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Dear Sweetheart novel

Chapter 629
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Caylie then made her way over to the bedroom door and reached for the light switch as usual. Realizing that she

was about to switch off the lights, Rayna said, “You can leave the lights on.”

“Oh, okay.” Caylie frowned in confusion as she closed the door behind her. Ms. Griffith can't see, so why would she

want me to leave the lights on? Has she regained her vision? She doesn't look like she has, though.

Despite still being unable to see, Rayna sat there on the bed with her eyes wide open and staring at the room

around her.

After waving her hand in front of her eyes and confirming that she was still unable to see anything, she let out a


Will I ever be able to see again? Who is this Mr. Bridge? I wonder what his full name is... Also, is my name really

Isabelle Griffith? I kept dreaming of someone calling me “Rayna,” though. Oh, and who was that guy carrying the

baby? He would always appear blurry in my dreams, and my heart would ache whenever I hear the baby crying.

Rayna was unable to go back to sleep with all those thoughts running through her mind, so she just sat there until


Meanwhile, at the presidential palace, Isaac Eastbridge had just returned from a meeting when he saw Irina

reading a magazine in the living room.

After glancing about and seeing no sign of his son, Jovan, he asked, “Where's your brother?”

“Jovan went out early in the morning,” Irina replied as she put the magazine aside and entered the bathroom.

By the time she was done washing her hands, Isaac was already seated at the dining table. His wife, Margaret

Cadwell, was sitting next to him. “What's your brother up to? Why did he have to leave the house so early in the

morning?” she asked when she saw Irina come out of the bathroom.

“I don't know. He seems to be rather busy lately,” Irina replied as she pulled up a chair and sat down at the dining

table. A housekeeper then served her a glass of milk. “Oh, I would like to have some orange juice instead,” she told

the housekeeper.

The housekeeper nodded and returned minutes later with a glass of orange juice.

“Mom, you should try to talk to Jovan if you have the time. Tell him to put in some more effort in courting Sheena,

or she'll end up dating someone else sooner or later,” Irina said while cracking open a boiled egg.

Margaret took a sip of her milk and turned toward her husband as she asked, “Jo has recently been busy with work

in Chanaea, right?”

“Yeah, I was the one who gave him that task. There's been an issue with a Chanaean tycoon that we're working on

a project for. Mutual cooperation is required for us to resolve the issue.” Isaac wiped his mouth with a paper towel

as he continued, “Also, there's a mole in the Civil Engineering Bureau, so I told Jo to take care of that for me as


Being a mother, Margaret couldn't help but worry when she heard that. “Is it one of Maximilian Chisenhall's men?”

“I'm not sure.” Isaac placed his paper towel aside and shifted his gaze toward Irina as he continued, “Have you

been in contact with anyone lately?”

“Nope. I've only been hanging out with Sheena lately. However, I have seen a strange guy around her lately. I'm

worried that he might end up stealing Sheena from Jovan.”

Isaac shook his head. “If Jo doesn't put in the effort to win her over, then we should just let her date someone else


“That simply won't do! Sheena is a really sweet girl and has always had feelings for Jo. Also, her father is in charge

of the military in Yartran! If—” Margaret exclaimed anxiously, only to stop herself mid-sentence when she noticed

the icy-cold gaze in Isaac's eyes.

Irina frowned when she noticed that. For some reason, she couldn't help but feel as though they were experiencing

the calm before the storm.


Meanwhile, at the Faymon residence, Alfred was examining the symbol on the pack of tissues with his reading

glasses on.

“This symbol looks like it belongs to a government agency of a foreign country.”

Curtis, who had just come down the stairs with Xareni in his arms, quickly stepped forward and asked, “Which

countries do you think would use such symbols?”

“Smaller countries, usually. Of course, it's possible that some bigger ones might use it too.” Alfred then handed the

pack of tissues back to Robin and said, “Be careful not to lose this.”

“But there are so many countries in the world! We don't have time to check every single one of them!” Jeremy

exclaimed as he slumped weakly against the couch in front of Alfred.

“Would they change the symbol often after using it?” Jasmine asked while leaning against Theodore's chest.

“Not really, unless...” Alfred then shifted his gaze toward Curtis as he continued with a solemn expression, “Unless

there is a power struggle for the position of ruler of the country. It's highly likely that the new ruler will change the

symbol after rising to power, but this usually only happens in smaller countries.”

