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Celebrity Girl Is My Wife

Chapter 405
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Nan Chen was still quiet.

He grabbed the glass of wine and took another sip.

“So, what do you think, Chen?” Ouyang Duo asked Nan Chen with a smirk.

“I don’t really understand what you meant,” Nan Chen replied.

“What? You still don’t get it? I thought what I said was already very clear. We collaborate and we could jointly build a

great business in Vietnam, monopolizing their emerging real estate industry.”

Ouyang Duo even waved his fist excitedly in the air, looking like he was ready for something big.

“I thought the main business of Sunshine Corporation is finance and I didn’t expect that you’re also interested in the

real estate industry,” Nan Chen muttered.

“In fact, we’re mainly involved in the finance industry but we’re also interested in real estate development.

Nevertheless, we’re not a professional player like Nanshi Corporation.”

Ouyang Duo was making a very clear statement. We’re still a banker mainly, not an expert in the real estate


But we like to make money. As long as it’s a business that makes money, we’d want a share.

Since Nanshi Corporation is very experienced in property development, we shall cooperate and make money


“I still don’t quite understand,” Nan Chen said again.

“It can’t be. You’re a business prodigy. How can you not understand this? It’s so simple. You see, we’ll combine two

projects into one and all obstacles can be overcome and then, we’ll be able to make easy money together. There’s

nothing difficult to comprehend.”

Even though Ouyang Duo had had some wine, he was not drunk. He could feel that Nan Chen was feigning


“Since Sunshine Corporation is interested in real estate development, then why don’t you do it on your own? Why

do you choose to collaborate with us?” asked Nan Chen.

“Didn’t I just tell you? Nanshi Corporation is more experienced in managing the emerging markets.”

“Well then. Does Mr. Ouyang know why we’re more experienced?” Nan Chen asked again.

He had been calling him “uncle”, but the sudden change of address term drew a distinctive line between them.

However, they were discussing business after all. Hence, it was not unusual to be formal.

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But Ouyang Duo was also aware that it was Nan Chen’s way of expressing his stance.

Ouyang Duo had a sip of the wine, waiting for Nan Chen to continue.

“We’re experienced because we have invested an immense amount of manpower and resources into this. All the

experience Mr. Ouyang saw came from hard effort,” Nan Chen continued with an icy tone.

“So?” Ouyang Duo had sensed the coldness in Nan Chen’s tone.

“If our families were to collaborate, detailed discussions and negotiations have to be carried out by our respective

project team. It cannot occur with just a simple agreement between Mr. Ouyang and me,” Nan Chen replied.

Ouyang Duo was relieved upon hearing that. This means that Nan Chen is, at the very least, not rejecting his


“I know that of course. If you agree to my idea, the next step would be to initiate negotiations between our teams,”

Ouyang Duo returned with a relaxed tone.

“If we are to cooperate, what will be the ratio for profit-sharing?” asked Nan Chen.

“Nan family has contributed a lot upfront so let’s make it four to six. Four for Sunshine Corporation and six for

Nanshi Corporation.”

Nan Chen sneered in his heart. This is getting treacherous.

Nanshi Corporation had invested several billion in the preliminary phase of the South City project.

And now Ouyang Duo came with his deserted land and wants a share of forty percent of the profit.

This is outright looting but he’s still acting like he’s a savior!

“I am very clear about Mr. Ouyang’s stance now. Please allow me to discuss this with our board of directors and I’ll

keep you posted,” Nan Chen replied coldly.

“As the head of the corporation, don’t those people listen to you, Chen? If you agree, I’m sure it would be simple to

initiate the collaboration then? Furthermore, the South City project has now come to a halt, and collaborating with

us is the only option so I don’t think those directors can’t see the urgency. A stalled project would incur a huge loss;

hence, it should be solved as soon as possible, or else huge damage would follow. I know you are the main person

in charge of this project and it is a significant one that could gain you a whole new light. If this project fails, those

with ulterior motives would look for ways to pick on you and it would certainly affect your reputation in the

corporation. Qing has been very good friends with you, which is why I don’t wish to see you in hot soup as well.

Please make your decision soon, Chen.”

He is a sly fox for sure. He’s started his threatening and luring strategy.

“Understood. If there’s nothing else, I shall leave first.” Nan Chen stood up.

“You are still unable to make a decision?” Ouyang Duo was unwilling to let him go just yet.

“This matter concerns the entire corporation so I need to discuss with the board of directors,” Nan Chen repeated

his stance.

