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Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna

Chapter 66
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Chapter 66
Daisy’s excited sprint towards where Ethan stood came to an abrupt halt as a man swiftly grabbed her tiny arm, disrupting her
joyous pursuit. A disappointed whine escaped her, but Ethan, with his back turned, remained oblivious to the unfolding drama.
The man who had intercepted Daisy wore an expression of stern disapproval.
“You shouldn’t be here,” the man scolded, noting that the floor had been cordoned off for ongoing work.
Axel, observing the situation, immediately intervened. “Let her go,” he warned the man. Sensing Axel’s assertiveness, the man
promptly released Daisy’s arm and her little backpack “She was heading for the boss. I’m sure he wouldn’t like seeing kids
running around, interrupting his work, the man explained defensively.
Axel’s response was sharp and quick, “He won’t mind.” His protective stance indicated that Daisy’s presence was not only
tolerated but perhaps even appreciated.
This very child was the reason he found himself standing there, involved in a project that gave him a sense of purpose–the
development of the school was happening because of Daisy.
“Mr. Princess!” Daisy’s joyful squeal echoed as she hugged Ethan’s legs. Caught off guard, Ethan looked down, meeting the
familiar sight of her little head and adorable pigtails. “Where have you been?” he asked with a chuckle, squatting down to her
level. The surrounding onlookers witnessed a striking transformation in Ethan’s demeanor, from the cold, unapproachable man to
someone else entirely.
Lifting her up, Ethan walked away with Axel in tow. “I’m looking for Loulou,” Daisy confided.
“I found her headed to the pediatric ward. She was looking for a friend, so I brought her to you instead, Axel informed them.
“Thanks,” Ethan replied.
Enveloped in the comforting embrace of Daisy’s fragrant baby scent, everything else seemed to fade away, leaving only the
delightful presence of the little girl in his arms.
“Are you hungry?” Ethan inquired, receiving a delightful hum in response. Recognizing that kids seldom refuse snacks, even if
they recently ate, he made his way to the hospital’s store. with Daisy still cradled in his arms.

Seated there, Ethan watched as Daisy nibbled her snacks with the enthusiasm of a little bunny. Chocolate adorned her face like
a playful painting, evidence of her enjoyment. A hearty chuckle escaped Ethan as he admired her cute, messy appearance.
You’ve got it all over your face, Ethan gently teased, prompting Daisy to attempt wiping it off. Instead, she inadvertently spread
more chocolate across her face then she gave him a wide toothy smile that showed off her chocolate stained teeth.
Taking a tissue, he gently assisted in wiping her face and arms clean.
After spending some time there, Ethan and Daisy ventured back to the kids‘ ward. Daisy extended her tiny arms, a silent request
to be carried once again. Chuckling at her endearing demand, Ethan happily lifted her into his arms.
Upon reaching Loulou’s ward, the scene was one of tranquility, with her little friend peacefully asleep. Daisy, still cradled in
Ethan’s arms, surveyed the room with a sense of
childlike curiosity. A decision was made as she dropped down from Ethan’s arms, unzipped her backpack, revealing an array of
cherished toys. In a tender gesture, she carefully placed

of her treasures beside Loulou, a silent offering of friendship and comfort.
Afterwards, Daisy returned to the secure haven of Ethan’s arms.
They journeyed back to Daisy’s ward. Ethan couldn’t help but be intrigued by the thoughtful gesture she had made, leaving one
of her cherished toys for Loulou.
“Why did you drop your toy there?” Ethan asked.