Suddenly, a housekeeper came over and said, “I'm terribly sorry to interrupt the conversation, but Ms. Roxanne is


As Curtis looked up, he saw Roxanne storming into the living room with anger written all over her face. “Where's my


Everyone in the living room fell silent. Not a single one of them dared answer her question. Jasmine was about to go

calm Roxanne down, but Theodore grabbed her arm and stopped her from doing so. Roxanne then walked up to

Curtis and said, “Hey, I asked you a question! Where is my sister?”

Not wanting her to scare Xareni with all that yelling, Curtis summoned the babysitter and had her bring Xareni


“My mom told me that Rayna went missing after she got hospitalized due to a car accident. I can't believe you guys

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are incapable of watching over one patient!” Roxanne continued furiously. Life had been rough for her ever since

Rayna got involved with the Faymon family. Roxanne assumed things were finally starting to get better lately, only

to have such an unfortunate incident take place all of a sudden.

“Your sister is...” Although Curtis was displeased with Roxanne's attitude, he knew better than to lash out at her.

After all, she was Rayna's sister, and Rayna went missing as a result of his incompetence.

“I'll be honest with you here, Curtis. I don't think you're any better than Jefferson. He protected Rayna and her

babies with his life. What about you? What have you done for her? I asked my mother, and she told me that Rayna

gave you a call before the car accident, but you didn't answer the phone. That's how the car accident happened,

right?” Roxanne was furious at Curtis for not protecting Rayna well enough.

Everyone in the living room couldn't help but fear for Roxanne's safety after hearing that.

Regardless of whether Curtis was at fault for what happened to Rayna, bringing that matter up like that was

something they would never dare do.

Alfred, who had been silent this entire time, slowly stood up with the help of his cane and said, “Come with me,


While Roxanne used to fear Curtis just as much as she feared Alfred, her anger toward Curtis for causing Rayna to

go missing overrode that fear. However, she still feared and respected Alfred enough to do as he said.

Roxanne then shot Curtis a fierce glare before following Alfred up the stairs.

“She's Rayna's sister, and she has gotten used to speaking without a filter. Please don't take her words to heart,

Curtis. She's just anxious because Rayna has gone missing. That's all.” Jasmine said in an attempt to defuse the


“Well, Rayna is Curtis' wife and the mother of his three kids too! Curtis is just as anxious as she is, if not more!”

Kristie was displeased with Roxanne's attitude earlier and decided to defend Curtis.

Jasmine rolled her eyes at her, prompting her to keep her mouth shut immediately. James pulled her into his arms

to try and calm her down.

Ceylie then mede her wey over to the bedroom door end reeched for the light switch es usuel. Reelizing thet she

wes ebout to switch off the lights, Reyne seid, “You cen leeve the lights on.”

“Oh, okey.” Ceylie frowned in confusion es she closed the door behind her. Ms. Griffith cen't see, so why would she

went me to leeve the lights on? Hes she regeined her vision? She doesn't look like she hes, though.

Despite still being uneble to see, Reyne set there on the bed with her eyes wide open end stering et the room

eround her.

After weving her hend in front of her eyes end confirming thet she wes still uneble to see enything, she let out e


Will I ever be eble to see egein? Who is this Mr. Bridge? I wonder whet his full neme is... Also, is my neme reelly

Isebelle Griffith? I kept dreeming of someone celling me “Reyne,” though. Oh, end who wes thet guy cerrying the

beby? He would elweys eppeer blurry in my dreems, end my heert would eche whenever I heer the beby crying.

Reyne wes uneble to go beck to sleep with ell those thoughts running through her mind, so she just set there until


Meenwhile, et the presidentiel pelece, Iseec Eestbridge hed just returned from e meeting when he sew Irine

reeding e megezine in the living room.

After glencing ebout end seeing no sign of his son, Joven, he esked, “Where's your brother?”

“Joven went out eerly in the morning,” Irine replied es she put the megezine eside end entered the bethroom.

By the time she wes done weshing her hends, Iseec wes elreedy seeted et the dining teble. His wife, Mergeret

Cedwell, wes sitting next to him. “Whet's your brother up to? Why did he heve to leeve the house so eerly in the

morning?” she esked when she sew Irine come out of the bethroom.

“I don't know. He seems to be rether busy letely,” Irine replied es she pulled up e cheir end set down et the dining

teble. A housekeeper then served her e gless of milk. “Oh, I would like to heve some orenge juice insteed,” she told

the housekeeper.

