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Billionaire’s Ex-wife : Craving You

Chapter 42
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Chapter 42
Daisy’s school finally went on a well-deserved break, and I can’t express enough how thankful I am for this timing. It’s like Fate
itself is aligning things for my benefit. This weekend, Ravel, the renowned artist, is landing in Seattle for his upcoming show next
week, and coincidentally, Daisy’s school break starts this very weekend.
I’m taking her away from this environment for the whole week.
In her adorable baby voice, Daisy asked the sweetest question, “Are we going to see grandma?”
Gazing at her through the rearview mirror, I couldn’t help but smile warmly. “Yes, darling, we’re heading to see grandma Monica.”
Her joyful squeal filled the car, and I couldn’t help but chuckle. It’s heartwarming to see how much David’s mom adores Daisy,
and the feeling is absolutely mutual.
I sang along with Daisy to the children’s rhyme, her adorable baby voice and babble almost sending me into fits of laughter.
Driving down a familiar route, we finally arrived at Monica’s place. As if she knew we were coming, Monica stood on the porch
with a beaming smile.
After switching off the engine, Monica wasted no time. She opened the door, helped Daisy out of her baby seat, and showered
her with hugs and kisses. Daisy responded with giggles, clearly delighted to see her grandma. “I’ve missed you so much,
pumpkin,” Monica exclaimed lovingly.
With a warm smile, I parked the car and approached them, eagerly anticipating my own welcome hug. “I’ve missed you too,

Monica,” I said sincerely, feeling the affection between us.
Monica patted my back affectionately while balancing Daisy on her arm. Her playful gaze shifted to Robertson, who was busy
taking Daisy’s bag inside the house. “Is he staying with us too?” she inquired curiously.
“Yes, he is.” I reassured Monica, acknowledging that I don’t usually have security around, but it’s essential for my daughter’s
safety. Robertson acts like Daisy’s constant companion, and I trust him implicitly. “Don’t worry, he blends in seamlessly.”
Monica waved off my explanation, inviting us inside with the promise of catching up and a late lunch she had prepared. However,
I had to be honest, “I’m sorry, Monica, but I have to head back to the city.” Her face fell, prompting me to embrace her gently. “I
promise, I’ll make a conscious effort to visit more often,” especially now that Daisy is here for the week,
She frowned, expressing her skepticism. “You always say that,” Monica argued, a hint of a pour on her face. “You promise to
visit, but you never do.” Her disappointment was evident, and I knew I had to make a genuine effort to change that perception.
“I really mean it this time,” I assured Monica with sincerity as Daisy wriggled out of her arms and ran to Robertson, who lifted her
up playfully. “I have to leave now if I want to make it to the office on time for my meeting.”
Understanding my responsibilities, Monica nodded with a glint of empathy in her eyes. “You work just as hard as David does,”

she acknowledged. Not quite sure how to respond to that comparison, I simply smiled, kissed Daisy goodbye, and drove away.
One of the reasons I haven’t been spending much time with Monica is her persistent desire to convince me to date David.
Changing the car’s music to something more classical, I made my way back to the office. However, upon my arrival, I noticed
that most of the staff were already wrapping up for the day. Deciding to finish up a few things, I stepped into my office to make
the most of the remaining time.
Agatha greeted me as she entered my office a few minutes after me. “Are you working overtime today?” she inquired curiously.
“I didn’t come to the office this morning, so I thought I might as well get some work done tonight,” I replied, realizing I should
have grabbed some coffee on my way in. “Is David still around?”

Chapter 42
“No, he left about an hour ago,” Agatha informed me, setting a box on my table. Intrigued, I raised an eyebrow, wondering who
the box was from. “It’s from Mr. Southwark’s office,” she explained, “an exclusive invitation for the exhibition.”
Opening the box, I blinked rapidly as I peered inside. “Ravel sent me an invitation,” I said in disbelief. Agatha nodded and
pointed to another larger box on my sofa, which I hadn’t even noticed until then. “The invitation came with both boxes,” she
added, leaving me pleasantly surprised by the gesture.
As I slowly approached the larger box on the sofa, a hunch told me what it might contain. Undoing the ribbon, I opened it to find
the latest Versace dress collection inside. My eyes locked on the striking red dress, and I couldn’t help but lift it up in awe.
Suppressing my excitement, I asked Agatha when it had arrived.
“Mr. Southwark dropped it off himself around noon,” she informed me. “I wanted to call you, but he seemed to be in a hurry.”
“Oh...” I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of disappointment that I had missed meeting him. “That’s alright,” I replied, trying to brush
it off. Placing the dress back into the box, I instructed Agatha to send the boxes to my car trunk. Handing her the car key, I said,
“Once you’re done, you’re free to leave.”
With a subtle nod, she effortlessly lifted the box, her eyes reflecting a mix of uncertainty and determination. “Are you planning to
attend the event? I need to know, so I can make sure your schedule is free.”.
I found no compelling reason not to attend, despite the memories of our last dinner together that ended on a sour note. I knew it
was time to let go of animosity and move forward. Our marriage had faltered, but that didn’t necessitate a perpetual state of
“Yes,” I replied, the words leaving my lips with newfound clarity, “I’ll be attending the event.”
Agatha acknowledged my response with a knowing nod. “In that case, I’ll have to inform David as well, so he can make
“No need to involve David,” I said firmly.
Perplexed, Agatha tilted her head inquisitively. “Why not?”
“Because I’ll be attending the event alone.”.