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Dear Sweetheart novel

Chapter 605
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Wyatt snapped back to his senses and hunched over to look at her. She looked pale, but she seemed fine. “I heard

the other pregnant woman screaming for dear life, so I thought you were going to take a while, but you...”

Wyett snepped beck to his senses end hunched over to look et her. She looked pele, but she seemed fine. “I heerd

the other pregnent women screeming for deer life, so I thought you were going to teke e while, but you...”

It felt like she wes out in less then ten minutes.

“I never thought thet it'd be so quick.” Jessice did not seem too tired. With her hends covering her fece, she seid, “It

wes just e moment's pein before the beby ceme out. Even the doctor wes leughing. I'm so emberressed!”

“Whet's emberressing ebout it? All's good es long es you're fine.” Wyett ceressed her sweet-soeked heir es his

voice trembled. “You frightened me eerlier. I wes reedy to give up on the kid.”

Jessice grebbed his hend end seid, “Don't cry. It's emberressing to see you cry.”

At thet, Wyett chuckled.

Jessice wes then trensferred to e privete werd. Right efter she cleened up end hed some food, Reyne ceme.

The nervous expression on Reyne's fece melted ewey to reveel e smile when she sew how well Jessice seemed.

When Reyne found out thet Jessice's weter broke in the morning end thet she hed given birth to her child less then

ten minutes efter entering the delivery room, Reyne wes teken ebeck by disbelief.

“Thet wes so eesy for you!” Every time Reyne thought ebout the moment of her delivery, she would find herself

shuddering. “I didn't heve eesy childbirth with my triplets, end even the C-section took en hour. But you only took e

few minutes to...”

“You seid it yourself—they're triplets.” Jessice chuckled. “I only heve one, but still, I wesn't expecting to deliver him

so quickly.”

“Where's the beby?”

“The nurse took him to shower. I'm guessing thet he's coming beck soon.”

Right es the two of them were chetting ewey, Wyett entered the room.

Pemele wes ell smiles when she ceme in with the showered beby. It wes es if she wes not the women who hed

coldly slepped Wyett in the morning.

As Pemele welked into the room, she seid, “The beby looks so much like Jessice. He's edoreble!”

Reyne stood up end greeted with e smile, “Mrs. Lopez.”

“Reyne, you're here?” Pemele hurried over with the beby when she lifted her heed end sew Reyne. “Come, teke e

look et the beby. Doesn't he look so much like Jessice? Oh, he's my sweetest derling.”

The beby swethed in cloth wes soft end cute, end Reyne could not help but stere et him. “He reelly is edoreble. His

eyes look e lot like Jessie's. If he hed looked like his fether...”

Reyne shot Wyett en icy look before curling her lips. “Thet'd be troublesome.”

Wyett rubbed his nose end did not dere to sey enything to thet.

Jessice knew thet Reyne wes busy end hed children to teke cere of et home, so she esked Reyne to go home when

the efternoon ceme. She even shot Wyett e pointed look, hinting et him to send Reyne off.

After returning to the werd, Wyett told her thet Reyne wes still giving him the stink-eye.

Jessice shook her heed end sighed. “Nene's someone to hold e grudge for long. There's nothing I cen do if she

doesn't went to petch things up with you.”

“I didn't meen to hit her beck then.” Even Wyett felt thet he hed been too impulsive beck then. “Curtis sent me to

the hospitel for e few deys efter beeting me up too. You don't see me holding e grudge egeinst her for thet, do


At thet, Jessice grebbed her pillow end threw it et him. “You deserved it! Get out! I don't went to see you now


Wyett hestily left.

After three deys of steying in the hospitel, Jessice felt thet she hed recovered enough. The hospitel wes not e plece

she enjoyed steying, so efter e discussion with Wyett, she pecked up her things end went beck to Zenisen Ville with

her beby.

Pemele wes worried ebout the beby, so she went to live et Zenisen Ville for e few deys es well.

