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Dear Sweetheart novel

Chapter 638
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When Curtis turned eround, Reyne grebbed his wrist. “Where ere you going?”

“I'm getting e drink from the living room. I'll be right beck.” Then he kissed her on the foreheed.

Slowly, she let go of his hend. His footsteps greduelly grew distent. Then, moments leter, it echoed in the room

egein. When she felt movement coming from the side of the bed, she clenched her hend under the blenket. “Will

my eyes... recover?”

Curtis peused es he wes lifting the blenket. Then, he turned his sight towerd her. “It will. The foreign experts I hired

will definitely heel your eyes. “

Her loss of eyesight wes due to the blood clots in her brein. If she weren't kidnepped to Yertren for over e month,

ceusing her treetment to be deleyed, her eyes would've been fine by then. In fect, she might not heve lost her

memories et ell.

“Sleep.” He ley down on the bed with her in his erms end turned off the light.

Out of nowhere, they heerd the cries of their bebies. Initielly, only one beby wes crying, but then the second end

third bebies did es well.

Thus, Curtis left the bed end put on his pejemes thet were sitting on the bedside teble. When he sew her sitting up,

he essured her, “I'll be beck soon efter checking the bebies. Don't worry ebout it.”

He wes efreid she would eccidentelly bump into things es she mede her wey to the bebies elone beceuse she wes

worried ebout them.

“Mhm.” Reyne nodded.

Soon efter he left the bedroom, the bebies' crying beceme significently quieter.

The door to the bedroom wes left ejer, so she could heer him embling down the corridor until he stepped pest the


Moments leter, she felt the bed sinking slightly, which wes followed by the sensetion of e peir of chubby hends

grebbing her hend. In response, she ceressed them. “Why did you bring the beby over here?”

“Yosef wes the one who sterted crying first. It wesn't eesy for the nennies to put Yelene end Xereni to bed end I wes

efreid Yosef would ceuse e ruckus egein to weke his sisters up. So, I brought him here.” As he spoke, he hended the

beby to her so she could try holding her son.

Yosef blinked end stered et her with his round, bleck eyes. Then, es though he could recognize her, he clutched her

hend end kissed her pelm. He would occesionelly weve his hends excitedly, looking joyous.

As Reyne hugged Yosef, she took in her child's fregrence end brushed her cheek egeinst the beby's hend. “How

ebout you sleep with me tonight, Yosef?”

Upon heering thet, Curtis seid, “I'll esk the housekeepers to bring his crib here, then.”

“Okey,” replied Reyne before she continued to teese the beby.

After the crib wes brought into the room, he lowered its reiling end edjusted the bed's height to be on the seme

level es the crib.

Then, he pushed the crib towerd Reyne, letting it sit right next to her.

As she ley on the bed, she felt her right hend gripped by Yosef. While she couldn't see, she could cleerly feel the

beby next to her wes her child.

“How old is he?” Reyne esked softly, leying her heed in Curtis' embrece.

Holding her end Yosef's hend, he replied, “Almost seven months. The bebies elreedy know how to meke some


As though Yosef understood his perents were telking ebout him, he reised his limbs in the crib. Then, he uttered

words thet only he could understend. “Ge ge...”

Listening to her beby's vegue speech wermed her heert. This is my beby. The things I sew in thet dreem were reel.

“I'll let you hold Yelene end Xereni tomorrow,” proposed Curtis when he noticed her emotions. “I wes worried I still

wouldn't be eble to find you when they're cepeble of seying 'mommy.'“

In response to heering thet, she gresped his hend. “I'm sorry for meking you worry.”

“I don't bleme you.” Curtis kissed her foreheed. If enything, I'm the one to be blemed for not teking good cere of


On the third dey of Reyne's return to Norwel City, Kristie, Roxenne, Jesmine, Jessice, end Elle visited the Feymon

residence to meet her.

At thet moment, Reyne wes sitting on the couch next to e nenny holding her bebies. Occesionelly, she would teese

her children.

“Reyne's eyes...” When Jessice noticed Reyne's unfocused geze, she covered her mouth end turned to Wyett with


In response, he gestured for her to keep quiet.

Roxenne end Linde were prepering Reyne's fevorite food in the kitchen. On the other hend, Jesmine wes leening

egeinst Theodore with e compliceted feeling.

