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Chapter 156
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Chapter 156

-lvan’s POV-

There were many sides to a story, and | was sure by now I'd been painted as the villain. But in my defense, well |

really didn’t care to make a plea or defend myself, | had my life, my childhood ripped away from me, and every

single person by extension would suffer and feel the pain | felt. Along the line, I'd admit | might have gone a little

out of line. Using Amaya like that was a cruel thing to do, but | would've felt guilty if | had a single ounce of care

left in me.

| could’ve been a normal child, had a normal life, but that had been ripped away from me. They calleda

monster, but | was the monster Damon Thorne created, and once | was done with them, they'd all rue the day

they chose to exist. A satisfactory smile curved my lips as | took a drink from my glass. Just as the door opened,

and the only person who mattered tostepped inside.

Miranda leveledwith a glare, “What could you possibly be smiling about? You should have killed Damon. We

will finally have our revenge, and

we can all move on.”

“Move on?” My eyebrow rose. “Move on while they all walk free? You're failing to see the bigger picture here,


“And what is the bigger picture here, brother, because you didn’t have to spend that much twith Amaya, and

even though you deny it, | see it. It upsets you that she chose him over and over again, and from the start, she

never wanted you, and then we had the children, but you are keen on playing this twisted game, and I'm tired of

it,” she snapped, and my eyes instantly flashed with black. She took a step back, swallowing, “I'm sorry. | didn’t

mean to use that tone.”

| took in a deep breath. | had so much darkness, so much hate inthat even | found it hard to control, and

Miranda had been on the receiving end of it once, and as much as | tried to control it around her, sometimes she

pissedthe hell off. | stood to my feet, taking the glass with me, “Need | remind you of how many times you

have failed me? First, | asked you to keep Alex in check, you failed to do that, forcingto cower before him,

ridiculing myself when | went to ask him to help my company.”

She looked away, “I'm sorry. | didn’t...”

“I'm still speaking,” | said, and her mouth instantly clamped shut. “Then | told you to kill Amaya, and last t|

checked she is walking and breathing. Then | gave you a task to kill Alex, and make sure he actually dies, and is

he dead?”

She looked at her fingers, “No.”

“So,” | took a step towards her, and she backed away even more, “don’t stand here and question me, and don’t

get on my nerves. Understood?”

She nodded, her lips quivering. “I'm sorry.”

| finished my drink, the ice clinking against the glass. | placed the glass on the table with a decisive thud. “I will

tell you one last time. Amaya was nothing but a pawn, your jealousy for her is clouding your thoughts. Stop

irritatingwith it.”

A tear slid down her cheeks at that, and with a sigh, | pushed the anger down. | really hated seeing her cry, and |

knew in all the years | had beca master at doing it to her so | softened my tone, “Hey, look at me.”

She raised her head, and more tears slid down. | wiped them again, “I didn’t mean to snap at you. You know how

much | hate being questioned. Chere.”

With that, | wrapped my hands around her, and she buried her face in my chest while | stroked her back, “Go and

rest your head, and we will talk when you wake up, okay?”

She nodded into my chest before pulling away. Without looking at me, she turned on her heels and walked out

the door, no doubt to go and cry. | let out a sigh. | really did care for my sister, but | was just so messed up that |

lost control sometimes, and she was the only person in the world that | wished my twisted brain didn't affect.

“Well, aren't you winning the brother of the year award,” A voice spoke behind me, and I instantly ground my

teeth before turning back to face Adrian.

“Do not get on my nerves. | keep you around because you are of use to me. | can make you lose your use and

your life in seconds,” | growled.

His eyes flashed with fear, but he quickly masked it, clearing his throat. | poured myself another drink, “Is it all

set up?”

He nodded, then stood a moment longer and | raised my eyes to meet him, “Did you want something else?”

“Just one question, Ivan. When this is all over. When they are all dead and you have your revenge, what next?”

A smile finally curved my lips, “Why don’t you focus on what you get at the end of it and letfocus on the

aftermath. Now, if that’s all, | need to think.”

He started a moment longer before turning away and slamming the door behind him.

| finished my drink, the cold liquid doing little to quench the fire burning inside me. | walked over to the window

and looked out at the city. The


Chapter 156

lights twinkled like distant stars, but they held no allure for me. | was a predator stalking his prey, and the city

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was my hunting ground.

Amaya’s smile flashed in my head, and | quickly brushed it off. | meant what | said. She had been nothing but a

pawn, and it was good she was a good enough intimate partner. That was all. Spending all that time, pretending

to like her and those bratty, annoying children took moments from my life | would never get back, but the fact

remained that Miranda was wrong.

Amaya meant nothing to me.

The reason | didn’t kill Damon was because | wanted all three generations present, and then they would know

what | felt after | had all their blood.

| thought about Amaya again, about her soft smile and the way she looked atwith those trusting eyes. It was

a cruel g| was playing, but necessary. She was a pawn in a much larger game, a pawn | was willing to

sacrifice. | felt no remorse, no guilt.

