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Chased Her Around After Breaking off His Engagement by F BOY's DOLL

Chapter 431
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Chapter 431

“Oh, by the way, the clothes Elder Mr. and Mrs. are wearing today are all given by Isabella, and the ones you


Scarlet added again. “You can go to the changing cloakroom.”

Cloakroom for changing seasons. as the name suggests, is for those who don’t plan to wear and don’t want to put

them there for the time being. After a while. someone will choose some good ones and donate them, which can be

regarded as doing good deeds.

There are as many clothes as a cow’s hair, occupying an entire sixty square meters of space, densely packed, and

the number is countless…

Cecilia really couldn’t contain her inner surprise. When she went to see it, she found that she had carefully selected,

and even paid a high price to hire a designer. The latest clothes specially designed for her parents were all hung in

the corner…

I have never worn it once!

Suddenly a little disheartened…

Benjamin’s parents are coming tonight. Her favorite parents wear the clothes designed by Isabella, but they don’t

wear the clothes she gave them. Does it mean that they don’t think that the things she gave can be put on the


“Miss Logan, have you noticed that your fate is very similar to those of these clothes? At first. I thought I could let

Elder Mr. and Mrs. take a closer look, but unexpectedly, Elder Mr. and Mrs. didn’t

Chapter 431

take it seriously at all……”

Cecilia ‘s cycs dimmed.

At this moment, Scarlet ‘s eyes flickered with calculation.

Yesterday she told Williams and Eloise that she wanted to iron the clothes that Miss Logan gave them, and after

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getting their consent. she quietly hung up these brand new clothes in the seasonal cloakroom, in order to let Miss

Logan see and misunderstand.

The clothes that Miss Logan gave this time were mainly black and white. In order to prevent them from being worn

out, she took some black and white clothes that Miss Logan gave to Williams and Eloise half a year ago, and tried to

make them yellow and old, and then asked them if they wanted them.

Of course they wouldn’t wear such clothes, so they asked her to hang them in the seasonal cloakroom, intending to

donate them.

At this time. Cecilia went downstairs after hesitating for a while, just in time to see Eloise arranging flowers, she

pretended nothing to do. chatted with Eloise in a relaxed tone, and asked after a while, “Mom, when I took the

unwanted clothes to the cloakroom just now, I happened to see the black and white clothes I gave you… You and

Dad, don’t you like it?”

“Oh, you said those pieces…” Eloise suddenly realized,

remembering what Scarlet said, and looked at her with a smile, “Those styles are very good, but I can’t wear them

anymore, good boy. you have a heart, don’t give it to your parents in the future.” Buy such expensive clothes.”

Cecilia asked, “Why can’t you wear it?”

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“Just… the color is a bit bad, it doesn’t look good on you.” Eloisc didn’t understand why she asked.

wrong color…

It doesn’t look good on…

Cecilia thought about it secretly, and instantly understood.

Yes, black and white are unlucky, and of course you can’t wear clothes of this color on an occasion like today.

But, you can keep it for later wear, there is no need to put it in the cloakroom for changing seasons…

She took another look at the beautiful dress on Eloise. Such a red color represents celebration, right?

Cecilia finally believed that it was not Scarlet who lied, but her parents really did it…

Throw the heart she sent to the cloakroom for changing seasons…

In the cloakroom for changing seasons just now, she also saw that many of her favorite clothes were discarded

there without anyone. notifying her.

Scarlet said it meant Elder Mr. and Mrs….

Could this family not accommodate her, nor her clothes?

She didn’t ask any more, and went upstairs after chatting for a while, her back was a little dim and lonely.

Eloise put flowers, and always felt that something was wrong with Cecilia today. Did she feel a little unhappy when

she saw that she

was wearing the clothes Isabella gave her instead of the ones she gave her?

Thinking of this. Eloise called Scarlet again.” Scarlet, have you ironed the clothes that Cecilia gave us?”

“Ma’am, you are talking about the latest batch from Miss Logan. right? Miss Logan sent a lot of clothes, and the

fabrics are better. I was afraid that it might be ironed, so I made an appointment with the company you used to

iron. I will iron and maintain all the clothes sent by Miss Logan at one time, I have agreed with them. but they

happen to have something to do, so they can’t finish ironing so quickly…”

Eloise didn’t expect such an unfortunate coincidence, “Well, there’s no need to iron it. Cecilia is at home these few

days on vacation, I want to take it out and wear it…”

“Ma’am, I have sent them to other companies. Do you want to get them back now? I am afraid that Mr. Mason and

Mrs. Manson will come here often, so I think it would be better to iron the clothes. If you want, I will now Bring it

back to you… ouch…” Scarlet said this, pretending to be in pain.

Eloise hurriedly asked. ” Scarlet, what’s wrong with you?”

Scarlet smiled. “It’s okay, I accidentally fell down today…”

“Ah? When did you fall? Where did you fall? Are you all right? Have you seen a doctor?” Eloise didn’t doubt it, but

asked with


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“It’s okay, it’s just that I’m old and useless… In two years. I have to go back to take care of myself.”

Chapter 431

When the time comes when Cecilia gets married, her identity will be exposed, what kind of babysitter will she be,

and what kind of usclessness she will suffer!

Of course I don’t do it here anymore, I just live with Cecilia.

Eloise was still a little bit reluctant to part with her, said something about her hard work, and then hung up the


The matter of clothes is not urgent, Eloise told her to have a good rest. Scarlet sent a WhatsApp to Cecilia again,

made some insinuation, found that Cecilia was not wearing any clothes, and felt better..

It was eight o’clock in the evening.

A servant happily came in and reported, “Mr. Elder and Mrs., Mr. Mason and Mrs. Manson are here, and they

brought a lot of things!!”

For the meeting ceremony alone, eighteen bodyguards brought in, and everyone was stunned by the extravagance.

Williams and Eloise wanted to go out to greet them, but Myra soon led Norm and Angela in…

“Williams, long time no see hahaha…” Norm greeted Williams as brothers as soon as he entered the door, shook

hands with Williams, then hugged him gentlemanly, and laughed. “I’m so happy these days…”

“Norm, are you finally willing to come back? Tell me, how long has it been since I saw you!”

“she, you’re here!” When Eloise saw Angela, she hugged her happily. “It’s been a while since I saw you, why are you


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again? You’ve been traveling around the world, and you’re still in good condition.” so good!”

“Hey, my husband spoiled me…” Williams on the side smiled and smoothed things over.

“I see that your two parents-in-law are young, and your daughter finally recognizes her. This spirit is different…”

Angela praised them again, and the four of them invited each other to sit down. first.

Eighteen bodyguards brought in all the gifts and put them aside. neatly.

“Oh, she. I don’t know, I thought you came to propose a marriage, why do you have so many things…”