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Billionaire’s Ex-wife : Craving You

Chapter 68
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Chapter 68
Ravel did more than I expected. Not only did he arrange for the private jet but also ensured luxurious accommodations tailored
perfectly to my preferences. The suite he selected for me exuded elegance and sophistication. Amidst the process of gathering
my belongings, an unexpected interruption came in the form of the doorbell’s melodious chime.
Intrigued yet puzzled by the late-hour caller, I momentarily halted my packing to approach the door. With a touch of reluctance, I
engaged the intercom, my anticipation waning rapidly as my eyes met an unwanted figure on the other side. The mere sight of
my uninvited guest caused my mood to plummet.
The soft voice that followed held a mix of entreaty and familiarity, as Anne’s gentle words reached my ears through the intercom.
“Elenor, open the door. I’m well aware you’re inside.”
Perplexed by her sudden appearance, I begrudgingly permitted Anne’s entry, retreating to my bedroom to continue packing. A
few minutes later, she joined me, her presence an unwelcome intrusion. “Why are you in my house, Anne?” I questioned, my
attempt at evasion evident in my tone. Hadn’t I gone to great lengths to avoid her?
Her gaze briefly flicked to my half-packed suitcase before returning to meet my eyes. In an almost monotonous tone, she pointed
out, “Today is Friday.” Her words hung in the air for a moment, pregnant with unspoken implications.
I turned to her, my confusion etched across my features as I blinked slowly. “And?” I replied, a hint of skepticism coloring my
“Family dinner,” she elucidated, her explanation falling flat. “You missed the Friday family dinner. I want to know why, especially
when you’re here in the city.”
Was she truly serious? Frustration surged within me, a red dress slipping from my grasp to land angrily on the bed. Folding my
arms across my chest, I leveled a glare at her. “Family dinner?” I scoffed, a bitter edge to my chuckle. “Let’s not pretend it’s a
‘family dinner’ when Ravel abandoned that tradition ages ago!”
“Ravel’s absence shouldn’t dictate your choices,” Anne challenged, her words laced with a hint of defiance.
A bitter laugh escaped me, laden with resentment. “Ravel’s absence should have been a wake-up call for me,” I retorted, the
words dripping with bitterness. “You label it as a ‘family dinner,’ yet Ravel hasn’t graced that occasion with his presence with his
wife since that incident. You even forbade Raymond from attending, as if erasing his existence was the solution.”
“Raymond isn’t family!” Her voice snapped, sharp and uncompromising.
My frustration surged to the surface, my desperation echoing in my cry. “He grew up with us!” I exclaimed, my agitation nearing
its breaking point. “I love him, and you’re fully aware of that! He could have been family if you hadn’t forced him to promise to
stay away from me, using his father’s life as leverage!” .

“Elenor!” Anne’s voice rang out, a mix of exasperation and reproach, yet it couldn’t drown out the turmoil that had been festering
for far too long.

“I remained oblivious to what transpired back then,” I admitted in a hushed voice, my emotions laid bare. “I couldn’t comprehend
why he suddenly distanced himself from me, until I accidentally overheard you reminding him of that promise just last week.”
She took a tentative step towards me, a glimmer of vulnerability in her expression. But my gaze remained fixed and intense, a
glaring testament to my lingering resentment. “For all your actions, Anne-your attempts to manipulate me into a contractual
marriage, your near destruction of Ravel’s marriage-1 never harbored as much animosity towards you as I did last week. Never
before have I questioned the cosmic irony that made you my mother.”
Her fingers fiddled nervously with the pea rl necklace adorning her neck, a visible sign of her unease. “Elenor, I did what I
believed was in your best interest,” she pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation. “Raymond isn’t the suitable match for you.
He has nothing substantial to offer.”
My fists clenched at my sides, a surge of anger coursing through me. “You made decisions based on your insatiable greed for
more wealth,” I seethed, my voice trembling with intensity. Stepping towards her, I pinned her with an accusatory glare. “You’re
completely oblivious when it comes to recognizing genuine character, Anne. Your judgment of people rests solely on the depth of
their pockets!”
Her voice raised, a bellow of frustration breaking free. “Raymond is your brother’s security!” she shouted back, her eyes blazing
with conviction.
“That’s his professional responsibility, Anne!” My voice cracked as I cried out, frustration and passion intermingled. “Just like
Ravel oversees a jewelry empire and I manage a cosmetics line. It’s his job! At the end of the day, we’re all contributing the same
Her open palm connected with my cheek in a stinging slap, the impact resonating through me. Pain flared across my skin, both
physical and emotional. “Don’t you dare belittle your brother’s contributions by comparing them to Raymond’s! It’s an insult to
him!” She hissed vehemently, her words heavy with reprimand.
Tears welled up as I gingerly rubbed my stinging cheek, allowing the salty trails to trace their way down. “If you weren’t my
mother, that slap would have been returned,” I admitted, my voice quivering. A mixture of shock and uncertainty flashed in her
widened eyes. “Do you feel no disgust for yourself, Anne?”
Her tone turned stern, a warning etched in her words. “Don’t address me with such disrespect. Remember, I am still your
“A mother who was absent on the day her son became engaged to the woman he adores,” I countered, my voice gaining
strength. “You were intentionally not included in the invitation, and it was a close call even for the wedding.” I wiped my tears
away with a fierce swipe, my gaze unwaveringly fixed on her. “And just so you’re aware, Ravel deeply regrets having you at that

