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Becoming the Richest Man Alive

Chapter 117
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Wendy took the bag of clothes from Casper and handed it directly to Sarah.

Sarah’s cheeks flushed a bright crimson. It did not matter whether she took back the clothes or not.

She had lost the battle.

While she was hesitating, Wendy forced the bag into her hands.

“Fine! Just you wait!”

Eyes twitching, and with a grim expression on his face, Fabian issued the threat through gritted teeth.

“Oh, we will! See you after school tomorrow. If you have the balls, that is!” Casper, who had stayed

silent the whole time, shouted in response.

Fabian stopped in his tracks. Looking back, he grimaced. “It’s on, punk! Let’s see who’s the coward


“Perfect! Tycoon Hotel’s parking lot tomorrow! We can talk then!” Casper cast them a suggestive wink

as he spoke.

“Hmph! I’ll make sure we have a good one!” Fabian scoffed and stormed off.

Sarah followed closely behind Fabian. Seeing how angry he got, she dared not say a word.

“Casper, you’re rushing into things. This…”

Wendy expressed her disagreement. Nothing good would come out from a showdown.

“It’s okay. Everyone must take responsibility for what they say,” Casper said on a serious note.

He did not mind how Sarah and Fabian treated him because he was familiar with their crummy attitude.

But he could not forgive them for being rude toward Wendy.

Besides, he knew just what to do to teach them a lesson. And since Fabian and Silas knew each other,

that would only make things easier.

“Hey, don’t worry about it, Wendy. Casper knows what he’s doing.”

Felix chuckled. His wife had surely made him proud this time.

They bade farewell to Wendy after a bit of coaxing, and eventually, the two men returned to their dorm

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“Oh, gosh! That feels good! So, so good!”

Casper exclaimed with joy once he got back. He was on cloud nine.

“What’s got you in such a good mood?”

Remy, who had just come back from the bathroom, joined their conversation. Have you won the lottery

or something? You two are certainly in high spirits.

“Heheh! I guess you don’t know. Let me tell you…”

And so Casper, hardly containing his joy, relayed everything that had happened just a moment ago to

Remy, who got so surprised as each event unfolded that he eventually burst into laughter too.

“Haha! I feel so sorry for you, Felix!”

Remy smirked as he patted Felix on the shoulder.

“What are you blathering about? You should be happy for me! We don’t get many girls like that

anymore, and I’m lucky to have her as my wife!” Felix huffed.

Geez, what’s there to be sorry for?

“Haha! Just think about it. As you said, Wendy is terrific, but after you two tie the knot, are you sure

you’ll be treated like a king? Dream on, man. You’ll be kneeling before her every day!”

Casper froze. Then, he looked at Felix and nodded sympathetically. Remy had a point!

“I…” Felix had to concede, but still, he spoke in support of his wife. “I’ll be happy to kneel for her!

There’s no one I want to take as a wife if it’s not Wendy! She’s charming, courageous, and she’s my


Casper gladly gave him a thumbs up, although he could see how Felix would be suffering in his

married life.

“Oh, right. Hey, Casper. You said you’re meeting Fabian for a showdown?”

Remy furrowed his brows when he heard that.

“Yeah. It’ll be fine. Let’s just see how I’m going to deal with him tomorrow! You guys should come and

bring as many people as you can!”

Casper was grinning as he spoke.

“Yes, we probably should do that. I heard Fabian’s familiar with the local thugs. It would be bad if they

outnumbered us,” Remy said after giving it some thought.

“What? No, no! I’m not asking you to join the fight. I mean to gather a crowd! You know, to watch the

show!” Casper chuckled at the minor misunderstanding.

“You want a crowd?”

Both Remy and Felix were stunned to hear that. So… by then it’ll be the four of us versus the lot of

them. What will the crowd be watching?

“Just leave it to me. I’ve got it all planned out!”

A wicked smile spread across Casper’s face. If I don’t beat them all into a pulp tomorrow, then I haven’t

truly lived!

Just then, Colton entered the room. Adjusting his glasses, he voiced his support for Casper. “We’ll do

what Casper wants us to. When has he ever let us down?”

Upon hearing that, the four of them exchanged glances and came to an agreement, a mischievous grin

emerged on each of their faces.

The next day, nothing out of the ordinary happened at school. The day went by peacefully, but

everything changed once school hours ended in the afternoon.

The time for the showdown was inching closer.

“All set?”

In one of the rooms at Tycoon Hotel, Casper and his gang were having a meeting. Stallion and Elena

were in the room too.

“Yes, we’ve got everything arranged according to your instructions,” Elena replied.

“Relax, Casper! I’ll give them what they want, and they won’t even see what’s coming for them! Bunch

of brazen fools! These thugs don’t even know who they’re messing with!” Stallion raged on.

“Alright, looks like it’s almost time. Everybody, get to your stations!” Casper said confidently.

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Stallion and Elena left the room after that.

“Casper, what exactly are you planning to do?”

Felix was still puzzled about the whole thing. From the way Casper sounded, it was like he really

wanted the thugs to wreck his shop.

By half-past five in the evening, the sky was still bright. At Tycoon Hotel, which was usually

overcrowded at that hour, was now eerily silent with barely a soul to be seen.

The reason for that was because, on that glorious morning, they had hung a sign outside Tycoon Hotel

stating that the establishment would be close for one day.

Moments later, several cars could be seen coming from afar. They came to a stop in front of the main

entrance of Tycoon Hotel. A bunch of people got out from the cars with Silas and Fabian taking the


Casper had predicted that the two men were in cahoots. He knew that Fabian would enlist Silas’ help,

and the two would hit it off.

It would be what happens after that would be his time to shine.

More people got out of their cars. They looked at the tightly closed front door of Tycoon Hotel but that

did not bother them. Swinging the bats and clubs in their hands, they began smashing the glass. The

entrance was battered into a mess in mere seconds.

“What are you doing?”

Once the mob broke into the lobby, several servers came up to block their way.

“You people should scram while you still can! I’m here to collect a debt!”

Silas growled at them, but the servers bore a look of determination on their faces. They refused to


“Oh, being stubborn now, are we? Fine, you’re asking for it!”

Silas barked again. Several thugs appeared and ganged up on the servers.

But when the thugs had barely come into contact with the servers, or before they could even touch

them, the servers fell to the ground crying and squirming in agony. Anyone who did not know better

might think they were on the brink of death.