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Billionaire’s Ex-wife : Craving You

Chapter 98
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Chapter 98
I’ve been residing in the city of New York for the past three days, and it saddens me deeply that Eleanor remains in a coma, her
condition unchanged. While I navigate my professional commitments through the virtual realm, it is Agatha who gallantly
conducts our in-person meetings.
To be candid, my communication with David has grown sp ar se lately. Following our conversation three nights ago, I’ve chosen
to maintain some distance. I refrain from pestering him for updates on his work, knowing well his competence and capability to
handle his responsibilities without a hitch. Agatha, too, hasn’t voiced any grievances regarding his performance, reinforcing my
belief that everything progresses seamlessly on his front.
What brings me a sense of relief, amidst these trying times, is that Daisy’s school is presently on holiday. This temporary respite
ensures I need not concern myself with her missing any school days during this challenging period.
During my three-day tenure of visiting the hospital, fortune has favored me by preventing any chance encounters with Anne. Our
initial meeting at this very hospital upon my arrival left much to be desired. Yet, I scarcely paid her any heed at the time, as my
primary concern rested upon Ravel and his well-being. Now that I’ve ascertained his me ntal and emotional stability, I find myself
ill-prepared to endure her potential barbs, hence my gratitude for our impeccable timing-I make a hasty exit before she arrives.
Raymond interjected with a remark that lingered in the air, “One of these forthcoming days, I must carve out a moment to meet
your daughter. From the images I’ve seen, it’s quite evident that you and Ravel have brought a truly beautiful child into this
I responded with a warm smile. “Indeed, there’s plenty of time, so if you can’t manage it now, there will always be opportunities

later.” I understood his reluctance to leave Elenor’s side completely. My gaze briefly shifted towards Ravel, contemplating that if
our roles were reversed, I, too, would find it challenging to be away from him.
However, as fate would have it, the door to the hospital room swung open, revealing Anne’s presence. I couldn’t help but lament
my luck; it seemed that just thinking about her moments ago had jinxed the situation. Oddly, everyone in the room, including
Raymond, seemed to disregard her presence. Uncertain whether I should join the silence, I opted to offer a modicum of respect
by acknowledging her, even though she hardly deserved it. “It’s nice to see you again, Anne,” I greeted her with a forced
Anne’s harsh words pierced through the air as she took her seat, fixing a glare upon me. “Perhaps you should cease with the
pretense, so your well-wishing for Elenor might actually hold some effectiveness,” she retorted.
I could feel her glare burning into me. “I’ll keep that in mind,” I murmured, biting my lower lip and averting my gaze.
Before the tension could escalate further, Ravel stepped in. “How about we step out for a coffee?” he proposed.

I welcomed the idea enthusiastically. “Yes, please,” I replied, reaching for my purse and rising from my seat. Ravel’s hand gently
rested on my waist, and I couldn’t help but notice Anne’s eyes tracking the movement.
Anne, with an air of detachment, offered a parting comment. “Don’t be gone too long. Your sister might awaken and want to see
Ravel met her remark with a composed stare. “I would dearly love for my sister to wake up, but I don’t believe my face will be the
first she wishes to see upon waking. That face is already here in the room with her.”
In that moment, three pairs of eyes bore into Raymond, who skillfully feigned detachment by immersing himself in his phone.
Anne’s derisive scoff nearly provoked a chuckle from me. It seemed that her children had sworn off the idea of accepting any
partner she might choose for them.
Kavel guided me out of the room and directly to his car. With chivalry, he held the door open for me before taking his place
behind the wheel, starting the engine. His words carried a weight of sincerity. “You’ve been dealing with this for ages, and I’m
sorry that I haven’t been able to rectify it.”

Chapter 98
I raised an eyebrow, puzzled. “What are you talking about?”
“Anne,” he clarified. “I’m sorry she spoke to you like that.”
I dismissed his apology with a wave of my hand. “It’s okay. I’ve grown accustomed to her hostility, and it no longer affects
Ravel maintained a sense of responsibility. “Nevertheless, I should apologize,” he muttered as he steered the car out of the
parking lot.
I reassured him once more, feeling unfazed by Anne’s behavior. In fact, I found it more amusing than anything, and at times,
downright childish. Someday, I thought to myself, I might just respond in kind. “It’s alright, Ravel. I’m not upset,” I assured him.
“Could we head to a coffee shop that’s quite far from here, though?” I’d rather avoid any chance of bumping into June.
“Of course,” he agreed, taking us to a café located far from the hospital, his office, and his home, where the likelihood of
encountering June seemed slim. Just as he parked the car, I gazed out the window and spotted someone unexpected. My brows
furrowed in confusion. “Isn’t that David?” I murmured to myself. I couldn’t help but wonder what had brought him to New York.
“Did you say something?” Ravel inquired with curiosity.
Disregarding his question, I hastily retrieved my phone and dialed David’s number, all while keeping a close eye on him as he
climbed into a taxi. After a few rings, he finally answered.
“Hazel?” he greeted.
“Are you at your office right now?” I inquired, urgency in my tone, and waited anxiously for his response.
His reply was swift, though it was evident he wasn’t being entirely truthful. “Yes. Why?”

“I’ve been trying to reach Agatha, but she’s not answering my calls,” I fibbed, keeping my tone steady. “Could you please give
her the phone or let her know to call me back?”
David, still not being entirely truthful, responded, “Agatha is currently not in the building. I believe she stepped out to grab some
coffee. However, I’ll make sure to convey your message and have her call you back when she returns.”
“Alright, thank you,” I replied, swiftly ending the call before he could offer any further explanations. Questions swirled in my mind.
Why was he lying about being in New York? What was he concealing, and why?