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Contract With Alpha Logan

Chapter 147
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Chapter 147 Astrid POV Logan and Kylie left along with Aiden but Toren continued to stand with us, glaring at Tracy as if she had committed a mistake. Tracy looked at him with innocent eyes and then turned to go after my mom.

"Luna Kylie, mom has sent her greetings to you!" she exclaimed, making sure that everyone hears her.

I jerked my head back. "What is wrong with her?" "Ignore her baby," Kael said and cupped my face with his large hands. He kissed my lips languidly, taking his time. When he pulled away, he brushed my cheeks with his knuckles. "Right now you're my favorite kind of red." Toren coughed from the side. “Can you guys not do that?" "Leave asshole!" Kael growled.

Toren shook his head and chuckled as he walked to the door. Kael helpedlie down and stretched beside me. "Why was Tracy addressing your mom and dad as Alpha and Luna?" I asked him. "It seems like she has read a lot of werewolf books!" I chuckled.

"Have you read those books?" he asked, intertwining our fingers together.

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blushed. "Of course! Which teenager hasn't read them?" He grinned and propped his head over his arm. "So that means you love werewolves." "Gosh, I adore those books!” I said. “You don't know how many I have downloaded on my phone." I picked up the phone to show him the number of apps I had in it. "I love how werewolves have mates and how they die for each other, and I wish this were true. Do you think it's possible to have mates? You know, like true love?" His Adam's apple bobbed as he stared atintensely. "It's possible." I becexcited and hugged him tightly. "I think we are fated mates!” He wrappedin his brawny arms and sighed. "Could be." We remained together for a long tlike that as I showed him my favorite book. "Contract with Alpha Logan is one of my favorites and I'm reading this book currently," I giggled.

Suddenly my phone buzzed. It showed an unknown number. Without thinking, I picked it up.

"Hello!" I cooed.

"Astrid, how are you?" Xander's voice cfrom the other end, chilling my blood.

"Xander?" Shocked, I stared at the number. I had blocked his previous number and so he was callingfrom a new number. "How dare you call me?" I shouted.

Kael sprang up on the bed.

"Don't you fucking disconnect the call," Xander growled.

Kael snatched the phone fromand put it on speaker. He mouthed me, talk.

"What the fuck do you want, Xander?" I shouted at him. "I told you not to call me." Chapter 147 He let out an evil laugh: "Why won't I call my baby sister?" he said in an amused tone. "Now you better hear me, Astrid," he grunted. "I know where you are and I will meet you soon." Icy chill ran down my spine. Oh, God, no.

"You thought you could hide fromforever?" he hissed. "You better be ready to givethe keys to our house when I cto you. I know dad has stashed his bank papers in that house. I own that property and not you. So you better not fuck withthis time, Astrid, otherwise, you'll end up dead!" I clenched my teeth so hard to stop them from chattering that it was a wonder they hadn't broken. "You never showed up to help when mom and dad were alive," I said in a low voice, full of anger. "You never helped dad once when he built that house. He did everything alone, and it was my mom who helped him. Where do you cfrom in the dynamics of our family? Your mom divorced my dad before I was born. You arent even my dad's son! How can you say that it is your property?" "Shut up!" he yelled on the phone. "You are givingthe keys, else you will be responsible for the consequences!" Saying that, he disconnected the call.

I was shivering so hard that Kael wrappedup in his arms. "Now what?" I muttered to myself. "Uncle!" I shouted through my hoarse throat. “Uncle Fred!" "Shh..." Kael stroked my back to calm me, but I was far from being calm. Xander knew where I was, and I`was afraid that he would harm my family. Tears ran down my cheeks. My step brother was a maniac. He could do anything.

"Xan-Xander is loose!" I quivered. "What if he harms my family?" "Nothing will happen to you or your family, love," Kael huggedtightly.

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But how could he help? He didn't know Xander wanted to kill me.

In the next two days, I started going to school. I spoke about Xander to Fred and Bree, and they got a om restraining order against Xander based on the phone call. But I knew Xander wasn't the type who would stay quiet. Every moment, I darted my gaze around, expecting Xander to emerge from somewhere and attack me. Tracy had reduced her interaction with all of us. Her attention was now on her studies and other activities. I found it odd, but it was for good.

very Since I had blocked Xander's number, he didn't call me. It was on the eve of my birthday that I think I saw him.

We were going to the parking lot after school. Toren and Aiden were passing the rugby ball between each other, cursing and laughing at who O was better and how Kael had beca traitor for leaving them for me. Kael shook his head as he pullednext to him, murmuring that his brothers have beccrazier than they already were.

The November sun was on the horizon, vestiges of day being swallowed by the night. I rubbed my arms as the chilly November breeze gushed As usual, I darted my gaze around, feeling scared. And in front of me, across the parking area, I saw Xander in the woods. As he stood beneath a tree, the darkness seemed to conshim, like he was cut out from it. "Xander...." I muttered. Fear blasted in my chest. Kael snapped his head up. "Fuck!" He rushed towards him. Toren and Aiden were surprised as hell. "Stay with her, Aiden!" Kael said, motioning Toren to go with him.

A car zipped in front of us and as soon as it was gone, I saw Xander had disappeared. I saw Kael and Toren going after him. "Stop!" I shouted. Xander was dangerous. He could kill them. "Stop!" But they didn't stop. I ran after them.

"Astrid, don't!" Aiden tried to stop me, but I didn't care. What if Xander killed Kael? I ran after them, with Aiden following me. They had entered the woods, and I followed them, shouting, begging them to stop. "Run Alden!" I panted. "Xander is usually armed. He might kill them!" With a growl, Aiden rushed after them.

Chapter 147- All of a sudden, an arm-grasped my neck from behind and pulledagainst his chest. "Baby sister, where are you going?" Xander said. "We need to talk." And what happened next was something I had never imagined.