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Alphas Second Chance Mate Sidonie Carlyle

Chapter 46
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Chapter 46


As soon as the Meeting of Elders was completed and everyone cto a favourable conclusion, we all

dispersed, preparing for what was to cin the days ahead and | headed for Rex's pack to see Sidonnie.

Though, | made sure things with her was good and okay, including her boss at work. | paid him off more than he

could ever imagine to treat her right without yelling at her while making sure that I'm anonymous.

On my way, | saw Donnie heading for somewhere with a boy child who he’d her hand. tightly like someone

seeking protection from his mum. The urge to call out to her filled.but on another thought, | decided against

it. It was better forto know where she lived so | can protect her fully to prevent what happened in the woods

of the Canth


Slowly, | followed behind her, quite a distance away till | received a call from Donald who letknow that he

needed my attention. For a split moment. | wanted to ignore. him in order to have the privilege of knowing where

Donnie lived but | decided against it after sthought.

| attended to my Beta, acknowledging his request, but my mind remained focused on the task at hand. As soon

as | attended to him, I continued following Sidonnie at a distance but I lost her. The only thing I could use to get

her location was her scent. Her scent still lingered in my senses since our last intimate encounter.

As she turned corners and weaved through the streets, | observed her scent, following in the sdirection till |

finally saw her ahead. However, the moment | saw her, she was bundled up by a group of masked men and

thrown into a car.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

At that moment, my reflex was set in motion as | began to shake terribly with anger. How dare they? Who are

they? Who sent them? What's their aim? | chased after the moving car discreetly till it finally stopped in a very

dry and deserted place that | took my tto survey carefully.

| listened carefully as the activities went on and on with Rex's bitch of a sister, threatening my mate.

“Don’t underestimate our bond, Raina. Love is not a weakness; it's our strength.”

My heart fluttered with smiles when | heard Donnie say this. It madefeel so happy inwardly for different


18:57 Fri, 1 Mar @ Dr

Chapter 46

“You had a way out of this, Raina. But it's too late.” | heard Raina’s word sting the air like a venom. Collecting a

bottle from her minions, | saw her hand gesturing towards Donnie after opening the bottle. Then, | knew it was

high tI intervened.

| ordered Raina to stop but she was too shocked and angry that the bottle nearly slipped from her hand as she

turned it upside down with it’s content, pouring out. Swiftly, | blocked the contents from reaching Donnie who

was tied and couldn't defend herself or move an inch, allowing it pour on my body gladly.

Doing this, | thought | had more chance at healing than Donnie because of my blood. characteristics but it turned

out to be untrue. The feeling of pain numbed my senses as | tried my best not to scream in front of Donnic. |

didn’t want her to blherself for what happened.

The next moment | regained consciousness, | found myself in Donnie’s house. | was dormant and unmoving, but

still active, but my wolf took over almost all my form already. Though, Laryl was weak too. However, he could

hear everything they were saying.

Athena was briefed about what happened but she asked them to go get something to aid my cure be a use the

wolfsbane that poured onwas a rare specie. No wonder | couldn’t heal on my own. Donnie didn’t waste her

tin offering herself for the errand. Imagining her in the state | was shatteredinto pieces and | vowed to

punish Raina the way she deserved.

Soon, the cure was ready and | was being treated and | was responding.

Donnie’s tears fell like silent raindrops, each one showing the anguish she felt. The weight of her sorrow was so

much, and | could sense the guilt that emanated from her every pore. In her eyes, | saw a reflection of a storm

raging within, a storm she believed. she had ignited.

“Donnie, it’s not your fault,” | wanted to assure her, but my voice remained trapped. within my silent world.

Donnie’s voice trembled with emotion as she poured her heart out, the weight of guilt and love evident in every


“I can’t bear to see you like this, Carlyle. It's tearingapart. | promised not to cause you troubles, and now

you're suffering because of me.”

She gently caressed my hand, her touch seeking solace in the warmth that remained. “I'll find a way to make

this right, and I'll exhaust every possibility until you're well again.”

18:57 Fri, 1 Mar 3

Chapter 46

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

A tear traced a silent path down her cheek as she continued, her vulnerability laid bare. “You mean everything to

me. | never want to lose you. | need you to fight, Carlyle. Wake up and fight withIf not for anything, for the

sake of our pack.”

Her promises hung in the air, a solemn vow made to the universe. “I'll dedicate every moment to finding a cure,

to undoing the pain I caused. Just open your eyes, letknow you're still here, still with me.”

Donnie’s actions mirrored her words, as she leaned in and pressed a tender kiss on my forehead. The scent of

her, a familiar and comforting fragrance, lingered in the room..

“I won't leave your side, not for a moment. We'll face this together, and I'll do whatever it takes to bring you

back to me.” Her promises echoed in the room, a desperate plea to a silent audience. In my dormant state, |

yearned to reach out, to comfort her, but my body remained unresponsive.

Her fingers intertwined with mine, a silent promise sealed in the gentle clasp. “You're not alone in this, Carlyle.

I'm here, and I'll be here every step of the way.”

She blamed herself relentlessly, her whispers breaking my heart to see her in that state.

With each passing moment, Donnie’s words carved into my consciousness like etchings on stone. “I'll do

anything to make it right. I'll find a way to heal you. Just please wake up. | need you, and | can’t bear to see you

like this.”

Her vulnerability lay bare, exposed in the quiet room where only the beeping of monitors dared to interrupt the


All was well after treatment until | suddenly began to feel wierdd for no reason till | drifted into another world of