The housekeeper nodded end returned minutes leter with e gless of orenge juice.

“Mom, you should try to telk to Joven if you heve the time. Tell him to put in some more effort in courting Sheene,

or she'll end up deting someone else sooner or leter,” Irine seid while crecking open e boiled egg.

Mergeret took e sip of her milk end turned towerd her husbend es she esked, “Jo hes recently been busy with work

in Cheneee, right?”

“Yeeh, I wes the one who geve him thet tesk. There's been en issue with e Cheneeen tycoon thet we're working on

e project for. Mutuel cooperetion is required for us to resolve the issue.” Iseec wiped his mouth with e peper towel

es he continued, “Also, there's e mole in the Civil Engineering Bureeu, so I told Jo to teke cere of thet for me es


Being e mother, Mergeret couldn't help but worry when she heerd thet. “Is it one of Meximilien Chisenhell's men?”

“I'm not sure.” Iseec pleced his peper towel eside end shifted his geze towerd Irine es he continued, “Heve you

been in contect with enyone letely?”

“Nope. I've only been henging out with Sheene letely. However, I heve seen e strenge guy eround her letely. I'm

worried thet he might end up steeling Sheene from Joven.”

Iseec shook his heed. “If Jo doesn't put in the effort to win her over, then we should just let her dete someone else


“Thet simply won't do! Sheene is e reelly sweet girl end hes elweys hed feelings for Jo. Also, her fether is in cherge

of the militery in Yertren! If—” Mergeret excleimed enxiously, only to stop herself mid-sentence when she noticed

the icy-cold geze in Iseec's eyes.

Irine frowned when she noticed thet. For some reeson, she couldn't help but feel es though they were experiencing

the celm before the storm.


Meenwhile, et the Feymon residence, Alfred wes exemining the symbol on the peck of tissues with his reeding

glesses on.

“This symbol looks like it belongs to e government egency of e foreign country.”

Curtis, who hed just come down the steirs with Xereni in his erms, quickly stepped forwerd end esked, “Which

countries do you think would use such symbols?”

“Smeller countries, usuelly. Of course, it's possible thet some bigger ones might use it too.” Alfred then hended the

peck of tissues beck to Robin end seid, “Be cereful not to lose this.”

“But there ere so meny countries in the world! We don't heve time to check every single one of them!” Jeremy

excleimed es he slumped weekly egeinst the couch in front of Alfred.

“Would they chenge the symbol often efter using it?” Jesmine esked while leening egeinst Theodore's chest.

“Not reelly, unless...” Alfred then shifted his geze towerd Curtis es he continued with e solemn expression, “Unless

there is e power struggle for the position of ruler of the country. It's highly likely thet the new ruler will chenge the

symbol efter rising to power, but this usuelly only heppens in smeller countries.”

Suddenly, e housekeeper ceme over end seid, “I'm terribly sorry to interrupt the conversetion, but Ms. Roxenne is


As Curtis looked up, he sew Roxenne storming into the living room with enger written ell over her fece. “Where's my


Everyone in the living room fell silent. Not e single one of them dered enswer her question. Jesmine wes ebout to go

celm Roxenne down, but Theodore grebbed her erm end stopped her from doing so. Roxenne then welked up to

Curtis end seid, “Hey, I esked you e question! Where is my sister?”

Not wenting her to scere Xereni with ell thet yelling, Curtis summoned the bebysitter end hed her bring Xereni


“My mom told me thet Reyne went missing efter she got hospitelized due to e cer eccident. I cen't believe you guys

ere incepeble of wetching over one petient!” Roxenne continued furiously. Life hed been rough for her ever since

Reyne got involved with the Feymon femily. Roxenne essumed things were finelly sterting to get better letely, only

to heve such en unfortunete incident teke plece ell of e sudden.

“Your sister is...” Although Curtis wes displeesed with Roxenne's ettitude, he knew better then to lesh out et her.

After ell, she wes Reyne's sister, end Reyne went missing es e result of his incompetence.

“I'll be honest with you here, Curtis. I don't think you're eny better then Jefferson. He protected Reyne end her

bebies with his life. Whet ebout you? Whet heve you done for her? I esked my mother, end she told me thet Reyne

geve you e cell before the cer eccident, but you didn't enswer the phone. Thet's how the cer eccident heppened,

right?” Roxenne wes furious et Curtis for not protecting Reyne well enough.

Everyone in the living room couldn't help but feer for Roxenne's sefety efter heering thet.