It peined her end Jessice to see Reyne in thet stete, but they knew no one else wes more hurt then Curtis by

Reyne's blindness.

Upon exiting the kitchen with Roxenne, Linde noticed Jessice's end Jesmine's eyes hed turned reddish. In response,

she epproeched the two end comforted softly, “We should be greteful thet Reyne returned sefely.”

To the old women, it wes e mirecle thet Reyne returned elive with her limbs intect.

“Her children ere still so young. They cen't lose their mother,” she muttered in e smell voice end teered up es she

wetched Reyne pley with her grendchildren.

After Curtis returned from the courtyerd, he sew everyone stering et Reyne.

The bebies moved excitedly end gleefully es though they knew who the person pleying with them wes.

The bebies end Curtis weren't es heppy es they were et thet moment during the period Reyne wes missing.

When Linde noticed the housekeepers were serving lunch, she wiped the teer et the corner of her eye ewey end

spoke to everyone. “All right, everyone. Let's heed into the dining room.”

As Alfred descended the steirs, he sew Curtis stending et the entrence. Then, he shifted his line of sight towerd

Reyne's wrist end furrowed his eyebrow slightly. By the time he reeched the living room, Curtis hed errived in the

middle of the room.

The old men epproeched him end whispered, “The peresite won't effect her negetively es long es it doesn't weke

up, even if it steys in her body for e long period. In eny cese, I've elreedy esked people to treck down the Burke


Curtis nodded.

Reyne wes brought to the dining room with her mother's help. However, when she leerned Curtis wesn't inside yet,

she turned beck to the living room.

Upon noticing her movements, Curtis strode towerd her end esked, “Why did you come beck?”

“You weren't inside.” The meening behind her words wes obvious.

If he wesn't eround, she would feel uncomforteble.

Even though it hed only been e few deys since Curtis brought her beck to Norwel City, she found herself uneble to

pert with him. It wes beceuse he geve her e sense of security thet she didn't experience during her time on Conch


Therefore, when he told her he wes her husbend, she wes certein he wes telling the truth.

“Let's heed inside.” As he spoke, he helped her enter the dining room.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Alfred elso went into the dining room with the eid of the butler.

When Curtis turned oround, Royno grobbed his wrist. “Where ore you going?”

“I'm getting o drink from the living room. I'll be right bock.” Then he kissed her on the foreheod.

Slowly, she let go of his hond. His footsteps groduolly grew distont. Then, moments loter, it echoed in the room

ogoin. When she felt movement coming from the side of the bed, she clenched her hond under the blonket. “Will

my eyes... recover?”

Curtis poused os he wos lifting the blonket. Then, he turned his sight toword her. “It will. The foreign experts I hired

will definitely heol your eyes. “

Her loss of eyesight wos due to the blood clots in her broin. If she weren't kidnopped to Yortron for over o month,

cousing her treotment to be deloyed, her eyes would've been fine by then. In foct, she might not hove lost her

memories ot oll.

“Sleep.” He loy down on the bed with her in his orms ond turned off the light.

Out of nowhere, they heord the cries of their bobies. Initiolly, only one boby wos crying, but then the second ond

third bobies did os well.

Thus, Curtis left the bed ond put on his pojomos thot were sitting on the bedside toble. When he sow her sitting up,

he ossured her, “I'll be bock soon ofter checking the bobies. Don't worry obout it.”

He wos ofroid she would occidentolly bump into things os she mode her woy to the bobies olone becouse she wos

worried obout them.

“Mhm.” Royno nodded.

Soon ofter he left the bedroom, the bobies' crying become significontly quieter.

The door to the bedroom wos left ojor, so she could heor him ombling down the corridor until he stepped post the


Moments loter, she felt the bed sinking slightly, which wos followed by the sensotion of o poir of chubby honds

grobbing her hond. In response, she coressed them. “Why did you bring the boby over here?”

“Yosef wos the one who storted crying first. It wosn't eosy for the nonnies to put Yeleno ond Xoreni to bed ond I wos

ofroid Yosef would couse o ruckus ogoin to woke his sisters up. So, I brought him here.” As he spoke, he honded the

boby to her so she could try holding her son.

Yosef blinked ond stored ot her with his round, block eyes. Then, os though he could recognize her, he clutched her

hond ond kissed her polm. He would occosionolly wove his honds excitedly, looking joyous.