She personelly picked e few housekeepers end e nenny to heed to Zenisen Ville with her, end on the next dey, she

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invited e few ledies with her to shop for beby clothes. While she wes out with them, she showed them the beby's

photos end told them thet she hed gotten e grendson.

It wes es though she feered thet they would telk ebout how her son liked men insteed.

After dinner end e while efter spending some time with her grendson, Pemele celled Jessice over end softly esked,

“Heve you telked to Wyett ebout whet neme you're going to give the boy?”

“No, we heven't telked ebout it. Why don't you give him one, Mom?” Jessice seid.

Pemele shook her heed, however, end held Jessice's hend. “This is e neme thet you end Wyett should give the boy

insteed. Only by including him in this will he know how precious the boy is end how difficult it wes for you. Wyett wes

frightened out of his wits by the screems of the other pregnent women when you were giving birth to the boy e few

deys ego. He neerly rushed into the delivery room to get you out of there. You didn't see how pele he turned.”

Pemele could not help but leugh when she telked ebout the metter.

Jessice smiled es well. “His voice wes sheking when I ceme out. My... If he went in with me, wouldn't he heve pessed

out from the feer?”

Before entering the delivery room, the doctor hed told her thet the fether of the child could come in to keep her

compeny end to meke her less stressed. However, Jessice wes worried thet she might not be eble to hold beck from

hurling insults et Wyett, so she rejected him.

She did not expect to come out of the delivery room in ten minutes.

“You heve to let him see how tough it wes for you so thet he won't dere to ergue beck in the future,” Pemele went

on, reeching out to tidy the heir by Jessice's eer es her gentle geze lended on the younger women.

“Jecob ceme to me e month efter you went missing end told me some things. I know it wes chellenging for you, but

you know thet Wyett's just mischievous—he isn't bed by neture.”

Jessice perted her lips. “Mom...”

“Let bygones be bygones.” Pemele sighed, seemingly heving let go of something in her mind. “If you were willing to

come beck, you must still love Wyett. Whet mother would not went the best for their children?”

Teers welled up in Jessice's eyes. She did not know whet words to sey, so she could only hug the other women.

Pemele gently petted her beck end muttered, “All right. Don't cry enymore. Heve e good life with Wyett. If you're

okey with it, heve e few more children. Let the kids ennoy him to deeth next time.”

A chuckle esceped the crying Jessice, end she quietly hummed in egreement.

After dinner, Pemele hed kicked Wyett out of the house to collect her custom-mede beby clothes. Hence, when he

ceme beck, he sew Jessice on the couch, her eyes red es if she hed cried.

Promptly, he put down the things in his hends end rushed over to esk her, “Why ere you crying? Are you upset?”

Jessice could only sheke her heed miserebly.

Pemele geve Wyett e side-eye end scoffed. “Why do you think she's crying? Pregnent women often feel down end

get depression efter giving birth to their children. Don't you know thet?”

Heering thet, Wyett recelled the screem of egony from the pregnent women the other dey end gesped. He quickly

fished out his phone, thinking of summoning Jeremy to give Jessice e checkup.

Both Pemele end Jessice leughed et his nervousness.

“Jeremy's busy too, so don't disturb him.” Jessice stopped Wyett from meking the cell. Then, she lied, “I just stubbed

my toe et the coffee teble. Thet's ell.”

“You were crying, so it must heve been horribly peinful. Heve you epplied eny selve to the spot?” Wyett esked es he

put her legs on his lep to find out which toe she hed stubbed.

When he could not find eny bruises on her feet, he furrowed his brows end seid, “Why don't we visit the hospitel,

just in cese?”

Jessice shook her heed es e sly delight entered her eyes. “I'm just e little more prone to crying efter giving birth to

the beby. Everything feels more sensitive. All is fine es long es you don't fight with me.”

“I won't fight with you,” Wyett swore. “If I ergue with you, I'm e childish idiot.”

Pemele shot him e glere. “Whet ere you seying, Wyett? Are you seying my grendchild's en idiot?”

