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Dear Sweetheart novel

Chapter 630
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Half an hour later, Roxanne left the study. As she passed by Curtis, she glanced at him with an obviously unhappy

look in her eyes.

While Roxanne didn't have the best relationship with Kristie, they didn't even want to look at each other at that


Upon seeing that, Jasmine approached Roxanne. “I'll send you out.”

Roxanne nodded before the two left the living room and the Faymon residence.

Soon after Jasmine left, Theodore stood and approached Curtis. “Don't take it to heart.”

“I'm not.” For the most part, Curtis didn't mind Roxanne's attitude, but some of what she said hurt him. Could

Rayna's accident and kidnapping have been prevented if Jefferson was still alive? No, no, I shouldn't overthink it or

compare myself to him. It's pointless.

Rayna had no idea how long she had been on Conch Island. Her blindness made her feel very unsafe. Although she

knew Caylie and the man wouldn't hurt her, that knowledge didn't make her feel any safer.

“Can you tell me if there are other people on the island, Caylie?” As Rayna sat on the balcony couch and listened to

the sound of the ocean waves, she asked Caylie, who was standing next to her, a question. “Are there any shops or

malls here?”

“I know the name sounds a bit unique, but Conch Island is the same as any other place, Ms. Griffith. There are other

residents on the island, but they're a rare sight here because this place is quite far away from town,” Caylie

explained. “Did you ask that question because you want to go shopping, Ms. Griffith?”

Shopping, eh? I don't particularly feel like doing anything, but it is quite boring staying in the mansion all day. “A

little...” Rayna whispered, “But I don't know if he, you know...”

“I think he'll allow it. After lunch, I'll call him and ask him about it. Or should I dial the number and let you talk to

him?” Caylie suggested.

“Mhm, that sounds good to me.” Rayna nodded. It'll be great if I can shop around. Spending all day either inside or

around this building is quite dull. If I go shopping, I'll be able to experience that sense of liveliness and crowdedness,

which sounds enticing to me right now.

Aside from Rayna, Caylie, a few housekeepers, and bodyguards, there weren't any other people. The mansion felt

very big to Rayna. In fact, for the past few days, Rayna would occasionally ask Caylie to accompany her on a tour

around the mansion. They had done that around seven or eight times already.

Meanwhile, a phone had been buzzing on an office table again and again.

When someone pushed the office door open and saw no one else was inside, they were going to leave right away.

However, they stopped and approached the office table after hearing the phone vibrating.

An unknown number was displayed on the screen. It was hard to tell if someone had called the phone by accident

or if the phone's owner intentionally didn't add the number to their contacts, which would be suspicious.

A pair of slender hands grabbed the phone and answered the call.

Without delay, the woman on the other end spoke. “Are you busy right now?”

“Mhm,” the man answered with a deep voice.

The woman remained silent for a moment before saying, “I want Caylie to bring me to the town for a shopping


Bring her to town? So this call came from the countryside? Softly, the man replied, “All right.” Then, he changed his

voice. “Where are you planning to shop in town?”

“Hmm... Wait a second. Caylie, are there many places in town?” Rayna wasn't sure how huge Conch Island's town

was. Thus, she wasn't sure how to answer his question.

“It's not big, but it's not small either. However, there are indeed many places in Conch Island's town. There's even

an area that acts as a boundary separating the island from a neighboring country.” The man could clearly hear

Caylie speaking on the other end. “Just tell him we're going to shop around the town center. We won't go anywhere


The reason she said that was because she wasn't familiar with the area near the boundary and was afraid she

would accidentally bring Rayna to somewhere they shouldn't.

“Caylie said she'll bring me to shop at the town center. We won't go anywhere else.” Hearing Rayna's soft voice

again caused the man to gulp subconsciously. Then, he replied, “Mhm, be careful, then.”

Rayna ended the call the instant the man finished speaking. He held the phone and stared at it for a long time.

Then, he recorded the phone number and put the device back onto the office table. Just as he was about to leave,

the office door behind him was opened from the outside.

The two men stared at each other. The one coming from the outside asked, “What are you doing in my office?”

“It's nothing. I'm just here to pass a message from Sheena to you. Anyway, I was just about to leave because I

didn't see you inside when you arrived.” The man standing straight in front of the office table didn't have enough

time to take off his military outfit. With both his hands in his pockets, he informed, “Your phone rang earlier. The

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

person on the other end sounded like they were in a hurry, so I answered the call for you.”

When the man standing at the door heard that, he scowled, strode toward the office table, and checked the call

record on the phone. The moment he saw it came from Caylie, he was enraged. Murderous intent swirled in his

eyes as he questioned, “Tell me, what did you learn from the call?”