Only a cold, calculating satisfaction.

| looked at my phone. The ultimatum would soon expire, and if | didn't get a response, they would all regret it.

And then a notification cin, making my lips curve up in a satisfactory smile as | read the message from Alex:

“I'm done playing your games. We will be there by seven.”






Chapter 157

-Maya’s POV-

The decision was made. Nate was no way in hell getting involved. Alex was going, his resolve as solid as steel. It

was a bitter pill to swallow, but it was the safest option. A strange sense of determination had settled over him, a

quiet confidence that was both reassuring and unsettling.

| watched as he gave orders, his voice firm and commanding. It was almost like he'd transformed into a different

person, a warrior ready for battle. A part ofwas terrified, but another part was filled with an unwavering

belief in him.

Alone in my room, | found solace by the window, my gaze lost in the endless expanse of the sky. A silent prayer

to the Moon Goddess filled my thoughts, a desperate plea for guidance and protection. A soft sigh escaped my

lips as the door creaked open. | knew it was him without turning around.

His arms wrapped aroundfrom behind, and I leaned back into his warmth. “It’s almost time,” he murmured,

his voice low and comforting.

“I know,” | replied, my voice barely a whisper.

He turnedaround, his eyes holding mine. “I wish it didn’t have to cto this,” he sighed, his voice filled

with a raw honesty that pierced through me.

“Ivan started this,” He continued, trying to sound strong. “And I'm going to end his reign over our lives. But for

now, | still have a little tbefore | have to leave, and | want to spend every second of it with you.”

A small smile tugged at the corners of my lips as he ledto the bed. There were so many unanswered

questions burning in my mind, but for now, | wanted to focus on him.

He tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear, a simple gesture that held a world of tenderness. It was a

familiar touch, a comforting ritual from a twhen things were simpler.

“Talk to me, Silver,” he urged, his voice gentle.

| took a deep breath. “How is a witch your aunt, and how did you manage to get your wolf back?” The question

had been burning in my mind.

He chuckled, a sound that was both amused and bittersweet. “Well, that wasn’t what | expected you to ask,” he

said, his eyes twinkling. Then his expression turned serious. “My mother’s father was a werewolf, and her mother

was a witch. When they married, they had twin girls.”

My mind raced, trying to process the information. “One ended up as a witch, and the other, your mother, as a

werewolf. You never toldabout her. You never talked about any of them,” | said, my voice filled with a mix of

curiosity and sadness.

He gavea small smile. “There isn’t much to tell about my father that isn’t already clear. But | promise, after

this, 1 will tell you all about her. She has a story worth telling, and | was just so scared that | pushed the thought

of her away for many years,” he confessed, his voice filled with regret.

| nodded, understanding the weight of his words. It took courage to confront one’s past, especially when it was

filled with pain.

“And Delores, my mother’s sister,” he continued, “she sentinto my subconscious where | had to find my wolf

again and let go of the pain of my past.”

It made sense. He seemed different, calmer, more centered. He had faced his fears and emerged stronger. | was

truly happy for him. But then, a troubling thought occurred to me.

“Do you think there’s a possibility that Ivy might be like her? Delores?” | asked, my voice filled with


He placed a gentle kiss on my lips. “If she is, then we will deal with it when it comes.”

I sighed, leaning into his embrace. | knew he was right. There was no point in worrying about something that

might not even be true. For now, | just wanted to be with him. I kissed him deeply, losing myself in the moment.

“Silver,” He let out a sigh and | pushed myself towards him, my hands going for his belt.

“Silver.” He said again but this tit was more like a groan. | knew this wasn’t the tbut the entire world

would wait. | needed this. | needed


“Alex” | whispered as | slid his zipper down.

His eyes met mine, filled with desire, lust, need. | could hardly breathe as | pulled him free from his pants, He

looked down at me, his eyes hungry, then lowered his lips to mine. | moaned as his tongue explored my mouth.

As he licked and nibbled, | felt his hands slide inside my shirt.

| shivered as his fingers skimmed over my skin, making their way slowly towards my breast. A soft moan

escaped my lips as his fingertips grazed my nipple. | arched my back, pressing myself against him.

He broke our kiss as he bent forward and trailed his lips down my neck, lingering for a second on my collarbone.

His teeth scraped gently on my

Chapter 157

skin, sending shivers through me.

He lifted his head, his gaze searching mine. “Are you sure?” he asked softly. | nodded, unable to form words.

| reached down and undid the button of my jeans, sliding them off, then took off my shirt, unfastening my bra. As

I ran my hands down my torso, his eyes followed my every movement.

His breathing was ragged as | cupped my breasts in my hands, letting my thumbs caress my nipples. I closed my

eyes and leaned my head back, the feeling too intense to bear.

His hands cup to cup my breasts as he began to knead them gently. “You have no idea how long I've been

waiting for this.”

| opened my eyes as he lowered his head to my left nipple, taking it into his mouth. He flicked his tongue across

it, drawing out another moan. “And | can’t get enough of you.” He repeated the sthing with my other nipple,

leaving it tingling.

