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Boss, Your Wife is Asking for A Divorce, Again!

Chapter 951
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Chapter 951 The Fatal Blow

“You’ve got the wrong idea, Sonia. I’m your family friend, so how can I possibly not wish you well?” Asher was a sly

old fox in every sense of the word, so he could keep his countenance even when Sonia exposed his dark side. “I

don’t mean anything else by saying these things. I just thought that since President Fuller and you are a couple, you

should let him know some of your past instead of hiding it from him, or it’ll be unfair to him. What do you think?”

Sonia sneered. “President Dafoe, you always sound like you have some sort of moral authority.”

“You’ve got to be joking Sonia.”

“Too bad, though.” Sonia stared at him frostily. “Do you think Toby is unaware of what you just said?”

“What?” Asher was startled.

Sonia continued, “Or do you think that you—an outsider—know more than he does?” At this moment, she had

regained her composure and calmed down. At first, she had really worried that Toby would mind what Asher had

said. She was indeed very thick with Charles and the two other men, but it was true that there was nothing between

them. She had a clear conscience about her relationship with them, but she feared that Toby would overthink things

and become jealous. After all, this man would get jealous over something as minor as a phone call from another

man. It would be strange that he didn’t become jealous after she told him that they had been close in the past. And

when he did, she’d have to placate him, not to mention the chances of her failing to pacify him. This was what she

really worried about when she heard Asher’s words.

As it turned out, however, her worries were unnecessary. When Toby raised her chin just now, he gave her a look

that told her clearly that he was somewhat jealous, but he wouldn’t be jealous pointlessly. What had happened in

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the past was over, so they shouldn’t be brought up at present to affect their present life. Also, the look in his eyes

told her that he knew there was nothing between her and Charles and others. Even if there was something, it was

Charles and the others who had feelings for her, not vice versa. Therefore, even if he was angry, he would be angry

with Charles and the others, not with her. Upon learning about this, she heaved a sigh of relief. Not only was she

relieved, but she could now deal with Asher with peace of mind.

“Little Leaf is right.” Toby gave Sonia’s hand a gentle squeeze. “Like I said, even if she used to have many men

around her, that only happened before she got together with me. I won’t blame her for that, nor do I have the right

to blame her. Not only that, but I have to thank those men around her. If they hadn’t been helping her and

protecting her, she wouldn’t have taken over Paradigm Co. so smoothly. Also, I know very well what their

relationship with her is like. There’s nothing between them. Otherwise, with my possessiveness, do you think I’ll let

them off if there’s really something between them and her?”

Upon hearing this, Asher was rendered speechless once again. What kind of a person is this? His woman has so

many men around her, but he doesn’t mind it. Not only that, but he even says he wants to thank those men! Is he

crazy? He couldn’t understand this.

Seeing the look of disbelief on Asher’s face, Toby narrowed his eyes menacingly. “Also, what you just said about

Little Leaf having met these men while you weren’t noticing is sheer nonsense. Carl went to Westsanshire a few

months ago and has never come back since then. The Lane Family has been engaged in a new industry lately, and

Charles is so busy that he’s been staying at Lane Corporation for two months. How can he have the time to go

everywhere? Lastly, Zane has to take the political exam lately, so he has been secluding himself from the outside

world for two months lest he fail the exam. So, do you think they have time to come here? Or do you think they

have the nerve to go against me?”

Asher’s face turned livid one minute and pale the next. He was already at a complete loss for words. At the

moment, he was in a state of total confusion. Everything in my plan went so smoothly that it was about to succeed.

Why would these two people outargue me in just a few words and cause my plan to fail in the end? Are they really

so affectionate toward each other that they don’t mind everything about each other? Does such a relationship

really exist in the world? He could hardly believe such an outcome, nor could he accept it.

Just then, Toby spoke. “President Dafoe, we all know that you said these things today just to drive a wedge between

Little Leaf and me to stop us from getting married. After all, our marriage won’t do you any good, so you couldn’t

wait to try dividing us. Unfortunately, all your plans have failed. Now, why don’t you think about what you’ll get for

trying to drive a wedge between us?” He raised his eyes. The look in his eyes was imperturbable, but it felt

murderous for some reason.

Asher couldn’t help but step back. “W-What are you planning to do? I’m telling you, Toby, don’t do anything

reckless. We’re now living in a society governed by law. Don’t tell me you want to lay a hand on me!”

Toby looked at Asher—who looked as cowardly as a dog at the moment—with his eyes full of disdain. “A society

governed by law, huh? Seems like you’ve now admitted everything you did just now—hurting Little Leaf’s pride,

driving a wedge between us, and spreading false stories about her relationships with other men. Asher Dafoe, how

many people in the world do you think dare to go against me? What do you think they’ll get for doing so? Or do you

think that those who go against me can safely escape my clutches if they bring up the subject of law?”

Asher’s face began to turn pale, and his facial muscles twitched even more violently in fear. At the same time, he

began to regret saying so much just now. Of course, rather than regretting saying those things, he regretted saying

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those things in front of Toby and trying to make him love Sonia less. Ha! This guy is simply abnormal! For a time, he

cursed inwardly. “Toby Fuller, I know that you’re rich and powerful and that you have someone backing you up. But

don’t forget that if you dare to do anything to me, I’ll hold a press conference and disclose what you did to me!

Let’s see if the person backing you will oppose the entire society to protect you when public opinion is aroused by

then!” he warned Toby, his face contorting with a hint of provocation in his eyes.

Toby didn’t say a word. Instead, he merely looked at Asher and curled his thin lips into a glacial smile that would

give people the creeps.

Asher couldn’t help but cringe in fear for a moment.

Just then, Sonia could no longer stand the sight of this, and she rolled her eyes right away. “President Dafoe, don’t

you think it’s stupid of you to say that? You want to hold a press conference to disclose what we did to you? Ha! Do

you think we’ll give you the opportunity? If one is to defeat someone, they have to make sure that the person will

never rise again, especially when you’ve explicitly threatened to not let us off. In that case, we have to finish you off

with one blow so that you won’t have the chance to make everything public. What do you think, President Dafoe?”

Asher’s eyes instantly widened, and his pupils shrank to the size of a needle tip. Not only that, but he trembled all

over with fear written all over his face. She’s right. All I cared about was to warn him, but it never crossed my mind

that my warning might make me unable to step out of the elevator alive. And besides, Sonia is right that one has to

defeat their enemy thoroughly so that they’ll never rise again, especially when the enemy bears a grudge against

them in the first place. Otherwise, letting the enemy off will bring them endless trouble. If it were me, I’d have done

the same. Does it mean that I’m gonna die here?