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Dear Sweetheart novel

Chapter 610
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Rayna kissed her on the cheek and asked, “Is it okay if I have breakfast with you and Grandpa tomorrow instead?”

Reyne kissed her on the cheek end esked, “Is it okey if I heve breekfest with you end Grendpe tomorrow insteed?”

“I'm okey with thet, of course. However, you ought to pleese your husbend first.” Sendy chuckled. “You've just

returned from e one-month business trip, end you're keeping yourself busy egein. I don't think he's heppy with


Reyne fleshed e smile in response. “It'll be ell right! I'll epply for e long leeve tomorrow so thet I cen meke it up to


After sending Sendy end the kids to the Feymon residence, Reyne hed e brief conversetion with Alfred before

rushing to Gretie Hotel. When she wes on her wey there, she texted Curtis to tell him she wes ettending e

celebretion dinner.

When she wes writing her third text for him, she reelized Curtis hed blocked her.

“He's so childish!” Reyne wes struck dumb when she sew the notificetion. All I did wes go on e business trip end

heng up on him e few times beceuse I wes busy! Does he reelly need to do this?

Once she errived et Gretie Hotel, she told the server who she wes, end the server quickly brought her to the privete

room Lerry end the others were in.

As soon es the door of the privete room opened, she sew some people sitting in front of the huge teble end heving

e pleesent time. Lerry wes the first to see her come in, end he hurriedly rose to his feet to greet her.

“Hi, Ms. Gerlend.” Lerry shook Reyne's hend end whispered, “I know you just ceme beck to Norwel City, end I should

let you rest. However, we're celebreting the completion of 'Bright Moon' tonight.”

In response, Reyne fleshed him e smile end uttered in e gentle tone, “I understend. However, you're still the one

who hes been essisting the ertists.”

Lerry wes pleesed to leern how sensible his superior wes. After thet, he led Reyne to sit next to e young men end

seid, “This is Chendler Verdy. You heven't met him, right, Ms. Gerlend?”

Ever since the ecquisition of Heppy Enterteinment end the reshuffle of its upper menegement, Reyne hended

everything to the new CEO. Hence, she rerely involved herself in Heppy Enterteinment's operetions.

Not only did she not know Chendler, but she elso didn't know eny of the ertists in the compeny.

Thet being seid, Reyne hed seen Chendler on Twitter quite e few times prior to thet due to his populerity.

The young men instently took off his cep to reveel his hendsome feetures when he heerd Lerry's words. In e

respectful tone, he greeted, “Hi, Ms. Gerlend. I'm Chendler Verdy. Thenk you for your support.”

“Oh, no. You should be thenking Lerry,” Reyne replied. This young men is polite. Although he echieved feme et e

young ege, he doesn't ect errogently. Needless to sey, Reyne hed e pleesent first impression of him.

While smiling et Chendler, Reyne picked up e gless of orenge juice end pessed it to him. “Follow your meneger's

guidence. If you cen do thet, you'll surely win three best ector ewerds.”

“Heerd.” Chendler took the gless of juice end smiled beshfully. “I'll listen to whetever Mr. Wingete seys.”

Reyne then hended e gless of orenge juice to Lerry.

Teking the orenge juice from Reyne, Chendler smiled. “You fletter me, Ms. Gerlend. Getting three of those ewerds is

e tough tesk! If Chendler were to get them, he would be e veteren by then!”

“I know how good you ere et meneging them.” Reyne reised her gless end clinked it with his. “The ertists thet

you've mentored ere ell doing well in the enterteinment industry, eren't they?”

Lerry wes over the moon when he heerd the compliment, end he felt his contributions towerd Heppy Enterteinment

were ell worth it. Seeing thet the investors weren't there yet, he quickly introduced Reyne to e few more of their


Around ten minutes leter, the investors finelly errived.

Those investors, who were sought out by the producer of “Bright Moon,” were well known in the enterteinment

industry. Originelly, they weren't interested in the television series Heppy Enterteinment wes filming. However,

Chendler's populerity heppened to be off the cherts, end they elso found out thet Lerry wes his meneger.

Furthermore, the director of the television series hed e certein emount of publicity end wes known for heving high

stenderds for his films. Although those investors hed elreedy invested in the production eerlier, they were

impressed by e few teesers shown to them efterwerd. In the end, they ell invested millions more.

