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And Then There Were Four (Lilith Carrie)

Chapter 135
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Chapter 135: Metting Trixie Cassie.

The moment we appeared in the realm of the gods, I found myself taken aback by the sights in front

me. Rolling green hills and high mountains lined the vicinity. The white marble cathedral styled

buildings and architecture were breathtaking. The one thing, though, which struck me the most, was

how kind Freya was. I had never met her in person, but I had heard stories my mother had told me of

the kind of woman she was.

How she was kind and caring. How she was a mother figure to all that were around her. I wasn’t

looking to get close to anyone, but something about her made me want to trust her. Something about

her was familiar.

The moment she guided me down the hall, I found myself in a void of tunnel vision unable to take in the

marvels of the area. As much as someone may have been excited to take in the new place we were

going to be residing, I couldn’t.

The only thing playing through my mind was Melissa was gone, and I had killed her. How was I

supposed to be excited or even interested in being here when I had done one of the worst things

someone could have possibly done?

Every now and again, she turned to glance at me as if checking if I was okay, and when we stopped at

Lucas’ room and he expected me to follow him, it honestly made me despise him even more.

The audacity of him to expect me to be okay with everything that happened, and jump at the

opportunity to be his mate, was fucking ridiculous. I was glad Freya came to my rescue. She made it

clear I was able to choose my own path and it gave me more confidence in the whole mate situation.

“Here we are.” Her voice pulled me out of my thoughts as we stopped before a large black wooden

door with a black steel handle. From the outside, someone would have thought it was a dungeon door,

and part of me expected it to be, but when she opened the door, I was surprised by the site in front of


The room was large, far larger than the guys had been, and on the farthest wall sat billowing black

sheer curtains leading to an open door with a balcony. Glancing at Freya, she gestured for me to enter,

and as I did, I took a hesitant step.

Dark oak floors were decorated with white, black, and gray fur rugs. In the center of the room, sat

against the longest of the walls, was a massive black four poster bed with the same sheer curtains

hanging from the railings that hung by the open balcony doorway.

It was more than I could have asked for, and turning to Freya I frowned in confusion.

“Why is my room bigger than theirs?”

She paused for a moment, opening and closing her mouth. before shrugging her shoulders. “We

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figured you could use more space. Plus, you have a small living room set off to the side here, and even

an art station to continue your work-”

“I doubt I will be able to paint again,” I murmured, casting my

eyes from the paint station they had set up for me, towards the balcony that called my name.

Stepping through the billowing black curtains, I let the cool air of the afternoon sun greet me. From the

looks of it, their time was different from ours back home, but the sun was slowly setting and as it

touched the tops of the mountains, wondered if I would lose control here just like I did back home.

“Cassie, I know that you’re upset and I’m sorry you lost your friend, but you can’t let that stop you from

controlling the life you have ahead of you.”

Sneering in disgust at the thought, I shook my head. “How can possibly think of a life ahead of me

when I killed the person | loved?”

Turning to her, she gave me a sad smile and sighed. “I wish | could bring her back for you, but I can’t.

Everything happens for a reason, and because she had a pure soul, I can promise you she will be

reborn one day.”.

“Reborn?” I asked, pausing at the idea. “What do you mean?”

“You don’t honestly think that when you die that’s just it?” The laughter that escaped her I didn’t find

amusing. I wasn’t asking for her to laugh at me. I didn’t know how things worked. My parents only ever

told me what I was supposed to know and nothing else.

“I don’t see what’s so amusing.”

Taking a moment, she cleared her throat and sighed. “When you die, you’re reborn, or at least most of

you are. Melissa, like some of the others who are pure-hearted, are given this opportunity.”

Hearing this made me feel slightly better, but it didn’t stop the ache in my heart from the loss of my

friend. “Oh. So am | going to be when I die?”

Freya hesitated a moment, before opening and closing her mouth again before simply smiling.

“That’s a conversation for another day, but don’t worry, it’s nothing for you to bother with right now. All I

want you to do is to get situated in your new room.”

Before I could reply a soft voice called out from inside my room. “Knock knock!”

Stepping towards the open door, I peered through the sheer black curtains and frowned. A girl stood

there about my age with bright electric blue hair that sat in two buns on the top of her head, her eyes a

hypnotically glowing green.

“Who are you?” I asked before glancing back at Freya.

“This is your assistant for your entire time here. She will tell you anything you need to know and be

here to help you get situated. I have a feeling you both will get along very well.” Freya replied before

quickly making her way towards the door.

Running after her, I grabbed her wrist before she could leave my room, and watched as she turned to

me with the kindest eyes I had ever seen. “Cassie-”

“Tell me that I’m not making a mistake being here… Tell me you can fix me.”

Freya’s eyes glanced up towards the young woman in the room. “Help her get ready for dinner.”