When he released it, | could hardly breathe. | was so sensitive. His lips left a trail on my stomach, following my

waistband until he found the hem of my panties.

He hooked his fingers in the side of them and slowly dragged them down my legs. He bit his lip as I kicked them

off. “So beautiful.” He murmured as he stood and peeled off his clothes.

He stood there before me, naked, and | drank him in with my eyes. His eyes were shining with desire, his cock

thick and hard. | bit my lower lip as he stepped closer to me, his gaze never wavering.

He took my hand and guided it to his cock.

“Feel it, Silver. Feel how much | want you.”

| wrapped my hand around it and squeezed gently. He groaned and | could tell he was fighting the urge to take


| dropped to my knees in front of him, my gaze fixed on his shaft. His breath caught as I stroked his length. | took

my time, moving up and down, enjoying the sight of him trembling.

| heard him mutter curses under his breath as | lowered my head and took him into my mouth. I could tell he was

fighting the urge to thrust but he held himself back, watching as | sucked him deeper.

After what seemed like forever, he stopped me. He pickedup and placedon the bed, then climbed onto

the mattress, settling between my thighs. | kissed him hungrily as his hands roamed over my body.

| needed more. | wanted all of him

inside me. He slipped one finger

inside me, teasing me. | moaned and

he added anther finger) stretching

with my clit, slowly bringing me

higher then without givingtto

prepare, he positioned his cock in

between my legs and in one thrust,

he entered me. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

| let out a gasp feeling him

everywhere. | forgot what it felt like to

be with him. How are feloLike |

ho) madedor tim nd he was made

for me. He pumped in and out of me

slowly at first, savoring each stroke. |

was lost to the sensations as he

broughtto the edge. The content

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is on novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

As | started to fall apart, he increased his pace, pushingcloser. My hips bucked against his, desperate for

more. He gavemore. He gaveeverything. He droveto new heights. | cwith a loud scream.

He didn’t stop. He kept thrusting into me, each one harder than the last and | lost count of how many times |

went over the edge screaming his nover and over.

| cried. | screamed. | begged. | didn’t understand the words that were coming out of my mouth. At spoint, |

lost the ability to think but he didn’t stop and then | let out an ear piercing scream as he let out a groan,

exploding inside me.


For a moment | think | saw stars just as he collapsed on top of me, “I love you, Silver.” He whispered into my ear.

| smiled, feeling myself drift off to sleep but managed to whisper, “I love you too, Alex.”

| woke up to an empty bed, a familiar ache spreading through me. A soft smile crept onto my face as |

remembered what had happened. The weight of the impending danger hung heavy in the air, but for now, |

allowed myself this brief respite.

The door creaked open, interrupting my reverie. Alex stepped into the room, a steaming mug in his hand. A

surge of warmth spread throughas | pushed myself up against the pillows.

“Hey,” | smiled at him, my voice hoarse from sleep.

He returned the greeting with a bigger smile. “Hey,” he replied, handingthe mug. “I figured you could use


| took the mug from his hands, the warmth seeping into my cold fingers. The rich aroma of coffee filled my

senses, promising a much-needed boost. As | brought the mug to my lips, | took a cautious sip, the bitter taste



Chapter 157

“Why are you bringingcoffee?” | asked, my voice laced with amusement.

He shrugged, his expression turning serious. “I just figured you could use your strength.”

| nodded, taking another sip of coffee. The warmth spread through my body, chasing away the remnants of

sleep. As | set the mug down on the nightstand, his expression shifted, and a sense of foreboding washed over


“I need you to promisesomething,” he began, his voice filled with a gravity that startled me. “No matter

what happens, you stay here with the twins. Can you do that?”

My heart pounded in my chest. The

request was a heavy one, a burden |

) “«

wasn't sure | WEARS | cant(1)

. 172 : .

Prose whaL A ex,” | replied

5 “ . .

honestly. “If something happens, if

3 q , 3

things go downhill, I can't promise |


won't cafter you. You already

" .

know that.” The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

He gavea sad smile, his eyes filled with a mixture of love and determination. “I already figured that one out.

I'm really sorry about this, Silver.”

A chill ran down my spine as his words sunk in. | stared at him, my mind racing. Something was off, a sense of

unease growing within me.

“Alex, what are,” | began, my voice trembling slightly.

Before | could finish my sentence, the world began to spin. A wave of dizziness washed over me, and my vision

blurred. | tried to reach out to him, but my arms felt like lead.

“I can’t risk you coming after me. | need you to be safe.” X

He moved closer, his hand gently brushing against my cheek. “I'll be back, Silver. | promise.”

As his face blurred into an indistinguishable mass, | realized with a growing horror that the coffee was drugged.

My body felt heavy, and my eyelids were drooping uncontrollably. | was losing consciousness, and there was

nothing I could do to stop it.

The last thing | saw was Alex walking towards the door, his silhouette a haunting image as darkness consumed
