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Celebrity Girl Is My Wife

Chapter 571
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The director picked up the call fairly quickly. “Hello, Ms. Ouyang. What can I do for you?”

“Is the filming going smoothly? How is our little actress doing?” Ouyang Qing asked.

“She's been splendid. Absolutely fantastic!” he said excitedly.

“Then, did she come in today?”

“She did,” the director replied.

“She did?”

“Yes!” he affirmed.

“I see. That's all I wanted to know. Thank you.”

“You're welcome, Ms. Ouyang. Rest assured that we'll do a good job.”

Though Erbao did report in, the discerning director neglected to mention that she had actually left afterward.

The absence of the cast would prolong the shooting duration, and it would be in the interests of the investors, which

included the likes of Ouyang Qing.

Nan Chen, however, was the one who held the biggest stake in the investment. So owing to the relationship

between Nan Chen and Ning Ran, the director would willingly comply even if Ning Ran were to approve the hiatus.

Am I to tell Ouyang Qing that Ning Ran only popped in for a bit before leaving without participating in the filming?

Would that not be tantamount to snitching? If I wanted to snitch, would it not make more sense to do so to the big

boss instead of the minor shareholder? Would I not be shooting myself in the foot otherwise?

He had arrived at this understanding through years of experience in the industry, so he was not going to divulge


Ouyang Qing's phone had been switched to hands-free mode so that Ouyang Duo beside her was able to hear

everything loud and clear.

“Didn't you swear that this was a sure thing? Are you hearing this now?” Ouyang Duo fumed.

“I don't get it. How is that possible?” Ouyang Qing could not wrap her head around it either.

“We have to contact our overseas partners and ask them to put all the operations against Nanshi Corporation on

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Ouyang Duo pulled out his phone and went to the side.

Ouyang Qing was quite distraught. After all that effort, we still can't take care of one little kid?

She thought that having the poisoned cake sent to the production team and her home would surely be the end of

Ning Ran. Never did she expect that the latter was still able to come away unscathed!

When Ouyang Duo came off the line, he did not look like a happy camper.

“Did you do a thorough job when you were at it? Would Nan Chen be able to trace it back to us?” Ouyang Duo


“I did. As you instructed, I had someone forge Nan Xing's identification and used it to set up an account through the

staff at the bank, and got them to issue the card as well.”

The card used to make the purchase for the cake was registered under Nan Xing's name.

“I think Nan Chen would be able to see through it because he's not going to believe that this is Nan Xing's doing,”

Ouyang Qing said.

“I believe so too. He wouldn't be Nan Chen if he couldn't see through such a petty trick,” spat Ouyang Duo.

“Then what did we do that for?” Ouyang Qing was baffled.

“Tearing the Nan family apart is going to take more than just one or two deeds to accomplish. We'll have to do

many things, one at a time. Even if Nan Chen would not believe it the first time, his doubts would only fester if such

things were to keep happening, over and over. It may be difficult to have him completely convinced, but this would

still be achievable so long as he has his suspicions.”

He added, “What's more, Nan Xing doesn't have Nan Chen's smarts. Although Nan Chen might have absolute faith

in Nan Xing, that may not be the case the other way round. We must, therefore, continue to do whatever is

necessary to sow discord between those two.”

“The effect of this may not be apparent in the short term, but over time, it would surely drive a wedge between

them,” concluded Ouyang Duo coldly.

“One more thing, Dad. According to the production team's scheduling, Ding Mi would be headed out to the Xinan

region for filming after New Year. That would be a chance for us to strike,” said Ouyang Qing.

“Is that so? The Xinan region? Hahaha. It'll be even better if Nan Chen went along as well,” Ouyang Duo responded

in delight.

“Being as busy as he is, it is not likely that he'll be there.”

“How could he not in the event that something were to happen to his woman and kids? We'll get our chance so long

as he's headed there. It's going to be too hard to mess with Nan Chen in Flower City, but away from it, his influence

would be diminished. The inside of Nanshi Corporation isn't rock solid, so there will be people there who would be

willing to collaborate with us. If we know to play our cards right, something will bound to come together. Even the

tiger will need to snooze, so I refuse to believe that Nan Chen is indestructible. One day, I shall break him!”

“In that case, what shall we do next?” Ouyang Qing asked.

“We'll sit tight for the time being. Remember not to make contact with that actress who is working for you. Who

knows whether Nan Chen had already laid a trap just waiting for you to walk into it,” Ouyang Duo instructed.

“Okay. I shall abide by what you say, Dad. What about Nan Xing then? Can I go and meet him?” asked Ouyang Qing.

“Sure. You ought to meet with him because he might become suspicious of you if you don't. Nan Xing is a simpleton

and would be relatively easier for you to deal with, so while you are at it, try to find out what's happening over at

the Nan family. However, you must avoid Nan Chen no matter what, because he'd be too much for you to handle.”

He probably wouldn't be willing even if I wanted to see him. Ouyang Qing thought to herself. Since he and I are no

longer fated to be together, I'd rather destroy what I can't have than give it up to anyone else!

“All right. I'll do just that. What about Qi? How are things going over on his end?”

“Forget about that good-for-nothing who only knows to fool around! I'd take that I'd never had a son like him!”

Ouyang Duo raged.

“Qi really fancies Ding Mi so he won't do anything to her. We can't let him find out about whatever we are doing to

the Nan family as I'm worried that he may intervene.”

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“Would he dare! Never mind that he can't be of any help, if he has the gall to ruin things for us, I'd never let him

hear the end of it! Bah. Let's not talk about him anymore. Now, ring up Nan Xing. I want to hear what he has to say

and see if we are able to pick up anything useful from there.”

Ouyang Duo instructed Ouyang Qing to make the call, and Nan Xing was prompt to answer when it got through.

“Hello. What is it?” His tone sounded quite tense.

“Are you not going to call me if I don't call you first? Are we even still a couple? When are you going to let me meet

your parents and make this official?”

Haughty and inexplicably so, Ouyang Qing always felt a peculiar sense of superiority whenever she dealt with Nan


It was only out of deference to Nan Chen that Nan Xing compelled himself to deal with Ouyang Qing; hence, he

could only put up with the manner in which she spoke to him.

Inside though, he was profoundly pissed and thought that she ought to spare him that da*n attitude.

“Didn't I already announce it publicly? Everyone knows that you've given up on my brother and are now dating me.

The media already knows it, as does the entire world, so would you like me to go inform the Martians about it as

well?” Nan Xing retorted.

To the side, Ouyang Duo was seething with his fists clenched as he had not expected that from Nan Xing.

Even Ouyang Qing felt embarrassed and she wondered why her father insisted on listening in to their conversation.

Does he have to do this?

“Why are you speaking like this, Nan Xing?” Ouyang Qing seethed.

“What's wrong with what I said? Just laying out the facts, that's all,” replied Nan Xing with disinterest.

“Where are you at right now? I want to dine out!” Ouyang Qing demanded.

Nan Xing was in the hospital, unable to step away because he was under orders to watch over Erbao.

Unable to be honest about this, he could only fob her off, “Perhaps in the evening then. What's there to eat during

the day anyway? Plus, it'll be much more convenient for us to do other stuff after dinner if we want to.”

Ouyang Qing's face flushed red and it was even more awkward for the genuinely embarrassed Ouyang Duo. The

latter, too, had come to the realization that he should not be eavesdropping on the younger folks' conversations.