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Facade of Love

Chapter 194
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Chapter 194 To the Police Station to Find Moore

“Nope, just a chat with a pal,” Sweety deflected, a hint of weariness in her voice. “Let’s

not go there. It’s late. Go freshen up, the bed’s calling.”

She steered me off the balcony and nudged me toward the bathroom. The night had crept

up on us, and her reluctance to talk was clear as day. I let it be for now.

Maxwell was out of town, and with him gone, there was nob*dy else at Scott Corporation

to deal with the endless stream of issues. I could not even think about slacking off. I had

to get to the office bright and early. Marcus was already there, waiting to dump a

mountain of paperwork on my desk.

I stared at the pile, feeling the onset of a headache, and rubbed my temples. Marcus

lingered, prompting me to ask, “Something else on your mind, Marcus?”

After a brief pause, he nodded. “Miss Moore’s arrest has hit the internet, and it’s blowing

up big time.


I frowned, acknowledging the news. “So, Scott Corporation is under the microscope, and

someone’s stirring the pot with this?”

“Exactly! The stock’s taken a hit, it’s all over the place. But here’s the kicker,” he said,

handing me a document, “I got a lawyer’s letter this morning about the Scotts‘ estate.

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Miss Moore’s lawyered up, and they’re demanding you hand over her full inheritance and

shares, or she’s going to court.”

I bit my l*p, staying silent. So Moore’s first move after getting nabbed was not to deal with

the cops about Noah’s death, but to come after the inheritance?

Dad had been gone a while, and she had been silent up till now. At first, when Scott

Corporation was on the brink of collapse from all the missing money, she did not want to

get involved, probably to avoid taking on the debts. Now that we were getting back on our

feet, she was ready to rumble. I was not curious, just caught off guard that she had hit me

with a legal challenge now of all times.

I glanced at the lawyer’s letter peeking out of the envelope and told Marcus, “Got it. I’m

on it. You go handle your business.”

Marcus nodded, his feet carrying him a few steps toward the exit before he spun around, a

question burning in his eyes. “So, what’s the game plan for this mess?”

I let out a sigh, the truth heavy on my tongue. “The whole inheritance thing? It’s not just

up to me. I have to run it by my mom. Moore was her and dad’s adoptee, and if it comes

down to splitting the inheritance, Moore’s got as much legal claim to it as I do.”

Understanding flickered in Marcus’s eyes, and without another word, he took off.

Moore’s sudden grab for the inheritance was like a curveball from left field. If she was

dead set on carving up Scott Corporation’s shares, it would slice through dad’s legacy. A

smaller slice of the pie for me meant k*ssing my veto power goodbye on the big decisions

at Scott Corp.

Dad had fought tooth and nail to keep that control. Through all the storms Scott Corp

weathered, he

Chapter 194 To the Police Station to Find Moore


never cashed out even a single share. Even when the chips were down and we needed

cash, he clung to the reins with that iron grip.

The more I stewed over it, the more my head spun.

I had been cooped up in the office all morning, but I could not shake it off. I made my way

to the police


Moore’s rap sheet was set in stone; all that was left was the gavel drop at trial. She was

cooling her heels in a cell, and I had given Officer Jackson the heads–up I was coming.

Stepping into the station, Jackson was there to meet me, his face serious. “Ms. Scott,

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you’ve arrived.”

I nodded, catching the hint of something more behind his greeting. With a small smile, I

asked, ‘ Officer Jackson, it’s been ages. Everything good with you?”

He cracked a smile, the tension easing a bit. “The usual drill, Ms. Scott. Can we chat for a


I gave a small smile and nodded in agreement.

In Officer Jackson’s office, he handed me a glass of water before diving into the heart of

the matter. I’ve pretty much got the whole picture about your sister’s case. She’s been

stirring up trouble and even got her hands dirty. But since you weren’t in any life–

threatening danger, she’s looking at maybe two years behind bars.”

Two years!

I frowned a bit. Before, I figured someone like her deserved at least five or six years in the

slammer. I guess I was overthinking it.

After a brief silence, I nodded. “Yeah, I got it.”


He gave a half–smile. “I figured you’d have some idea about all this. But that’s not what I

wanted to chat about. It’s about what went down after Noah kidnapped you. Ms. Scott, do

you seriously have no

clue where Noah is now?”