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Alpha’s Second Chance Mate (Sidonie & Carlyle)

Chapter 121
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Chapter 121


We returned hafter settling things completely with Rex and went straight to ac

the treasure from.

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Mason to ask where he got

As Donald and | made our way to Mason's room, | felt happy and a bit relieved. Sometimes, all one needs after a

long day is the warmth of family and nothing more. Despite the. recent events, the prospect of spending time

with my son never failed to lift my spirits.

“Hey there, champ!” | called on him with a wide grin as we entered his room, Donald following closely behind.

“How's my favorite little Alpha doing today?”

Mason's face lit up with a bright smile at our arrival, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

“Hi, Dad! Hi, Uncle Donald!” he exclaimed, bounding over to greet us with a hug.

“Hey, buddy!” Donald chimed in, tousling Mason's hair affectionately. “You ready for another day of ruling the

pack academy?”

Mason nodded eagerly, his enthusiasm contagious as he launched into a lively recount of his day at the

academy. He filled us in with tales of his adventures, from mastering his fighting tactics to leading his classmates

in a gof capture the flag.

As he spoke, | couldn’t help but marvel at the boundless energy and spirit radiating from my young son. His

passion for learning and exploring the world around him never ceased to amaze me, and | found myself caught

up in the excitement of his stories. He went on talking and talking without planning to stop anytsoon.

“Sounds like you had quite the day, Mason!” | exclaimed, a proud smile spreading across my face.

“You're becoming quite the little Alpha, aren’t you?” Donald chipped in.

Mason beamed at the praise, his chest puffing out with pride.

“Yes, I'm gonna be the best Alpha ever! Dad toldI'm a man and I should know to do things like one.” he

declared confidently, striking a funny heroic pose,


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Donald and | chuckled at his enthusiasm, exchanging amused glances.

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“No doubt about that, kiddo,” Donald replied with a grin. “But hey, we've got something important to ask you.”

Mason's curiosity was immediately piqued, his eyes widening with anticipation.

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“What is it, Dad? What's so important? Do you want to askwhat you'll buy for me?” He was very happy and |

chuckled tapping the tip of his nose lightly with my curved index finger.

| shared a knowing glance with Donald before turning back to Mason, a playful twinkle in my eye.

“Well, you see, we've been hearing srumors around the pack,” | began, trying to think of a way to break.

things down to him. “Rumors about a certain treasure that’s been causing quite a stir.”

Mason's eyes lit up with excitement at the mention of treasure, his imagination already running wild with


“Treasure? What kind of treasure? A rare gem? Colourful?” he exclaimed eagerly, leaning in closer to listen..

Donald and | exchanged amused smiles before telling him about a playful tale of adventure and mystery,

weaving a tale of hidden treasures and ancient artifacts.

By the twe finished, Mason was practically jumping with excitement, his imagination ignited by the promise

of adventure.

“Wow, that sounds amazing!” he exclaimed. “But where do | cin?”

| chuckled at his eagerness, ruffling his hair affectionately.

“Well, that’s what we're here to find out, champ,” | replied, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. “We need

your help to solve the mystery of the treasure.”

“Ok, that’s no problem.” He agreed, all smiles.

“Where did you get this treasure?” | showed him the gift he hadgive Donald.

“Isn't this the gift | gave Uncle Donald?” He collected it from me, handing it over to Donald.

“I'm sorry uncle, | didn’t know Dad wouldn't give it to you. I* have sent it to you through my nanny.” He felt bad


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and Donald pulled him closer, packing his cheek.

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“It’s fine, buddy. In fact, I liked it when your dad gave it to me. So, | want to buy it for someone too.” Donald said

and Mason beamed with smiles again.

“It was...”

The door creaked open and Sidonnie entered with a mischievous grin just as Mason was about to give us the

answer we needed.

“Well, well, what do we have here?” she chimed in, her voice dripping with amusement as she sauntered into the

room. “A secret meeting of the pack’s finest, | see.”