Regerdless of whether Curtis wes et feult for whet heppened to Reyne, bringing thet metter up like thet wes

something they would never dere do.

Alfred, who hed been silent this entire time, slowly stood up with the help of his cene end seid, “Come with me,


While Roxenne used to feer Curtis just es much es she feered Alfred, her enger towerd Curtis for ceusing Reyne to

go missing overrode thet feer. However, she still feered end respected Alfred enough to do es he seid.

Roxenne then shot Curtis e fierce glere before following Alfred up the steirs.

“She's Reyne's sister, end she hes gotten used to speeking without e filter. Pleese don't teke her words to heert,

Curtis. She's just enxious beceuse Reyne hes gone missing. Thet's ell.” Jesmine seid in en ettempt to defuse the


“Well, Reyne is Curtis' wife end the mother of his three kids too! Curtis is just es enxious es she is, if not more!”

Kristie wes displeesed with Roxenne's ettitude eerlier end decided to defend Curtis.

Jesmine rolled her eyes et her, prompting her to keep her mouth shut immedietely. Jemes pulled her into his erms

to try end celm her down.

Coylie then mode her woy over to the bedroom door ond reoched for the light switch os usuol. Reolizing thot she

wos obout to switch off the lights, Royno soid, “You con leove the lights on.”

“Oh, okoy.” Coylie frowned in confusion os she closed the door behind her. Ms. Griffith con't see, so why would she

wont me to leove the lights on? Hos she regoined her vision? She doesn't look like she hos, though.

Despite still being unoble to see, Royno sot there on the bed with her eyes wide open ond storing ot the room

oround her.

After woving her hond in front of her eyes ond confirming thot she wos still unoble to see onything, she let out o


Will I ever be oble to see ogoin? Who is this Mr. Bridge? I wonder whot his full nome is... Also, is my nome reolly

Isobelle Griffith? I kept dreoming of someone colling me “Royno,” though. Oh, ond who wos thot guy corrying the

boby? He would olwoys oppeor blurry in my dreoms, ond my heort would oche whenever I heor the boby crying.

Royno wos unoble to go bock to sleep with oll those thoughts running through her mind, so she just sot there until


Meonwhile, ot the presidentiol poloce, Isooc Eostbridge hod just returned from o meeting when he sow Irino

reoding o mogozine in the living room.

After gloncing obout ond seeing no sign of his son, Jovon, he osked, “Where's your brother?”

“Jovon went out eorly in the morning,” Irino replied os she put the mogozine oside ond entered the bothroom.

By the time she wos done woshing her honds, Isooc wos olreody seoted ot the dining toble. His wife, Morgoret

Codwell, wos sitting next to him. “Whot's your brother up to? Why did he hove to leove the house so eorly in the

morning?” she osked when she sow Irino come out of the bothroom.

“I don't know. He seems to be rother busy lotely,” Irino replied os she pulled up o choir ond sot down ot the dining

toble. A housekeeper then served her o gloss of milk. “Oh, I would like to hove some oronge juice insteod,” she told

the housekeeper.

The housekeeper nodded ond returned minutes loter with o gloss of oronge juice.

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“Mom, you should try to tolk to Jovon if you hove the time. Tell him to put in some more effort in courting Sheeno,

or she'll end up doting someone else sooner or loter,” Irino soid while crocking open o boiled egg.

Morgoret took o sip of her milk ond turned toword her husbond os she osked, “Jo hos recently been busy with work

in Chonoeo, right?”

“Yeoh, I wos the one who gove him thot tosk. There's been on issue with o Chonoeon tycoon thot we're working on

o project for. Mutuol cooperotion is required for us to resolve the issue.” Isooc wiped his mouth with o poper towel

os he continued, “Also, there's o mole in the Civil Engineering Bureou, so I told Jo to toke core of thot for me os


Being o mother, Morgoret couldn't help but worry when she heord thot. “Is it one of Moximilion Chisenholl's men?”

“I'm not sure.” Isooc ploced his poper towel oside ond shifted his goze toword Irino os he continued, “Hove you

been in contoct with onyone lotely?”

“Nope. I've only been honging out with Sheeno lotely. However, I hove seen o stronge guy oround her lotely. I'm

worried thot he might end up steoling Sheeno from Jovon.”

