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Contract With Alpha Logan

Chapter 169
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Chapter 169 Biancha POV Toren got up, his chest vibrating with a menacing growl. He shovedbehind him and hissed at the boys. "What do you want?" The boys assessed him. Toren had an intimidating presence with his tall, muscular and lithe frame. Yet, the boys didn't seem to take that into consideration. They constantly peeped over his shoulder to look at me.

"We know you love her," said one of them lewdly. "How about we all share her?" "Fuck off!" Toren gritted. "Go away before I kill you!" They started laughing. “He thinks he can take the three of us," said the one who talked about sharing me. Suddenly, he took out a knife. "My knife hasn't tasted blood in a long time. How about we kill you and take the prized possession?" he said, glancing atwith lustful eyes.

Toren's rage was like a volcano that just erupted. Before I could stop him, he charged at the boys. He twisted the hand of the first boy who had the knife, fracturing it. The boy screamed in pain as he looked at him. Toren wasted no time. He kicked the second guy in his belly, sending him down the knoll, rolling and crying in pain. I suspected his ribs were broken. And in the end, Toren took the third boy who he picked up from the ground and tossed him against a tree on the foot of the knoll. The boy grunted in pain as he slumped unconscious, breaking branches and bones. The third boy looked at us in horror. He backed a little and then ran away.

Toren caught my hand and tookback to the car, muttering curses under his breath. As I passed the two boys, I couldn't help feeling that this wasn't the last. The realization that I was the primary cause of trouble was sinking in. The incident leftshaken. Toren gripped my hand as he drove back to the hotel in silence and barely kept the rage.

"I should've killed that bastard!" he growled.

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I remained silent, wondering what to do now. This was becoming repetitive, and I had no answers. When we reached the hotel, he didn't leave my hand and went to his room holding me. As soon as we were inside, he pulledto his chest and huggedtightly, dipping his head in my neck. I could sense that he needed an assurance that I was near him, with him, because even I needed this assurance.

Were we mates? The question nagged my mind like a thorn that I wanted to weed out. The notion that I was his mate was overwhelming. And the notion that I wasn't his mate was crushing. Like I couldn't breathe.

"Toren," I murmured in his chest. "What is going on?" Fear started taking roots in ⚫ me.

He pulled back and cupped my cheeks. "Nothing... just don't worry, okay?" But how could I not worry? This was the third the had put himself in jeopardy. I needed to know a solution to end this. And the only solution was to go away as far as possible from him. Realization crashed heavy on my shoulders that I loved Toren. I hated when he was injured or when he had to fight every single person to keepsafe. How many men was he going to fight? raspy voice. "I want to leave." Cupping his hands over my cheeks, tears welled in my eyes. "I want to go," I said in His brows furrowed. “No, you won't!" he said so firmly that his alpha aura spilled. “You are not going anywhere. You I shook my head. "But-" get that?"you won't leave me." He placed his finger on my lips. "No! We are going to find a solution to this problem, but promise His chest was rising and falling as he said those words to him. But I had decided. "Okay..." I said. For the next two days, I was holed up in my room. With nowhere to go, I devoured the books that Aiden had got. At the end, only one question cto my mind-was there something different about my genes? Nina calledon the third day and informedthat James had hired a new waitress. "I'm so sorry, Bia," she consoled me. “I didn't know that he would hire someone so fast. But he said that he would take you back once this shit is over." "No," I said through my tears of losing the only job I ever had. "How could he not hire again? I'm aware of the heavy workload." Nina took a deep breath in. "You're lucky that someone is helping you, Bia. Else I don't know where you would have been." "Yeah!" I rasped. I couldn't talk any further, so I disconnected the call. Picking up a pillow, I crashed it on my face and sobbed. Toren and Aiden weren't there in the room and so I cried till I couldn't. This was the end of my life in Cedar town, I knew James would never takeback.

It was 11PM and the perfect tto escape. So I packed up a small bag with sclothes, stashed the cash in my wallet and did what I had to. I booked a bus ticket to the farthest location I could find from Cedar. Perhaps I was going to be safe over there. And if not, I'll beca nun. At least I'd be safe in a church.

1/2 J N I gripped the strap of my satchel on my chest as I walked out of the room. I wanted to leave a goodbye note to Toren for helping me, but if I did that, I knew he would start findingimmediately. If I wanted to vanish from his life, I had to have stin my hand. He had grown incredibly protective ofrecently, so I doubted he would handle it well.

Slipping out of the hotel was easy, since it was dark. There were very few people in the lobby. I wore a hoodie and a mask over my mouth so that they didn't recognize me. The Uber I had called was waiting for me. Looking around to check if the boys were back, I jumped in the car. "Bus terminal," I instructed the driver, who gavewary looks.

We reached the terminus in less than half an hour. I handed him the cash and headed to the bus. Thankfully, there were very few people inside. I rushed to sit in the last, my heart full of misery for leaving the only man who lovedin all my life. But I was leaving this place so that he was safe. I stifled another bout of tears and sat down in the corner seat.

Ten minutes later, the driver cand started the bus. It soon rolled on the highway, and I took a deep breath in as I looked at the grown so fond of. The town where I forthe town that had met Toren. Could I ever forget him? I don't think so. A hole the size of the town was carved into my chest and I couldn't stop crying silently. Suddenly, the bus screeched to a halt.

"Heyy!" the people inside shouted. "What the fuck are you doing?" a man grunted to the driver. But the driver sat in his place, frozen. Blood from his face had drained as he stared at someone or something in the dark. "Who the fuck is there?" the man shouted. The driver's face morphed from shock to anger. "A boy is standing in front of the bus," he shouted, getting up. "Do you want to die?" As he pressed the button to open the door and stood up, I heard heavy footsteps approaching inside.

My eyes widened in stunned shock as I saw a furious Toren coming my way. "Toren!" I breathed.

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"I told you to have faith in me!" he growled, pullingup by my upper arm.

"You don't understand!" I protested.

He draggedout of the bus, much to everyone's surprise.

"Lady, you need help?" the driver asked.

"No!" I didn't want Toren to be another controversy because of

He draggedto his car and shovedinside it before coming next to me. Aiden was already on the wheels. He revved the engine, and we sped into the darkness. "We are going to my pack," Toren announced. "My spies have caught your father and his family, and they are waiting for you." No, no, no.

Aiden tossed a small potion bottle to me. "Drink this." What was going on? Hi all, our book won the first prize in the contest held on LetterLux. Thank you all for supporting X