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Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna

Chapter 120
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Chapter 120
Amidst a sudden surge of people, Liam found himself enveloped in the crowd, struggling to break free. He frantically looked
around but couldn’t spot Ethan anymore. The bustling crowd bumped into him, oblivious to his presence, and he nearly
Meanwhile, Ethan, who had turned around sensing something, dismissed it, thinking he was imagining things. However, Liam’s
small voice cut through the clamor of the mall, reaching Ethan’s ears. Was that Liam he heard? Ethan froze.
His sudden change left the people walking with him confused.
“Did you hear that?” He asked Axel.
“Liam.” He mumbled.
“Go on ahead, Axel finish this up.” Ethan instructed then turned away going back.
Liam had gotten lost, he couldn’t find Ethan or his way back to his mom, he sat down and begun to cry.
Ethan was looking round the large space, Liam was definitely here. He felt his heart race fast, Liam was sad, he was crying
somewhere, somehow he could sense and feel it. The anxiety Ethan was feeling doubled thinking Liam was in danger.
Liam had called out to him, that connection wasn’t ordinary. Every instinct inside of him was pulling him towards a direction, so
he just went it. Finally he saw the little boy squatting at a corner crying.
Liam looked up, his eyes widening as he saw Ethan. “Mr. princess!” he yelled, rushing to his feet. His small feet carried him fast,
and he clutched at Ethan’s legs. Ethan, overwhelmed by a fierce protectiveness, stared at the little boy’s head, realizing the
undeniable connection. How hadn’t he noticed it before?
Bending down, Ethan scooped Liam into his arms. Every instinct told him that this boy was his, and he had missed him dearly.
“Mr. princess,” Liam called, holding Ethan’s face and nuzzling against him. Ethan laughed happily, equally thrilled to be reunited
with the little guy. While still cuddling Liam to his chest, Ethan gently pulled a some strand of his soft hair, unnoticed by the boy.
Carefully wrapping it in his handkerchief, Ethan tucked it into his pocket.
Ethan knew his actions were ridiculous, given all the evidence against the possibility of Liam being his son. Yet, the profound
connection he felt in that moment, hearing Liam cry amidst the crowd, pushed him to confirm it.
Chapter 120
“Where is your mummy? How are you here alone?” Ethan inquired, concern etched across his face.
“I dunno where she is,” came Liam’s reply.
“You got lost?” Ethan asked, gently scolding. Liam nodded, explaining, “She’s somewhere here with Daisy.”
“Why are you here? Why didn’t you stay with her, Liam? It’s not safe to run around that way,” Ethan chided softly.
“I was looking for you,” Liam explained.
“What?” Ethan retorted in surprise .

“I knew you were here, so I came to find you. I went looking for you,” Liam clarified.
“How did you know?” Ethan asked in awe.
badly, and the
“I dunno, I was just missing you I felt it, right here in my chest,” Liam pointed to his heart, expressing a connection he couldn’t

quite explain.
Ethan stared at Liam’s small face, realizing that what he had felt wasn’t a figment of his imagination. Liam, too, had sensed it. A
warm smile spread across Ethan’s face as he ruffled Liam’s hair.
“Let’s go see Daisy,” he said, lifting Liam up. “What store were you at?” he asked, attempting to locate the rest of the family. Liam
provided a description of the stores he had passed by.
“Liam, aren’t you mad at me?” Ethan asked curiously.
Liam nodded. “Not mad, sad,” he muttered. “I called you the other day; you didn’t wanna talk to me, I missed you. Daisy too.”
Liam sighed, resting his face on Ethan’s head.
Ethan sighed. “I’m sorry, buddy,” he muttered. “You didn’t wanna talk to us?” Liam accused with a frown. “Sometimes I really
don’t get you. Sometimes you act like you like us, then sometimes you act like you don’t,” Liam folded his arms.
“It won’t happen ever again,” Ethan promised fiercely.
“You promise?” Liam asked, seeking reassurance.
“It won’t be like other times?” he questioned further.
“No,” Ethan replied with conviction. It was like a
his senses seemed to have opened up.
“Mr princess!” Daisy squealed, jumping up at him. Ethan chuckled, holding her close.
“Ethan?” Hazel called, her eyes widening in surprise when she saw him walk in with
her son.

