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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M

Chapter 285
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Chapter 0285

Did I mention how F***ing pissed off I am? I was fuming mad. It’s a wonder that smoke

isn’t coming out

of my nose and ears like in the damn cartoons I used to watch

Getting to the car, I get in, turn on the ignition, and drive out of the F***ing park.

don’t think of anything apart from what Theo and Nora told me I just don’t know why

Emma can’t get it

into her F***ing head that it was over between us. That I was done with her

I know that I gave her hope when I asked for a chance after my divorce, but I made it clear

later on that

our relationship wasn’t going anywhere. That I didn’t want to be with her

I would have taken anything she threw at me and handled it gently because of our history.

Trying to make Ava jealous, sure. Causing a fuss, definitely What I wouldn’t tolerate,

though, is her hurting Ava. That is a

line she shouldn’t have crossed

My phone rings, but I ignore it. I was on a mission, and nothing would deter me from it

until I F***ing accomplished it

I drive like a damn maniac Probably breaking all the road rules. I didn’t care, though. Even

if I were to be pulled, I would sort it out within seconds I was Rowan F***ing Woods. My

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family and I basically owned this damn city

When I finally get to the Sharp’s estate, I park my car and stomp towards the large doors.

I pound on the door, not really caring what that says about me. My anger had yet to cool

down. In fact, it seemed like it had gotten worse.

Everything Emma has done to Ava since she came back keeps playing in my head. The

snide remarks, lying in order to get her in trouble, her abuse and her threats. They all

flood my mind, making me see red.

I go to pound again, but my fist hangs mid–air as the door is wrenched. Travis stands at

the door looking pissed. Well, he can join the F***ing club.

“What the hell, Rowan?” He asks, looking at me like he’s trying to figure out what the hell I

was doing “You were pounding on the door like you wanted to break the damn thing


Instead of answering. I shove past him and make my way inside. I scan the place, looking

for Emma.

Did she honestly think that she would hurt Ava, then come and hide here? She was F***ing

delusional if that’s the F***ing case.

“What’s wrong, Ro, and what are you doing here?” he says. “Not that I’m not glad to see


“Where’s that F***ing bitch?” I answer with my own question instead.

My hands were clenched to my sides. I felt like I was going to explode with how much I

was trying to

contain the nuclear anger inside me.

“Who the hell are you talking about?”


Looks like he didn’t know what the hell had happened. If Emma is indeed here, she

probably ran straight

to her room.

“Emma,” I growl. “That’s who the F*** I am talking about.”

He stares at me in shock before his eyes shut down.

“I will not have you coming to our house and calling my sister a bitch. I don’t care whether

you fell out of

love with her or not, you will not disrespect her.”

I laugh. The sound is chilling even to me.

“Is that so?” I scoff. “I’ll call her whatever the F*** I want. Now call the bitch down.”

“I swear, Rowan… if you don’t stop, I’m going to lay your ass out before kicking you out.”

I take a threatening step towards him until I’m right in his face.

“I’d like to see you try,” I tell him in a cold tone.

Je swallows before taking

a step back. He knows very well that he can’t beat me. I’d have his ass in the hospital

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before he could even lay a single punch.

Travis and I have been friends since we were both in diapers. I’d have done anything for

him, but now Ava comes first. I’m willing to lose his friendship if it means that I get to have

Ava in my life.

“Rowan, what are you doing here?” Her happy voice comes from behind.

I hear her running down the stairs. I try to calm myself, but it’s impossible.

I turn and face her. “Just the woman I wanted to see.”

She must have seen something in my eyes because she stops dead in her tracks. It’s like

a lightning bolt had struck her, and she was frozen.

“Are you okay?” she stammers.

I walk towards her and grab her jaw tightly.

“You tell me, Emma,” I say through a clenched jaw.

“Please don’t do anything rash,” I hear Travis say nervously.

I shift my head without fully turning, and I glare at him. He shifts uncomfortably but

otherwise remains


“What’s going on, Rowan?” Emma asks, making me turn to her.

“What’s going on?” I yell, finally losing my shit at the innocent look she was giving me.

“What’s wrong is that Ava was rushed to the hospital minutes after you came out of the


Travis mumbles a shocked “What‘ but I just continue ignoring him. My beef wasn’t with

him. Unless he

decided to interfere.