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Alphas Second Chance Mate Sidonie Carlyle

Chapter 96
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Chapter 96


It was high t| reported to the Queen Mother about the duties she sent me. Normally, | ought to report to her

immediately | returned that sday or very early the next day, but | didn’t. The events of the day had left me

feeling drained and unsettled, and | had needed stto gather my thoughts before facing


Heading to her place at a later time, | could only hope that Varef wasn’t there since he wouldn't cease to use any

opportunity he gets against me. | could say the Queen Mother won't give in to him and the case should turn


As | made my way to the Queen Mother's chambers, a sense of apprehension gnawed at my insides, threatening

to consme with its relentless grip..

Upon getting to the ornate doors that led to the Queen Mother's chambers, my heart pounded in my chest like a

drumbeat of impending doom. | couldn’t shake the feeling of dread that clung tolike a shadow as | carried

every single step


But | squared my shoulders and straightened my spine, summoning every ounce of courage and determination

that | possessed. Whatever happens, I've always survived.

With a deep breath, | stepped into the Queen Mother's chambers. And as | caught sight of her regal figure seated

upon her throne, | immediately lowered my head in respect.

“Canthra Minerva,” | greeted her respectfully, bowing low before her. “I'm here to report about the last order you

gave to me.”

“Quite alright, I'm all ears.”

“Just like you ordered, | moved closer to him, we talked and spent a bit long ttogether. Now, he thinks I'm

with him because of the mate bond.”

“That's good. Were you able to get anything from him?”

“Nothing definite yet. | tried inciting him against the Alpha of Moon Shadow but it didn’t work. More or less like

my words had no impact on him and I didn’t want to push it.” | paused, studying Canthra Minerva’s expression.

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“He’s so clean at heart and does everything according to protocols” | added quickly.


11:22 sat, 16 Mar

Chapter 96

“Does that mean you weren't able to do what | sent you?” She queried strongly.

D amn! Her voice was so scary here. If | couldn't justify myself, | would definitely be punished and I didn’t want

that. No knew wants a punishment from the Queen Mother.

“We can’t say that yet, Queen mother, I'm trying my best to get to him. It seems he’s a bit wary ofat the

moment due to howmet and my identity. He knows I'm a Canthrastra.”

A sudden knock on her door interrupted our conversation.

“It's Varef.” The voice cfrom outside. Oh heavens, why now? The mere mention of Varef’s nsent a chill

down my spine, a cold reminder of the simmering tension that lingered between us like a storm cloud on the h


| exchanged a fleeting glance with the Queen Mother silently making prayers to the Moon Goddess that things

work in my favour.

“Allow him entry,” she commanded, her voice ringing out with quiet authority.


Quickly, | moved to obey her command, crossing the chamber to unbolt the door. and allow Varef entry. As the

door opened to reveal his presence, a surge of tension filled the air like a thick and suffocating force.

Varef entered the chamber with a confident stride, his gaze sweeping over us with a predatory gleam in his eyes.

“Apologies for the interruption, Queen Mother,” he said smoothly with an obvious feigned courtesy. “But | felt it

necessary to speak with you regarding a matter of utmost importance.”

The Queen Mother regarded him with a cool detachment, her expression unreadable as she gestured for him to


“Speak, Varef,” she said.

“Oh no,


| can see you're talking with Amelia. Why don’t you conclude with her

Da mmit! Why has this creature been a bane to my simple life? | couldn't help but smirk inwardly.

“That's right.” Queen mother directed her gaze at me.

“After all you said, I'll say you still don’t have the skill to do what | sent you. You


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Chapter 96



need more definite wats. You e got everything as a Canthrastra and as a lady. Use your brains! Define your

methods!” She warned and | couldn’t help but lower my head. | wasn’t expecting any praises from her earlier, so

I wasn’t that hurt when she howled at me.

Varef's lips curled into a sly smirk as he turned his attention to me, his eyes narrowing with undisguised malice.

“That reminds me, Amelia,” he said, his voice dripping with venom. “I couldn't help but notice your delayed

report to the Queen Mother. Is there something you're hiding?”

My heart clenched in my chest at his words, a sickening feeling of dread settling in the pit of my stomach. | knew

that Varef would not hesitate to use any opportunity to undermine me, to cast doubt upon my loyalty and

competence in the eyes of the Queen Mother.

But despite the fear that threatened to consme, | refused to back down.

“There is nothing to hide, Varef,” | replied evenly and steadily despite the tremor of unease that ran through me.

“I merely needed stto gather my thoughts before reporting to the Queen Mother.”

Varef's smirk widened into a predatory grin, his eyes gleaming with malicious amusement. “Of course, Amelia,”

he said with sarcasm. “I'm sure you had your reasons. And by gathering your thoughts, you mean...” He trailed


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| knew exactly what he was trying g to do but | wouldn't give him that chance

| gritted my teeth against the urge to lash out at him, to defend myself against his baseless accusations. But |

knew that to do so would only play into his hands, giving him the satisfaction of seeingfalter under his


Instead, | held my head high, meeting his gaze with a steely resolve. No matter what obstacles he threw in my

path, | would not waver.

“You're not saying anything, Amelia” he spoke again, getting my anger to its peak.

| glanced at Canthra Minerva and | saw that she was expecting my answer to Varef’s question. Quickly, | averted

my gaze, staring at the ground

How do | tell them that | was really affected by being with Donald all day long? How did | tell them that | had a

hard tcontrolling my wolf the whole t| was around him?



Sat, o Mar

Chapter 96



“Don’t tellyou got attracted to him for real” Varef began walking around me, testing my patience.

“Is that what happened? Were you going crazy with the need to touch him? With the feeling to have him all to

yourself? Or with...”

“Watch what you say!” | yelled, pulling at his clothes with my weapons out open in the air. | really couldn't hold it



“Amelia!” Canthra Minerva growled at me, glaring daggers.

Oh, Goddess, what have | done? | just broke the rule and there was no doubt that punishment awaited me.