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Contract With Alpha Logan

Chapter 106
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Chapter 106 Katy POV Luce's supportingcas a surprise, but I realized why she supported me. She wanted other girls to get eliminated as soon as possible, leaving Rebecca at the top with little competition.

King Soren raised his eyebrow and glanced at his wife. When she nodded, he said, "Okay! All the contestants, please wait here while we discuss it." They left for a meeting immediately. Ace turned to look at me, and his lips curled up in encouragement.

All the royals left the hall, leaving the girls behind them bristling. Most of them shot glares at me.

"She's so mean!" A girl in a black dress hissed, "She thinks that by cheating she can win? Well, I've got news for her! She will never win like that." "I didn't know that Alpha Logan's sister would be such a bloody cheat!" "She is maliciously trying to eliminate us." One girl said loudly, “This is not fair. How can they eliminate us without letting us prove our worth?" Rebecca scoffed. "You were given three tasks to prove your worth. How many chances do you want? A hundred?" The girl went quiet, and I pursed my lips to suppress my smile. Rebecca was unknowingly doing my job.

Alicia chuckled. “I am so happy. I will be eliminated finally!" I chuckled and shook my head. "Who's your mate?" She lowered her head and chewed her lips. "He's a gamma in my pack. I 1/6 Chapter 106 know father resents him a lot and askedto reject him, but I didn't reject him." She fished her phone out and showedthe photo of her mate. “That's him.” Her mate was a cute, chocolaty looking wolf with dark brown hair and deep-set eyes on an oval face.

"I love him!" she rasped. “And I won't marry anyone other than him." I placed my hand on hers and squeezed it softly. "Don't worry. I'm sure the moon goddess has a plan for you, too." The royals emerged from the meeting room, and the buzz stopped. Tension was palpable in the room. All eyes were on the king. He coughed a little to clear his throat and pulled a paper out. "First, I'd like to thank you all for taking part in the Selection. Elimination doesn't determine your worth, remember that. Each of you is unique and I hope that you all find the best wolf as your mate." He paused and scanned the girls. "All those who are eliminated will leave the Viking pack today." He looked at the paper and went on to announce the names of the top ten contestants. Rebecca let out a delighted squeal when her nwas called out first. When my nstill hadn't been announced, she gavea smirk. Breath lodged in my throat as fear rippled through my heart when my ndidn't cin the top eight. I tightly held onto Alicia's hand and was almost in tears when they announced my name.

Relieved, I took a ragged breath in as I glanced at Ace, who was staring atwarmly.

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Alicia cheered and clapped and hugged me, but her excitement snuffed the moment her nwas announced in the end. "Damn it!" she cursed under her breath, and I couldn't stop giggling.

The eliminated contestants caused a commotion and needed to be escorted out by the guards.

2/6 Chapter 106 I didn't go to my room immediately. Instead, I talked to sof the chosen contestants about dancing in the evening. Out of the six I talked to, five agreed to cto my room to practice for the dance.

When I was going to my room, I saw Luce leaned against the wall of the foyer, sweating profusely. "Luce!" I said as I walked to her. Her face was pale, and she was grabbing her stomach with her hand. She lifted her eyes. to me. "Luce, what's wrong?" She shook her head. "N-nothing..." “Letsee!" I said and lifted her shirt, only to find that her stomach had black and blue marks. “Goddess!” "It's nothing, I said!" she growled and lowered her shirt.

I knew what it was. "Where's Beau?" I asked.

"None of your business," she snapped.

Her answer caughtoff guard, but I put her arm around my shoulder. "Lettake you to your room." "No," she said through her quick breaths. “Taketo Rebecca's room." I exhaled roughly and helped her to the elevator. She pressed the floor's number. She was so weak that she was literally hanging by my side. When we arrived at Rebecca's door, I knocked. There was no answer. I knocked again and again, but she didn't open the door. "She's not here," I said to her.

Luce could barely keep her eyes open. "Oh, then take me-" and she passed out.

I called Ace. He arrived in no tand carried her back to her room.

I really wanted to help Luce, but I knew it would be in vain. She was suffering it all just to get to Luna's position. Didn't her mother know about 3/6 Chapter 106 it? By the tit was 4PM, along with other girls, including Alicia, we had practiced our dance. We all decided to wear the sdress. I made sure that all of us got an equal chance to showcase our dancing skills. This was one of the most important dances and every pack had one which we performed when we offered tributes to our ancestors and the Moon Goddess.

The tto perform it was 10PM. Until then, we practiced a little more in our dresses that comprised deer leather bodice with skirts flowing as ribbons.

When we arrived at the clearing, I saw that the place had several canopies under which the audience were seated. Ace was with the king and queen, while Luce was with Beau.

The first one to perform was obviously Rebecca, and she performed solo. She snickered at me, “What a fool you are to dance with a group! They will steal your thunder." "Don't worry about my thunder, Rebecca," I said. "You'll never win." "F*ck you!" I showed her my middle finger, and she grudgingly walked away.

Rebecca's dance movements were graceful, but since she was performing solo, she couldn't cover much of the stage. After her, there were three more performances. When we were called, we bowed to all. The audience totally surprised us by clapping super loudly.

As I walked to the center, other girls converged around me. Heroic and uplifting music with a strong melody started. The girls formed a tight circle around me, linking their arms. As the music caught strong beats, we moved with synchronized movements. The circle expanded and contracted, which symbolized the pack's readiness to face the threat.

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Together we lunged and turned out, mirroring, facing the enemy. The music intensified, and we divided into groups of two, we formed a pattern of a wolf's face and raised our arms to the sky, twirling and twisting in perfect coordination. Towards the end, the music softened, and we all cback in the circle.

When it stopped, all of us looked at each other, a sense of fulfillment in our eyes. We turned to bow to the king and nd queen Trepidation flitted. NOV throughwhen I noticed that there was a pin drop silence amongst the audience. However, the next moment, the audience broke in loud applause and scheered. All my girls gavea group hug. I walked to Rebecca and winked. "I guess I stole your thunder," and walked away from where Ace was.

"You did extremely well," he said to me, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Thanks," I said, blushing, because this was such a PDA. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Beau givinga disgusted stare.

"Come, let's have dinner," Ace said. He lowered his voice. "You look so ravishing in that dress that I want to rip those ribbons from your skirt, tie you up and f*ck you senseless." I gasped. I didn't know this side of Ace, but butterflies fluttered in my belly at the thought of it. He winked, and I blushed a crimson.

As we walked, I asked, "How is Luce?" "Better," he said dryly.

I think it was tforto take action.

At dinner, King Soren announced the nof the winners. "In this contest, we have added your previous points." He scratched his eyebrow. "I have to say that Katy's group has performed so well that all the girls have 5/6 6/6 D 11:45 AM G Chapter 106 scored fantastic marks." Excited yelps emanated from the crowd. "However, the top three winners are Katy, Alicia and Rebecca!" "No!" Alicia moaned, makinglaugh hard.

"You'll be given the final mission tomorrow," the king announced.

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