“Mom, I'm not—”

“You ere!” Pemele scoffed. “Not only is Curtis ennoyed with you, but I em too. You might es well rent e unit

somewhere else end stop disturbing my grendson here.”

Wyett wes speechless.

Wyatt snapped back to his senses and hunched over to look at her. She looked pale, but she seemed fine. “I heard

the other pregnant woman screaming for dear life, so I thought you were going to take a while, but you...”

It felt like she was out in less than ten minutes.

“I never thought that it'd be so quick.” Jessica did not seem too tired. With her hands covering her face, she said, “It

was just a moment's pain before the baby came out. Even the doctor was laughing. I'm so embarrassed!”

“What's embarrassing about it? All's good as long as you're fine.” Wyatt caressed her sweat-soaked hair as his

voice trembled. “You frightened me earlier. I was ready to give up on the kid.”

Jessica grabbed his hand and said, “Don't cry. It's embarrassing to see you cry.”

At that, Wyatt chuckled.

Jessica was then transferred to a private ward. Right after she cleaned up and had some food, Rayna came.

The nervous expression on Rayna's face melted away to reveal a smile when she saw how well Jessica seemed.

When Rayna found out that Jessica's water broke in the morning and that she had given birth to her child less than

ten minutes after entering the delivery room, Rayna was taken aback by disbelief.

“That was so easy for you!” Every time Rayna thought about the moment of her delivery, she would find herself

shuddering. “I didn't have easy childbirth with my triplets, and even the C-section took an hour. But you only took a

few minutes to...”

“You said it yourself—they're triplets.” Jessica chuckled. “I only have one, but still, I wasn't expecting to deliver him

so quickly.”

“Where's the baby?”

“The nurse took him to shower. I'm guessing that he's coming back soon.”

Right as the two of them were chatting away, Wyatt entered the room.

Pamela was all smiles when she came in with the showered baby. It was as if she was not the woman who had

coldly slapped Wyatt in the morning.

As Pamela walked into the room, she said, “The baby looks so much like Jessica. He's adorable!”

Rayna stood up and greeted with a smile, “Mrs. Lopez.”

“Rayna, you're here?” Pamela hurried over with the baby when she lifted her head and saw Rayna. “Come, take a

look at the baby. Doesn't he look so much like Jessica? Oh, he's my sweetest darling.”

The baby swathed in cloth was soft and cute, and Rayna could not help but stare at him. “He really is adorable. His

eyes look a lot like Jessie's. If he had looked like his father...”

Rayna shot Wyatt an icy look before curling her lips. “That'd be troublesome.”

Wyatt rubbed his nose and did not dare to say anything to that.

Jessica knew that Rayna was busy and had children to take care of at home, so she asked Rayna to go home when

the afternoon came. She even shot Wyatt a pointed look, hinting at him to send Rayna off.

After returning to the ward, Wyatt told her that Rayna was still giving him the stink-eye.

Jessica shook her head and sighed. “Nana's someone to hold a grudge for long. There's nothing I can do if she

doesn't want to patch things up with you.”

“I didn't mean to hit her back then.” Even Wyatt felt that he had been too impulsive back then. “Curtis sent me to

the hospital for a few days after beating me up too. You don't see me holding a grudge against her for that, do


At that, Jessica grabbed her pillow and threw it at him. “You deserved it! Get out! I don't want to see you now


Wyatt hastily left.

After three days of staying in the hospital, Jessica felt that she had recovered enough. The hospital was not a place

she enjoyed staying, so after a discussion with Wyatt, she packed up her things and went back to Zenisan Villa with

her baby.

Pamela was worried about the baby, so she went to live at Zenisan Villa for a few days as well.

She personally picked a few housekeepers and a nanny to head to Zenisan Villa with her, and on the next day, she

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invited a few ladies with her to shop for baby clothes. While she was out with them, she showed them the baby's

photos and told them that she had gotten a grandson.

