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Alphas Second Chance Mate Sidonie Carlyle

Chapter 78
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Chapter 78


“Mama!” In the soft glow of the room, Mason’s exuberant entrance disrupted the quiet ambiance. His innocent

cry pierced through the stillness, a testament to the boundless energy and curiosity that defined his young spirit.

Reacting swiftly, | instinctively pulled the protective cover over both of us, creating a makeshift cocoon.

Mason's presence brought a mix of comfort and joy, a reminder of the pure love that existed within our small

family unit. Despite the challenges that surrounded us, his unfiltered enthusiasm and openness infused the room

with a renewed sense of warmth. As he eagerly sought our attention, it becclear that he yearned for a

moment of connection and unity.

In the cocoon of covers, | shared a glance with Mason, acknowledging the unspoken bond between us. His

innocent eyes sparkled with a mixture of curiosity and excitement, capturing the essence of childhood wonder. It

was a reminder that, amidst the complexities of life, the simplicity of familial love held a unique and cherished


“Mama, why are you hiding? I've not seen you all day.” Mason's innocent query echoed in the room.

| peeked out from beneath the cover, a playful grin on my face. “Well, Mason, sometimes it’s fun to have a little

hide-and-seek, even without leaving the bed.”

“He really can’t do without you.” Carlyle said.

Carlyle, having witnessed the amusing exchange, joined in with a chuckle. “Hide-and-seek in bed? That's a new

one, isn't it?”

Mason, undeterred by the unconventional nature of our game, giggled and pointed at me. “Mama's funny! She's

with Daddy too.”

I winked at him. “You bet, little man.

Carlyle grinned at Mason's enthusiasm. “Looks like we've got a little comedian in the making. What do you think,


I laughed, nodding in agreement. “Absolutely. Carlyle, you're bringing so much joy to this hide- and-seek

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Mason, reveling in the attention, exclaimed, “Can we play more games, Mama? With Daddy and Mama?”

Carlyle joined in, “Sure, buddy. How about a round of ‘Guess the Shape’ or ‘Animal Charades?”

Mason's eyes lit up with excitement. “Yes, yes! Let's do that!”

And so, we indulged in a series of playful games, creating a haven of laughter and warmth within the confines of

our shared space. The worries and troubles of the outside world momentarily forgotten, replaced by the Aimple

joy of family bonding. As the games continued, the room echoed with the infectious sound of laughter, a

testament to the resilience and love that bound us together.

Chapter 78

2 Mar


As the tapproached for Athena's departure, a bittersweet sadness settled overlike a heavy cloak. Her

presence had brought a sense of comfort and familiarity to my life, and the thought of saying goodbye filled me

with a sense of longing and fear.

We sat together in the cozy confines of my chambers, surrounded by the gentle hum of conversation. Athena's

face was illuminated by the flickering flames, her expression thoughtful and serene as she gazed atwith

eyes filled with love and affection.

“I can’t believe it’s tfor you to leave already,” | said softly, my voice tinged with a bit of sorrow. “It feels like

you just arrived.”

Athena smiled gently, her eyes crinkling at the corners with warmth. “Thas a way of passing quickly when

we're together, doesn’t it?” she replied, her voice soft and melodious. “But even though | must return home,

know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers, my dear.”

| nodded, the lump in my throat threatening to choke off my words. “I'll miss you terribly,” | admitted, my voice

barely above a whisper.

Athena reached out and took my hand in hers, squeezing it gently in a gesture of comfort. “And I will miss you

too, my sweet girl,” she said, her voice filled with tenderness. “But remember, distance. cannot diminish the

bond that exists between us. We are connected by something far stronger than mere miles.”

| smiled through my tears, grateful for her words of reassurance. “Thank you for everything.” | said. softly, my

voice trembling with emotion. “For your love, your guidance, and your unwavering


My godmother’s smile widened, her eyes shining with pride. “It has been my honor and privilege to watch you

grow into the remarkable woman you are today,” she said, her voice filled with warmth. “And though our time

together may be brief, know that you carry a piece of my heart with your wherever you go.”

“Sure!” | answered.

As we embraced one final time, | felt a sense of peace wash over me, knowing that no matter where life’s

journey may take us, my godmother’s love would always be a guiding light, leadinghome.

“That reminds me, it seems you both have gotten together, right?”

“Who is that?” | didn’t understand what she meant right away. Or, should | say | knew what she was talking

about and just decided to act like | didn't..

“Who else? Carlyle, of course.”

As Athena inquired about my relationship with Carlyle, | couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation wash over

me. Despite the recent harmony we'd found, a lingering fear gnawed at the edges of my mind like a persistent


12:05 sat, 2 Mar FR

Chapter 78


“We're... we're good now,” | admitted hesitantly, my voice betraying the uncertainty that churned within me.

“It’s obvious. | can see fiar. She pointed at the mark lingering around my neck and | blushed.

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“But | can’t shake this feeling of apprehension.”

Athena regardedwith a mixture of concern and understanding, her eyes soft with empathy. “What are you

afraid of, my dear?” she asked gently, her voice a soothing melody in the midst of my turmoil.

| hesitated, unsure of where to begin. The weight of my fears felt heavy upon my shoulders, a burden | had

carried for far too long. “I'm scared,” | confessed, my voice barely above a whisper, “of what the future holds. Of

the responsibilities that cwith being the pack Luna.”

Athena nodded in understanding, her expression thoughtful. “Leading others can be a daunting task,” she

agreed, her voice filled with wisdom born of years of experience. “But remember, my dear, you are not alone in

this journey. You have the support of your mate, your pack, and those who love you dearly.”

| sighed, the tension in my shoulders easing slightly at her words of reassurance. “I know,” | replied. softly, “but

sometimes it feels like the weight of the world rests upon my shoulders. What if I'm not strong enough? What if |

make a mistake?”

Athena reached out and took my hand in hers, her touch a comforting anchor amidst the storm of my fears.

“Strength is not measured by the absence of fear, but by the courage to face it head-on.” she said, her voice

steady and unwavering. “And remember, my dear, mistakes are simply opportunities for growth and learning.

Trust in yourself, and trust in the journey that lies ahead.”

As | listened to Athena's words of wisdom, a sense of calm washed over me, like a gentle tide lapping at the

shore. In her presence, | found solace and strength, a beacon of hope in the darkness that threatened to engulf


With her guidance and support, | knew that I could face whatever challenges lay ahead with courage and

determination. And as we sat together in the warmth of the firelight, | felt a renewed sense of purpose stirring

within me, a flicker of hope amidst the uncertainty that shrouded my path.

| and Mason bade Athena our byes and we returned to the main pack, our abode.

As | watched Athena's figure disappear into the distance, a sense of longing lingered in the air, like the echo of

her presence fading into the night. | was so going to miss her. Lost in my thoughts, | barely noticed Raina’s

approach until she stood before me, her expression filled with a familiar mix of defiance and resentment.

“Raina,” | greeted her cautiously, my voice tinged with weariness.

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