s around In the confined space of the elevator, Daisy, still nestled in Ethan’s arms her arms his neck
“Loulou doesn’t have any. Just one teddy bear. Daisy explained, her voice carrying the innocence of a child’s compassion. Ethan
nodded in understanding, a silent acknowledgment of the kindness that Daisy had extended to her friend.
“And I’ve got so many, she continued. The elevator door opened, revealing the familiar surroundings of Daisy’s ward
As they reached the entrance of Daisy’s ward, she clung tightly to Ethan, her small arms wrapped securely around his neck. Her
head nestled against him, creating a small cocoon of warmth. Despite Ethan’s attempts to gently disentangle himself, Daisy
made it difficult for him to pry her off him.
“Hey,” he called softly, seeking to capture her attention.
“Well, Bunny. I need to get back to work.” Ethan sighed, acknowledging the responsibilities that awaited him beyond the walls of
the hospital room.
“Mr. princess,” she called out raising her head to meet his eyes.
av next.
“Hum?” Ethan responded, curious about what she might say
“Would you come tomorrow?” Daisy asked, her eyes wide with anticipation.
Ethan hesitated, He didn’t want Hazel to know what he was up to yet or that he had met with Daisy, she might get uncomfortable.
“I would if you keep a secret,” he replied with a conspiratorial smile.
“I can keep a secret,” Daisy assured him, her smile widening with excitement. “So you’ll come?” she pressed, eager for his
commitment. Ethan nodded, signaling his agreement.
With great

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reluctance, Daisy unwrapped her arms from around his neck, and Ethan lowered her gently to the ground. “Bye, Mr. princess,”
she said, waving her small palm in farewell. “Bye, Bunny.” Ethan replied, his own departure as he sl*pped out of the doors.
Hazel and Liam entered a few minutes after Ethan’s departure. Hazel couldn’t help but notice the happy and dreamy smile
adorning Daisy’s face. Expecting her daughter to be bored and unhappy as usual, she was pleasantly surprised by the newfound
joy radiating from Daisy.
“What did you do, Daisy?” Hazel inquired, curious about the source of her daughter’s elation.
Daisy simply shrugged. “I met a friend,” she replied with a gleam in her eyes.
“So you went out?” Hazel questioned, wanting to understand the nature of Daisy’s adventure.
Daisy nodded. “Sorry, Mama
“It’s okay. You got bored; I understand. Did you go to where the other children are?” Hazel asked, referring to the pediatric ward.
Daisy nodded, that and Mr princess.
Hazel found herself more at ease with the thought. The prospect of leaving Daisy at the pediatric ward for a few hours each day

while she attended to work seemed increasingly plausible. Cleaveland proved to be a child–friendly hospital alleviating any
concerns she might have had. The nurses and other staff members were always supportive of the children there, contributing to
a comforting atmosphere.
Moreover, Hazel had confidence that Daisy wouldn’t venture outside the hospital building. The premises were well–guarded to
prevent kids from aimlessly strolling out, adding an extra layer of assurance to Hazel’s decision.

“Daisy, I missed you at school today,” Liam expressed, giving his sister a hug. Hazel observed the interaction, cherishing the
bond between her two children, a testament to their unwavering support for each other.
“Don’t worry, Daisy will get better and will be able to go back to school with you very soon,” Hazel comforted them, her words
carrying a promise of brighter days ahead. The two siblings nodded, their understanding of the situation evident in their shared
glances. Daisy, eager to share her day’s adventures, began unpacking her backpack. “Mommy, I gave Loulou one plushie,” she
announced with a gleeful smile, her eyes shining with the joy of making someone else happy. Hazel’s face lit up, genuinely
delighted by Daisy’s kindness. “Really? That’s really sweet, honey; she praised, recognizing the generosity in her daughter’s
small act.
Continuing her animated narration, Daisy explained, “But she was asleep, so I didn’t get to play with her. I tucked it right next to
her. As she carefully placed her toys back in their designated spots, Hazel commended her daughter, “That was very sweet of
you. She’ll be so happy when she wakes up to the new toy, and she’ll know you came by. Loulou, a little friend they had
encountered at the hospital cafeteria during one of their trips for a meal, now held a piece of comfort thanks to Daisy’s
considerate gesture.
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