“I think Chen should not orgonize o Speciol Boord Meeting to discuss this motter. Insteod, you should utilize oll

resources ond strotegies ot hond to initiote this colloborotion. I believe with your influence in Nonshi Corporotion,

focilitoting the colloborotion is certoinly nothing difficult. Once the colloborotion is successful, the Non fomily ond

Ouyong fomily would stick together os genuine portners ond prosper together.”

Non Chen listened to Ouyong Duo quietly ond even ofter he hod finished tolking, Non Chen still did not give him ony

unequivocol onswer. He only nodded his heod. “Enjoy the wine. I sholl leove now.”

Ouyong Duo wos finolly boffled. This roscol neither rejects nor ogrees; whot does he meon?

Whot’s in his mind?

As soon os Non Chen left, Ouyong Duo left the privote room os well ond went into onother room.

Ouyong Qing ond Feng Jioling were sitting there, olso drinking red wine.

Seeing Ouyong Duo come in, both of them stood up ond osked, “How’s it going?”

“He does not ogree nor reject. I don’t know whot he wonts,” Ouyong Duo replied with o frown.

“Didn’t you soy thot his wos left with no other option but to colloborote with us?” osked Feng Jioling.

“Yes. Now thot their construction hos been suspended, eoch doy of suspension would couse them o huge loss ond if

he doesn’t solve it quickly, the loss would only occumulote. If the situotion persists until the boord of directors

confronts him, he might just lose his position. Even though Non Chen wos young ond tolented, Nonshi Corporotion

did not belong to the Non fomily entirely. A lot of people were ofter his position. In oddition to thot, due to the

mistoke mode by Non Zhiyuon bock then, mony people were still odopting the woit-ond-see opprooch toword Non

Chen. Hence, if the project led by him foiled ond mode o few billion in losses, his position would most probobly be

revoked,” onswered Ouyong Duo.

“Dod, hove you been too horsh on Chen? Whot if he is reolly toppled?” Ouyong Qing become very onxious.

“Isn’t this the situotion you desire? Are you feeling sorry for him now?”

“I wos only suggesting to pressure the Non fomily so thot Chen would oppreciote me. I will never wont him to be

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overthrown,” Ouyong Qing soid desperotely.

“If he’s smort enough, he would understond thot colloboroting with us is his only woy out now; but if he doesn’t see

thot; then this is not someone worthy of you. The Ouyong fomily doesn’t need o son-in-low like him!” Ouyong Duo

replied with on icy tone.

“I think Chen should not organize a Special Board Meeting to discuss this matter. Instead, you should utilize all

resources and strategies at hand to initiate this collaboration. I believe with your influence in Nanshi Corporation,

facilitating the collaboration is certainly nothing difficult. Once the collaboration is successful, the Nan family and

Ouyang family would stick together as genuine partners and prosper together.”

Nan Chen listened to Ouyang Duo quietly and even after he had finished talking, Nan Chen still did not give him any

unequivocal answer. He only nodded his head. “Enjoy the wine. I shall leave now.”

Ouyang Duo was finally baffled. This rascal neither rejects nor agrees; what does he mean?

What’s in his mind?

As soon as Nan Chen left, Ouyang Duo left the private room as well and went into another room.

Ouyang Qing and Feng Jialing were sitting there, also drinking red wine.

Seeing Ouyang Duo come in, both of them stood up and asked, “How’s it going?”

“He does not agree nor reject. I don’t know what he wants,” Ouyang Duo replied with a frown.

“Didn’t you say that his was left with no other option but to collaborate with us?” asked Feng Jialing.

“Yes. Now that their construction has been suspended, each day of suspension would cause them a huge loss and if

he doesn’t solve it quickly, the loss would only accumulate. If the situation persists until the board of directors

confronts him, he might just lose his position. Even though Nan Chen was young and talented, Nanshi Corporation

did not belong to the Nan family entirely. A lot of people were after his position. In addition to that, due to the

mistake made by Nan Zhiyuan back then, many people were still adopting the wait-and-see approach toward Nan

Chen. Hence, if the project led by him failed and made a few billion in losses, his position would most probably be

revoked,” answered Ouyang Duo.

“Dad, have you been too harsh on Chen? What if he is really toppled?” Ouyang Qing became very anxious.

“Isn’t this the situation you desire? Are you feeling sorry for him now?”

“I was only suggesting to pressure the Nan family so that Chen would appreciate me. I will never want him to be

overthrown,” Ouyang Qing said desperately.

“If he’s smart enough, he would understand that collaborating with us is his only way out now; but if he doesn’t see

that; then this is not someone worthy of you. The Ouyang family doesn’t need a son-in-law like him!” Ouyang Duo

replied with an icy tone.