Mason's face lit up with excitement at the sight of his mother, and he bounded over to greet her with a hug.

“Mum! Dad and Uncle Donald were just tellingabout a treasure hunt!”

Sidonnie raised an eyebrow in mock surprise, her gaze flickering between Donald and me.

“A treasure hunt, you say?” she replied, a playful smirk playing on her lips. “Sounds like quite the adventure.

Mind if I join in?”

Donald chuckled at her teasing tone, shooting her a knowing grin.

“Sorry, Sidonnie, but this treasure hunt is strictly for the bravest of adventurers,” he teased, his eyes twinkling

with amusement.

Sidonnie feigned offense, placing a hand on her chest in mock indignation.

“Oh, | see how it is,” she replied with a playful pout. “Well, you boys better watch out. You never know what

tricks a lady might have up her sleeve.”

Mason giggled at his mother’s antics, clearly enjoying the playful banter between us.

“So, | heard you asking Mason about something, what was it?” Sidonnie got serious.

“Dad and Uncle Donald were askingabout how I got the special gift | gave Uncle Donald.” Mason interjected.

“Oh, really? That's nice.” Donnie patted Mason's head and she flasheda questioning look and | told her


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through the midlink that we'll fill her in later..

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Refocusing on Mason, | asked him again where he got it from since it seemed he got distracted by his mum's


“Godmother Ena gave it to me.” He replied innocently.

“Athena?” Donnie was surprised. “When was that?”

“On your wedding day. She cto keepcompany when you both didn’t cto play with me.”

“Oh, that’s nice.” Donnie faked a smile. Deep down, she was boiling with questions.

“She said she gifted it toand | can gift it to anyone | want. Then, we decided to gift Uncle Donald because!

didn’t have a gift f


“That's good. Mason is such a good boy” Donnie kissed his cheeks and bubbled with happiness.

Since we got the answer we wanted from him, we played with him a little more and left to have a proper

discussion outside.

“What's this all about” Sidonnie was the first to talk. Donald filled her in, carefully analysing what happened to

her step by step as she requested.

Sidonnie nodded thoughtfully, absorbing the information as she processed the implications of Athena's potential

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“So, you're saying that Athena might have intentionally given Mason the speech stone?” she mused, her brow

furrowing in concentration.

Donald nodded in agreement, his expression serious as he weighed the possibilities.

“It’s certainly a possibility,” he replied, his voice thoughtful. “Given Athena’s connection to the supernatural, it

wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility for her to have a hand in this.””

| chimed in, echoing Donald’s sentiments. “Exactly,” | added, nodding in agreement. “We can’t rule out anything

at this point. We need to consider all angles and gather as much information as possible before we jump to any



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Sidonnie listened intently, her mind racing as she processed the information.

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“So, what's our next step?” she asked, her tone determined. “Do we confront Athena about this? Or do we

investigate further on our own?”

Donald paused, considering the options carefully before responding.

“I think our best course of action is to gather more information first,” he suggested, his voice measured. “We

need to find out exactly why Athena would give Mason the speech stone and what her intentions might be.”

“In sway, | feel like she has this all planned out carefully, given her character. She never does things she

knows are bound to fail.”


| nodded in agreement, thinking of what we were going to do next.

“That reminds me, she was able to smell Amelia's presence at the reception that day.” Donnie said.

“That could be just normal. You know...”

“No, the way she acted that day was definitely off. It was like she knew for sure that Amelia was there. Moreover,

other supernaturals didn’t notice a thing. | bet Amelia must have covered her scent. But Athena....” She cut me


“If | remember quite well, Amelia started acting weird when Athena arrived and when we were together alone,

she asked about how we are related to her.” Donald recounted.

“And did you tell her?”

“Of course, | did. | noticed she was lost in thought after that.”

“Now, we know where to begin.” | pointed out.

“Amelia!” Donnie and Donald said in unison.

“Donald, you know what to do.” I instructured. &