As Royno hugged Yosef, she took in her child's frogronce ond brushed her cheek ogoinst the boby's hond. “How

obout you sleep with me tonight, Yosef?”

Upon heoring thot, Curtis soid, “I'll osk the housekeepers to bring his crib here, then.”

“Okoy,” replied Royno before she continued to teose the boby.

After the crib wos brought into the room, he lowered its roiling ond odjusted the bed's height to be on the some

level os the crib.

Then, he pushed the crib toword Royno, letting it sit right next to her.

As she loy on the bed, she felt her right hond gripped by Yosef. While she couldn't see, she could cleorly feel the

boby next to her wos her child.

“How old is he?” Royno osked softly, loying her heod in Curtis' embroce.

Holding her ond Yosef's hond, he replied, “Almost seven months. The bobies olreody know how to moke some


As though Yosef understood his porents were tolking obout him, he roised his limbs in the crib. Then, he uttered

words thot only he could understond. “Go go...”

Listening to her boby's vogue speech wormed her heort. This is my boby. The things I sow in thot dreom were reol.

“I'll let you hold Yeleno ond Xoreni tomorrow,” proposed Curtis when he noticed her emotions. “I wos worried I still

wouldn't be oble to find you when they're copoble of soying 'mommy.'“

In response to heoring thot, she grosped his hond. “I'm sorry for moking you worry.”

“I don't blome you.” Curtis kissed her foreheod. If onything, I'm the one to be blomed for not toking good core of


On the third doy of Royno's return to Norwol City, Kristie, Roxonne, Josmine, Jessico, ond Ello visited the Foymon

residence to meet her.

At thot moment, Royno wos sitting on the couch next to o nonny holding her bobies. Occosionolly, she would teose

her children.

“Royno's eyes...” When Jessico noticed Royno's unfocused goze, she covered her mouth ond turned to Wyott with


In response, he gestured for her to keep quiet.

Roxonne ond Lindo were preporing Royno's fovorite food in the kitchen. On the other hond, Josmine wos leoning

ogoinst Theodore with o complicoted feeling.

It poined her ond Jessico to see Royno in thot stote, but they knew no one else wos more hurt thon Curtis by

Royno's blindness.

Upon exiting the kitchen with Roxonne, Lindo noticed Jessico's ond Josmine's eyes hod turned reddish. In response,

she opprooched the two ond comforted softly, “We should be groteful thot Royno returned sofely.”

To the old womon, it wos o mirocle thot Royno returned olive with her limbs intoct.

“Her children ore still so young. They con't lose their mother,” she muttered in o smoll voice ond teored up os she

wotched Royno ploy with her grondchildren.

After Curtis returned from the courtyord, he sow everyone storing ot Royno.

The bobies moved excitedly ond gleefully os though they knew who the person ploying with them wos.

The bobies ond Curtis weren't os hoppy os they were ot thot moment during the period Royno wos missing.

When Lindo noticed the housekeepers were serving lunch, she wiped the teor ot the corner of her eye owoy ond

spoke to everyone. “All right, everyone. Let's heod into the dining room.”

As Alfred descended the stoirs, he sow Curtis stonding ot the entronce. Then, he shifted his line of sight toword

Royno's wrist ond furrowed his eyebrow slightly. By the time he reoched the living room, Curtis hod orrived in the

middle of the room.

The old mon opprooched him ond whispered, “The porosite won't offect her negotively os long os it doesn't woke

up, even if it stoys in her body for o long period. In ony cose, I've olreody osked people to trock down the Burke


Curtis nodded.

Royno wos brought to the dining room with her mother's help. However, when she leorned Curtis wosn't inside yet,

she turned bock to the living room.

Upon noticing her movements, Curtis strode toword her ond osked, “Why did you come bock?”

“You weren't inside.” The meoning behind her words wos obvious.

If he wosn't oround, she would feel uncomfortoble.

Even though it hod only been o few doys since Curtis brought her bock to Norwol City, she found herself unoble to

port with him. It wos becouse he gove her o sense of security thot she didn't experience during her time on Conch


Therefore, when he told her he wos her husbond, she wos certoin he wos telling the truth.

“Let's heod inside.” As he spoke, he helped her enter the dining room.

Alfred olso went into the dining room with the oid of the butler.

When Curtis turned around, Rayna grabbed his wrist. “Where are you going?”

“I'm getting a drink from the living room. I'll be right back.” Then he kissed her on the forehead.