She refused to answer my question and as my grip on her slipped, I watched her disappear down the

hallway, out of sight. The silence of my question was almost an answer on its own, and with every bit of

hope slipping from me, I quickly realized there was a chance I would never leave this place.

“So-” the girl said cheerfully. “I hope you like the room. It took forever to get things right, but I did

manage to get most of your stuff-”

Spinning to face her, I frowned in confusion. “Most of my stuff?”

“Uh-yep.” She nodded. “I couldn’t bring everything from your room, of course, but your mother helped

me pack everything she thought you would want.”

“You saw my mother… And she helped you pack my stuff?”

The girl raised a brow with a smirk on her lips as she scoffed with laughter. “That’s what I said… Did

you hit your head on the way here?”

Did I hit my head? Was she being serious right now?

“No. I just didn’t know some random girl was going to go through my stuff.”

“Oh, I didn’t.” She laughed. “Well, not most of it, anyway. Your mom picked it out, and I snapped my

fingers and brought it here.”

This girl was overly excited about what she did, and I could tell she was being as nice as she could be

but something about her was off. From her perky personality to her hippy style clothing. I couldn’t help

but wonder if she was one of those peace, love, and freedom kind of people.

“What’s your name?” I asked with a sigh as I tried to make the most of my situation.

“Trixie,” she replied confidently, her green eyes locked onto me as I slowly moved towards the

bathroom. I couldn’t say I had ever heard someone with the name Trixie before, but it definitely fit her.

“Cute name.” The moment I stepped in front of the mirror, shock crossed my face. I didn’t recognize the

woman looking back at me. Dried blood and cuts lined my skin as mud caked parts of my hair and

small leaves nestled inside.

No wonder Freya wanted to let me get refreshed before dinner.

“Yeah, you kind of look like shit.” Trixie’s comment caused me to glare at her and as I did, she simply

shrugged her shoulders. “Hey, would you rather me lie to you?”

The comment was something Melissa used to say to me all the time, and hearing Trixie say it triggered

the pain in my chest to radiate again as I tried to push it down. Seeing I was obviously upset, she

stepped closer to me and stared at me in the mirror.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Hey, it’s okay. We can get you cleaned up, and looking like you in no time. Come on, let me show you

the most amazing part of this entire room.”

I wasn’t sure what she considered to be amazing, but as she walked past me towards another door in

the bathroom, she opened it and quickly disappeared from sight. Furrowing my brows, I followed, and

when I stepped towards the open door, my mouth dropped. It was a closet, and the damn thing was the

size of my room back home.

“Holy shit.”

“I know right.” Trixie laughed, looking around. “I stocked it with your clothes from home, of course, but

there was still so much room, so I went shopping and filled the rest. Everything is exactly your size, and

since you didn’t have much in the way of jewelry,”

Watching Trixie skip towards a huge cabinet near a lit up vanity mirror, she pressed buttons and the

cabinet opened to reveal a massive jewelry box adorned with more sparkling jewels than I had ever

seen. “What in the hell…”

“I know it’s amazing, right!” Trixie laughed. “I couldn’t resist myself when it came to shopping, and your

grandfather said to get whatever.”

Pulling back from admiring the jewelry, I raised a brow and shook my head. “Do me a favor, Trixie.

Never call him that again. I don’t care if we share DNA. He isn’t my grandfather.”

“Oh, hostility… No worries. I’ll just use first names then.”

This girl was something else, and as I looked through the clothing in the room, I picked out what I

would change into after my shower. “So what are you, anyway?”

“What do you mean?” She tried on some of the jewelry in the cabinet. Her obliviousness to my question

causing me to stop in my tracks and stare at her as if she was stupid.

“I mean-” Gesturing towards her ears and overall appearance. My question seemed to click, and she

began to laugh hysterically.

“Oh! You mean like what am I… Well, I’m a Pixie.”

She had to be joking. “Trixie the Pixie?” I snorted, watching as she rolled her eyes.

“Yes, yes. I know.” Shrugging though, my comment didn’t seem to bother her. “My parents are hippies,

and I kind of am, too. Regardless, they weren’t very original and with them being free spirits, they

decided to keep it easy.”

“No kidding…”

With a heavy sigh, I grabbed my underwear and made my way towards the shower. I was expected to

attend dinner, and if I didn’t get moving now, I was never going to be ready. Stopping at the door to the

closet, I looked at Trixie, waiting for her to disperse.

“Oh-” She grinned as she stood to her feet, seeing I was patiently waiting. “I’ll go ahead and check on

some things. I’ll be back in like thirty minutes?”

Nodding my head, I watched as she sheepishly backed out of the bathroom and disappeared from

sight. The sound of my bedroom door closing causing me to finally let out a small laugh.

She was something else, and perhaps someone I could get along with

She’d never be Melissa, though.