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Bad Love an Alpha’s Regret by Elise Sinclair

Chapter 330
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Chapter 330


I don’t go right downstairs for breakfast. I go across the hall to my

own room and into my own bathroom so I can shower Axel’s scent

and the smell of lust off my skin.

I can’t believe I forgot for even a second that I was handcuffed to

that bastard’s bed.

I can’t believe I actually fell asleep, let alone cuddled up to him.

And when I woke up in his arms, was my first reaction disgust or loathing as it should have been?

No, my wolf and my desires had betrayed me, leaving me not only susceptible to his seductions, but

returning them with



I’m so disgusted with myself, I can barely look in the mirror.

I stand under the shower spray for a ridiculously long time.

Anywhere else, the hot water would have run out ages ago, but the mansion’s supply of hot water is

basically endless, so all l

Chapter 330


manage to do is end up with wrinkly prune fingers and climb out

feeling like a wet dog, all bedraggled and miserable.

I dress and then head downstairs, glad to hear from the chattering housekeepers that Axel has already

left the mansion.

Except then I hear someone say something about vampires seen lurking at the Southern edges of

Rathborn territory, and I worry for the pack, especially with Aaron gone.

What if the vampires try something because they know we’re without our Alpha?

But then I remember how Axel is actually Axiel Mercier, Slayer, and I hate that I immediately feel safer.

Damn it!

Axel shouldn’t make me feel safe.

I should be terrified of him.

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I am terrified of him, and I need to remember how I maybe need to escape before he finds out the truth

of what happened to me when the old Roberts Alpha performed all those twisted

experiments on me.

Because where Axel and I are concerned, the truth will mean a death sentence for me.

Chapter 330


I head into the smaller, informal dining room and find Jessica

finishing up breakfast while reading something on a tablet.

“I hope you’re on social media and not already taking care of pack.

business,” I tell her as I start putting food on my plate from the

buffet to the side of the room.

“Pack business,” Jessica sighs forlornly. “I can’t even remember the last time I opened any of those


A sharp wave of guilt cuts through me at her words.

I’ve been so caught up in my own problems and Axel, that I

haven’t really been pulling my weight where the pack duties are


I need to do better for my best friend’s sake.

“How did you sleep?” Jessica asks me as I sit down at the table.

“Terribly,” I mutter into my breakfast, before pouring myself a

much–needed cup of coffee.

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that,” Jessica says with a frown. “Was it anything in particular keeping you


“Well, first I had a nightmare,” I tell her, trying not to remember the scary details of that dream. “But that

wasn’t even the worst part. After, I went down to the kitchen to get a drink of water and Axel

thought I was planning to escape and go running again.”

Chapter 330


Jessica frowns, as if she can guess what’s coming next. She probably assumes Axel simply locked me

in my room again.

If only he had, I wouldn’t have found myself in an impossible

situation with him yet again.

“I tried to tell him I wasn’t planning to leave, but he wouldn’t listen. He took me upstairs to his room and

handcuffed me to the bed


“He did what?” Jessica demands incredulously, clearly appalled

on my behalf.

“At this point, I’m not even surprised at the lengths he’s willing to go to in order to uphold Aaron’s order

to keep me in line.”

“But restraining you like that,” Jessica says, shaking her head. “That’s crossing a line. Anyone would be

able to see that.”

“Anyone except Aaron,” I mumble, thinking my brother would probably find those tactics perfectly

acceptable considering the things I’d heard he’d done to Leah before he’d fallen in love with


“Are you going to tell him?” Jessica asks in a quiet voice.

“Aaron?” I clarify, before Jessica nods. “What’s the point? Even if Aaron disagreed with Axel’s

treatment of me, my brother is in Romania and there’s not much he can do from there. Besides, I’m

Chapter 330


pretty sure Aaron wouldn’t disagree with Axel’s tactics anyway.”

“Sometimes I think these Alphas would do with being taken down

a peg or two,” Jessica says, leaning forward and saying the words

quietly, as if scared of being overheard. “I’m never going to mate

an Alpha. Give me a nice Beta–like my brother–any day. There

aren’t enough truly good men in this world any longer.”

“I agree,” I say, clinking my coffee cups against hers.

For a second, I think about pressing the issue.

Maybe I can get her to help me convince Aaron I don’t need a


That Axel monitoring my every move–and punishing me when he

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thinks I’ve stepped out of line–isn’t helping me at all. Maybe only

making things worse.

However, if she’s still in a mind of agreeing with Axel because he’s acting on behalf of Aaron while he’s

away, and the Alpha must always be obeyed, then there’s every chance she’ll simply tell wither Aaron

or Axel himself about my complaints, and then I’ll end up in even more trouble than I’m already in.

I don’t want to keep living like this.

Axel thinks the worst of me–as demonstrated last night when I was punished for something I wasn’t

even doing–so if he knows I’m talking about him behind his back, complaining about my

Chapter 330

treatment, he would probably just scoff and say I brought it on myself.


It doesn’t help that everything that happened last night and this morning has left me restless in a way

that’s not easy to settle.

I gulp down my breakfast and drain my coffee, and then before I’ve even made a conscious decision, I

find myself walking toward the French doors leading out to the garden.

“Emily, where are you going?” Jessica asks, a hint of worry in her voice.

I turn back and look at my oldest friend.

I know she probably doesn’t get it, but I hope she understands


“I need to run, Jessica. After last night, I just need to shift and get away for a bit. After that, I’ll come

back and train and see to pack. business, just like Aaron and Axel want me to.”

Jessica stares at me for a long moment, and I can see her

weighing the options.

“Okay,” she eventually concedes. “But if Axel asks, I never saw

you this morning.”

“Thanks, Jessica,” I say gratefully, sending her a smile before stepping out into the early spring


Chapter 330


The air smells sweet and the sun has just a hint of warmth to it- exactly what I need.

It’ll help me forget last night and make everything seem better.

If only I could forget the way Axel makes me feel just as easily.


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