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And Then There Were Four (Lilith Carrie)

Chapter 158
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Chapter 158. A Puce for an Alpha


I was never a man who cared for envying other people and in all honesty, I had been a complete

asshole over the past few weeks. Not only while being here, but also before we came here. My sister

was my twin, and even though we were completely different and irritated the shit out of each other, I

couldn’t tell her no.

The way she looked at me with pleading eyes asking me to help her because she believed more than

anything that Lu- cas was being controlled, I couldn’t say no. I couldn’t let her down and not help her

when she needed it most.

Even though I thought she was full of shit… even though I thought this was all pointless.

“You’re doing the right thing, Lux.” Trixie’s voice pulled me from my thoughts as she came to sit next to

me at the table in the dining hall. I had been so against her initially, but the last few days, I had spent

more time with her because of every- thing going on with Cassie.

She wasn’t like I had expected her to be and when I stared at her glowing green eyes and electric blue

hair, I saw a wom- an far more exotic and beautiful than I ever saw before. A woman who was capable

of so much, and yet had been so vastly misunderstood.

“Am I, though? I can’t help but feel she is wasting her time.”

Trixie sighed as she stared at me. I didn’t understand why she was so willing to stand by Cassie in this

charade of trying to help a man who didn’t even want to be her mate. It was em- barrassing, and all she

was doing was hurting herself even further.

“People act weird when they are in love, and even if he doesn’t want her, Cassie has a good heart. If

you haven’t been able to tell already, Cassie sees things in people others over- look.”

There was something in Trixie’s eyes as she spoke that made me wonder if she was slightly directing

that at me. If she wasn’t trying to say I overlooked things, and maybe also that I was acting weird.

All of it confused me to be honest, and as I tried to wrap my head around everything going on, Lucas

walked back into the dining hall with Zia on his arm and every part of me want- ed to lose control. Every

part of me wanted to rip him apart for what he was doing to my sister, and he must have felt my anger

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because when he looked at me, he smirked.

“Don’t…” Trixie softly placed a hand on my arm, “let it go. We are supposed to be helping her, not

making things worse.”

“I can’t fucking stand him. Even before we came here, Lu- cas was nothing but a thorn in my side. So

many times I had the chance to get rid of him, and yet… I couldn’t.”

Standing to my feet, I gripped the edge of the table and stared at Lucas, who sat with a group of kids

on the far side of the dining hall. His arm, still draped around Zia. She kissed his neck as if they were

thoroughly in love.

The entire sight sickened me, and it made me want to rip him apart even more. But before I could do

anything, Trixie stood beside me, her hand tightening around my arm. “Come on… let’s get out of


Every part of me was screaming the moment Trixie touched me. Begging to leave with her and forget

all of the troubles I had. Yet, I was scared.

Scared of what my future would be like and how people would view me because of her.

“Okay,” I sighed as I let her lead me from the hall. “Where are we going?”

She smiled, giving a small laugh as we made our way to- wards the front door of the school, and out

into the evening air. “You’re going to go back to your room. You have had a long day, and the last few

days haven’t been easy-”

“My room? Trixie,” I replied softly as she gripped my arm tighter and pulled me forward.

“No buts about it, sir. You are Mr. Grumpypants right now, and that isn’t safe for anyone.” Her teasing

remark was cute, and hearing her speak the way she was made me smile.

Silence filled us with small bits of banter here and there, and I finally found myself feeling comfortable

with a woman for the first time in a long time. She was so different from the other women I had known,

and honestly, it was refreshing.

“Can I say something?” I asked her, listening to her chuck- le as she nodded her head.

“You don’t have to ask if you can ask me something, Lux. Just ask the question.”

Glancing at her, the amused smile that crossed her lips. made a warm rush of feeling pass over me.

Even in a simple pair of leggings and an oversized shirt I was pretty sure was designer even though it

looked like it came out of the garbage–she was hot.

“Right,” I smiled, “well, if you want, you can come up… I’m just going to catch up on some work. Maybe

you can help me with some of the magic stuff.”

