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Celebrity Girl Is My Wife

Chapter 803
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Ning Ran was truly exhausted, so that night, she fell into a deep slumber.

When she woke the next morning, she realized there were dozens of missed calls from Ding Fei again.

A glance at the time stamp told her that Ding Fei had been calling her nonstop since the night before.

It looks like Ding Fei didn't even catch a wink last night. Is she out of her mind?

After brief contemplation, Ning Ran decided to call her.

Ding Fei picked up the call almost instantaneously. “Hey, where are you? I want to meet you right now!”

“What do you want again? What's wrong with you?” Ning Ran coldly questioned.

“We'll talk about the details when we meet. Where are you? I'll go to you,” Ding Fei urgently replied.

Needless to say, Ning Ran was not going to tell Ding Fei where she lived. Thus, she said, “Just tell me over the


“I want to meet Nan Chen, but I can't reach him. I want you to contact him for me. You can even bring me straight

to him. I really have something urgent to talk to him about.”

Ning Ran believed that Ding Fei truly had an emergency because the latter did sound anxious.

Still, she curiously asked, “Why do you want to meet him?”

Although Ding Fei had once been Nan Chen's girlfriend as Luo Fei, Ning Ran highly doubted that the two could still

rekindle their relationship.

Furthermore, Ning Ran doubted Nan Chen would be attracted by Ding Fei's plastic face.

“I really have an emergency. Let's talk about this when we meet. It's really, really urgent. Please!” Ding Fei cried


“Where are you?” Ning Ran asked.

“I'm at the female guest area of a sauna, and I've been here for a long time. I'm too scared to leave this place.

Please come and find me. Please!”

Ning Ran mulled over her words for a while. “Why should I meet you? To give you a chance to hurt me?”

“Did you look into the clue I gave to you? Was it useful? If you come, I can give you more clues.”

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Hm, that's tempting. Since I have nothing to do today, I might as well find out what she has to say.

Ding Fei was dangerous, but there were only so many things she could do in Flower City, and Ning Ran had

confidence in the Nan family's ability to protect her.

As soon as she ended the call, Nan Chen returned from his morning training, looking refreshed. “Who are you

calling this early in the morning?”

“Ding Fei. I ignored her calls yesterday, right? Apparently, she hasn't slept the whole night and was calling me the

entire time. She said she wants to meet me for something urgent. Oh, she also said she wanted to meet you. Why

don't we meet her together? She's your old lover, after all.”

Nan Chen's expression turned grim. “What nonsense are you on about?”

“I'm telling you the truth. She really said she wanted to meet you. Do you want to meet her?”

“Why would I do that? I'm not going to meet her.”

“What if there's something she needs to tell you?” Ning Ran asked with a smile.

“I'm not meeting her.”

With that, Nan Chen grabbed his clothes and went upstairs to shower.

Only after making breakfast, waiting until the children were done with breakfast, and asking the housekeeper to

take over the household chores did Ning Ran head out with Nan Chen.

However, they were not going to the same place—Nan Chen was heading to work while Ning Ran was going to

meet Ding Fei.

Puzzled, Nan Chen asked, “Why do you want to meet that lunatic? You're going to meet her despite knowing she

has ill intentions?”

“Yes. I'm meeting her exactly because she's a lunatic. She's reached a dead end. If I don't meet her, she's going to

lose her mind, and I don't want her creating even more trouble in her crazed state,” Ning Ran explained.

“You're just feeling bad for her, aren't you? You want to save her,” Nan Chen pointed out unhesitatingly, seeing

through Ning Ran's thoughts.

Ning Ran stubbornly denied, “Me? Saving her? Why would I?”

“She crossed Ruan Anxi, and Ruan Anxi is known to be a bloodthirsty man. I'm sure you know that too. She's dead

meat if Ruan Anxi ends up catching her. That's why you want to save her. You think it was tough for her to have

escaped alive. You feel bad for her because she was disfigured and forced to live with a different face. That's why

you wish to persuade her to turn over a new leaf and save her life,” Nan Chen went on.

Ning Ran was stunned by his analysis, for those were her subconscious thoughts that were buried so deeply in her

mind that she did not even wish to acknowledge them.

Thus, she was at a loss when Nan Chen voiced her thoughts out loud.

“I don't. I don't feel pity for her,” Ning Ran stubbornly uttered.

“It's fine if you don't want to admit it. You're not a ruthless person, frankly. It's normal for someone to have

thoughts like these. Saving a life is a benevolent act, anyway. I'm sure she'll sober up after this.”

Ning Ran said nothing to that. She did not know why she wanted Ding Fei to stay alive. Perhaps it was because she

did not want Ding Fei to die with that much hatred within her.

She did not think it would be good for someone to die clinging to resentment.

Moreover, she was the cause of the resentment, so she did not want Ding Fei to die hating her.

“If I really do save her, I'm only doing it for the sake of getting good karma for my kids. That's all,” Ning Ran finally


Nan Chen nodded.

“My mother believes in Buddhism, and karma is an important concept in Buddhism. I believe that good deeds will

be repaid with good fortune. I hope that my children will lead peaceful lives, so I'll try to gain as much good karma

as possible for them. If I intervene in this, maybe Ruan Anxi will spare Ding Fei's life. Ding Fei has been living in

hatred all this time. She has had a hard life, and I don't think the heavens should let her die now. She should learn

the beauty of life before she dies. She should learn that hatred doesn't solve anything and doesn't bring joy to

anyone. She should learn that it only makes life darker for those who are trapped by it.”

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Nan Chen nodded. “You're wise, Ms. Ning. Not bad, not bad.”

Ning Ran frowned. “Don't make fun of me!”

“I'm not, I'm not. But how certain are you in persuading Ruan Anxi to spare her life? Do you have a good

relationship with Ruan Anxi?” Nan Chen asked.

Ning Ran instantly heard the jealousy in his words.

“Ruan Anxi and I are just a kidnapper and a kidnapee. How well do you think the relationship is going to be?” Ning

Ran asked.

“I doubt it'll be good. So, why does the kidnapee think that she'll be able to persuade the kidnapper into sparing

another person's life?”

Ning Ran could not give him an answer.

The truth was that she was not confident about her plan either, and she did not have any evidence to prove that

she could persuade Ruan Anxi to let Ding Fei go.

Perhaps it was because Ruan Anxi had shown her enough respect when he was holding her hostage, so they started

having some strange kind of tacit understanding.

That was why Ning Ran did not think that murder was the only choice Ruan Anxi would pick. In other words, Ruan

Anxi was a demon who could be reasoned with.

“I'm not going to talk to you anymore. You're not being supportive. I didn't say I was confident in persuading Ruan

Anxi to let her go; I'm just going to give it a try. Even if I fail, I won't lose anything. What do you think, Sir Chen?”

“Makes sense, but I don't like interacting too much with that devil of a man. In fact, I hate interacting with him,” said

Nan Chen, making his stance clear.

Ning Ran nodded to express her understanding. “I know. I didn't pick up his call the other day too...”

“He called you? How did he know your number?” Nan Chen demanded as he stepped on the brakes and stopped

the car in the middle of the road.

“Keep driving! It's fine. I didn't pick up the call. It's fine, really,” Ning Ran urged when the cars behind them started