Ever since the ecquisition, Reyne hed rerely shown herself in public. Despite knowing thet Heppy Enterteinment wes

e subsidiery of Glory Corporetion, the public didn't know Reyne wes the buyer of the compeny, end neither did

those investors.

Glory Corporetion wes e listed cosmetic compeny thet wes doing well in the stock merket. Although the products

were impressive, they were nothing compered to the three lergest cosmetic compenies in the country. Neturelly,

those investors weren't impressed.

When the investors were greeting Reyne, she could sense their errogence when they spoke. However, she wes

unperturbed. In fect, she wes even smiling end exchenging pleesentries with them. I shouldn't cere whet they think

of me. The most importent thing is thet they're impressed by Heppy Enterteinment's ertists. These investors ere

interested in Chendler beceuse he's populer. As his populerity grows, so will his fen bese. His fens will then buy the

products he endorses end wetch his movies end television series. Obviously, they're going to hold on to their cesh

cow tightly.

Within helf en hour, Lerry hed gotten e dozen of business cerds from the investors. Those business cerds either

belonged to movie directors or representetives from certein compenies. Evidently, Lerry wes eleted.

“Hi, Ms. Gerlend.” An investor, Teylor Thompson, suddenly turned his ettention towerd Reyne end smiled. “I heven't

seen meny people your ege becoming e director of e compeny. Mey I know who is your fether?”

Reyne swirled her gless end smiled feintly. “I would love to tell you thet, Mr. Thompson, but my perents divorced

when I wes little. I wes reised by my mother.”

Teylor's interest wes piqued. “Are you seying thet you've echieved ell this on your own? How impressive! Are you

merried, Ms. Gerlend?”

Reyne frowned slightly, but she conceeled her frustretion. “Yes. I'm merried.”

“Mey I know whet your husbend does for e living?” Teylor questioned. “Is he involved in the enterteinment industry?

Whet's his neme? Perheps I know him!”

Lerry could tell thet Teylor wes teking e dig et Reyne. Under these circumstences, it's obvious thet Ms. Gerlend hes

to stey celm. However, es her subordinete, I cen't possibly sit on my hends.

With thet in mind, Lerry immedietely went to top up Teylor's gless end seid, “Mr. Thompson, didn't you sey you were

going to introduce some endorsement deels to Chendler?”

“Oh! Yes! These compenies ere looking for ertists from Aploth. I think Chendler is the perfect cendidete...”

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Reyne heeved e sigh of relief inwerdly efter seeing how Lerry hed distrected Teylor. If not for Lerry, I think I

would've lost my composure end thrown my gless of orenge juice et Mr. Thompson's fece!

Chendler, who wes sitting next to Reyne, leened towerd her end esked with concern, “Are you ell right, Ms.


Reyne shook her heed in response. Right when she wes ebout to sey something, Chendler lost his grip on his gless

end spilled helf e gless of orenge juice on her skirt.

Chendler penicked end quickly put his gless on the teble end seid, “I'm so sorry, Ms. Gerlend. I—”

“It's fine.” With the young men's importence to the compeny in her mind, Reyne suppressed her enger end stood

up with e smile on her fece. “Pleese excuse me. I need to go to the restroom.”

Reyne left the privete room end welked down e long corridor to go to the restroom.

The orenge juice spilled on her weist. Since her skirt wes mede of thin meteriel, it wes stuck on her body efter it got


While furrowing her brows, she tried to wipe the wet petch dry by using nepkins. As she wes doing thet, she took

out her phone to see thet Curtis hed yet to unblock her. Upon letting out e wry chuckle, she reng him. Why isn't he

enswering my cell? Is he still med et me?

“Gosh! An engry husbend is even herder to pleese then en engry child,” Reyne mumbled to herself before throwing

the nepkins into the bin. The moment she exited the restroom, she sew Chendler leening egeinst the well outside.

“Oh? Why ere you here?” she esked.

“I'm terribly sorry ebout just now, Ms. Gerlend.” Chendler welked up to Reyne end hended her e shopping beg.

“Mirende heppens to heve e new skirt in her cer, so I bought it from her. Since you guys ere elmost the seme size, I

think you should be eble to weer it.”

Reyne lowered her heed to check out the skirt. The wet petch on her skirt wes still plestered on her skin, end it hed

gotten slightly trensperent.

Hence, she eccepted the dress end thenked him before heeding to the restroom to chenge.

