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Begging For A Reconciliation

Chapter 108
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Ian carried Leah back to the White residence. Mr. Ryan had already brought his entourage

along and was waiting for them.

“How did this happen?” Mr. Ryan searched the bruised and lifeless Leah and frowned.

He expected something like this but he didn’t think it was this bad.

Ian sighed and gave Mr. Ryan a brief explanation. He cautiously asked when he finished,

“Will she really be alright?”

“She’s not going to die,” Mr. Ryan said placidly. “The Pseudocide is taking effect. Her

organs will shut down to protect themselves. It can, to a certain degree, reduce the

internal damage done to her.”

Ian sighed in relief when he heard that Leah would survive.

“And, the antidote?” Mr. Ryan glanced up at Ian.

Leah, this fool, trusted him so much that she had handed him the antidote that could save

her life.

Ian smiled and hurriedly fished out a glass bottle from the bag, poured out the black pills

inside, and handed them to Mr. Ryan.

He took them and fed the pills to Leah but since she was unconscious, she simply could

not swallow them.

They were now in a difficult position. If she failed to take the antidote, the damage done to

her body would only get worse with every moment that passed.

“You, the Sanders boy. Come.” Mr. Ryan passed the medication in his hand to Ian. “You

feed her.”

Ian stared at the bottle in his hand in disbelief and asked, “How?”

Mr. Ryan glared at him with great hatred and spoke through gritted teeth, “Use your

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mouth, of course. How else are you going to do it? She’s not able to swallow the tablets


Ian felt bashful as he processed Mr. Ryan’s words. His eyes fell on Leah’s lips. In that short

moment, the pills in his hand felt as though they were burning coals.

“Stop being absurd. Delaying it for too long will bring her harm.” Mr. Ryan urged. Noticing

how skittish Ian was acting, he got up and walked out. “Hurry it up.”

Only Ian and Leah were left in the room. He then put the tablet into his mouth before

leaning down and pressing a kiss onto her lips.


Han laid motionless on a hospital bed in a ward in the best hospital in Linkville. The

anxious Molly Lamere was by his side.

A team of doctors came and went. They would sometimes shake their heads or frown.

Nevertheless, they all shared an expression of nervousness.

After another doctor came by to check on him, Molly grabbed the doctor and asked, “How

is he?”

“He fainted due to stress,” the doctor answered. “It isn’t anything serious but he doesn’t

want to wake up.”

Doesn’t want to wake up?

Molly glanced at Han and frowned.

So, why is he like this? Is it because of Leah?

Molly clenched her fists and fell into deep thought.

Han, meanwhile, was immersed in a dream.

Leah had never left his side in his fantasy. They had a child together and lived a fulfilling

life. She would wait for his return every day and take walks and share meals with him.

They lived like an ordinary couple.

Everything in the dream was so blissful and warm that Han felt reluctant to wake.

He remained sleeping that way for three days and seemed as if he would never rouse.

Molly was extremely anxious by that point, but there was nothing she could do. She could

only watch as he refused to eat or drink and relied solely on IV fluids to maintain his bodily

functions. If this continued, it would bring lasting harm to his body.

Besides, the sizable Howard Group was still awaiting his management.

Molly grew desperate and remembered what the doctor told her two days ago.

“If you want him to regain consciousness, find out why he passed out. Then, use it to wake

him. He will only awaken if he finds his dreams wanting compared to real life.”

Isn’t the reason for Han’s collapse Leah?

Molly looked at the motionless Han, bit her lip, walked to his side, and spoke with an

unsightly expression, “Wake up, Han. Leah is here to see you.”

“She’s not dead. She’s saying that she forgives you.” Molly felt as though she were being

repeatedly stabbed with every word that left her.

She kept mentioning Leah to Han.

And yet, there was no response.

Part of her felt happy. Was the reason for his coma not Leah?

The man’s eyelashes had begun to flutter when he heard Molly insisting, ‘She’s here. So,

please wake up.’ He sighed and slowly opened his eyes.

Molly’s joy lasted only a split second before her excitement vanished.

He awoke after all.

“You’re finally awake, Han.” Molly tried her best to smile as she greeted Han.

Han, on the other hand, dazedly scanned the ward, empty save for himself and Molly.

“Where’s Leah?” Han asked in a raspy voice.

The smile on her face stiffened.

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The look in her eyes was hateful. “She’s dead.”

Han’s expression was unpleasant. He grumpily lifted the covers and was about to get out

of bed, muttering, “No, she’s not dead. She’s fine. I’m going to her.”

“Please, Han. You should know best that she’s dead!” Molly held him by his waist and

begged, “I know you feel guilt over what happened to her, but she’s gone. Let’s just live


Han broke free of Molly’s hold on him and looked highly displeased.

All he could think of was the state Leah was in when he found her under the cliff.

Desperation. Helplessness.

“She’s only allowed death by my side,” Han spoke, his every word dripped with malice.


Half an hour after Ian was done feeding Leah the antidote, she started to regain her

steady breathing.

Only the flesh wounds on her body required treatment.

Ian ran into Mr. Ryan the moment he left the room.

“You’re done?” Mr. Ryan asked.

Ian nodded. “She should be fine once her flesh wounds are treated. It’s a good thing that

the Pseudocide had protected her internal organs. But if Han Howard finds out that she’s

not dead, he’s likely to harm her.”

“You don’t have to worry. I know this better than anyone,” Mr. Ryan said. “I will take her

with me and leave Linkville. Leave Pasteria.”

Ian raised a brow at his words. “What do you mean?”

“I will take both mother and daughter back to Melville. I’ll leave the arrangements in

Pasteria to you. From now on, she is no longer Sarah White or Leah Murray. She’s my

granddaughter,” Mr. Ryan stated solemnly.