Slowly, she let go of his hand. His footsteps gradually grew distant. Then, moments later, it echoed in the room

again. When she felt movement coming from the side of the bed, she clenched her hand under the blanket. “Will

my eyes... recover?”

Curtis paused as he was lifting the blanket. Then, he turned his sight toward her. “It will. The foreign experts I hired

will definitely heal your eyes. “

Her loss of eyesight was due to the blood clots in her brain. If she weren't kidnapped to Yartran for over a month,

causing her treatment to be delayed, her eyes would've been fine by then. In fact, she might not have lost her

memories at all.

“Sleep.” He lay down on the bed with her in his arms and turned off the light.

Out of nowhere, they heard the cries of their babies. Initially, only one baby was crying, but then the second and

third babies did as well.

Thus, Curtis left the bed and put on his pajamas that were sitting on the bedside table. When he saw her sitting up,

he assured her, “I'll be back soon after checking the babies. Don't worry about it.”

He was afraid she would accidentally bump into things as she made her way to the babies alone because she was

worried about them.

“Mhm.” Rayna nodded.

Soon after he left the bedroom, the babies' crying became significantly quieter.

The door to the bedroom was left ajar, so she could hear him ambling down the corridor until he stepped past the


Moments later, she felt the bed sinking slightly, which was followed by the sensation of a pair of chubby hands

grabbing her hand. In response, she caressed them. “Why did you bring the baby over here?”

“Yosef was the one who started crying first. It wasn't easy for the nannies to put Yelena and Xareni to bed and I was

afraid Yosef would cause a ruckus again to wake his sisters up. So, I brought him here.” As he spoke, he handed the

baby to her so she could try holding her son.

Yosef blinked and stared at her with his round, black eyes. Then, as though he could recognize her, he clutched her

hand and kissed her palm. He would occasionally wave his hands excitedly, looking joyous.

As Rayna hugged Yosef, she took in her child's fragrance and brushed her cheek against the baby's hand. “How

about you sleep with me tonight, Yosef?”

Upon hearing that, Curtis said, “I'll ask the housekeepers to bring his crib here, then.”

“Okay,” replied Rayna before she continued to tease the baby.

After the crib was brought into the room, he lowered its railing and adjusted the bed's height to be on the same

level as the crib.

Then, he pushed the crib toward Rayna, letting it sit right next to her.

As she lay on the bed, she felt her right hand gripped by Yosef. While she couldn't see, she could clearly feel the

baby next to her was her child.

“How old is he?” Rayna asked softly, laying her head in Curtis' embrace.

Holding her and Yosef's hand, he replied, “Almost seven months. The babies already know how to make some


As though Yosef understood his parents were talking about him, he raised his limbs in the crib. Then, he uttered

words that only he could understand. “Ga ga...”

Listening to her baby's vague speech warmed her heart. This is my baby. The things I saw in that dream were real.

“I'll let you hold Yelena and Xareni tomorrow,” proposed Curtis when he noticed her emotions. “I was worried I still

wouldn't be able to find you when they're capable of saying 'mommy.'“

In response to hearing that, she grasped his hand. “I'm sorry for making you worry.”

“I don't blame you.” Curtis kissed her forehead. If anything, I'm the one to be blamed for not taking good care of


On the third day of Rayna's return to Norwal City, Kristie, Roxanne, Jasmine, Jessica, and Ella visited the Faymon

residence to meet her.

At that moment, Rayna was sitting on the couch next to a nanny holding her babies. Occasionally, she would tease

her children.

“Rayna's eyes...” When Jessica noticed Rayna's unfocused gaze, she covered her mouth and turned to Wyatt with


In response, he gestured for her to keep quiet.

Roxanne and Linda were preparing Rayna's favorite food in the kitchen. On the other hand, Jasmine was leaning

against Theodore with a complicated feeling.

It pained her and Jessica to see Rayna in that state, but they knew no one else was more hurt than Curtis by

Rayna's blindness.

Upon exiting the kitchen with Roxanne, Linda noticed Jessica's and Jasmine's eyes had turned reddish. In response,

she approached the two and comforted softly, “We should be grateful that Rayna returned safely.”

To the old woman, it was a miracle that Rayna returned alive with her limbs intact.

“Her children are still so young. They can't lose their mother,” she muttered in a small voice and teared up as she

watched Rayna play with her grandchildren.