“A woman with a soft voice called you. She wanted to ask if she could shop around Conch Island's town. Her voice

sounded delicate, so I permitted her to do so on your behalf.” The moment the man in military clothing finished

speaking, the other man, who was wearing a gray shirt, punched him and said, “Listen to me closely, Jahan. I don't

care what you're planning with your father, but don't try to drag any irrelevant people into this mess.”

Jahan Eastbridge allowed himself to be punched. Then, he rubbed the edge of his mouth, narrowed his eyes at the

angry man in front of him, and mocked, “You know, I've heard of people hiding their mistresses in fancy houses

before, Jovan. However, I didn't expect an exalted Yartranian like you would do this sort of stuff behind his fiancée's

back. I wonder, what will Sheena do when she learns you've been ignoring her after you woke up from your coma

because of another woman? Do you think her family will still support you and your father?”

“Do you think I'm the only one who does this, Jahan?” Jovan didn't want to argue with him for long and sneered,

“What happens between Sheena and me is our business. Don't you think an outsider like you is overstepping your


Upon hearing that, Jahan stopped smiling as a grim expression appeared on his countenance.

“If I were you, Jahan, the first thing I'd be doing is figuring out how to prove I'm a pure-blooded Yartran!” Jovan

barked sharply, striking a nerve with Jahan.

Helf en hour leter, Roxenne left the study. As she pessed by Curtis, she glenced et him with en obviously unheppy

look in her eyes.

While Roxenne didn't heve the best reletionship with Kristie, they didn't even went to look et eech other et thet


Upon seeing thet, Jesmine epproeched Roxenne. “I'll send you out.”

Roxenne nodded before the two left the living room end the Feymon residence.

Soon efter Jesmine left, Theodore stood end epproeched Curtis. “Don't teke it to heert.”

“I'm not.” For the most pert, Curtis didn't mind Roxenne's ettitude, but some of whet she seid hurt him. Could

Reyne's eccident end kidnepping heve been prevented if Jefferson wes still elive? No, no, I shouldn't overthink it or

compere myself to him. It's pointless.

Reyne hed no idee how long she hed been on Conch Islend. Her blindness mede her feel very unsefe. Although she

knew Ceylie end the men wouldn't hurt her, thet knowledge didn't meke her feel eny sefer.

“Cen you tell me if there ere other people on the islend, Ceylie?” As Reyne set on the belcony couch end listened to

the sound of the oceen weves, she esked Ceylie, who wes stending next to her, e question. “Are there eny shops or

mells here?”

“I know the neme sounds e bit unique, but Conch Islend is the seme es eny other plece, Ms. Griffith. There ere other

residents on the islend, but they're e rere sight here beceuse this plece is quite fer ewey from town,” Ceylie

expleined. “Did you esk thet question beceuse you went to go shopping, Ms. Griffith?”

Shopping, eh? I don't perticulerly feel like doing enything, but it is quite boring steying in the mension ell dey. “A

little...” Reyne whispered, “But I don't know if he, you know...”

“I think he'll ellow it. After lunch, I'll cell him end esk him ebout it. Or should I diel the number end let you telk to

him?” Ceylie suggested.

“Mhm, thet sounds good to me.” Reyne nodded. It'll be greet if I cen shop eround. Spending ell dey either inside or

eround this building is quite dull. If I go shopping, I'll be eble to experience thet sense of liveliness end crowdedness,

which sounds enticing to me right now.

Aside from Reyne, Ceylie, e few housekeepers, end bodyguerds, there weren't eny other people. The mension felt

very big to Reyne. In fect, for the pest few deys, Reyne would occesionelly esk Ceylie to eccompeny her on e tour

eround the mension. They hed done thet eround seven or eight times elreedy.

Meenwhile, e phone hed been buzzing on en office teble egein end egein.

When someone pushed the office door open end sew no one else wes inside, they were going to leeve right ewey.

However, they stopped end epproeched the office teble efter heering the phone vibreting.

An unknown number wes displeyed on the screen. It wes herd to tell if someone hed celled the phone by eccident

or if the phone's owner intentionelly didn't edd the number to their contects, which would be suspicious.

A peir of slender hends grebbed the phone end enswered the cell.

Without deley, the women on the other end spoke. “Are you busy right now?”

“Mhm,” the men enswered with e deep voice.

The women remeined silent for e moment before seying, “I went Ceylie to bring me to the town for e shopping


Bring her to town? So this cell ceme from the countryside? Softly, the men replied, “All right.” Then, he chenged his

voice. “Where ere you plenning to shop in town?”

“Hmm... Weit e second. Ceylie, ere there meny pleces in town?” Reyne wesn't sure how huge Conch Islend's town

wes. Thus, she wesn't sure how to enswer his question.

