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Can’t Win Me Back by Ginger Sue

Chapter 1553
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Landon struggled to catch his breath, feeling overwhelmed.

During the party previously, he wanted to protect his best friends. Thus, he chose to go against Javier. He did so with his friendship with Jasper and Alyssa in mind.

However, this was an expensive price to pay. He might never be able to marry the woman he loved.

He was able to go against the entire Harper Group. He was even able to put everything at stake. But how would Lauren be able to do that? She was a meek woman. She was so timid.

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Even if Lauren was willing, Landon couldn't bear to have her do so. She would be carrying a magnanimous burden on her shoulders. How could he bear to see her betray her family? "Chome, Lauren. You are my most obedient daughter. Listen to me. Chome." Javier's gaze softened when he looked at Lauren. He opened his arms.

"You are young and clueless about love. Plus, you're terrible at gauging people's intentions. You can't even tell if you've been deceived.

"But that's okay. | don't blyou. You are still my daughter as long as you decide to chome. You're the daughter | love the most." Lauren felt as though all her blood had been drained from her body. She stood rigidly at the sspot.

She had already lost her mother. She really didn't want to lose her father, too. But, more than that, she didn't want to lose Landon.

"Lauren, Dad has been treating you so well. Do you want to make Dad angry?" Betty was still standing by the side. She chimed in, "You used to be cooped up at hevery day. You don't know how evil people can be, especially men. You | trust a single word that they say." She was already enraged by Landon earlier on. She took this opportunity to snap back at him, "You were lecturingearlier on, Landon. But | think that you're just a pot calling the kettle black! "Lauren, Landon may be coaxing you with flowery words each day. However, did you know that he is the number one playboy in Solana City? The list of his ex-lovers is probably thicker than the dictionary! He only chose you because he wants to add someone like you to his collection.

"It would be too late by the tyou hit a dead end. By then, Dad wouldn't want to take you in any longer, even if you wanted to chome!" Lauren shivered uncontrollably. She beceven more teary-eyed.

Landon wrapped his arms around her immediately. He caressed her back with his hand to comfort her. He was already at his tipping point. Even so, he remained infinitely patient with Lauren.

"Landon... I'm sorry... I..." "My granddaughter is a wonderful woman. Who is that heartless idiot who doesn't want to take her in? | must see him for myself!" They heard a powerful voice coming from outside. The facial expressions on Javier's and Betty's faces changed.

Following that, Jasper entered the room. He was pushing Newton in his wheelchair. Walking right next to Jasper was a striking and stunning woman. It was Alyssa! There were only three of them. But, they walked in with an air of mightiness and power. Javier's chest tightened.

Betty was so stunned that her face looked like it was about to crack.

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"Jasper, Lyse." Landon was on the brink of tears.

Jasper looked at him. He pressed his lips together slightly and nodded.

They had been best buddies for 20 years. That small gesture was enough. No words were needed. They always understood each other's difficulties at crucial moments like these.

"How's Lauren, Landon?" Alyssa noticed that Lauren was looking pale. She didn't have tto bother about anything else. She was only concerned for Lauren.

"I'm here. She's fine," Landon answered in a raspy voice.

Newton glanced around with his eagle eyes. In the end, he fixed his eyes on Landon and Lauren. His gaze becgentle.

"Dad, what. what brings you here?" Javier walked down the stairs, looking extremely awkward.

"How much meaner were you going to be to Lauren if | hadn't shown up? What else were you going to spew from that foul mouth of yours?" Newton stared at him. He wished that he could stand up and give him a good, hard kick! Javier's neck flushed red. "Dad! How could you say that? Lauren is my daughter. I'm doing all these for her sake!" "Bullshit!" Newton spat in front of him. "At the end of the day, you only want to make yourself feel good! So, you pressured Lauren like that. You made use of their relationship and insulted Landon. How brazen of you!" Landon was choking on his tears. He looked at Newton through bloodshot eyes.

"Just listen to yourself. | really need to clean my ears after hearing the things you said. You madefeel so disgusted!" Newton looked at Javier with a scornful gaze. "If you ask me, | think that you are the one who doesn't know how to read people's intentions. You didn't even realize it when you were being tricked! "You married that evil bitch, Sophia. Did you think that you've got sound emotional intelligence? Lauren is a million times better than you! Don't you dare drag her down like that!"