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Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna

Chapter 108
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Chapter 108
Ethan exited the car, weariness etched across his face. The mansion, stood tall, proud and erily silent.
He walked through the door then foyer heading for his bedroom.
He found Bella sitting there in the dimly lit room. It seemed she had been waiting for him.
Her eyes looked up expectantly when she heard him walk in.
When he looked at her, her eyes were wet with tears and misty like she had been crying for a long time.
Choosing to ignore her he headed to the dress room.
“Ethan,” her voice called after him.
Seated as he removed his shoes, he felt the weight of her gaze, a presence that clung to the air.
“I’m sorry. What I did was wrong. I didn’t realize what I was doing. I swear, maybe it’s because I never had a chance to have
one,” she confessed,her voice cracking lightly.
“What were you thinking Bella?” He asked.
“I’m Sorry I wasn’t. I really hurt those little kids, are they okay did I badly hurt them?” She asked feigning concern. She was
acting remorseful so Ethan wouldn’t give her the cold shoulder.
To her surprise however, Ethan stood abruptly.
“You should sleep in the guest room,” his tone carried a finality that brooked no argument.
The guest room?!
“Ethan!,” she implored, desperation evident in the grasp of her hand on his arm, her eyes misting
Why was he this angry?
“Let go, Bella,” he demanded through gritted teeth. “I don’t want to talk about this right now, so I don’t do something I’ll regret,” he
asserted, his resolve unwavering.

“I can’t explain it, but when I saw those kids, I just got so angry. Ours would have been around that age by now,” she confessed,
a deliberate reopening of wounds to see if it would get him to mellow down a little.
A defeated sigh escaped Ethan as waves of rage and anger surged within him.
I’ll sleep in the guest room,” he declared with finality, leaving the room without a backward glance. Left alone, Bella sank into a
chair, “Why’s he overreacting? It’s not like they’re his kids,” she fumed silently.
She was at the loosing end here!
Her limited edition dress had been ruined! While she had only disciplined those kids without even asking them or their miserable
father to pay for it. Now Ethan was furious after seeing what she did.
‘I should have pinched that brat’s cheeks even harder‘, she hissed in annoyance.
Axel!” Jasinine called out, running up to meet him as he emerged from the elevator. Axel was momentarily taken aback, his steps
faltering for a minute, puzzled by the unexpected eagerness that greeted him.
“You returned late today,” she stated, her tone a mix of curiosity and relief
For several days, they had been commuting together, going to work and back, forming a routine that Jasmine had grown
accustomed to. Today, however, marked a departure from that routine. It was the first time in a while that Axel had left work
alone. Unbeknownst to him, Jasmine had found herself thinking about him all day, unable to contain the excitement that bubbled
within her at the prospect of finally seeing him.
“Why are you out here?” Axel asked, his words measured and deliberate.

“I was waiting for you,” she admitted, glancing down at her feet. She had been checking several times and had finally spotted

his car.
Today she worked from home, she hadn’t seen him all day and she found herself missing him. Feeling grateful for how he had
helped her, she decided to do something.
Axel however was taken aback by her candid admission, a moment of surprise flickering across his face.
Waiting for me? Axel wondered, a warm feeling spreading within him. When was the last time someone had been that excited to
see him or waited specifically for him?
“I made you dinner,” Jasmine said, looking away shyly and biting her l*ps.
“Dinner,” he repeated slowly the idea sinking in. Someone had taken the time to think of him, when was the last time someone
thought of him and cooked for him, it seemed like a life time ago.
“Yes,” she affirmed, her eyes reflecting her warmth and sincerity.
He looked at her in question, and she explained,
“I just wanted to thank you for the everyday rides. It really made me feel safe.” She admitted with a smile.
However, her smile faded as she remembered that he wasn’t just coming from work; he had attended a social event. “Or did you
already eat?”
“I don’t eat at work,” Axel replied.
His work ethics, food and drinks were prohibited, he only indulged when it was compulsory.
Jasmine’s smile returned, her eyes liting up
“Well, come on,” she urged grabbing his arm and pulling him along.
Leading him by the arm, she ushered him to her house where a table had been meticulously set. Axel took off his suit slowly,
then settled into the chair, taking off his glasses they were placed next to the side of the table.
She opened a dish, presenting a plate of soup she had heated up. The visual presentation was less than impressive, making it
evident that she lacked culinary expertise. “It should taste better than it looks,” she assured him, her eyes hopeful.