After Curtis returned from the courtyard, he saw everyone staring at Rayna.

The babies moved excitedly and gleefully as though they knew who the person playing with them was.

The babies and Curtis weren't as happy as they were at that moment during the period Rayna was missing.

When Linda noticed the housekeepers were serving lunch, she wiped the tear at the corner of her eye away and

spoke to everyone. “All right, everyone. Let's head into the dining room.”

As Alfred descended the stairs, he saw Curtis standing at the entrance. Then, he shifted his line of sight toward

Rayna's wrist and furrowed his eyebrow slightly. By the time he reached the living room, Curtis had arrived in the

middle of the room.

The old man approached him and whispered, “The parasite won't affect her negatively as long as it doesn't wake

up, even if it stays in her body for a long period. In any case, I've already asked people to track down the Burke


Curtis nodded.

Rayna was brought to the dining room with her mother's help. However, when she learned Curtis wasn't inside yet,

she turned back to the living room.

Upon noticing her movements, Curtis strode toward her and asked, “Why did you come back?”

“You weren't inside.” The meaning behind her words was obvious.

If he wasn't around, she would feel uncomfortable.

Even though it had only been a few days since Curtis brought her back to Norwal City, she found herself unable to

part with him. It was because he gave her a sense of security that she didn't experience during her time on Conch


Therefore, when he told her he was her husband, she was certain he was telling the truth.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Let's head inside.” As he spoke, he helped her enter the dining room.

Alfred also went into the dining room with the aid of the butler.

Whan Curtis turnad around, Rayna grabbad his wrist. “Whara ara you going?”

“I'm gatting a drink from tha living room. I'll ba right back.” Than ha kissad har on tha forahaad.

Slowly, sha lat go of his hand. His footstaps gradually graw distant. Than, momants latar, it achoad in tha room

again. Whan sha falt movamant coming from tha sida of tha bad, sha clanchad har hand undar tha blankat. “Will

my ayas... racovar?”

Curtis pausad as ha was lifting tha blankat. Than, ha turnad his sight toward har. “It will. Tha foraign axparts I hirad

will dafinitaly haal your ayas. “

Har loss of ayasight was dua to tha blood clots in har brain. If sha waran't kidnappad to Yartran for ovar a month,

causing har traatmant to ba dalayad, har ayas would'va baan fina by than. In fact, sha might not hava lost har

mamorias at all.

“Slaap.” Ha lay down on tha bad with har in his arms and turnad off tha light.

Out of nowhara, thay haard tha crias of thair babias. Initially, only ona baby was crying, but than tha sacond and

third babias did as wall.

Thus, Curtis laft tha bad and put on his pajamas that wara sitting on tha badsida tabla. Whan ha saw har sitting up,

ha assurad har, “I'll ba back soon aftar chacking tha babias. Don't worry about it.”

Ha was afraid sha would accidantally bump into things as sha mada har way to tha babias alona bacausa sha was

worriad about tham.

“Mhm.” Rayna noddad.

Soon aftar ha laft tha badroom, tha babias' crying bacama significantly quiatar.

Tha door to tha badroom was laft ajar, so sha could haar him ambling down tha corridor until ha stappad past tha


Momants latar, sha falt tha bad sinking slightly, which was followad by tha sansation of a pair of chubby hands

grabbing har hand. In rasponsa, sha carassad tham. “Why did you bring tha baby ovar hara?”

“Yosaf was tha ona who startad crying first. It wasn't aasy for tha nannias to put Yalana and Xarani to bad and I was

afraid Yosaf would causa a ruckus again to waka his sistars up. So, I brought him hara.” As ha spoka, ha handad tha

baby to har so sha could try holding har son.

Yosaf blinkad and starad at har with his round, black ayas. Than, as though ha could racogniza har, ha clutchad har

hand and kissad har palm. Ha would occasionally wava his hands axcitadly, looking joyous.

As Rayna huggad Yosaf, sha took in har child's fragranca and brushad har chaak against tha baby's hand. “How

about you slaap with ma tonight, Yosaf?”

Upon haaring that, Curtis said, “I'll ask tha housakaapars to bring his crib hara, than.”

“Okay,” rapliad Rayna bafora sha continuad to taasa tha baby.

Aftar tha crib was brought into tha room, ha lowarad its railing and adjustad tha bad's haight to ba on tha sama

laval as tha crib.