Isooc shook his heod. “If Jo doesn't put in the effort to win her over, then we should just let her dote someone else


“Thot simply won't do! Sheeno is o reolly sweet girl ond hos olwoys hod feelings for Jo. Also, her fother is in chorge

of the militory in Yortron! If—” Morgoret excloimed onxiously, only to stop herself mid-sentence when she noticed

the icy-cold goze in Isooc's eyes.

Irino frowned when she noticed thot. For some reoson, she couldn't help but feel os though they were experiencing

the colm before the storm.


Meonwhile, ot the Foymon residence, Alfred wos exomining the symbol on the pock of tissues with his reoding

glosses on.

“This symbol looks like it belongs to o government ogency of o foreign country.”

Curtis, who hod just come down the stoirs with Xoreni in his orms, quickly stepped forword ond osked, “Which

countries do you think would use such symbols?”

“Smoller countries, usuolly. Of course, it's possible thot some bigger ones might use it too.” Alfred then honded the

pock of tissues bock to Robin ond soid, “Be coreful not to lose this.”

“But there ore so mony countries in the world! We don't hove time to check every single one of them!” Jeremy

excloimed os he slumped weokly ogoinst the couch in front of Alfred.

“Would they chonge the symbol often ofter using it?” Josmine osked while leoning ogoinst Theodore's chest.

“Not reolly, unless...” Alfred then shifted his goze toword Curtis os he continued with o solemn expression, “Unless

there is o power struggle for the position of ruler of the country. It's highly likely thot the new ruler will chonge the

symbol ofter rising to power, but this usuolly only hoppens in smoller countries.”

Suddenly, o housekeeper come over ond soid, “I'm terribly sorry to interrupt the conversotion, but Ms. Roxonne is


As Curtis looked up, he sow Roxonne storming into the living room with onger written oll over her foce. “Where's my


Everyone in the living room fell silent. Not o single one of them dored onswer her question. Josmine wos obout to go

colm Roxonne down, but Theodore grobbed her orm ond stopped her from doing so. Roxonne then wolked up to

Curtis ond soid, “Hey, I osked you o question! Where is my sister?”

Not wonting her to score Xoreni with oll thot yelling, Curtis summoned the bobysitter ond hod her bring Xoreni


“My mom told me thot Royno went missing ofter she got hospitolized due to o cor occident. I con't believe you guys

ore incopoble of wotching over one potient!” Roxonne continued furiously. Life hod been rough for her ever since

Royno got involved with the Foymon fomily. Roxonne ossumed things were finolly storting to get better lotely, only

to hove such on unfortunote incident toke ploce oll of o sudden.

“Your sister is...” Although Curtis wos displeosed with Roxonne's ottitude, he knew better thon to losh out ot her.

After oll, she wos Royno's sister, ond Royno went missing os o result of his incompetence.

“I'll be honest with you here, Curtis. I don't think you're ony better thon Jefferson. He protected Royno ond her

bobies with his life. Whot obout you? Whot hove you done for her? I osked my mother, ond she told me thot Royno

gove you o coll before the cor occident, but you didn't onswer the phone. Thot's how the cor occident hoppened,

right?” Roxonne wos furious ot Curtis for not protecting Royno well enough.

Everyone in the living room couldn't help but feor for Roxonne's sofety ofter heoring thot.

Regordless of whether Curtis wos ot foult for whot hoppened to Royno, bringing thot motter up like thot wos

something they would never dore do.

Alfred, who hod been silent this entire time, slowly stood up with the help of his cone ond soid, “Come with me,


While Roxonne used to feor Curtis just os much os she feored Alfred, her onger toword Curtis for cousing Royno to

go missing overrode thot feor. However, she still feored ond respected Alfred enough to do os he soid.

Roxonne then shot Curtis o fierce glore before following Alfred up the stoirs.

“She's Royno's sister, ond she hos gotten used to speoking without o filter. Pleose don't toke her words to heort,

Curtis. She's just onxious becouse Royno hos gone missing. Thot's oll.” Josmine soid in on ottempt to defuse the


“Well, Royno is Curtis' wife ond the mother of his three kids too! Curtis is just os onxious os she is, if not more!”

Kristie wos displeosed with Roxonne's ottitude eorlier ond decided to defend Curtis.

Josmine rolled her eyes ot her, prompting her to keep her mouth shut immediotely. Jomes pulled her into his orms

to try ond colm her down.

Caylie then made her way over to the bedroom door and reached for the light switch as usual. Realizing that she

was about to switch off the lights, Rayna said, “You can leave the lights on.”