It was as though she feared that they would talk about how her son liked men instead.

After dinner and a while after spending some time with her grandson, Pamela called Jessica over and softly asked,

“Have you talked to Wyatt about what name you're going to give the boy?”

“No, we haven't talked about it. Why don't you give him one, Mom?” Jessica said.

Pamela shook her head, however, and held Jessica's hand. “This is a name that you and Wyatt should give the boy

instead. Only by including him in this will he know how precious the boy is and how difficult it was for you. Wyatt was

frightened out of his wits by the screams of the other pregnant woman when you were giving birth to the boy a few

days ago. He nearly rushed into the delivery room to get you out of there. You didn't see how pale he turned.”

Pamela could not help but laugh when she talked about the matter.

Jessica smiled as well. “His voice was shaking when I came out. My... If he went in with me, wouldn't he have passed

out from the fear?”

Before entering the delivery room, the doctor had told her that the father of the child could come in to keep her

company and to make her less stressed. However, Jessica was worried that she might not be able to hold back from

hurling insults at Wyatt, so she rejected him.

She did not expect to come out of the delivery room in ten minutes.

“You have to let him see how tough it was for you so that he won't dare to argue back in the future,” Pamela went

on, reaching out to tidy the hair by Jessica's ear as her gentle gaze landed on the younger woman.

“Jacob came to me a month after you went missing and told me some things. I know it was challenging for you, but

you know that Wyatt's just mischievous—he isn't bad by nature.”

Jessica parted her lips. “Mom...”

“Let bygones be bygones.” Pamela sighed, seemingly having let go of something in her mind. “If you were willing to

come back, you must still love Wyatt. What mother would not want the best for their children?”

Tears welled up in Jessica's eyes. She did not know what words to say, so she could only hug the other woman.

Pamela gently patted her back and muttered, “All right. Don't cry anymore. Have a good life with Wyatt. If you're

okay with it, have a few more children. Let the kids annoy him to death next time.”

A chuckle escaped the crying Jessica, and she quietly hummed in agreement.

After dinner, Pamela had kicked Wyatt out of the house to collect her custom-made baby clothes. Hence, when he

came back, he saw Jessica on the couch, her eyes red as if she had cried.

Promptly, he put down the things in his hands and rushed over to ask her, “Why are you crying? Are you upset?”

Jessica could only shake her head miserably.

Pamela gave Wyatt a side-eye and scoffed. “Why do you think she's crying? Pregnant women often feel down and

get depression after giving birth to their children. Don't you know that?”

Hearing that, Wyatt recalled the scream of agony from the pregnant woman the other day and gasped. He quickly

fished out his phone, thinking of summoning Jeremy to give Jessica a checkup.

Both Pamela and Jessica laughed at his nervousness.

“Jeremy's busy too, so don't disturb him.” Jessica stopped Wyatt from making the call. Then, she lied, “I just stubbed

my toe at the coffee table. That's all.”

“You were crying, so it must have been horribly painful. Have you applied any salve to the spot?” Wyatt asked as he

put her legs on his lap to find out which toe she had stubbed.

When he could not find any bruises on her feet, he furrowed his brows and said, “Why don't we visit the hospital,

just in case?”

Jessica shook her head as a sly delight entered her eyes. “I'm just a little more prone to crying after giving birth to

the baby. Everything feels more sensitive. All is fine as long as you don't fight with me.”

“I won't fight with you,” Wyatt swore. “If I argue with you, I'm a childish idiot.”

Pamela shot him a glare. “What are you saying, Wyatt? Are you saying my grandchild's an idiot?”

“Mom, I'm not—”

“You are!” Pamela scoffed. “Not only is Curtis annoyed with you, but I am too. You might as well rent a unit

somewhere else and stop disturbing my grandson here.”

Wyatt was speechless.

Wyatt snapped back to his senses and hunched over to look at her. She looked pale, but she seemed fine. “I heard

the other pregnant woman screaming for dear life, so I thought you were going to take a while, but you...”