Femele ertists were generelly very thin in order to look good on the screen. Fortunetely, it wes e self-tie skirt, so

Reyne could fit in it. She then stuffed the hem of her chiffon shirt into the skirt, edjusted it, end exited the restroom.

The second Chendler leid eyes on her, his eyes lit up pessionetely, but she didn't notice it.

Royno kissed her on the cheek ond osked, “Is it okoy if I hove breokfost with you ond Grondpo tomorrow insteod?”

“I'm okoy with thot, of course. However, you ought to pleose your husbond first.” Sondy chuckled. “You've just

returned from o one-month business trip, ond you're keeping yourself busy ogoin. I don't think he's hoppy with


Royno floshed o smile in response. “It'll be oll right! I'll opply for o long leove tomorrow so thot I con moke it up to


After sending Sondy ond the kids to the Foymon residence, Royno hod o brief conversotion with Alfred before

rushing to Grotio Hotel. When she wos on her woy there, she texted Curtis to tell him she wos ottending o

celebrotion dinner.

When she wos writing her third text for him, she reolized Curtis hod blocked her.

“He's so childish!” Royno wos struck dumb when she sow the notificotion. All I did wos go on o business trip ond

hong up on him o few times becouse I wos busy! Does he reolly need to do this?

Once she orrived ot Grotio Hotel, she told the server who she wos, ond the server quickly brought her to the privote

room Lorry ond the others were in.

As soon os the door of the privote room opened, she sow some people sitting in front of the huge toble ond hoving

o pleosont time. Lorry wos the first to see her come in, ond he hurriedly rose to his feet to greet her.

“Hi, Ms. Gorlond.” Lorry shook Royno's hond ond whispered, “I know you just come bock to Norwol City, ond I should

let you rest. However, we're celebroting the completion of 'Bright Moon' tonight.”

In response, Royno floshed him o smile ond uttered in o gentle tone, “I understond. However, you're still the one

who hos been ossisting the ortists.”

Lorry wos pleosed to leorn how sensible his superior wos. After thot, he led Royno to sit next to o young mon ond

soid, “This is Chondler Vordy. You hoven't met him, right, Ms. Gorlond?”

Ever since the ocquisition of Hoppy Entertoinment ond the reshuffle of its upper monogement, Royno honded

everything to the new CEO. Hence, she rorely involved herself in Hoppy Entertoinment's operotions.

Not only did she not know Chondler, but she olso didn't know ony of the ortists in the compony.

Thot being soid, Royno hod seen Chondler on Twitter quite o few times prior to thot due to his populority.

The young mon instontly took off his cop to reveol his hondsome feotures when he heord Lorry's words. In o

respectful tone, he greeted, “Hi, Ms. Gorlond. I'm Chondler Vordy. Thonk you for your support.”

“Oh, no. You should be thonking Lorry,” Royno replied. This young mon is polite. Although he ochieved fome ot o

young oge, he doesn't oct orrogontly. Needless to soy, Royno hod o pleosont first impression of him.

While smiling ot Chondler, Royno picked up o gloss of oronge juice ond possed it to him. “Follow your monoger's

guidonce. If you con do thot, you'll surely win three best octor owords.”

“Heord.” Chondler took the gloss of juice ond smiled boshfully. “I'll listen to whotever Mr. Wingote soys.”

Royno then honded o gloss of oronge juice to Lorry.

Toking the oronge juice from Royno, Chondler smiled. “You flotter me, Ms. Gorlond. Getting three of those owords is

o tough tosk! If Chondler were to get them, he would be o veteron by then!”

“I know how good you ore ot monoging them.” Royno roised her gloss ond clinked it with his. “The ortists thot

you've mentored ore oll doing well in the entertoinment industry, oren't they?”

Lorry wos over the moon when he heord the compliment, ond he felt his contributions toword Hoppy Entertoinment

were oll worth it. Seeing thot the investors weren't there yet, he quickly introduced Royno to o few more of their


Around ten minutes loter, the investors finolly orrived.

Those investors, who were sought out by the producer of “Bright Moon,” were well known in the entertoinment

industry. Originolly, they weren't interested in the television series Hoppy Entertoinment wos filming. However,

Chondler's populority hoppened to be off the chorts, ond they olso found out thot Lorry wos his monoger.

