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Bride of Mr.Billion

Chapter 265
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Bella’s POV: Lucas was crying in my arms until he fell asleep.

gently put him on the bed and looked at the wet tears on his cheeks. I felt very upset. Although I

wouldn‘t listen to Lucas and cancel the wedding with Klein, what he said left a deep impression on me.

That night, I suddenly received a call from Herbert “Lucas has been at your place for two days. I want

to bring him back for two days.” This was Herbert‘s voice. Although I couldn‘t bear to part with Lucas,

he did not only belong to me after all. I said, “I’ll send him there.”

“No, it‘s not convenient for you to bring him over when Lucky is with you. I‘ll pick him up.” said Herbert.

“Okay,” I said. Then, just as I was about to hang up the phone, Herbert said eagerly, “Wait, I... want to

see Lucky. Is that okay?” Lucky was already one year old, and she had never seen her father. I was not

surprised that he made such a request. But I still felt very sad when I thought that he forced me to give

birth to Lucky in advance. I looked at Lucas, who was in my arms. If I didn‘t do that, I might not be able

to see Lucas now, right? I didn‘t have the right to strip the child of her father‘s love. The next moment, I

said on the phone, “In half an hour, come to the park next to my place. I’ll take both Lucas and Lucky

down with me by then.” “Okay.” Herbert‘s tone was excited. “Goodbye,” I said and hung up the phone.

Although I still had hatred for Herbert, of course, I didn‘t hate him as much as before. After all, he had

suffered a lot. Moreover, he had cured Luas and he had also taught Lucas so well. I didn‘t hate him

anymore. It didn‘t mean that I could forgive everything he had done to me. He did not have the right to

decide everything. I didn‘t agree with his actions. Half an hour later, I was holding Lucas and Jane was

pushing the baby car. Lucky was sitting in the baby car and the four of us came to the park near my

place. From afar, I saw a black figure waiting under a tree full of yellow leaves. Lucas immediately

broke free from my hand as soon as he saw Herbert. He ran to Herbert and shouted, “Daddy, Daddy!”

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As soon as he saw Lucas, Herbert took a few steps forward, picked Lucas up, spun him quickly in the

air, and Lucas shouted happily. I could see that their relationship was very good. Lucas was very

dependent on him, and he also

loved Lucas very much. I took the baby car from Jane and walked toward the father and son step by

step. It was undeniable that Herbert‘s face had changed a lot in the past two years. The person who

was in high spirits had restrained himself a lot, becoming more calm, mature, and charming. He had a

kind of attraction that was difficult to describe with words, which would make it difficult for women to

control themselves. But I knew that if I got close to him, I would get hurt again, so I tried my best to

control my emotions. In the past two days, I had repeatedly told myself in my heart, ‘The person I want

to marry is Klein. Even if Herbert is the father of my two children, he can‘t change the fact. The person

who will accompany me to the end of my life is Klein.” When he saw me and Lucky, he put Lucas on

the ground, and then took Lucas‘s hand and walked over to us. Herbert glanced at me first, and then

his eyes and mind were all focused on Lucky, who was in the baby‘s car. Lucky wore a pink thin down

jacket and there was a rabbit–shaped hat on her head. Her pair of big eyes were looking around and

she was ignorant of what was going on.

Looking at her, Herbert seemed a little excited. He looked up at me and asked, “Can I carry her?”

“Of course.” I nodded.

I carried Lucky out of the baby car, walked to Herbert, and gently handed the child to him. Herbert

carefully held her in his arms. Because one of his arms had just been injured, his posture was very stiff,

for fear that he would make her fall or uncomfortable. A cute voice came out of Lucky‘s mouth. Herbert

put his cheek on her chubby little face. At that moment, I saw the excitement in Herbert‘s eyes, as well

as a deep fatherly love for his daughter.

This kind of instinctive love could not be faked.

Lucky let out a burst of laughter. When I looked up, I saw Herbert holding Lucky and spinning her in the

air. Lucky was still young and she was not afraid at all. She only knew that it was very exciting. One of

Herbert‘s arms was still bandaged. I was a little worried and I took a step forward but my hands froze in

the air. I was afraid that Herbert would accidentally make Lucky fall, but I couldn‘t bear to stop him.

After all, Lucky was really happy at the moment. At this time, Lucas stepped forward, raised his hands,

and motioned for Herbert to stop “Daddy. daddy.” Herbert held Lucky in his arms, looked down at

Lucas, and said, “Do you want me to turn you around as well?”

Lucas shook his head. “Lucky’s still young, and a girl is delicate. What if you hit her? I’m different. I’ve

grown up, and I’m a man. I’m not afraid of falling!”

Hearing this, I couldn‘t help shaking my head and smiling. Herbert also laughed and said, “You‘re right.

It‘s my fault. I won‘t raise her up high in the future.”

Upon hearing this, Herbert Irowned and said, “Bella, is it convenient for you to have a chat with me?‘

paring this, I lowered my head and hesitated for a moment. Then I said, “Okay.” ter that, i pushed the

small cart to Jane and said, “Jane, please help me take care of Lucky and icas kay.” Jane nodded,

then held Lucas‘s hand with one hand and pushed the small cart with another and to the side for a


erbert turned around and sat on the row chair. I chose to sit on the other side of the row chair, bout half

a meter away from him. What do you want to talk to me about?” My tone was cold. When..is your

wedding with Klein?” Herbert asked.

Three days later,” I replied. Hearing this, Herbert frowned and said in the end, “Bella, do you want to

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think about it again? ‘What do you mean?” I looked sharply at Herbert, feeling disgusted by his words.

Herbert naturally felt my disgust, but he still tried to convince me. “After all, we have two children. Even

if it‘s not for me, I hope you can consider it carefully. If you marry Klein, it will inevitably affect the

growth of the children.. Hearing this, I already understood what Herbert meant, so I immediately

interrupted him and said, “Herbert, I won‘t change my decision to marry Klein. He has been taking care

of Lucky since she was born. He regards her as his own daughter. Although Lucky has not been with

you, she still had her father‘s love. This father‘s love was given to her by Klein.” “That‘s why my

marriage with Klein will not affect Lucky. As for Lucas, I won‘t treat him badly because of our problems.

I will do my duty as a mother.” “I am always guilty about you and Lucky. I also owe Lucas a lot for not

letting him enjoy maternal love. It‘s all my fault.” Herbert blamed himself very much. “You don‘t owe me

anything, and I don‘t owe you anything. We‘re not from the same world, and it‘s impossible for us to be

together in the future. Lucky and Lucas are your desh and blood. You should compensate them as

much as possible in the future.” Although I said this, my voice trembled. Thinking about those difficult

days in the past, thinking about the tortures suffered by Lucas, and thinking about Lucky, I felt that it

was really not easy to get to today. The next moment, i sorted out my emotions and said, ‘I feel that we

still need to talk about the matter of raising both Lucas and Lucky.” I had been thinking about it for a

long time. I didn’t want to be so selfish to strip the children of the right to enjoy their parents’ love, and I

wanted the children to have their parents’ love at the same time. But it was impossible for Herbert and I

to get back together, so we needed to discuss a better plan of raising them.

“What do you think?” Herbert asked.

I hesitated for a moment before I said, “I don’t think I’m mature enough. I want to ask for your opinion.

Lucas has already started going to kindergarten and he does need both his father and mother. So I

wonder if Lucas can stay at your place from Monday to Friday and come to me on