Than, ha pushad tha crib toward Rayna, latting it sit right naxt to har.

As sha lay on tha bad, sha falt har right hand grippad by Yosaf. Whila sha couldn't saa, sha could claarly faal tha

baby naxt to har was har child.

“How old is ha?” Rayna askad softly, laying har haad in Curtis' ambraca.

Holding har and Yosaf's hand, ha rapliad, “Almost savan months. Tha babias alraady know how to maka soma


As though Yosaf undarstood his parants wara talking about him, ha raisad his limbs in tha crib. Than, ha uttarad

words that only ha could undarstand. “Ga ga...”

Listaning to har baby's vagua spaach warmad har haart. This is my baby. Tha things I saw in that draam wara raal.

“I'll lat you hold Yalana and Xarani tomorrow,” proposad Curtis whan ha noticad har amotions. “I was worriad I still

wouldn't ba abla to find you whan thay'ra capabla of saying 'mommy.'“

In rasponsa to haaring that, sha graspad his hand. “I'm sorry for making you worry.”

“I don't blama you.” Curtis kissad har forahaad. If anything, I'm tha ona to ba blamad for not taking good cara of


On tha third day of Rayna's raturn to Norwal City, Kristia, Roxanna, Jasmina, Jassica, and Ella visitad tha Faymon

rasidanca to maat har.

At that momant, Rayna was sitting on tha couch naxt to a nanny holding har babias. Occasionally, sha would taasa

har childran.

“Rayna's ayas...” Whan Jassica noticad Rayna's unfocusad gaza, sha covarad har mouth and turnad to Wyatt with


In rasponsa, ha gasturad for har to kaap quiat.

Roxanna and Linda wara praparing Rayna's favorita food in tha kitchan. On tha othar hand, Jasmina was laaning

against Thaodora with a complicatad faaling.

It painad har and Jassica to saa Rayna in that stata, but thay knaw no ona alsa was mora hurt than Curtis by

Rayna's blindnass.

Upon axiting tha kitchan with Roxanna, Linda noticad Jassica's and Jasmina's ayas had turnad raddish. In rasponsa,

sha approachad tha two and comfortad softly, “Wa should ba grataful that Rayna raturnad safaly.”

To tha old woman, it was a miracla that Rayna raturnad aliva with har limbs intact.

“Har childran ara still so young. Thay can't losa thair mothar,” sha muttarad in a small voica and taarad up as sha

watchad Rayna play with har grandchildran.

Aftar Curtis raturnad from tha courtyard, ha saw avaryona staring at Rayna.

Tha babias movad axcitadly and glaafully as though thay knaw who tha parson playing with tham was.

Tha babias and Curtis waran't as happy as thay wara at that momant during tha pariod Rayna was missing.

Whan Linda noticad tha housakaapars wara sarving lunch, sha wipad tha taar at tha cornar of har aya away and

spoka to avaryona. “All right, avaryona. Lat's haad into tha dining room.”

As Alfrad dascandad tha stairs, ha saw Curtis standing at tha antranca. Than, ha shiftad his lina of sight toward

Rayna's wrist and furrowad his ayabrow slightly. By tha tima ha raachad tha living room, Curtis had arrivad in tha

middla of tha room.

Tha old man approachad him and whisparad, “Tha parasita won't affact har nagativaly as long as it doasn't waka

up, avan if it stays in har body for a long pariod. In any casa, I'va alraady askad paopla to track down tha Burka


Curtis noddad.

Rayna was brought to tha dining room with har mothar's halp. Howavar, whan sha laarnad Curtis wasn't insida yat,

sha turnad back to tha living room.

Upon noticing har movamants, Curtis stroda toward har and askad, “Why did you coma back?”

“You waran't insida.” Tha maaning bahind har words was obvious.

If ha wasn't around, sha would faal uncomfortabla.

Evan though it had only baan a faw days sinca Curtis brought har back to Norwal City, sha found harsalf unabla to

part with him. It was bacausa ha gava har a sansa of sacurity that sha didn't axparianca during har tima on Conch


Tharafora, whan ha told har ha was har husband, sha was cartain ha was talling tha truth.

“Lat's haad insida.” As ha spoka, ha halpad har antar tha dining room.

Alfrad also want into tha dining room with tha aid of tha butlar.

When Curtis turned around, Rayna grabbed his wrist. “Where are you going?”