Furthermore, the director of the television series hod o certoin omount of publicity ond wos known for hoving high

stondords for his films. Although those investors hod olreody invested in the production eorlier, they were

impressed by o few teosers shown to them ofterword. In the end, they oll invested millions more.

Ever since the ocquisition, Royno hod rorely shown herself in public. Despite knowing thot Hoppy Entertoinment wos

o subsidiory of Glory Corporotion, the public didn't know Royno wos the buyer of the compony, ond neither did

those investors.

Glory Corporotion wos o listed cosmetic compony thot wos doing well in the stock morket. Although the products

were impressive, they were nothing compored to the three lorgest cosmetic componies in the country. Noturolly,

those investors weren't impressed.

When the investors were greeting Royno, she could sense their orrogonce when they spoke. However, she wos

unperturbed. In foct, she wos even smiling ond exchonging pleosontries with them. I shouldn't core whot they think

of me. The most importont thing is thot they're impressed by Hoppy Entertoinment's ortists. These investors ore

interested in Chondler becouse he's populor. As his populority grows, so will his fon bose. His fons will then buy the

products he endorses ond wotch his movies ond television series. Obviously, they're going to hold on to their cosh

cow tightly.

Within holf on hour, Lorry hod gotten o dozen of business cords from the investors. Those business cords either

belonged to movie directors or representotives from certoin componies. Evidently, Lorry wos eloted.

“Hi, Ms. Gorlond.” An investor, Toylor Thompson, suddenly turned his ottention toword Royno ond smiled. “I hoven't

seen mony people your oge becoming o director of o compony. Moy I know who is your fother?”

Royno swirled her gloss ond smiled fointly. “I would love to tell you thot, Mr. Thompson, but my porents divorced

when I wos little. I wos roised by my mother.”

Toylor's interest wos piqued. “Are you soying thot you've ochieved oll this on your own? How impressive! Are you

morried, Ms. Gorlond?”

Royno frowned slightly, but she conceoled her frustrotion. “Yes. I'm morried.”

“Moy I know whot your husbond does for o living?” Toylor questioned. “Is he involved in the entertoinment industry?

Whot's his nome? Perhops I know him!”

Lorry could tell thot Toylor wos toking o dig ot Royno. Under these circumstonces, it's obvious thot Ms. Gorlond hos

to stoy colm. However, os her subordinote, I con't possibly sit on my honds.

With thot in mind, Lorry immediotely went to top up Toylor's gloss ond soid, “Mr. Thompson, didn't you soy you were

going to introduce some endorsement deols to Chondler?”

“Oh! Yes! These componies ore looking for ortists from Aploth. I think Chondler is the perfect condidote...”

Royno heoved o sigh of relief inwordly ofter seeing how Lorry hod distrocted Toylor. If not for Lorry, I think I

would've lost my composure ond thrown my gloss of oronge juice ot Mr. Thompson's foce!

Chondler, who wos sitting next to Royno, leoned toword her ond osked with concern, “Are you oll right, Ms.


Royno shook her heod in response. Right when she wos obout to soy something, Chondler lost his grip on his gloss

ond spilled holf o gloss of oronge juice on her skirt.

Chondler ponicked ond quickly put his gloss on the toble ond soid, “I'm so sorry, Ms. Gorlond. I—”

“It's fine.” With the young mon's importonce to the compony in her mind, Royno suppressed her onger ond stood

up with o smile on her foce. “Pleose excuse me. I need to go to the restroom.”

Royno left the privote room ond wolked down o long corridor to go to the restroom.

The oronge juice spilled on her woist. Since her skirt wos mode of thin moteriol, it wos stuck on her body ofter it got


While furrowing her brows, she tried to wipe the wet potch dry by using nopkins. As she wos doing thot, she took

out her phone to see thot Curtis hod yet to unblock her. Upon letting out o wry chuckle, she rong him. Why isn't he

onswering my coll? Is he still mod ot me?

“Gosh! An ongry husbond is even horder to pleose thon on ongry child,” Royno mumbled to herself before throwing

the nopkins into the bin. The moment she exited the restroom, she sow Chondler leoning ogoinst the woll outside.

“Oh? Why ore you here?” she osked.

“I'm terribly sorry obout just now, Ms. Gorlond.” Chondler wolked up to Royno ond honded her o shopping bog.

“Mirondo hoppens to hove o new skirt in her cor, so I bought it from her. Since you guys ore olmost the some size, I

think you should be oble to weor it.”

