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Eight Uncles' Beloved Treasure (Lily)

Chapter 817
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Blake, who had just returned from breakfast, saw the incident happen and rushed up to kick the Reed children to the side at once!

“Ouch! Ouch! Help, the police is…”

Blake aimed another kick. “Let’s make this clear, it was your grandfather who hit me!”

The Reed children was speechless.

One of the girls pointed at Blake, fuming. “I knew the whole family was like this! You’re all completely shameless, all of you! You hit my dad, and now you’re attacking us!”

The youngest Reed daughter yelled as well, “I knew the traffic officer had something to do with you! Why would it be your business if we hit him otherwise! Why are you so desperate to protect him, you’re definitely related!”

“No wonder! My dad said that you were the culprit, but this guy even spoke up for you!”

Not only did the Reed children not back down after getting beaten up— they only got more vicious and violent.

Blake scoffed. “What does that have to do with me? You’re attacking the police here, anyone would help if they saw it.”

His expression was cold, clearly unwilling to continue arguing with the Reeds.

The traffic officer wiped away the blood at the corner of his mouth— he had been beaten so hard he was bleeding.

But he could only continue doing his job. “Synjin Reed, there’s security footage of you being behind the car accident. I’m going to give you one last chance to tell the truth…”

Synjin said nothing. His children blew up again.

“What about the security footage? That could be fake too!”

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“It’s obvious that he’s related to you! Who do you think you’re scaring, trying to threaten us like this?”

“Forget the footage! You can’t change the fact that they were driving a big car, and ours was significantly smaller! You’ve gotten my dad into a state like this, what do you have to say for yourself?”

“My dad’s motorcycle is all banged up! Isn’t that proof enough? You won’t look at the proof, but insist on making up some ridiculous footage! It’s so clear this is all a set-up!”

The traffic police did not know what to say.

He had seen too many people like this in his time working this job, completely ignorant and oblivious to traffic laws.

Some of them were caught driving drunk, and would say that they were forced to do so.

Some of them would run red lights, but act highly-righteous and even threaten him instead.

Some of them would hit someone, and immediately bribe the closest person to them to take the blame.

The traffic officer did not know what to say, and could only make a call to the police— only for the Reed children to refuse to back down even in the face of the cops.

Blake asked in a low voice, “Lilly, what ghost are we dealing with here?”

Lilly responded, “The victim ghost!”

Both father and daughter glanced at the traffic officer sympathetically.

The traffic officer was slightly perturbed, but said nothing.

Josh was shaking his head, rubbing his temples. “I thought that a family like this would have a case of the unscrupulous ghost, but it turned out to be…”

What a surprise.

Blake crossed his arms, wanting to see how much more of the victim this family could play.

Sure enough, he was not disappointed. The more the police tried to reason with them, the more they claimed to be wronged.

The policeman ended up arresting them, and they cried out, “Help, this is police brutality…”

The policeman was speechless.

The traffic officer was speechless as well.

They really did not know what to do. People like this were so annoying— they would get on your nerves, but you still had to remain patient and try to talk sense into them.

In the end, the policeman had talked for a long time but to no avail. The Reed children crossed their arms, refusing to cooperate or give in.

“Either way, we don’t buy whatever ‘law’ you’re trying to sell us! Do you think you make the rules around here?”

“Don’t think you’ll be able to scare us like this! We’re not scared of you!”

The footage was shown to them, but their expressions remained unconvinced.

In the footage, Synjin was driving his motorcycle at top speed— but his children seemed to be blind to that. All them seemed to be able to see was:

One: Hugh was driving a big car, and their father was on a motorcycle. The car was fine but the motorcycle was in tatters, which had to mean the car was at fault here.

Two: Hugh stopped his car by the side of the road, and there was a ‘P’ sign nearby with a slashed circle underneath.

“Doesn’t that mean parking isn’t allowed? He parked where he wasn’t supposed to, it’s his fault!”

The traffic office explained patiently, “This spot has scheduled parking hours, it’s right there on the sign. You’re allowed to park between 7pm and 7:3am. The slashed circle means that parking outside of those hours is forbidden…”

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Synjin’s family seemed to have caught onto a big point, and said at xo.com fast updateonce, “Look, you said it yourself— Parking is forbidden! So he was wrong for parking by the side of the road, wasn’t he?”

The traffic officer was speechless. He felt exhausted.

Hugh had parked after 7 in the evening. He hadn’t broken any rules at all.

The Crawfords, who were honestly just there for the show, were actually quite impressed.

They were able to hold their ground even at a time like this!

The county hospital had a system where they assigned patients who had not made a booking beforehand to whichever bed was available, especially those who were rushed in for an emergency operation.

Hugh and Synjin had just finished their surgeries, and the surgical ward just happened to have two empty beds.

Hugh was nothing but angry. Not because he was in pain or felt like the ward was too shabby, but that he could not stand these meddling people.

Anthony entered the room after Blake brought breakfast. “Let’s go, we’re changing hospitals.”

Lilly looked at him. “Where to?”

Anthony looked back, patiently explaining, “There’s a private hospital over at Malie City. They have pretty decent facilities, but the medical team isn’t quite up to standard. But that’s alright, I’ve called for a private medical team to go over last night.”

The doctors and nurses of the team just arrived this morning. This meant that they were only borrowing the hospital for their space and equipment, but using their own medical professionals. That was the only way they would feel safe sending Hugh over there.

Lilly slid up to the old man in the bed next to her grandfather’s, quietly sticking a truth amulet on him before asking seriously, “Sir, could I ask you if it really was my grandpa who hit you?”

Her voice was soft and adorable, a calming presence in the chaotic ward.

The Reed children quietened down all of a sudden…

“Ha, are you sending a kid over to play the pity car? Trying to act all sad?”

“I don’t care what you ask! My dad said you hit him, so you hit him!”

Just as they thought that their father would continue to insist that it was Hugh who hit him, the old man opened his mouth to say…