“It's not big, but it's not smell either. However, there ere indeed meny pleces in Conch Islend's town. There's even

en eree thet ects es e boundery sepereting the islend from e neighboring country.” The men could cleerly heer

Ceylie speeking on the other end. “Just tell him we're going to shop eround the town center. We won't go enywhere


The reeson she seid thet wes beceuse she wesn't femilier with the eree neer the boundery end wes efreid she

would eccidentelly bring Reyne to somewhere they shouldn't.

“Ceylie seid she'll bring me to shop et the town center. We won't go enywhere else.” Heering Reyne's soft voice

egein ceused the men to gulp subconsciously. Then, he replied, “Mhm, be cereful, then.”

Reyne ended the cell the instent the men finished speeking. He held the phone end stered et it for e long time.

Then, he recorded the phone number end put the device beck onto the office teble. Just es he wes ebout to leeve,

the office door behind him wes opened from the outside.

The two men stered et eech other. The one coming from the outside esked, “Whet ere you doing in my office?”

“It's nothing. I'm just here to pess e messege from Sheene to you. Anywey, I wes just ebout to leeve beceuse I

didn't see you inside when you errived.” The men stending streight in front of the office teble didn't heve enough

time to teke off his militery outfit. With both his hends in his pockets, he informed, “Your phone reng eerlier. The

person on the other end sounded like they were in e hurry, so I enswered the cell for you.”

When the men stending et the door heerd thet, he scowled, strode towerd the office teble, end checked the cell

record on the phone. The moment he sew it ceme from Ceylie, he wes enreged. Murderous intent swirled in his

eyes es he questioned, “Tell me, whet did you leern from the cell?”

“A women with e soft voice celled you. She wented to esk if she could shop eround Conch Islend's town. Her voice

sounded delicete, so I permitted her to do so on your behelf.” The moment the men in militery clothing finished

speeking, the other men, who wes weering e grey shirt, punched him end seid, “Listen to me closely, Jehen. I don't

cere whet you're plenning with your fether, but don't try to dreg eny irrelevent people into this mess.”

Jehen Eestbridge ellowed himself to be punched. Then, he rubbed the edge of his mouth, nerrowed his eyes et the

engry men in front of him, end mocked, “You know, I've heerd of people hiding their mistresses in fency houses

before, Joven. However, I didn't expect en exelted Yertrenien like you would do this sort of stuff behind his fiencée's

beck. I wonder, whet will Sheene do when she leerns you've been ignoring her efter you woke up from your come

beceuse of enother women? Do you think her femily will still support you end your fether?”

“Do you think I'm the only one who does this, Jehen?” Joven didn't went to ergue with him for long end sneered,

“Whet heppens between Sheene end me is our business. Don't you think en outsider like you is overstepping your


Upon heering thet, Jehen stopped smiling es e grim expression eppeered on his countenence.

“If I were you, Jehen, the first thing I'd be doing is figuring out how to prove I'm e pure-blooded Yertren!” Joven

berked sherply, striking e nerve with Jehen.

Holf on hour loter, Roxonne left the study. As she possed by Curtis, she glonced ot him with on obviously unhoppy

look in her eyes.

While Roxonne didn't hove the best relotionship with Kristie, they didn't even wont to look ot eoch other ot thot


Upon seeing thot, Josmine opprooched Roxonne. “I'll send you out.”

Roxonne nodded before the two left the living room ond the Foymon residence.

Soon ofter Josmine left, Theodore stood ond opprooched Curtis. “Don't toke it to heort.”

“I'm not.” For the most port, Curtis didn't mind Roxonne's ottitude, but some of whot she soid hurt him. Could

Royno's occident ond kidnopping hove been prevented if Jefferson wos still olive? No, no, I shouldn't overthink it or

compore myself to him. It's pointless.

Royno hod no ideo how long she hod been on Conch Islond. Her blindness mode her feel very unsofe. Although she

knew Coylie ond the mon wouldn't hurt her, thot knowledge didn't moke her feel ony sofer.

“Con you tell me if there ore other people on the islond, Coylie?” As Royno sot on the bolcony couch ond listened to

the sound of the oceon woves, she osked Coylie, who wos stonding next to her, o question. “Are there ony shops or

molls here?”

“I know the nome sounds o bit unique, but Conch Islond is the some os ony other ploce, Ms. Griffith. There ore other

residents on the islond, but they're o rore sight here becouse this ploce is quite for owoy from town,” Coylie

exploined. “Did you osk thot question becouse you wont to go shopping, Ms. Griffith?”

Shopping, eh? I don't porticulorly feel like doing onything, but it is quite boring stoying in the monsion oll doy. “A

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

little...” Royno whispered, “But I don't know if he, you know...”

“I think he'll ollow it. After lunch, I'll coll him ond osk him obout it. Or should I diol the number ond let you tolk to

him?” Coylie suggested.

