my sister, I

will take them head-on! Try me if you dare,” threatened Charles harshly. His rage had reached its boiling

point. Kathleen had lost her memory, and now she was injured. In Raymond’s eyes, Kathleen was

nothing but a tool. He placed her wherever he needed her. How could Charles let them use her like that?

He once swore that he would make Kathleen happy. However, everything she had been through so far

made his heart ache. Charles didn’t know what to do. If only he had been more ruthless back then.

He should have wiped Samuel completely out of Kathleen’s memory. If he had, perhaps things would be

different now. However, he couldn’t bear to do so. Kathleen herself was against it as well. Meanwhile, in

the ward, Samuel heard footsteps behind him. He dabbed his tears dry. “Don’t you know how to knock?”

“I’m here to see my wife. Why would I need your permission?” Caleb couldn’t care less. Samuel gently

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let go of Kathleen’s hand. He stood up and turned around. His gaze was sharp and cold. “Let me remind

you. She has lost her memory, so she doesn’t remember a thing. Furthermore, you two never had a

wedding, nor did you sign a marriage certificate.” Samuel spoke emotionlessly. “Haha!” Caleb laughed

mockingly. “Even so, technically speaking, I am her fiancé. I should be the one taking care of her, not

you!” Samuel’s voice turned frosty. “Once she wakes up, if she needs you, I won’t stop her. However,

you’re not allowed to get near her right now!” “Says who?” Caleb was infuriated. “It’s so noisy…”

Kathleen stirred. Her eyes fluttered open slowly. “Kate, you’re awake!” Both Samuel and Caleb rushed to

her bedside. Kathleen stared at them. “Can you guys go argue outside?” The two men were too stunned

to speak. “Where’s Desi?” The first thing that came to Kathleen’s mind was Desi. “She’s fine. She’s out

playing on the deck,” answered Samuel. That’s a relief. Kathleen sighed. Then, she said, “My master

uses special bullets.

The wounds won’t heal that easily. Do you mind helping me get some medicine from somewhere?” “Tell

me where. I’ll send my men over,” Samuel answered. It didn’t matter what she wanted him to do; he

would do it. Kathleen gave him an address. “Tell the guy I’m the one who wants it. He’ll give it to you.”

“Okay.” Samuel nodded. He got up to leave and find his men to acquire the medicine. Now, only

Kathleen and Caleb were left in the room. Caleb stared at her quietly. “Kate, do you still remember who I

am?” Kathleen frowned. “Of course. You’re Mr. Lewis. I didn’t forget.” Caleb was stunned. “No, I mean…

Do you remember what we used to be?” Kathleen shook her head. “I can’t remember the past. Who are

you? What sort of relationship did we have?” Caleb inhaled deeply. “My name is Caleb. At one point, you

and I almost got married. However, Samuel got in the way.”