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Ex-Husband Wants Badly to Resume Their Marriage

Chapter 504: Perfect Situation
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Meanwhile, Kale Bee began to fume after returning to his office.
A group of senior executives waited outside the door.No one dared to go in.
Jayden Bower opened the door and a pendulum came crashing down.
Kale Bee cursed, "It's all your idea! She's not a scapegoat.She's a monster! When Tavis Beale was here, I was never so
Jayden Bower closed the office door, came forward and said, "Mr.Bee, you also said that the times are different.When Mr.Beale
was here, you were his most valued right arm.But you are aware of Mr.Beale and Ms.Allyson's relationship.What's more, young
people only care about the immediate gratification, regardless of the consequences.It is very normal.You do not have to bother
with her."
Kale Bee sat down in his office chair after a fit of anger and snorted, "She is relying on Jameson Proctor to back her
up.Otherwise, she wouldn't dare to talk to me like that!"
"After all, we need her help right now.Think about it from another perspective--The more responsibilities she takes, the more she
has to bear.When the Beale Group can't hold up and goes bankrupt, you can completely pull out and walk away, but she can't."
"Don't talk to me about these gains and losses.I'm tired of seeing her, and I'm not coming to the company anymore.Whoever
wants my job can take it!"
Jayden Bower smiled, "I believe Ms.Allyson is just bluffing because she's insecure.Mr.Bee, we just have to mind our business."
Kale Bee frowned, "How? She's already put her people in, and you know how they got kicked out.Do you expect them to be on
our side?"
Kale Bee's original plan was to get Sharon Allyson to take over the Beale Group, so the bank would give them a loan for the
sake of Jameson Proctor.

The people in charge of these projects were his people and the Beale Group was in such a dying state anyway.
So he just needed to find some excuses at that time, and the money will naturally flow into his pocket.
As for the projects, Sharon Allyson was the one that needed to make an explanation.

He didn't need to give a da*n.But what Sharon had done just now obviously disrupted his entire layout.
Jayden Bower continued, "Mr.Bee, in fact, I think the situation is perfect for us."
Kale Bee did not understand, "What do you mean?"
"The whole world knows why they got kicked out.And now, Ms.Allyson has brought them back, saying that she wants to give
them another chance, which is fine.There is no problem with that at all.But if, in the next project they are in charge of, the same
problem arises again, who will then be the biggest suspects?"
Kale Bee instantly understood what he meant, "You mean, blame everything on them?"
Jayden Bower nodded, "Anyway, they already have a previous record.If the same thing happens again, people will certainly
suspect them! And Ms.Allyson will gain a bad reputation for bad decision making.Regardless of the final outcome of the Beale
Group, in the eyes of the Beale Group and even the South City, the most capable person will still be Mr.Bee."
Kale Bee thought about it and felt that what he said was not without logic.
This way, not only would he get what he wanted, but he would also get a good reputation.
So why not? After a while, Kale Bee asked Jayden Bower to call in the executives who were waiting outside and gave out the
He then told them to unconditionally cooperate with the people sent by Sharon Allyson to let their guard down first, so as to help
facilitate what would happen afterwards.
After Sharon Allyson showed up, the news spread quickly and the staff started discussing it anonymously on the forum.
"Oh my God! I knew the Beale Group wouldn't just collapse.I've waited so long for this day!"
"I can't believe I'm seeing the light of hope! We're not dead yet!"

"I had planned to leave......but it seems there's still hope."
"Wait a minute.The Proctor Group's Jameson Proctor also showed up.Now the Beale Group is in the hand of Sharon Allyson,
and Sharon Allyson is his girlfriend.Does that mean the group is now owned by the Proctor Group?"

"To be honest, in the current situation of the Beale Group, I would like it to be acquired by the Proctor Group.At least the salary
problem can be solved.Otherwise, who knows when we'll get our money?"
"Ah, I also want it to be acquired by the Proctor Group.The Proctor Group's benefits are very good, and Mr.Proctor is also really
powerful.But the Beale Group, how to put it, when Mr.Beale was here, I also thought it was quite good.But after what happened, I
think the Proctor Group is more reliable"
"Sharon Allyson and Mr.Proctor are family.So can't they manage two companies together?"
At the same time, there are also voices of opposition.
"If you really like the Proctor Group so much, you should jump over there.Stop daydreaming!"
"If the Proctor Group really wanted to help the Beale Group, it would have already given the Beale Group financial support"
"As I see it, Sharon Allyson is not really trying to help the Beale Groupe.She just wants to experience a sparrow into a phoenix
feeling.It took a lot of efforts from her to turn from a gambler's daughter into the Beale family's precious girl.So she had to brag
about it,"
"Yeah, she's just relying on the Proctor Group to back her up, so she can do whatever she wants.She's here to play saviour.And
when she's played enough, she'll turn around and leave.We'll be the unlucky ones eventually."
"I don't care anyway.I'll just wait until the wages are sent to me and then I'll leave.This sh**ty place has made me miserable
enough.I don't want to stay a minute longer."
Some people retorted, "The one who said about the sparrow and phoenix, you don't need to be so malicious.She deserves
this.In other words, if Tavis Beale hadn't killed her family at the time, she would have been the Miss Golden Spoon long ago!"
"That's right.She could have stayed out of trouble and be happy as the Proctor Group's president's wife.Why must she come to
bear the burden? She does this for the Beale Group.And now she has to be insulted by you ungrateful ba*tards!"
Just when the crowd was arguing on the forum, everyone's received a text message informing them that their salaries had been
In addition, each one of them received one thousand more.