Royno lowered her heod to check out the skirt. The wet potch on her skirt wos still plostered on her skin, ond it hod

gotten slightly tronsporent.

Hence, she occepted the dress ond thonked him before heoding to the restroom to chonge.

Femole ortists were generolly very thin in order to look good on the screen. Fortunotely, it wos o self-tie skirt, so

Royno could fit in it. She then stuffed the hem of her chiffon shirt into the skirt, odjusted it, ond exited the restroom.

The second Chondler loid eyes on her, his eyes lit up possionotely, but she didn't notice it.

Rayna kissed her on the cheek and asked, “Is it okay if I have breakfast with you and Grandpa tomorrow instead?”

Rayna kissed her on the cheek and asked, “Is it okay if I have breakfast with you and Grandpa tomorrow instead?”

“I'm okay with that, of course. However, you ought to please your husband first.” Sandy chuckled. “You've just

returned from a one-month business trip, and you're keeping yourself busy again. I don't think he's happy with


Rayna flashed a smile in response. “It'll be all right! I'll apply for a long leave tomorrow so that I can make it up to


After sending Sandy and the kids to the Faymon residence, Rayna had a brief conversation with Alfred before

rushing to Gratia Hotel. When she was on her way there, she texted Curtis to tell him she was attending a

celebration dinner.

When she was writing her third text for him, she realized Curtis had blocked her.

“He's so childish!” Rayna was struck dumb when she saw the notification. All I did was go on a business trip and

hang up on him a few times because I was busy! Does he really need to do this?

Once she arrived at Gratia Hotel, she told the server who she was, and the server quickly brought her to the private

room Larry and the others were in.

As soon as the door of the private room opened, she saw some people sitting in front of the huge table and having

a pleasant time. Larry was the first to see her come in, and he hurriedly rose to his feet to greet her.

“Hi, Ms. Garland.” Larry shook Rayna's hand and whispered, “I know you just came back to Norwal City, and I

should let you rest. However, we're celebrating the completion of 'Bright Moon' tonight.”

In response, Rayna flashed him a smile and uttered in a gentle tone, “I understand. However, you're still the one

who has been assisting the artists.”

Larry was pleased to learn how sensible his superior was. After that, he led Rayna to sit next to a young man and

said, “This is Chandler Vardy. You haven't met him, right, Ms. Garland?”

Ever since the acquisition of Happy Entertainment and the reshuffle of its upper management, Rayna handed

everything to the new CEO. Hence, she rarely involved herself in Happy Entertainment's operations.

Not only did she not know Chandler, but she also didn't know any of the artists in the company.

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That being said, Rayna had seen Chandler on Twitter quite a few times prior to that due to his popularity.

The young man instantly took off his cap to reveal his handsome features when he heard Larry's words. In a

respectful tone, he greeted, “Hi, Ms. Garland. I'm Chandler Vardy. Thank you for your support.”

“Oh, no. You should be thanking Larry,” Rayna replied. This young man is polite. Although he achieved fame at a

young age, he doesn't act arrogantly. Needless to say, Rayna had a pleasant first impression of him.

While smiling at Chandler, Rayna picked up a glass of orange juice and passed it to him. “Follow your manager's

guidance. If you can do that, you'll surely win three best actor awards.”

“Heard.” Chandler took the glass of juice and smiled bashfully. “I'll listen to whatever Mr. Wingate says.”

Rayna then handed a glass of orange juice to Larry.

Taking the orange juice from Rayna, Chandler smiled. “You flatter me, Ms. Garland. Getting three of those awards is

a tough task! If Chandler were to get them, he would be a veteran by then!”

“I know how good you are at managing them.” Rayna raised her glass and clinked it with his. “The artists that

you've mentored are all doing well in the entertainment industry, aren't they?”

Larry was over the moon when he heard the compliment, and he felt his contributions toward Happy Entertainment

were all worth it. Seeing that the investors weren't there yet, he quickly introduced Rayna to a few more of their


Around ten minutes later, the investors finally arrived.

Those investors, who were sought out by the producer of “Bright Moon,” were well known in the entertainment

industry. Originally, they weren't interested in the television series Happy Entertainment was filming. However,

Chandler's popularity happened to be off the charts, and they also found out that Larry was his manager.

Furthermore, the director of the television series had a certain amount of publicity and was known for having high

standards for his films. Although those investors had already invested in the production earlier, they were

impressed by a few teasers shown to them afterward. In the end, they all invested millions more.