“Liam found me,” Ethan said, his gaze piercing Hazel’s.
“He did?” Hazel glanced nervously at Liam.
“Yes, the mall’s crowded, but somehow he happened to know I was here, and we found each other,” Ethan explained, his gaze
hard and penetrating on her. Hazel panicked inwardly, realizing that as Liam grew, his senses were beginning to make
connections with Ethan.
“Ethan, we need to talk,” Hazel muttered.
“Later,” he replied coldly, turning his attention back to the kids. “I haven’t seen them in a while,” he said, looking down at them
affectionately. The happiness and love in their eyes made Hazel’s heart ache, realizing they hadn’t been this happy in a while..
“Send for Kane,” Ethan declared decisively, gazing out of the car window as it rolled through the city on the way home.
“Which Kane? Clinical genetic Kane?” Axel inquired, seeking clarity.
“Yes,” replied Ethan, holding Liam’s hair in a handkerchief clutched tightly in his palms. He needed this handled by someone
confidential, someone loyal and trustworthy. Kane fit the bill, and Ethan required the results before determining his next course of
action. If they were his kids, Hazel had been deceiving him all this while.
Axel sighed, sensing the gravity of the situation. “Is it Liam?” he asked, reading Ethan’s emotions from his silence.
Ethan’s silence answered the question. “I checked, they’re not yours. The dates don’t match. Nothing matches,” Axel stated
“I know,” Ethan replied. “I just felt... something.” He trailed off, struggling to articulate the unspoken connection he sensed.
Axel sighed again, understanding the complexities. “Is it coming back?” he asked,

Chapter 120
referring to Ethan’s connection with his wolf.
“What?” Ethan retorted defensively, attempting to deny the observable truth.
“You know what,” Axel calmly replied. Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“It’s not a secret, you’ve been out of it. The pack members have also noticed. You’re not okay, Ethan. You haven’t been for a long
while. Something’s wrong somewhere,” Axel pointed out, expressing his concerns.
“I think you’re sick; you haven’t shifted in a while. Your pack is in disarray, being handled by elders and others. You don’t even
heal properly,” Axel stated, highlighting his observations.
“What do you know about how my pack works?! You haven’t even been here for years. You just tucked your tail between your
legs and ran off years ago. What do you know about wolves, about healing? You don’t even have one!” Ethan snapped
defensively, his frustration evident.
Axel’s eyes narrowed. “You’re right,” he conceded. “I don’t know anything. Kane will arrive later tonight. Get out of my car so I
can head home,” he said calmly, acknowledging the tension.
Deep down, Ethan knew Axel was right. He had grown weaker. It had started gradually until his connection with his wolf was now
very faint.
“Keep it confidential,” Ethan instructed as he passed the sample to Kane in his study.
He nodded. “I’ll notify you within a couple of days.” paced around his study silently.
With that, the man left. Ethan
Two days passed in a whirlwind of anticipation. “The results aren’t a match,” Kane’s voice broke through the phone, delivering
news that sent Ethan reeling.
“What? Are you sure? Run it once more,” Ethan insisted, his disbelief evident.
“I’m sure. I checked several times; they don’t match with yours,” Kane affirmed. The phone slowly dropped from Ethan’s ear as
he absorbed the shocking revelation. Stunned and surprised, he felt a wave of disappointment wash over him, sighing deeply.
Meanwhile, two nights ago, Bella had watched and monitored Ethan closely when he returned home.
Aware that he had met Hazel’s kids again, she had grown increasingly anxious,
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Chapter 120
unsure of what to expect. Sebastian, keeping a watchful eye, witnessed Ethan collecting a sample of Liam’s hair and had
informed her. She knew what was next
This news threw Bella into a panic. She waited for the right moment and Swiftly seizing an opportunity, she picked up Ethan’s
discarded suit, retrieving the hair sample, and craftily swapped it with one from a ser**nt. The timing had to be impeccable, and
she succeeded just before Ethan walked in seconds later, unsuspectingly passing it on for testing.
For now, Bella had managed to deceive Ethàn, but she knew it was a fleeting respite. She had bought herself some time, but the

looming threat remained. The urgency to rid herself of Hazel and her kids persisted.
“Derrick has decided to meet you. Today, at 5 pm,” a message arrived, filling Bella with joy. Derrick’s involvement promised to
make the task of separating Hazel and Ethan permanently much easier. He was someone she knew was committed to
achieving that goal.