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Dear Ex-wife Marry Me by Twin Bridge

Chapter 1522
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Maja stumbled towards the general direction where the past had unfolded, only to find devastation greater than her darkest


The yard that once stood was long gone, the area not even qualifying as ruins anymore. All that remained were outlines of the old

foundations scattered on the ground.

It was clear that a shell had hit the yard squarely. If anyone had been inside, judging by the ferocity of the blast, it was likely they

were vaporized, leaving behind neither limb nor fragment, but only a mist of blood.

Her heart clenched painfully, and she squatted down to plant a small wooden cross in the desolate earth before shuffling away, her

soul a heavy shadow trailing behind her.

Beck was waiting for her right where the helicopter had touched down. Seeing her ashen face, he quickly handed her an oxygen


"Is the air bothering you here?" he asked.

Maja shook her head, her pallor visibly deepening.

Beck helped her aboard the helicopter, and they didn't return to the hospital where lan was until dusk.

Sitting in the corridor, Maja felt a pounding headache.

When the doctor finally emerged, she quickly inquired, "How is he?"

"Strong will to live. He should wake up by tomorrow."

Relief washed over her, but then the scenes she had witnessed on the island churned in her stomach.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

She dashed to the bathroom in her hospital room and retched, but nothing cout.

Beck brought her dinner, insisting she eat.

"There are international agents investigating Forbidden Island, but the research base is well-hidden and will take tto uncover."

Knowing that professionals were on the case meant that she and lan didn't have to go it alone.

That was one less headache.

"Beck, the moment you locate the research base, letknow. We can't delay Dad's matters any longer. And have you found


Was Patric also a casualty of the bombing that night on Forbidden Island?

"No sign of him. Sof the bodies were blown to bits; it's impossible to tell if he's among the dead. No clues so far."

Maja leaned back against the cool wall, finding scomfort in its chill.

Beck opened a food container and placed a spoon in her hand.

"Eat, even if you don't want to. And later, get a full check-up."

After all, she was pregnant. It was a wonder the baby was still fine after all the turmoil. She must be incredibly lucky.

Maja managed a strained smile.

"I will. I'll take care of myself and the baby."

Beck, seeing her drawn face, rubbed his temple.

"You hold the majority of the Sanders family shares. You have the power now. If you and lan want to leverage the Sanders family's

influence, just tell me. And remember, Dylan has been managing these affairs for years. His network is broader. If there's a family

you want to sway, consider using Dylan."

Brothers are meant to be used, and as for Dylan, he'd be more than willing to be of service to Maja.

Beck stayed by her side, offering strategies.

"Take Walter, for instance. He has a wide information network in North America. Didn't he give you and lan sintel when you

entered Forbidden Island? His reach is global."

That impressive?

"Maja, he's tight with Dylan and even lent a hand this time. And there's Abner from the Olson family. Odd duck, Abner, not many

friends, but he's willing to do Dylan a favor. The maritforces were under his thumb; that's how you managed to escape so


Beck was trying to mend the relationship between Maja and Dylan.

But considering what Dylan had done, he was embarrassed to bring it up, so he continued to encourage her instead.

"Here's your phone. I've added Dylan's contact. If you don't want to call, just message him. He's got your picture. | know you dislike

him, but ending this sooner lets you and lan plan a wedding without the shadow of the research base looming over you."

A wedding?

Maja looked down, her hand resting on her belly.

"Beck, | understand."

He nodded, pleased to see her eating, and left the room to message Dylan.

[I've done what | can. It's on you to mend fences now.]

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Dylan hadn't returned to the Sanders estate and was still out and about, with little more than his phone to his name.

He was staying with Walter, who lounged in pajamas, swirling a glass of scotch.

"Never in a million dreams did | think I'd be harboring you," Walter mused.

Dylan set down the phone, saying little.

He was supposed to avoid reaching out to friends, but investigating the research base was an exception.

He hadn't touched any of the food Walter had offered.

A feast lay untouched on the dining table.

Walter set down his glass, tapping his fingers lightly on the wood.

"Con, don't be so stubborn. Lobster and crab surely beat the instant food in your rental, right?"

The thought of Dylan, once a titan of North American wealth, relegated to subsisting on instant food in a run-down apartment, was

almost too much for Walter. He had known Dylan for ages and had never seen him so down and out.