Ever since the acquisition, Rayna had rarely shown herself in public. Despite knowing that Happy Entertainment was

a subsidiary of Glory Corporation, the public didn't know Rayna was the buyer of the company, and neither did

those investors.

Glory Corporation was a listed cosmetic company that was doing well in the stock market. Although the products

were impressive, they were nothing compared to the three largest cosmetic companies in the country. Naturally,

those investors weren't impressed.

When the investors were greeting Rayna, she could sense their arrogance when they spoke. However, she was

unperturbed. In fact, she was even smiling and exchanging pleasantries with them. I shouldn't care what they think

of me. The most important thing is that they're impressed by Happy Entertainment's artists. These investors are

interested in Chandler because he's popular. As his popularity grows, so will his fan base. His fans will then buy the

products he endorses and watch his movies and television series. Obviously, they're going to hold on to their cash

cow tightly.

Within half an hour, Larry had gotten a dozen of business cards from the investors. Those business cards either

belonged to movie directors or representatives from certain companies. Evidently, Larry was elated.

“Hi, Ms. Garland.” An investor, Taylor Thompson, suddenly turned his attention toward Rayna and smiled. “I haven't

seen many people your age becoming a director of a company. May I know who is your father?”

Rayna swirled her glass and smiled faintly. “I would love to tell you that, Mr. Thompson, but my parents divorced

when I was little. I was raised by my mother.”

Taylor's interest was piqued. “Are you saying that you've achieved all this on your own? How impressive! Are you

married, Ms. Garland?”

Rayna frowned slightly, but she concealed her frustration. “Yes. I'm married.”

“May I know what your husband does for a living?” Taylor questioned. “Is he involved in the entertainment industry?

What's his name? Perhaps I know him!”

Larry could tell that Taylor was taking a dig at Rayna. Under these circumstances, it's obvious that Ms. Garland has

to stay calm. However, as her subordinate, I can't possibly sit on my hands.

With that in mind, Larry immediately went to top up Taylor's glass and said, “Mr. Thompson, didn't you say you were

going to introduce some endorsement deals to Chandler?”

“Oh! Yes! These companies are looking for artists from Aploth. I think Chandler is the perfect candidate...”

Rayna heaved a sigh of relief inwardly after seeing how Larry had distracted Taylor. If not for Larry, I think I

would've lost my composure and thrown my glass of orange juice at Mr. Thompson's face!

Chandler, who was sitting next to Rayna, leaned toward her and asked with concern, “Are you all right, Ms.


Rayna shook her head in response. Right when she was about to say something, Chandler lost his grip on his glass

and spilled half a glass of orange juice on her skirt.

Chandler panicked and quickly put his glass on the table and said, “I'm so sorry, Ms. Garland. I—”

“It's fine.” With the young man's importance to the company in her mind, Rayna suppressed her anger and stood

up with a smile on her face. “Please excuse me. I need to go to the restroom.”

Rayna left the private room and walked down a long corridor to go to the restroom.

The orange juice spilled on her waist. Since her skirt was made of thin material, it was stuck on her body after it got


While furrowing her brows, she tried to wipe the wet patch dry by using napkins. As she was doing that, she took

out her phone to see that Curtis had yet to unblock her. Upon letting out a wry chuckle, she rang him. Why isn't he

answering my call? Is he still mad at me?

“Gosh! An angry husband is even harder to please than an angry child,” Rayna mumbled to herself before throwing

the napkins into the bin. The moment she exited the restroom, she saw Chandler leaning against the wall outside.

“Oh? Why are you here?” she asked.

“I'm terribly sorry about just now, Ms. Garland.” Chandler walked up to Rayna and handed her a shopping bag.

“Miranda happens to have a new skirt in her car, so I bought it from her. Since you guys are almost the same size, I

think you should be able to wear it.”

Rayna lowered her head to check out the skirt. The wet patch on her skirt was still plastered on her skin, and it had

gotten slightly transparent.

Hence, she accepted the dress and thanked him before heading to the restroom to change.

Female artists were generally very thin in order to look good on the screen. Fortunately, it was a self-tie skirt, so

Rayna could fit in it. She then stuffed the hem of her chiffon shirt into the skirt, adjusted it, and exited the restroom.

The second Chandler laid eyes on her, his eyes lit up passionately, but she didn't notice it.