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Can’t Win Me Back by Ginger Sue

Chapter 354
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Chapter 354 Chapter 354 Just ike that, Alyssa and Ada lef the hall, walking closely together as they were ffelong frisnds.

An awkviard and tense silence settied over the crowd Jasper silently watched as Alyssa let fury slowly building in his chest. She had stolen his project last time, and now she had taken his guest Jasper thought that Alyssa Taylor was just lie a thief, heiress or not. He instinctively clutched his chest, feeling an ache in his heart It seemed ike something had also been taken aviay with Alyssa's departure.

The paparazzi were stl relentless, camped outside the main entrance of the Berenike Hotel They should have dispersed by now, assuming that Ada had checked into the presidential suite and retired for the night. However, the number of paparazzi showed no sign of diminishing.

‘Sean had secretly tipped them of, claiming that something big would happen tonight.

Why on earth are we here freezing our backsides off? What kind of major news could possibly be unfolding?” 2 Perhaps KS World Hotel refuses to surrender and is making a last-ditch effort to tum the tide in their favor” “Its a tough battle This is Solana City, not Belbanks. They can't expect to win against the Beckett family on their home turf. Alyssa Taylor could never outsmart Jasper Beckett” “You might be right about that! That man might be down in luck when it comes to love, but he's aways the victor when it comes to business!” Justthen, the blaring of a car hor broke through everyone's specuiations The paparazzi watched as a dark green Rolls Royce gided to a stop at the hotel entrance, fs Spit of Ecstasy gleaming in the light Thinking that it was probably some other influential individual, the paparazzi instantly started taking pictures. When the door opened, Sean stepped out, much to the crowd's dismay, He was hot, but hot wouldn't make the headiines! 1” its Adal Ada Kingsley is coming outside!” someone cried al of a sudden. The crowd's attention immediately shifted back to the hotel entrance.

‘Sean had already opensd the car door, waiting patienty or the two women to come out The venue was bathed in blinding white lashes as the paparazzi erupted into a frenzy, capturing every moment as Alyssa and Ada emerged Whats going on? Did Ada leave on her own, of did Alyssa persuade her?” “Jasper Beckett is in for a major humiliation!” “This is going to make headiines for sure! Hurry up and swap the fim” Everyone's attention had successfully shifted to Alyssa, including the netizens’ The hottest hasftag on social media went from #AdaKingsleyat Berenike to #AlyssaTaylorNAdaKingsley.

While Sean helped Alyssa into the car a reporter asked a question "Ms. Alyssal Are you intentionally provoking the Beckett Group by taking Mir. Jasper Beckett's guest of honor for tonight? Isn't this unprofessional?” Alyssa turned slowly to face that reporter, shooting him a look that mads him break info a nervous sweat “Can't invite Madam Ada to dinner with me just because she has decided to stay at the Berenike Hotel during her visit to the city?" ‘She nearly scoffed, adding, “Not even Mr. Jasper said anything about my gesture. Who are you to do so? Doesnt your assumption poriray him 35 100 narrow-minded?” With that, she entered the cart left before anyone else could react to what ust happened.