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Facade of Love

Chapter 219
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Chapter 219 Really?

The best thing to do in situations like this was to just say no. I mean, there was no way I

could change Idris’s mind anyway.

Emily’s mouth hung open for a second before she found her words. “Yvette, are you still

upset with Christina?”

I was at a loss for words, my hand instinctively going to my forehead. “No, Sister–in–law, I

swear I’m not.” I took a breath before continuing, “The truth is, Idris and I are divorced. It

happened a month ago. We signed the papers and everything. We’ve been living apart for

a while now. We just kept it quiet because of Grandma’s health. We’re waiting for her to

get a bit better before we go public with it. So, everything I told you earlier was the honest


She looked at me, her face a mix of shock and confusion. “Divorced? Why? What

happened between you two…?” She trailed off, then after a pause, she asked, “Was it

because of what happened at Grandma’s birthday party? The baby…?”

I bit my lip, forcing a small smile. “It’s not just that: I guess Idris and I were never really

cut out for a life together. Even if that terrible day hadn’t happened, we probably would’ve

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ended up here anyway. It was just a matter of time.” Loveless marriages never lasted.

It was always just a question of when it would end.

Emily did not say a word.

“Mom.” Ash, who had been playing for a bit, came back with a cellphone in her hand and

called out to Emily.

Emily turned to her. “What is it?”

Ash, who was about ten and had a sweet, innocent face, looked like she wanted to say

something but hesitated. Finally, she spoke up. “A woman called Dad a little while ago.

She said she wants to meet with him.”

Emily was caught off guard and said, “So you saw the call, no big deal. Just give the phone

to Dad and let him know. Why drag me into this…” Her voice trailed off.

Her face tensed up, and she noticed Ash’s complexion had turned ghostly pale.

A jolt of worry shot through me, and I could not help but think of Sweety. Hadn’t she

promised to cut ties with Liam? Why was she reaching out to Emily now?

Emily’s expression was frozen for a few seconds before she demanded, “Phone. Now.”

Without waiting for Ash to hand it over, Emily snatched the phone from her, quickly pulled

up the contacts, and tried to make a call.

No answer.

She looked at Ash with knitted brows. “Was this the number that called earlier?”

Ash nodded.

Ash seemed to sense Emily’s mood and spoke in a hushed tone, “The lady hung up right

after talking. I did not even get to ask who she was.”

Chapter 219 Really?


The air felt heavy with unspoken tension.

I could not help but sneak another peek at the number Emily had dialed. It was not

Sweety’s. Doubt crept into my mind. Had she used a different number?

Amidst my suspicions, a deep voice broke the silence, “Emily, Ash, what’s going on over



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We all turned to see Liam approaching. The Youngs brothers were all easy on the eyes, but

Liam had a warmth and ease about him that made him even more endearing.

As he neared, Ash glanced at Emily, then hesitantly handed the phone to Idris, her voice

soft and tentative, “Dad, a woman called for you a moment ago.”

She left her sentence hanging, but it was clear she understood more than she let on.

Liam was clueless, of course, and just grabbed the phone, giving Ash a doting look. “Hey,

you’re on break, don’t glue your eyes to that screen all day. It’s bad for them. Why don’t

you go out and play? Grandma’s got some opera going on in her yard. Trust me, it’s way

cooler than anything on that phone.”

Ash made a face and mumbled an ‘okay‘, sneaking a peek at Liam before scampering off.

I could tell I was third–wheeling, so I chimed in, “I’ll leave you two to it. I’m gonna check

on grandma.”

Liam caught my drift and his eyebrows pinched together. “What’s up? You’re bailing the

second I show up?”

I just flashed him a grin and kept silent.

I headed for the pond behind the old manor, my mind racing about that phone call. Could

it be about Sweety? I fished out my phone, thinking I should give her a ring.

Then, a snarky voice from behind me, “You and Iddy are done, so why are you still all over

him? Yvette, have you ever heard of dignity?”