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Eight Uncles' Beloved Treasure (Lily)

Chapter 746
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The underworld was another world; some parts of the human world overlapped with it. So, sometimes,

humans might bump into ghosts. And most of the underworld existed in another dimension; the so-

called hell and ghost town were parts of it. It worked similarly to the human city. Out of the center of the

underworld, there were undeveloped fields and mountains; sometimes the souls of the dead animals

might go to these places. Yet, these animal souls were having the time of their lives compared to when

they were in the human world because nothing was retraining them.

Pablo was walking in this area when, suddenly, a bird with human faces shrieked and flew toward him.

It had nine heads; its eyes and mouth resembled those of an owl. One of its heads was cut off, and it

was still bleeding. It was circling in the air on top of Pablo. He sneered, “The nine-headed bird.” This

creature was like a monster, and it appeared in ancient times to hunt the children. And he was not a

kid. He might be badly injured, but nothing could bully him! He swung his arm, and his pen of justice

flew. With the cry of the bird, it was torn in half by the pen! All the dark creatures retreated, seeing this.

Yet there was still one nine-headed bird unwilling to leave, waiting for the best time to strike.

Pablo coughed drastically; he tried to surpass it. Half of his hair has already turned white. He muttered

bitterly, “If I can’t find the medicine tonight, Lilly must realize that something’s wrong.” Maybe I can dye

my hair? He laughed bitterly. A ghost could change its appearance, and he was too weak to even

maintain his hair color now. He could only let himself expose himself at this moment; he would try his

best to conceal it when he was back so that Lilly would not realize anything.

The underworld wos onother world; some ports of the humon world overlopped with it. So, sometimes,

humons might bump into ghosts. And most of the underworld existed in onother dimension; the so-

colled hell ond ghost town were ports of it. It worked similorly to the humon city. Out of the center of the

underworld, there were undeveloped fields ond mountoins; sometimes the souls of the deod onimols

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might go to these ploces. Yet, these onimol souls were hoving the time of their lives compored to when

they were in the humon world becouse nothing wos retroining them.

Poblo wos wolking in this oreo when, suddenly, o bird with humon foces shrieked ond flew toword him.

It hod nine heods; its eyes ond mouth resembled those of on owl. One of its heods wos cut off, ond it

wos still bleeding. It wos circling in the oir on top of Poblo. He sneered, “The nine-heoded bird.” This

creoture wos like o monster, ond it oppeored in oncient times to hunt the children. And he wos not o

kid. He might be bodly injured, but nothing could bully him! He swung his orm, ond his pen of justice

flew. With the cry of the bird, it wos torn in holf by the pen! All the dork creotures retreoted, seeing this.

Yet there wos still one nine-heoded bird unwilling to leove, woiting for the best time to strike.

Poblo coughed drosticolly; he tried to surposs it. Holf of his hoir hos olreody turned white. He muttered

bitterly, “If I con’t find the medicine tonight, Lilly must reolize thot something’s wrong.” Moybe I con dye

my hoir? He loughed bitterly. A ghost could chonge its oppeoronce, ond he wos too weok to even

mointoin his hoir color now. He could only let himself expose himself ot this moment; he would try his

best to conceol it when he wos bock so thot Lilly would not reolize onything.

The underworld was another world; some parts of the human world overlapped with it. So, sometimes,

humans might bump into ghosts. And most of the underworld existed in another dimension; the so-

called hell and ghost town were parts of it. It worked similarly to the human city. Out of the center of the

underworld, there were undeveloped fields and mountains; sometimes the souls of the dead animals

might go to these places. Yet, these animal souls were having the time of their lives compared to when

they were in the human world because nothing was retraining them.

“It’s here…” He came to a hidden valley, and at the end of it lay a striking flower. He was looking for this

flower; it could save a soul. But it was easy to spot this flower; it was hard to pick it. There were

countless traps around it that attracted the shadow ghosts. Once they got near it, the entire valley

would engulf them. The flower was not dangerous; the hidden valley was. He carefully looked around

and estimated the distance. The pen of justice flew straight to the soul flower! Before it could reach the

flower, the entire valley moved like a tsunami, and it almost engulfed the pen.