One may have thought my mind was in the gutter, but it wasn’t. I enjoyed Trixie’s company even though

she was ener- getic at times and often annoyed others around her. To me, I found it comforting to be

around her.

Maybe the mate bond pulled me closer to her, or maybe it was just because she was a nice girl and our

conversations were usually entertaining.

Taking a moment to consider what I offered her, she smiled, nodding her head with her hands clasped

behind her back. “Sure, I mean, from what I heard, you suck at magic.”

Laughter escaped me at her words, and though at one point in time I would have been pissed by what

she said, I wasn’t. She had a point, and in all honesty, my magic was nowhere as strong as my sisters.

“Well, maybe with your tutoring, I won’t suck.”

As we walked up the steps to the building Cassie and I stayed in, I carried on the same casual

conversation I had with her before. From magic spells to summoning objects, she filled me in on

everything going on and also what I was doing wrong.

“No, you’re not supposed to do that. You need to take deep breaths before releasing…”

“Is that right?” I asked her as we stepped into my room. Her mischievous eyes rolled as she shoved me

a little and be- gan to let her eyes scan my room, taking in every inch of what I had around that gave

way to who I was.

“You have so much stuff,” she murmured, letting her fin- gers dance along the photos on the wall and

the items on my dresser. Since being here, I had been able to get someone un- der Odin to acquire a

few more things from my home, includ- ing family photos and sentimental items.

All things Cassie had no idea I had gotten, seeing as she was being a bitch to me.

“Yeah, I had someone collect some things for me from my house,” I replied, averting my eyes due to

the guilt slowly forming thinking about Cassie.

“Your sister doesn’t have any photos or anything,” Trixie murmured as she turned to me. “You had

these brought re- cently?”

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Confusion caused me to furrow my brows as I tried to un- derstand how it was she knew I had recently

gotten these things. I hadn’t let anyone know I did simply because it wasn’t their business, but for her to

know this meant she had been in my room before. “How would you know?”

“Because I was the one who decorated it to begin with,” she said as a smirk fell across her lips that

made my gut twist with anticipation.

My entire life, I had waited for my mate, and since I had first laid eyes on Trixie, I had avoided taking

her as mine. avoided letting our relationship bloom because I wante something unattainable.

Something fate didn’t mean for m to have. That guilt alone ate at me, but now with her standing before


I didn’t want to hold back. I didn’t want to waste any more time with her.

Rushing forward, I let my hands grab the side of her face as I crashed my lips against hers. Her soft,

plump lips moved against mine as our tongues battled for control–the taste of her driving my wolf crazy

as I sought to have more.

Walking her backward until the backs of her thighs hit the bed, she fell, panting as she looked up at me,

her hands help- ing her crawl backward a bit until I came down over her. My body hovered over hers as

I took in every inch of her face.

“I want you,” I whispered, watching a smile cross her lips I had been worried about seeing. Part of me

thought in the end, she might be disgusted about being my mate, but look- ing at her now, I knew that

she wasn’t.

“I wondered how long it would take for you to accept me,” she whispered as her hands reached up to

the sides of my face, slowly pulling it down towards her own. “Let’s not wait anymore.”

Letting my lips gently press against hers, our tongues danced in a gentle motion, my hands running up

and down her body as I relished in the moment with her. The moment I had waited my entire life for.

The moment I would be with my mate and claim her as mine forever.

Piece by piece, our clothing was stripped from our bodies and fell to the floor. Our limbs weaved

together in a battle for dominance as I made her moan over and over again. Her back arched as her

perky round breasts bounced with every thrust I made inside her.

She had accepted me, and as I allowed the knot in my cock to form, locking us in place, I pulled her up

closer to my body, impaling her harder and harder until she was crying in pain, begging for her release.

With a scream of ecstasy and a roar of pleasure from my throat, I sunk my teeth deep into her neck

and marked her as my own.

A pixie for an Alpha and a mate for a lifetime.