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Billionaire’s Sweet Wife by Joanna Badldwin

Chapter 90
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Chapter 90
Although she had made up her mind, Vivian still couldn’t keep cool. Since the dishes. were served, she had been staring at the
steak in front of her and slowly cutting it into small pieces with a knife and fork.
By contrast, the two men were much more casual.
“Mr. Larson, I haven’t had time to thank you for your help before. You were right. After the adjustment according to your formula,
it’s exactly the same as before. Now the factory has been put into normal production and operation. Although the delivery time
was delayed for a few days, at least there’s still time to make up for it, and the customer also expressed understanding. These
are all your credits, and I really want to thank you.” Julian raised his glass and thanked Mike sincerely.
Mike smiled faintly and replied, “It’s no big deal.”
He also raised his glass. The sound of the glass bumping gently made Vivian sit upright suddenly.
“What’s wrong?” Keenly aware of her reaction, Julian immediately put down the glass and asked with concern.
She shook her head and answered with a smile, “Nothing. I’m just a little tired. It’s okay. Keep chatting.”
“You need to have a good rest.” He glanced at the plate in front of her and continued, “Stop cutting it. Eat some. Come on!”
Julian forked a small piece of steak to Vivian’s lips but she hesitated.
In the past, she would’ve eaten it without hesitation. But now... With a glance out of the corner of her eyes, she could see Mike
was staring at them. And to be exact, he was staring at her.
He was smiling, but his smile somehow made her a little creepy.
“It’s okay, Julian. I’ll just eat it myself.” She subconsciously wanted to refuse, but Julian insisted and said, “Open your mouth!”
She had no choice but to open her mouth and eat the small piece of steak.
Julian kept feeding Vivian and she could only continue to eat. After eating more than half of the steak, she couldn’t eat it
anymore and shook her head, saying, “No, I can’t take it anymore...”
She felt a burst of nausea. And regardless of anything else, she covered her mouth and

ran quickly towards the bathroom.
“Sorry about that.” Withdrawing his gaze, Julian looked at Mike and said with a smile, “Please don’t blame Vivi for that... She’s
Mike raised his eyebrows and looked at Julian sitting in front of him. There was uncontrollable complacency on Julian’s face as if
he were a winner.
Mike smiled as well and raised his glass to Julian, saying, “Really? That’s really a... Good
Seeing Mike’s calmness, Julian was a little surprised.
Julian had always felt that Mike was coveting Vivian. But today, he deliberately declared that she was his, pointed out his
relationship with her, and deliberately told Mike that she was pregnant, but Mike didn’t seem unhappy at all and didn’t even have
the slightest emotional fluctuation. Julian even felt that Mike was really happy for them.
Julian thought, ‘Was I being paranoid before? Perhaps things aren’t what I imagined at all? Mike is famous, powerful, and
wealthy. He must’ve dated many beautiful women. Besides, Mom introduced him to me and he must be a good friend of hers.
How could he covet my girlfriend? Maybe I was really being petty!
Thinking of this, Julian suddenly let it go. He smiled frankly at Mike and picked up his glass, saying, “Thank you!” Then he raised
his head and emptied the glass.
Mike smiled meaningfully, and some calculation flashed through his eyes behind his gold-rimmed glasses.
“By the way, how long will you stay here, Mr. Larson? Do you any intention to develop your business here?” Now that he had
eliminated the doubt in his heart, Julian became serious and wanted to ally with Mike.
“I haven’t decided yet.” He refilled the glass, shaking it and staring at the gleaming color of the wine.
“Are you saying you’ll still consider developing your business here, right?” Julian deliberately misinterpreted what Mike meant
and continued, “If so, I wonder which domestic company is to your liking? If possible, would you consider joining our Prosperian

Mike raised his eyes and glanced at Julian. A smile lifted the corner of Mike’s mouth and he sneered in his heart.

He thought, ‘Isn’t he aware of how cra ppy his small company is? How dare he ask me to join him?’
Chapter 90
“Oh?” Raising his eyebrows, Mike asked, “Mr. Brown, how much salary do you plan to offer me?”
Julian wasn’t stu pid and he could sense Mike’s sarcasm, but he wasn’t annoyed. Prosperian Company wasn’t that big a
company, so it was naturally inferior to those large companies and had its own shortcomings.
However, now that he could sit here and talk with Mike like friends, he was naturally confident in bargaining.
“Of course, our Prosperian Company doesn’t have that many resources and may not be able to offer you that much salary
compared to large companies.”
“In that case, what makes you think I will choose you?” Holding the glass with his fingers, Mike acted like he was teasing his cat
at home casually. His eyes were wandering and didn’t focus on Julian at all.
“Although the salary may be a little less than that of other companies, in other aspects, I guarantee it’ll definitely be incomparable
to other companies. You were introduced by Mrs. Barker and had helped us before. We should be considered friends now, right?
If you have any conditions, please feel free to mention them. I’ll try my best to meet them. In addition, you don’t need to listen to
anyone in the company except me. I’ll give you absolute freedom and room for development, which is definitely unmatched by
other companies.”
After a pause, Julian continued to say confidently, “And I believe that with your current status and identity, you don’t pay much
attention to salary. What you value more is your personal development space and prospects, which I can provide for you!”
Julian talked eloquently and felt that the terms he gave were definitely favorable enough. No company would be able to offer
Mike so many privileges.
Julian looked at Mike with great confidence. Mike stopped playing with his glass, stabilized the glass on the table, and looked up
at Julian, saying, “But you’re wrong!” Julian was confused.
Mike continued, “First of all, I don’t care about anything else but money! Salary is definitely the most important reason for me to
choose my job. I work as a perfumer just to make money. Isn’t money also the reason why you started a business, Mr. Brown?”
Mike’s words made Julian embarrassed and feel choked.
“Secondly,” Mike added, “for so many years, no matter which company I work for, free. creative space is a prerequisite, I don’t
understand why you would take this as an
advantage to negotiate with me.”
Julian was quite at a loss to reply.