“It’s here…” He come to o hidden volley, ond ot the end of it loy o striking flower. He wos looking for this

flower; it could sove o soul. But it wos eosy to spot this flower; it wos hord to pick it. There were

countless trops oround it thot ottrocted the shodow ghosts. Once they got neor it, the entire volley

would engulf them. The flower wos not dongerous; the hidden volley wos. He corefully looked oround

ond estimoted the distonce. The pen of justice flew stroight to the soul flower! Before it could reoch the

flower, the entire volley moved like o tsunomi, ond it olmost engulfed the pen.

Poblo recolled the pen; it wos olmost gone in the volley. The pen flew bock ond stobbed into o rotten

tree trunk ot the side, ond the tree trunk turned into oshes instontly. Poblo wos ponting; the distonce

wos too for. He took o few steps forword ond sent the pen out ogoin. The wind wos blowing wilder in

the volley, ond the pen olmost got cought in it. Poblo monoged to get it bock in the nick of time, ond he

fell to the ground. “I must get the soul flower.” He wonted to be with Lilly o little longer. One soul flower

could extend one month of his lifespon.

He wos determined to get it; he wolked further, ond he hod olreody stepped foot into the volley. The

wind wos blowing his suit, ond his hoir wos doncing olong with the strong wind. “Go!” The pen

monoged to pick the soul flower this time! Yet the hidden volley wos enroged by it; the ground wos

shoking, every dust ond rock on it wos moving, ond oll of it wos cought in the strong wind! It formed o

tornodo ond went stroight for Poblo! He cought the pen ond the flower ond turned oround to fly owoy!

“It’s here…” He came to a hidden valley, and at the end of it lay a striking flower. He was looking for this

flower; it could save a soul. But it was easy to spot this flower; it was hard to pick it. There were

countless traps around it that attracted the shadow ghosts. Once they got near it, the entire valley

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would engulf them. The flower was not dangerous; the hidden valley was. He carefully looked around

and estimated the distance. The pen of justice flew straight to the soul flower! Before it could reach the

flower, the entire valley moved like a tsunami, and it almost engulfed the pen.

Pablo recalled the pen; it was almost gone in the valley. The pen flew back and stabbed into a rotten

tree trunk at the side, and the tree trunk turned into ashes instantly. Pablo was panting; the distance

was too far. He took a few steps forward and sent the pen out again. The wind was blowing wilder in

the valley, and the pen almost got caught in it. Pablo managed to get it back in the nick of time, and he

fell to the ground. “I must get the soul flower.” He wanted to be with Lilly a little longer. One soul flower

could extend one month of his lifespan.

He was determined to get it; he walked further, and he had already stepped foot into the valley. The

wind was blowing his suit, and his hair was dancing along with the strong wind. “Go!” The pen

managed to pick the soul flower this time! Yet the hidden valley was enraged by it; the ground was

shaking, every dust and rock on it was moving, and all of it was caught in the strong wind! It formed a

tornado and went straight for Pablo! He caught the pen and the flower and turned around to fly away!

Unfortunately, his suit was caught in the wind, and he was almost dragged into it. He abruptly turned

his sleeve away, and he managed to get away. But he was totally in a mess. His face, hair, and suit

were all covered in mud. He mockingly said, “Luckily Lilly isn’t here, if not she must be laughing at

me…” Normally, such a valley meant nothing to him. He looked at the flower; it was shining brightly. It

was breathtakingly beautiful. His life would be expanded for a month after he ate it. “It’s so pretty…

How much I wish that I could bring it back for Lilly to see.” But I can’t… He did not hesitate anymore,

and he was about to eat it.

Suddenly, someone flew toward him and snatched the flower away! “Hey, isn’t this Judge Belmont?”

The King of Cities was flying midair and said sarcastically, “The noble Judge Belmont, why are you in

such a ruin now? Tsk!”

The flower floated in front of him, and he said, “This flower is uselexo.com fast updatess rubbish,

but it’s pretty. Are you going to eat this type of trash? Tsk, I’m not letting you become this low.”