“Shut your mouth this instant!” she snapped, her patience dwindling.
“No! It’s your mouth that should be shut!” I shot back, a culmination of frustration and resentment fueling my words. “I’m
exhausted from trying to find any redeeming qualities in you, Anne.” Inhaling a deep breath, I marched towards the door and
swung it open. “Leave my house.”
Her gaze narrowed in disbelief. “Are you seriously asking me to leave your house?”
Unmoved by the mixture of rage and frustration etched across her features, I met her gaze without flinching. “If you don’t exit of

your own volition, I won’t hesitate to instruct security to escort you out.”
A surge of anger tightened her lips, a visible sign of her displeasure. “I’m going to allow you some time to come to your senses,
and then we’ll engage in a civilized conversation.” With those words, she turned and exited the room.
“Anne!” I called after her, halting her departure. She paused, her head tilting slightly as she afforded me her attention. “Don’t
bother expecting me at the so-called Friday family dinners any longer. I won’t be gracing them with my presence.” With a finality
that echoed in my words, I slammed the door shut in her face.
The following morning, I embarked on my journey to Seattle. Upon my arrival, I chose not to make an immediate visit to Hazel’s
office. Instead, I dedicated my time to some shopping and acquiring a thoughtful gift for her, all while indulging in
my list. some sun exposure to tan my skin. By late afternoon, I had efficiently checked off these tasks from
With hunger pangs gnawing at me and an undeniable yearning for ice cream, I prioritized an early dinner before seeking out the
sweet treat. My plan was straightforward: satisfy my appetite and then savor a delightful ice cream dessert before eventually
making my way to Hazel’s. If circumstances didn’t allow for our meeting today, there was always the option of doing so
tomorrow-after all, tomorrow held the pivotal task of convincing her to journey to New York.
Having executed my dinner plans as intended, I leisurely ambled over to an ice cream parlor that had been enthusiastically
recommended by one of the restaurant’s staff members. The commendation certainly held true, considering the lengthy line that
greeted me upon arrival. It seemed this establishment’s popularity was well-deserved, a fact that became evident as I joined the
queue of eager patrons.
Chapter 68
wait in the ice cream line became more prolonged, I took a seat that was conveniently provided. Amidst my patience, my
attention was captured by a little girl, also queuing for ice cream. Strangely, her appearance struck a chord within me,
reminiscent of what I imagined Ravel’s future daughter might look like. The resemblance between her and Ravel was uncanny, a
remarkable likeness that drew my focus.

The girl’s gaze darted around, her eyes seemingly searching for someone. In a burst of excitement, she waved and exclaimed,
“Mummy!” Her declaration piqued my curiosity, and I followed her line of sight, which led me to none other
than Hazel.
Despite her attempt at concealment with a face mask, I recognized Hazel with case. Shock reverberated through me, causing
me to blink rapidly as I watched her lift the child into her arms, placing a loving kiss on the girl’s check before returning to her
phone call. “I stepped out to get ice cream for Daisy,” she explained, her voice carrying the affection of a doting parent. “I should
be heading home shortly.”
The name “Daisy” triggered a memory, linking it to the moment Hazel had inquired if Daisy was okay. It was becoming evident
that this Daisy was indeed Ravel’s daughter. But the question that gnawed at me was how such a significant. revelation had
been kept hidden from the media, from Ravel himself, and particularly from me. While I understood Hazel’s anger towards Ravel,
my support for her had never wavered.
Summoning my resolve, I rose from my seat and took deliberate steps towards her. “Hazel?” I called out, the name hanging in
the air like a question mark. She spun around at the sound of my voice, her eyes widening in astonishment.
Recognition dawned in her gaze as she spoke my name in return. “Elenor?”