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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M

Chapter 89
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Chapter 89

Corrine obviously worked throughout the day. So did my parents. I had hired Mary to

d to tell me the date for her next appointment, so I went ahead and got it myself. I know

that makes me a fucking bastard because Lkeep pushing, but I am used to getting my

way. And right now, what I want is to be by her side.

If I had my way, I would have gone and picked her up. Instead I decided to come here

instead seeing as I’ve already gone against her wishes.

It’s been so long since I’ve been this nervous. The first and last time I was this nervous

was when I had S** for the first time. I was thirteen and didn’t know exactly what the fuck

I was doing. It had been terrible given I had blown my load within seconds, leaving the girl

I was fucking unsatisfied.

Pushing those thoughts away, I focus on the door. I was a bit early. I knew I had to wait a


before she arrives.

“Rowan? What are you doing here?” her voice pulls me from my thoughts.

I don’t know how long I’d been seated in that bench waiting for her. I’d been so focused

that I had

missed her arrival.

I turn to face her and my breathe catches. She was so fucking beautiful. She didn’t even

have to

try. How the hell had I never noticed this before? How the fuck did I think that she couldn’t

hold a

candle to Emma?

Some might say it’s the pregnancy glow, but I fucking disagree. Emma did her make up

every day.

She wouldn’t leave the house until she looked perfect.

Ava on the other hand didn’t have to try. I’ve seen her without make these past few

weeks. With

dark circles under her eyes. Yet she never looked more perfect to me.

I clear my throat before answering. “I told you I’d be there for your every appointment”

I see a cloud pass over her face. She was pissed. Really fucking pissed. She was going to

blow up

on me, but it honestly didn’t even bother me.

My eyes freely and casually run down her figure. She was wearing a figure hugging dress

that not



After roaming her body, my eyes go back to her captivating brown ones. She opens her

mouth and I know she’s about spew shit Telling me to leave. Before she can do that, I

stand up, wrap my hand around her face, bring her body next to mine and kiss her


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She freezes Her body locking as she’s stunned by my actions.

My lips linger on her skin for a little while. I know I should let her go, but this just felt so

fucking right. It’s like she was always meant to be in my arms and she would have been if

I hadn’t been so fucking foolish and stubborn.

I gently let her go. Her eyes were wide and her mouth dropped in shock.

“What the fuck Rowan?” she asks angrily when she recovers. “Why the hell did you do


“Because I wanted to. So I did” I say with a shrug.

Before she can say anything else, her name is called. She gives me a scathing glare

before she stomps away. I follow her with a small smile. My eyes trained on the swing of

her hips.

Getting to the doctor’s office, we find everything already set up.

“Good to see you, Ava” doctor Raven say with a smile before turning to me. “And you too

Mr. Woods”

“You too Raven” Ava replies while I just nod my head.

I was surprised to find out that Doctor Raven is the same doctor Ava went to when she


pregnant with Noah. That she’s the same doctor that delivered Noah and now she was

going to do

the same for this baby.

“You know the drill dear, just go over there and change, then come back and we can see

how our

little bean is doing”

Taking the dressing gown from her, Ava goes into the changing room. Minutes later she


and then lays down on the bed.

“Today we are going to do a transvaginal scan before doing the normal scan.” Doctor

Raven says.

“Is there something I should be concerned about?”

“No, it something I do for all my patients. It’s just to make sure the cervix is healthy.” She


at Ava. “Now, I’m going to insert this into your vagina, let me know if it gets

uncomfortable for you,



take care of the daily running of The Hope Foundation. Even if I were to go there, there

would be

little for me to do except maybe sign documents that needed my approval.

We had become good friends with Calvin over the past week. I learned that he has his own

building and construction company. He started it about two years ago and so far he said it


doing well. So he also wasn’t available during the day.

I was so bored that I’ve started thinking of going back to work. I was five months along so

I still

had time before my due time came. Instead of that, I pick up my phone and dial the


“Hey Mrs. Derray, how are you doing?” I ask.

We lived in the same neighborhood and she had called me a few days ago. She had a


daughter in highschool who was failing biology. She had asked me if I could tutor her.

“I’m good dear. I’m happy to hear from you, and how are you?” her voice is cheerful and it

brings a

smile to my face.

“I’m good thank you” I pause a little. “I was calling to ask if you’re still interested in my



I hope that she hadn’t found someone else. Even if she had, I still had others who had


me to tutor the kids.

“Oh definitely yes. It has been stressing me out and I admit to praying that you would

change your


When she had asked, it had been at the beginning of my leave. I’d turned her down not


how bored I would get just staying at home doing nothing.

“Perfect then. How about after school hours? She can come by my house after school” I

tell her


It’ll be in the afternoon, but I didn’t mind. Maybe I could help with our S** toy business. I


be associated with it, but that doesn’t mean I can’t help. While Letty and Corrine focused

on their



“That’s fine with me. Will you charge weekly or per session?” she asks, still in her cheerful


“It’ll be free dear. It’s a way for me to pass time since I took a long leave from work”

The line goes quiet for a while and I almost think that she hang up.

*Are you sure?” she finally speaks after a while.

“Yes…tell her to come over today and we can start–immediately”

I didn’t need the extra cash. I mean, the money I had in liquid cash and assets were

enough to

make sure at least three of my next generations lived in comfort.

So yes, I was damn sure that I didn’t need the money. Beside, teaching is a passion for

me. Not a

way for me to earn a salary.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“O–okay dear. Thank you so much. She’ll be over once she gets back from school” she


obviously still shocked that I didn’t ask for a dime.

“You’re welcome”

I hang up after that, then call three more parents that had requested the same from me.


were also stunned when I told them that I would be doing it for free. They kept asking if I

was sure

about this.

It’s after the third parent that I realize that they don’t know much about me except that I

was a

teacher. I lived in a middle–class neighborhood. Unlike the higher class who keep up with


most of these people are far too busy working to provide for their family to spend their

time and

energy following gossip magazines and all that.

That made me happy. Because I like being treated like any other person. I don’t want


treating me differently just because I was rich.

After making the calls, I sit down with a smile on my face. I feel like I accomplished


today. I feel more relaxed and at ease. For the first time since shit went down the drain, I

felt like

everything was going to work out.

I honestly felt like doing a happy dance. I was so happy and so excited for some reason. I


know why, but I just felt good.

Moving to my bedroom, I go to take a shower and change.



I take a hot shower, feeling my body relax even more. I spend a few more minutes under


cascading water before getting out.

I search through the pile of clothes in my closest. I went shopping and bought new clothes

after I

gave away those that Rowan bought.

Preferring a cream figure hugging dress, I put it on and check myself in the mirror. I looked


My pregnancy has done wonders for my ass. I can’t help but look at it in satisfaction.

I decide to do my make up today. I go for the nude look. After that I do my hair, preferring

to curl it

instead of wearing it straight. Satisfied with how I looked, I take my ballet shoes and put

them on.

I was just about to leave when my phone rings.

I don’t recognize the number, but I p