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Alphas Second Chance Mate Sidonie Carlyle

Chapter 71
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12:02 sat, 2 Mar RD.


Chapter 71


Waking up from

my unconscious state with a sudden feel of powers around me, | felt my wounds healing and my pains subsiding.

| felt completely new and different. It was like | just passed. through a nirvana which madea completely new


Seeing my son in the state of transition gotterrified. For heaven's sake, Mason was just three. How cold his

wolf cout at that early age? Such as never happened in the history of my pack.. The only exceptional case

we had led to the death of that being according to the books.

The sign Mason was exuding scared the hell out of me.

“What did you do to my son?” | glared daggers at Raina who was equally scared as | was. She didn’t reply at

first, but later said that she didn’t do anything to him.

With a hiss, | ignored her completely as my son was more important than she was. Ever since 1 heard her in my

slumber, asking Donald to grant her sprivacy with me, | had a feeling that something was amiss but

couldn’t say anything because of the state | was.

“He’s out of danger. The healers tried all they could to it Mason to stability and | heaved a sigh of relief. They all

thought the methods they tried worked but | knew that Mason was able to attain stability because Raina left.

How then do you expectto believe that she had nothing to do with my suspicions?

“How are you feeling?” Donald walked to my side. He must have thought that Raina did her part of g the job so


“All good.” | replied, though absentmindedly.

“Thank goodness!”

“How long was | unconscious?” | asked, checking what the tsaid on the nearby clock.

“All night long. He answered. Immediately, | headed out hastily. Twasn’t by my side at all. | needed to save

Donnie at all cost. | really couldn’t afford to lose her,

“Take it easy, Carl. You're not fully okay yet, you really don’t want to suffer another relapse at the moment.”

Donald said and | flashed a smile at him.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“I'm fine. We need to face what's most important right now.”

While deep in discussion with Donald, pondering our next steps in the urgent mission to find. Donnie, a hesitant

knock interrupted us, drawing our attention to the door.

Top of Form

“Alpha Carlyle, you have a visitor,” the messenger announced, standing by the slightly ajar door.

| exchanged a quick glance with Donald, a silent acknowledgment passing between us. Whatever. visitor had

arrived at this crucial juncture demanded attention as it might be about a very


12:02 sat, 2 Mar FR

Chapter 71


important matter-perhaps, something to help in our quest. Driven by a mixture of hope and apprehension, |

signaled for the messenger to allow the person entry.

The door swung open, revealing an unexpected figure standing at the threshold. The visitor's presence injected

an element of uncertainty into the room, and | couldn’t help but wonder how this unexpected arrival would

influence our plans to rescue Donnie because of who it was. Athena!

As Athena entered, my expression changed from surprise to a mixture of relief and gratitude.

“To what do we owe your gracious visit?”

“Where is Mason? And how is he?” That was the first question she asked. This madesuspicious of the

purpose of our visit. How did she know that something happened to Mason?

“You don’t need to look atthat way, | sensed his pain and uneasiness last night. At first, | thought it was

going to subside after a while but it only increased and | felt more terrible instead, leavingno option but to

be here.” | took a good look at Athena, finding it hard to believe what she said due to past history and her

identity but I didn’t show it.

Swiftly, she began action to cure him.

“He’s all good now. Someone tampered with the food he ate last... she began explaining but | didn’t waste my

tlistening before heartfelt gratitude for Mason's well-being flickered in my eyes.

“Athena, you're a lifesaver,” | acknowledged, a genuine smile breaking through the tension that had gripped the

room. “Thank you for taking care of Mason. Now, we need your help to find Donnie.”

The three of us soon engaged in a discussion, outlining our strategy to locate and rescue Donnie. Athena's

unique abilities and connection with Mason beccrucial assets in this endeavor. As we delved into the details,

the room echoed with a renewed sense of purpose, driven by the shared goal of bringing Donnie back safely to

Moon Shade.

Accompanied by Athena and Donald, | arrived at the location where we believed Donnie was being held. As we

cautiously approached, awaiting her captors to show up, my keen eyes caught sight of her silhouette bound and


| approached Donnie cautiously, my eyes scanning her for any visible signs of distress. As | got closer, | noticed

the weariness etched on her face, the marks of captivity evident in the lines of exhaustion. Despite the hardships

she endured, there was a glimmer of resilience in her eyes.

“Donnie,” | called out to her. As our eyes met, a myriad of emotions surged within me. The lines on her face

showed the hardships she endured during her captivity. “Are you okay?”

| took a step closer to her, my gaze unwavering, “I've been searching for you, Donnie. We're here to bring you

back home.”

She met my eyes, a mixture of surprise, skepticism, and perhaps a glimmer of hope. “Carlyle?” she whispered,

almost as if testing the reality of his presence.

“Yes, it's me, | affirmed as my tone softened “We're going to get you out of here. You don’t have to endure this

any longer.”


Chapter 71

2 Mar

She managed a faint smile, a feeble attempt to reassure me. “I'm here, Carlyle. I'm okay.”

| gently reached out, my fingers brushing against her cheek as if to affirm her tangible presence. “We found you.

You're safe now.”

Donald and Athena stood a bit far away from us, where Donnie wasn’t going to notice, offering silent support

with full alertness and observation. However, | couldn't shake off the weight of what Donnie had endured. The

loss | suffered, the toll it took on her, and the challenges we would face later filled my mind.

“I'm sorry, Donnie,” | whispered with a depth of emotion in my eyes. “I couldnt protect you from all of this.”

She looked at me, a mixture of gratitude and understanding in her gaze. “Carlyle, you found me. That's what

mers. Thank you!”

Her words just gavehope and dashed them away. | thought she was beginning to soften towards me, but |

guess it was all a facade. Since she had decided to act that way once again, | decided to let go. | instructed the

searching guards withto go ahead, while waiting for her captor to fulfil my end of the deal, or let's say, to

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

carry out the plan we had. But before that, | had to put my mind at rest about the misunderstanding I had with

Donnie and decided to try talking to her once again.


Carlyle felt the weight of unspoken words and the distance that had grown between them given Donnie’s last

response and attempted to explain the events that transpired in her absence with the plan of starting from the

incident which caused the rift between them in the first place. He carefully chose his words, hoping to bridge the

gap that had formed.

“Donnie, | need you to understand that I didn’t plan any of this. Raina took advantage of the situation, and |

deeply regret ever seeking her help, Carlyle began, his voice carrying sincerity.

She remained silent, her gaze fixed on the ground, seemingly unwilling to engage in the


“I know you must be hurt and angry, and | can’t blyou for that. But please, letexplain,” Carlyle

implored, a hint of desperation in his eyes.

She finally looked up, her expression a mix of emotions. “Explain, then.”

Carlyle took a deep breath, recounting the events that unfolded in her absence. He spoke about Raina’s

involvement, Mason's sudden iliness, and the desperate measures he had to take to save


“I didn’t want any of this to happen, Donnie. | just wanted you and Mason safe,” he confessed, his eyes

searching hers for a sign of understanding.

Her response was measured, “Carlyle, | appreciate that you tried to protect us, but the way everything

unfolded... It's hard to overlook.”

He nodded, acknowledging the complexity of the situation. “I know trust is broken, and | can’t promise that

things will be easy, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make things right.”



12:03 sat, 2 Mar FR

Chapter 71

“That's going to be good!” She replied with a tone of finality and an eye roll.