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Axel took a spoon. Jasmine watched him closely, her eyes filled with anticipation. “How is it?” she asked hopefully. He slowly
dropped the spoon: “Salt,” he stated calmly.
Her smile and hopefully expression faded.
She sat down dejectedly. “I’m sorry. I saw online that a way to appreciate people was to make homemade food for them. I tried it,
followed the recipe and everything. How did it turn out so bad?” she said sulkily, burying her face in her hand.
His eyes fell on another covered dish on the table. “This is mine, isn’t it?” he asked, reaching for the plate.
“No!” she yelled, quickly grabbing it from his reach. If the soup tasted awful, the brownies probably did too.
“No!” she yelled, hastily grabbing the dish away from his reach. If the soup tasted awful, the brownies probably did too. As she
held onto the plate, he stood up, leaning toward her. His proximity, coupled with his tantalizing mint scent, left her momentarily
distracted, and he defily pried the plate from her grip. She swallowed nervously.
Sitting back down, Axel realized there were no utensils nearby. Not one to be deterred, he grabbed the brownie with his hands,
taking a daring, huge bite. A second later, he uttered a quiet “Water,” attempting to force the dry substance down his throat.
Jasmine promptly passed him a glass.
“I’m so sorry,” she apologized sincerely.
“I told you not to eat them,” she said sadly.
“I’m terrible at everything,” she wailed, a wave of disappointment washing over her.
“I’ll clear it up,” she declared, reaching for the plates. However, Axel intercepted once more grabbing the dish out of her


“They’re mine, aren’t they?” he inquired, then proceeded to take another bite, leaving her watching in horror.
Surprisingly, he grinned, “It doesn’t taste bad,” and took another bite.
“Really?” she asked, her beautiful eyes lighting up hopefully.
He nodded.
Homemade brownies, it had been ages since he last ate one.
The truth was, it was horrible. But witnessing her excitement and happiness, he couldn’t bring himself to disappoint her. Besides
that he appreciated what she did. The last person who had cooked for him was his mom, she cooked him a meal for the last time
shortly before he turned ten.
“What’s that?” Axel asked, pointing to a discarded dish on the sink; it was burnt.
She had tried soaking it to soften it a little bit.
“I was trying to make chicken noodle, and I failed. Woefully,” she commented, raising the badly burnt pot. There was no
redemption for it. She sat back down.
“All those darn tutorials make it seem so easy!” she fumed.
“And three attempts later, I end up almost burning down my house,” she thundered
“It couldn’t have been that bad,” Axel remarked with a chuckle. The image of her struggling with pans sifted through his head and
he couldn’t help but smile.
“It was” she countered.
Then went in narrating all that had happened to her that day in the kitchen. She had tried several recipes only those two she
served him had come out a little presentable.
As she narrated her kitchen escapade, detailing the failed attempts dramatically, Axel’s initial chuckle escalated into hearty.

Jasmine, captivated by the sight of Axel’s laughter, paused mid–sentence, how could someone look so beautiful? She wondered
staring at him entrailed.
This was the first time she had actually seen him laugh. Or even smile. It was beautiful. In that moment, she found herself
wishing he would smile more. Axel appeared so captivating to her that she felt tempted to take a picture.
“You look so beautiful when you laugh,” Jasmine admitted, her words sl*pping out before she could filter them. The unexpected
compliment hung in the air, causing Axel’s smile to fade gradually. They sat there, eyes locked, a charged silence settling
between them.
“Thanks for everything, Axel, for helping me all this while even though you didn’t have to, Jasmine expressed genuinely, breaking
the moment of tensjón.
“Thank you too, for this semi–burnt brownie,” Axel responded with a chuckle, his smile returning. Jasmine joined in, their laughter
intertwining in the quiet room.
“Maybe next time, I could show you how to make one?”
Axel suggested, and her laughter continued as she clapped gleefully. He smiled once more watching her girlish excitement.
However, her joy faltered when she noticed something different about his beautiful eyes.
“Your eyes, they glowed,” she observed, her smile fading. “You’re a wolf too?” she asked, her eyes widening in surprise.
Axel froze immediately, his smile vanishing in an instant as he processed what Jasmine had just said about his eyes glowing. It
had been years since that ever happened.
He had never shifted or anything like that, all he had had were little features amongst those were his eye’s changing when he
was happy.
He was happy? Happiness? When was the last time he felt that.
“I’m not.” He denied then stood up rapidly to leave.
He had never had a wolf, never shifted. A disappointment and waste of space according to his father.
“Thanks for the dinner. He muttered then turned to head out.

“Wait.” Jasmine called and tried to go after him but he was gone.