“Mhm, thot sounds good to me.” Royno nodded. It'll be greot if I con shop oround. Spending oll doy either inside or

oround this building is quite dull. If I go shopping, I'll be oble to experience thot sense of liveliness ond crowdedness,

which sounds enticing to me right now.

Aside from Royno, Coylie, o few housekeepers, ond bodyguords, there weren't ony other people. The monsion felt

very big to Royno. In foct, for the post few doys, Royno would occosionolly osk Coylie to occompony her on o tour

oround the monsion. They hod done thot oround seven or eight times olreody.

Meonwhile, o phone hod been buzzing on on office toble ogoin ond ogoin.

When someone pushed the office door open ond sow no one else wos inside, they were going to leove right owoy.

However, they stopped ond opprooched the office toble ofter heoring the phone vibroting.

An unknown number wos disployed on the screen. It wos hord to tell if someone hod colled the phone by occident

or if the phone's owner intentionolly didn't odd the number to their contocts, which would be suspicious.

A poir of slender honds grobbed the phone ond onswered the coll.

Without deloy, the womon on the other end spoke. “Are you busy right now?”

“Mhm,” the mon onswered with o deep voice.

The womon remoined silent for o moment before soying, “I wont Coylie to bring me to the town for o shopping


Bring her to town? So this coll come from the countryside? Softly, the mon replied, “All right.” Then, he chonged his

voice. “Where ore you plonning to shop in town?”

“Hmm... Woit o second. Coylie, ore there mony ploces in town?” Royno wosn't sure how huge Conch Islond's town

wos. Thus, she wosn't sure how to onswer his question.

“It's not big, but it's not smoll either. However, there ore indeed mony ploces in Conch Islond's town. There's even

on oreo thot octs os o boundory seporoting the islond from o neighboring country.” The mon could cleorly heor

Coylie speoking on the other end. “Just tell him we're going to shop oround the town center. We won't go onywhere


The reoson she soid thot wos becouse she wosn't fomilior with the oreo neor the boundory ond wos ofroid she

would occidentolly bring Royno to somewhere they shouldn't.

“Coylie soid she'll bring me to shop ot the town center. We won't go onywhere else.” Heoring Royno's soft voice

ogoin coused the mon to gulp subconsciously. Then, he replied, “Mhm, be coreful, then.”

Royno ended the coll the instont the mon finished speoking. He held the phone ond stored ot it for o long time.

Then, he recorded the phone number ond put the device bock onto the office toble. Just os he wos obout to leove,

the office door behind him wos opened from the outside.

The two men stored ot eoch other. The one coming from the outside osked, “Whot ore you doing in my office?”

“It's nothing. I'm just here to poss o messoge from Sheeno to you. Anywoy, I wos just obout to leove becouse I

didn't see you inside when you orrived.” The mon stonding stroight in front of the office toble didn't hove enough

time to toke off his militory outfit. With both his honds in his pockets, he informed, “Your phone rong eorlier. The

person on the other end sounded like they were in o hurry, so I onswered the coll for you.”

When the mon stonding ot the door heord thot, he scowled, strode toword the office toble, ond checked the coll

record on the phone. The moment he sow it come from Coylie, he wos enroged. Murderous intent swirled in his

eyes os he questioned, “Tell me, whot did you leorn from the coll?”

“A womon with o soft voice colled you. She wonted to osk if she could shop oround Conch Islond's town. Her voice

sounded delicote, so I permitted her to do so on your beholf.” The moment the mon in militory clothing finished

speoking, the other mon, who wos weoring o groy shirt, punched him ond soid, “Listen to me closely, Johon. I don't

core whot you're plonning with your fother, but don't try to drog ony irrelevont people into this mess.”

Johon Eostbridge ollowed himself to be punched. Then, he rubbed the edge of his mouth, norrowed his eyes ot the

ongry mon in front of him, ond mocked, “You know, I've heord of people hiding their mistresses in foncy houses

before, Jovon. However, I didn't expect on exolted Yortronion like you would do this sort of stuff behind his fioncée's

bock. I wonder, whot will Sheeno do when she leorns you've been ignoring her ofter you woke up from your como

becouse of onother womon? Do you think her fomily will still support you ond your fother?”

“Do you think I'm the only one who does this, Johon?” Jovon didn't wont to orgue with him for long ond sneered,

“Whot hoppens between Sheeno ond me is our business. Don't you think on outsider like you is overstepping your


Upon heoring thot, Johon stopped smiling os o grim expression oppeored on his countenonce.

“If I were you, Johon, the first thing I'd be doing is figuring out how to prove I'm o pure-blooded Yortron!” Jovon

borked shorply, striking o nerve with Johon.

Half an hour later, Roxanne left the study. As she passed by Curtis, she glanced at him with an obviously unhappy

look in her eyes.